Blood Bound- Book 1 of the Bo...

By MercyRose

8.1M 98K 7.5K

For eleven years, Leo Risso, a slave to the night, patiently watched over his charge without once letting him... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33, Part 1
Chapter 33, Part 2

Chapter 11

250K 2.8K 155
By MercyRose

Thank you ninjacomesnaturally for the wonderful new cover, I must say, it's awesome my friend.   :)

"Blood Bound"

2011 Copyright All Rights Reserved

Chapter 11

Leo gathered up Shelby into his arms, cradling her to his chest.  She didn’t protest his touch and he was taken aback by how small she looked in his arms.  Her eyes were closed and her hands clutched her middle; the sadness drawn on her face was almost too much for him to bear.

More than anything he just wanted to see her smile, a small smile that would light up her face as bright as the morning sun.  He would gift her with the universe if she would only smile for him. 

Glancing around the alley, Leo got ready to wave his hand and teleport them back to his bedroom when he remembered her earlier warning.  She didn’t care for that mode of transportation and she had made that fact more than clear to him. 

Only wanting to honor her wishes, Leo lamented.  He felt, for her sake, that it would be better if they just walked home instead.  The cooler night air welcomed them and after being cooped up in his chambers for three days,  some exposure could only do Shelby some good.

With his bride in his arms, Leo stalked with purpose out of the alley.  Many eyes were drawn to them as he walked down the side walk in the city.  Leo carried an air of danger and mystery around him every where that he went.  Many who crossed his path, instinctively fled out of his way.

It only made sense that as he moved with the deadly grace of a predator that they would draw attention.  Leo kept his focus though, he cared nought for the weak humans that gawked as he went by, his only concern was the angel nestled in his arms.

An hour later, Leo strode into his home.  It was unusually quiet and if truth be told he was glad of that.  He really was not up to entertaining Tatiana or his mother for that matter.  His only desire was to take his bride to their chamber where they could be alone and hold her to him, comforting her while their hearts beat in perfect synchronization.

He wanted to bond with his bride, he wanted to meld with Shelby in the most elemental of ways.  Leo had waited so many years for her and now that he had her, it was burning him up inside to be with her, bind them in a blessed union so that she would know exaclty what she meant to him. 

He walked up his spiraling stair case, taking great care not to jostle and wake Shelby.  At some point on the walk home, she had drifted off to sleep.  Her sweet breath escaped in short puffs that fanned over his neck and it amazed him that something as simple as breathing could strike him so deeply.

Once he reached the top of the stair case, he paused, coming face to face with his mother.  Their gazes caught and for an interment amount of time, the two faced off with each other.  Two sets of midnight black eyes, boring into each other, waiting for the first one to break.

Isabella broke first, "Leo," she sighed and frowned at the small bundle he held in his arms, "Please, think about what you are doing.  Tatiana would be so much better-"

"That's enough!" He snapped, furious that she would bring this up again. "We are bound mother.  We are blood bound and she is mine.  Get it through your thick head."

Isabella reached her hand out and touched her son's cheek, "Son, it can be undone and you know this.  She is not worthy of you, Leo.  She is but a mere leech.  If you insist on having her around then keep her as a pet but for the love of all that is crimson, do not make her your life partner.  Tatiana is much more suitable."

Leo had never been one to hit a woman but his own mother was sorely trying his patience right now.

"Mother, this is my only warning," he said, biting back the anger that was threatening to break loose. From the way that his mother flinched back, he had no doubt that his face had contorted and his eyes were rimmed with red, revealing his true nature.  "Back off or leave my home, that is not a request, that is an order."

Leo turned around and started down the hall, effectively dismissing her.  He had enough for the night.

Walking in his room, he flicked his hand, bringing to life the candles that lined the walls of his chambers.  He closed the door behind him, being careful to not make too much noise and wake his bride.  He took her over to his bed and gently laid her in the center, positioning her so that he could slide in beside of her and hold her to him.

He tucked her into his side, wrapping his arm around her waist and buried his face into her hair.  Her enticing scent called out to him, setting off every nerve cell in his body.  He felt alive when his Shelby was near and now he wanted to show her another one of the blissful perks of their kind.

Dream Walking.

He closed his eyes and let his mind wonder, drawing on the ancient magic of their kind and setting the perfect scene to seduce his bride.  It was time.

Shelby knew that she was a sleep but the warmth of the sand underneath her body felt so real.  The sun above her, heated her face and the sound of the waves rolling in the back ground were blessedly calming.

If this was a dream, Shelby didn't want to ever wake up.  For the first time in a very long time, she felt so languid and free; like she was floating on a cloud of air and nothing in the world mattered.  She was at peace with herself.  No fangs, no vampires, no knights on shining armor riding in on his great steed to supposedly save the day.....

Shelby snorted at that last thought, Save the day, what a crock.

"What's so funny?" Leo asked, rolling over so that he was looking down at his beautiful bride.  She was in a white sundress, trimmed in lace, looking every bit of the princess that he thought her to be.  His princess. 

Her blond hair splayed across the sand, haloing her head, making her that much more endearing.

Shelby froze at the honey filled voice speaking above her.  She felt his hand caress her cheek with a touch so feather light, that left her wanting for more.

Slowly she opened her eyes, afraid but anxious-  hoping and dreading all at the same time.  This was her dream, her paradise, why was he here?

"No my sweet, this is our dream," he answered her thoughts and leaned in so close to her that she shivered with anticipation.  He waved his hand at the scene that he had created, "Our paradise," he crooned.

She swallowed, her eyes trained on Leo.  He was a handsome man.   His eyes so dark and filled with promise, his face so resplendent, his body so magnificent that she was finding that she could stare at it endlessly all day and night for that matter.

Leo watched the array of emotions pass over Shelby's face.  Everything from confusion to pure wonderment, then hunger and a hint of arousal surfaced.  That arousal was going to be the death of him.

Crawling over her, Leo took her face in his hands and slowly breathed in, then out.  "You are such a treasure to me," he whispered, nuzzling his cheek against hers. 

"The things that you make me feel when you are around are indescribable my sweet.  I feel like I'm on this delicious high, escalating to some sort of oblivion that only you can take me to.  Kiss me Shelby."

Shelby was hypnotized by his words.  She no longer had the strength to fight anymore.  She was utterly lost in his eyes, lost in the sound of his voice and just plain out lost all together to this gorgeous man who has seemingly captivated her very soul.

"Yes," she whispered, and wrapped her arms around his neck, closing the last bit of distance between them and pressing her lips to his. 

The moment that their lips touched, something inside of Shelby split apart. Something new and something exciting that she was helpless to fight.

Every thing that she had been telling herself was wrong, suddenly felt so right.  The feel of his body wrapped around hers, his rich earthly taste exploding in her mouth,  the feel of his hands learning the curves of her body. 

Unable to keep her own hands still any longer, she brought them around to his chest and began to tenatively trace the hard lines of his abs.  She felt him shudder with her touch and that filled her with an incredible sense of womanly satisfaction.  

"I need you,  need to be in you," Leo all but growled as he trailed a line of burning kisses along her neck.

Shelby tilted her head back, offering herself to him, "Take me, I'm yours," she said breathlessly.

Leo didn't need to be told twice.  He was over heated, he was burning and he had to have her.  With a simple thought, their clothing disappeared and he was there.  He claimed her in the most basic of ways, joining their bodies and ravaging her mouth.

Shelby gasped.  The pleasure was fast, furious and incredibly intense.  She wrapped her legs around Leo and let him take her to heights that she had never  before experienced.  This was her dream and what a helluva dream it was.  She was going to partake in the pleasure that the dream gave her and when she woke up, then she would somehow deal with the reality that awaited her.

"You are my heart, you are my soul and I promise you Shelby love that I will live my life for you for the rest of eternity," Leo rasped out his binding commitment.  It was ancient words that would forever bind them for the rest of their immortal lives.  They were now bound by blood, by body and soul.  No one, would ever be able to take her away from him. 

"I... I... need some-" Shelby sputtered, sensations building, bordering that line of both pain and pleasure. 

"Shh, sweet," Leo soothed, slowing his motions, knowing exactly what she needed.  "I've got you," he whispered against her neck, feeling his fangs lengthen in anticipation.  "I am going to give you exactly what you need."

He found the pulse, where her life blood beat a steady rhythm.  Unable to hold back, he sank his teeth in her jugular while keeping up the pace that he had set.

"Le...Le...Leooo!" Shelby squealed, her world coming apart with bright colors and streamless lights engulfing her.  She felt the twinge of an ache in her gums and without thinking, she buried her head in the crook of his neck.  

The scent of his blood too much of a temptation; she opened her mouth and bit down, drinking in big gulps of what was the heady essence of Leo.  She was flying.  She was soaring through the clouds with no end in sight.  If this was her own personal slice of heaven and she never wanted to leave.  

Leo pulled away from his lovers neck, swiping his tongue over his bite mark and all but collapsing on his bride.  He had never experienced anything of the likes of what he just shared with Shelby in the last century of his existence.  It left him sated and fulfilled, deliriously happy.  She was his his, now and forever.

Shelby closed her eyes, savoring the moment, reveling in the dream. 

If only life could be this good in reality, she mused.

"Rest my love.  Rest this day and awaken on the eve," Leo told her, cupping her cheek and pressing a tender kiss to her temple.

"Mmmm," she murmured enjoying the after shocks of her incredible dream.  Eventually letting herself lazily drift back off into a sea of blackness. 

Tomorrow........ tomorrow would be a new day.

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