A Certain Scientific Omnitrix...

By Misaka_Omnitrix

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It's Back to Bellwood for Ben. When Winter Break comes around the corner, Mikoto is excited to come back to B... More

Plane Party
House Party
Water Park extra!!
The Wildheit
The Bellwood Sentai Brigade.
The WORST Sister
To Under Town
Dark Matter v.s. Omnitrix
Use that term Loosely.
Mental Meltdown
Death of Frenda
NRG Drinks
Tragedy Repeated.
Epilogue: The Mother of All Vreedles

Trial of Impulser

1.8K 68 40
By Misaka_Omnitrix

Mikoto flew over the desert in her Ultimate Echo Echo mecha suit.. carrying Ben in her arms.

"Hey.." Mikoto said. "you still okay?"

"Yeah.." Ben moaned. "Spectacular.."

"This isn't right, I should bring you to the hospital straight away." said Mikoto. "Whatever he hit you with, it's amazing you're not dead!"

"Well he's worse off.." said Ben.

"No he isn't, he's just knocked out for who knows how long!" said Mikoto. "When he wakes up, he's going to be in WAY better condition then you for sure.."

"The thing that matters is that we've got to go help the others." Ben muttered.

"Are you kidding? You think monsters like Impulser and Accelerator need help?" Mikoto said.

"Well.. before.. whenever we've encountered the Highbreed.. we've always only encountered just one overseeing any DNAlien operations." Ben said. "Can you imagine how difficult it would be... if there were multiple Highbreed?"

"Multiple?" said Mikoto.

"The size of this signal." Ben said. "It indicates a HUGE base.."

Mikoto's eyes widened at the thought of fighting a large amount of Highbreed.

"Reinserrac.. the Highbreed we fought on the Queen of the Adriatic.." Ben said. "Mikoto.. you and I both know that he wasn't even that high up in the chain of command.. in fact.. he probably wasn't even a warrior!! That Wildheit.. was probably the first Highbreed we ever met that was actually trained for combat! If this base is as big as the signal indicates.."

"Dear god.." Mikoto whispered.  "Just one of those things is as strong as Humungousaur.. multiply them.. and give them soldier combat training.."

"And we have something that maybe even Accelerator and Impulser can't fight." Ben said. Accelerator's invincible against them only as long as his battery lasts.. we have to get there QUICK!"

"RIGHT!" Mikoto stammered as she began to fly a little faster.


The group that had come into Los Soledad were currently traveling in pairs.. each pair was searching for one thing... information on how they could probably disrupt operations here the most..

Impulser had been paired for Misaka Worst for two reasons. They weren't sure if she'd try to kill Accelerator if paired with him, and Impulser was the best suited to keeping her in line.

"They'll probably have one massive fusion generator powering most of their machinery." Kevin had said. "Take that down.. and it will not only disrupt stuff, but it'll make a hell of a show blowing things up... problem is.. there will be quite a bit of blast radius to avoid.. and.. they'll likely have that being the most heavily guarded."

That sounded quite interesting to Impulser. Though he had met the Wildheit, he had never met other Highbreed before, and he heard they were tough.. really really tough.. it was as if Christmas had come early for this battle crazed maniac.

Impulser peeked out from behind a weapons warehouse with Misaka Worst right behind him.

"Eh? Misaka feels like you're just purposely ignoring me now!" said Worst, grinning with her usual mischievous expression. "What? You feeling annoyed by me?"

"A little?" said Impulser. "You know, it would be so easy to just kill you now and pretend you tried to escape.."

"Ehhhh? Then you'd miss me!" said Worst. "It's so obvious the legendary Impulser wouldn't have the guts to kill Misaka! Not anymore anyways! The question is obvious to Misaka though... why?"

"Why?" said Impulser as he stood up and walked around another corner. "Just ask that damn brat Ben Tennyson.."

"Hmmm.. he seems to have a lot of girls going for him." said Worst. "So strong.. so righteous.. but so damn dangerous!! He seems like somebody who would give his life to help all Misakas if he could.. but he doesn't have any alternate motives or anything!!"

"How's that dangerous?" Impulser growled.

"Misaka doesn't trust anybody who doesn't have a selfish goal in mind." said Worst. "People without a dark side are just too perfect."

"Oh trust me!" said Impulser with a cackle. "He has his own dark side.. and it's far more dangerous then your petty theories! Just be glad he's on our side.. cause when he gets mad, I don't even think Accelerator can take him.."

"How do you figure?"

"He took down Vilgax, the most dangerous and hated criminal in the Galaxy when he was 10 years old! You do the math!" Impulser spat.

"So.. " said Worst. "Misaka also wonders.. is it true that your ability was almost called Polarizer?"

"Yeah." said Impulser.

"Makes sense.." said Worst. "Polarizing means to cause vibrations in a certain pattern.. why did they go with such a grammatically incorrect word like Impulser?"

"Firstly, cause if they called me Impulse, there would be a DC comic book reference, and secondly, it just sounds cooler.. it's doesn't matter much.. Meltdowner is a made up word too." Impulser spat. "Now shut up! Unless you want the DNAliens to here us!"

"Too late!!" a gurgling voice said, as several DNAliens jumped out and surrounded Impulser and Worst, letting out vicious cries as tentacles waved from their mouths and they began spitting goo at them.

Impulser vibrated with incredible speeds, dismantling all the gooey projectiles with a swipe of his hand, forcing the air to vibrate and blast the DNAliens back.

Impulser grinned violently. "So... whose next?"

Before they knew it.. a violent explosion of red plasma melted the snow and blew several areas apart as Impulser and Worst strolled away from the wreckage, leaving behind wrecked DNAliens.

"Misaka likes your style." said Worst.

"Well, if you feel anything for your sisters.. I suggest that you look at me the same way you did Accelerator.. I've killed my fair share.. thousands as well.. so.. I don't f*cking care what you think about my style.... "

"Well you two definitely share an antisocial flare." said Worst. 

"Shhh.." Impulser suddenly held a finger up to his lips, and nodded at a massive disc shaped building that looked like it was covered in strange metallic cobwebs.. some sort of command center..

Impulser put his hands and feet to the wall of the building, letting his vibrating molecules cling to the molecules on the building. He scaled the building like Spidermonkey, and peered through the windows... there it was.. in the center of the room.. it looked like a ginormous battery with gears and wires attached as it sat in the room, with it's whirring lights and humming. 

There was no mistaking it.. the generator..

Impulser grinned and took out his cellphone, he made a call. "Yo! Kevin.. get ready to bust out of there quick! Place is about to go boom boom.."

Impulser hung up and jumped down quickly. "Hey Worst.. ya going to-... wait.. WORST!?"

Misaka Worst was sweating with slight fear as a Highbreed stood right behind her, towering, and gripping her unbroken arm with his claws

"Hello.. Mongrel Vermin.." the Highbreed growled. "So pleased you could visit us.. would you like to come in?"

The Highbreed gestured to the door of the base.. and Impulser gritted his teeth, preparing to attack.

"I wouldn't.." said the Highbreed. "Unless you wish for her arm to come off.. permanently.." 

"J-Just kill him.." Worst whispered. "Misaka never wanted to live anyways.. kill me along with him!!"

"Shut up!" Impulser growled. "Fine.. I'd love to come in... see the kids.. watch the tele.. hell.. lets go.."

Impulser walked over the door, followed by the Highbreed as he dragged Misaka Worst along with him... and waiting inside.. was something that made Impulser go cold inside.

There were 12 Highbreed total in the room, fiddling with controls, and making notes on alien hologram tablets.  

The Highbreed Commander, notable by his gray chest, three eyes and considerably larger size walked forward.

"There you are.. The Impulser.. esper of Academy City.." said the Commander. "How nice.. you've come to see the show.. Come in come in..  don't be shy.."

"Fiamma.. where is he!?" Impulser growled, figuring he might as well stall for time. "He knows what you're doing here.. and I want to know why!"

"Oh? That member of God's Right Seat? Oh yes, we've done our homework, your sister is also a former member of there's. " said the Commander. "It's natural to assume you would know more of them then your friends..."

"Funny, they never mentioned you freaks." said Impulser.

"Oh trust me.. this alliance with your mongrel magicians is temporary." said the Commander. "And I do mean TEMPORARY.."

"And am I right in thinking that your goal to wipe the planet clean of our race?" said Impulser remembering  what Paradox had told them before he went off.. to.. well.. who knew where. "Why work with us if you plan to destroy us? Or does God's Right Seat even KNOW what you're doing?!"

"That was the original plan.. but we formed a deal with the Mongrel Fiamma." said the Commander. "Earth will receive a far... stranger fate.. if you will.. Project.. Star of Bethlehem.. " 

"Star of.. Bethlehem!?" Impulser's eyes widened. 

"Your planet.. will receive a new beginning through the deaths of everyone on your planet.. so that a race will come to being in a purer form.. more befitting of the Highbreed.. more suited to exist among the greatest of all beings.. us.."

Impulser blinked, still not understanding.

"In any case.." said the Commander. "When Fiamma of the Right made his intentions clear to us.. the reason for our alliance, it became clear to the Highbreed Supreme that an alliance with your magic fools would be most profitable.. a chance to welcome new Highbreed to the fold.. "

"New... Highbreed?" Impulser muttered.

"Misaka doesn't understand.." Worst said. "You make it sound as if Fiamma is trying to become a Highbreed."

The Commander chuckled. "You will be taken to the prison chambers.. you will be questioned.. tortured.. and then you will die.. or.. "

The Commander reached into a tank full of slime and water and pulled out a Xenocite. "You could join our ranks.. a DNAlien Level 5 Esper would be a formidable weapon indeed."

"You make such generous offers.." said Impulser, his mouth sliding into a sly grin. "But.. I think I'll just settle with wrecking stuff.

There was a sudden burst of speed as Impulser shot into the Highbreed holding Worst, hurling a kick into the creature's chest.

A sonic boom exploded out as the Highbreed was sent smashing into the metal floor. 

6 other Highbreed jumped out, all aiming a powerful punch at Impulser.  But a metal wall formed out of thin air.. and blocked the punches. 

"How!?" Misaka Worst stammered.

"The air is comprised of all sorts of itty bitty particles.. by controlling the vibrations of molecules, I can solidify them!" Impulser spat. "GO!! GET OUT!! I'LL HANDLE THESE MUSCLE HEADS!!"

Impulser screamed, and a giant ripple exploded out from him as all the molecules in the air and the floor vibrated at once, creating an amplified heated wind that sent the six Highbreed flying back..

However, 5 others, slammed against the wind and tore it apart with their sheer strength and endurance.

"BOOOM BOOOM BOOOM!!" The center Highbreed of the group punched Impulser to the floor and began repeatedly punching Impulser over and over, denting the floor with Impulser's body.

Impulser clapped his hands together, and a sonic blast exploded around him.. sending the Highbreed warrior staggering back, but as soon as that one staggered away, a second one stepped forward and kicked Impulser against a wall, grabbing his head and slamming him repeatedly against the floor.

Impulser grabbed the Highbreed's wrist and crushed it.. causing the alien to roar with pain and jump back.

Impulser stood up.. grinning as blood trickled down his forehead and chin,  "Well.. well.. shall we?"

Eleven Highbreed charged at once, their tough bodies having already endured the attacks Impulser had dealt, ready to smash Impulser's face into a bloody stain.

Impulser screamed and swiped his hand out.. destabilizing the air molecules around him to create massive fireball explosions that smashed against the Highbreed. but several Highbreed flew into the air, strange web-like wings growing from the edges of the folds in their skin

The winged Highbreed sent powerful spikes shooting from their fingertips, smacking into Impulser with tremendous force..

Impulser brushed aside the blows with vicious endurance before he snapped his fingers, and a sonic screech rippled out of his fingers.

The Highbreed warriors fell to their knees, clutching the sides of their heads, yelling out as the sonic screech tore at their hearing.

"GRAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!" Impulser then lashed out both his hands, sending a tremendous set of plasma blasts out.. blasting the room to pieces and sending the Highbreed flying.

"WHO ELSE EH!?" Impulser roared. "WHO ELSE WANTS SOME!!?"

Impulser's blood went cold however, when he saw the Highbreed warriors get to their feet, beaten up and burned, but otherwise still more then capable of fighting..

just how tough were these aliens? Ben had said their weakness was heat.. but even with a good plasma bath these creatures were still ready for a fight.

"Wait!" The commander held out a hand and stepped forward. "This mongrel is mine.."

Impulser popped his neck and chuckled "Go ahead and have a shot.. sissy pants.."

The Commander popped his knuckles. "Very well.. Filthy halfbreed.."

"Awww.. somebody get's the Umbridge star of approval in the Harry Potter book club!" Impulser spat.

Impulser launched himself at the Commander, thrusting out a vibrating hand at the Highbreed's face. but the Commander dodged the attack with superior trained reflexes and punched Impulser in the gut as he passed by in mid air.

Impulser landed on his feet and jumped out of the way as the Commander jumped up and  slammed both his fists down on where the esper had been only a second before.  The Commander sent out a powerful barrage of punches and kicks at Impulser which he barely managed to avoid using his incredible speed before suddenly appearing right behind the Commander and sending a plasma blast from his hand, blasting the Commander through several stacks of machinery, wrecking much of what remained of the inside of the base.

"NOW FREEZE!!" Impulser spat.. slamming a hand against the floor. Ice trailed across the floor as a complete absolute cold blasted towards the Commander, prepared to freeze the Highbreed to an absolute Zero.

The Commander rolled out of the way and slammed his fists against the ground, creating a powerful seismic shockwave that sent Impulser flying.

"You think you can be the hero?" the Commander growled, stepping forward. "You're no hero.. you're a villain.. you think you can be like those who took you in? You nearly murdered the Railgun, it's a miracle Ben Tennyson even forgave you... forgiveness you never deserved! You think.. when it comes down to it.. that ANY of those fools would come to your rescue!!?"

"Misaka would..."

Misaka Worst stepped in front of Impulser as he stood back up.  "Misaka... would..."

Impulser's eyes widened as he stared at Worst. "H-Hey! GET OUT OF THE WAY!!"

Misaka Worst glared at the Highbreed with a malicious grin. "Ehehehehe! Misaka doesn't know about what you silly aliens want with us! But Misaka has seen how this boy works! He may be the villain! But he's free to make something more of himself!! Something Misaka can't do! Because Misaka can't even do what she was born to do!! So if Misaka can't fulfill her purpose, then at least Misaka will help Impulser find his!!"

"Impudent girl!" the Highbreed growled. "Do not interfere.. " 

The Highbreed raised a hand to back hand Misaka Worst... but before he could, Impulser sped over and grabbed Worst by the waist.

He gave the Highbreed a seething grin. "Oh.. well.. She does have a point.. but.. I'm afraid I'm going to have to cut the fight short... after all.. I do have a clear shot.."

Too late, the Highbreed realized what Impulser was talking about, as Impulser fired a powerful plasma blast at the generator.

A masssive blazing explosion spread across the entirety of Los Soledad.. ripping apart  a great portion of the ghost town.. 

The Hyperspace Jumpgate itself was sent falling to cinders.. dismantled by the explosion itself...

When Misaka Worst opened her eyes.. she was in Impulser's arms, right outside the city, having outsped the explosion.. 

The others were standing nearby next to Kevin's car.

"Good thing we high tailed it out of there as soon as you called. " said Gwen. "Wow.. that's.. huge.."

Accelerator raised an eyebrow. "You look like crap.. that blood?"

"Yeah?" said Impulser, licking his lips. "Gettin' chills?"

"Nahh.. just wonderin' who besides Tennyson would be gutsy enough to make you bleed.."

 A distance away, in the wreckage of Los Soledad, the Highbreed Commander burst out of the rubble, breathing hard. "Damn.. human.. brats.."

"He hit you hard... I told you not to underestimate him.." Fiamma had appeared standing on top of the wreckage, sipping a cup of tea. 

"Mongrel.." the Commander muttered.

"Well.." said Fiamma, staring at the burning flames on the wrecked arch. "We've been set back a couple of months.. damn.."

"Yes.. this group made by Tennyson is proving to be quite a nuisance." said the Commander. "I'm at a loss of what to do admittedly.. to think.. they managed to go under the nose of the Wildheits.. "

"There's still Acqua." said Fiamma. "Give God's Right Seat a chance to right this.. Ben Tennyson will be dead before long.. and all associated with him. "

Things Twilight Prankster doesn't care for:

We interviewed Twilight Prankster to see what things he hates or doesn't care for.

"I don't care for that stupid joke that Stewie makes on finding the Batcave in Family Guy. He says that Batman can't expect to hire workers to dig a cave for him and still hide it.. YOU IDIOT SETH MC-DOUCHBAG!! IF YOU'VE EVER READ A SINGLE COMIC BOOK IN YOUR LIFE, YOU'D KNOW THE CAVE IS A NATURAL FORMATION THAT'S ALLLLLWAYS BEEN UNDER WAYNE MANOR!"

"I don't care for Frozen. The only reason people liked it was because it was the first Disney Princess who wasn't married in the end.. FOR F*CKS SAKE THEY WERE DATING STILL! THAT LEADS TO EVENTUAL MARRIAGE! AMERICA DOESN'T KNOW HOW TO JUDGE A F*CKING MOVIE!!!"


"I don't care for the Second Star Wars trilogy. The actors were terrible, the plot was terrible.. and I travelled to the Star Wars dimension and personally threw Jar Jar Binks into the Mime Dimension to suffer painful torment, before becoming a mime himself.. and never speaking again. And then I felt a great disturbance in the force.. as if a million fans all cried out with joy... "

"I do not care for Comicvine. Apparently there are nerds out there who lack all form of common sense. Like the idiots who believe that Wonder Woman can beat Accelerator.. only because they can't face the fact that their favorite superhero can't alter the forces of vectors. Or the fact that when they did Twilight Prankster vs Deadpool, they only made me win because they liked my costume better! Granted, I do have better fashion sense.. BUT I SHOULD REALLY WIN CAUSE MY BOOTY'S BETTER!!!"

"I do not care for Chuck Norris. I fail to see why he's invincible.. I seriously snuck up on the guy 12 times and threw him into a tub of jelly for the giggles, and all he did was cry. "

"I don't care for the 12th Doctor! He keeps on making a big deal about me painting hotrod flames on the Tardis! HELLOOOOOO! Do you know how friggin' long it's been since anybody's EVER had a police box? Get with the times and get yourself a Monster Truck already!! In the meantime.. has anybody seen the orange paint? I want the flames on this Tardis to be PERFECT!"

Stay tuned in later chapters of Omnitrix, RIFT, and Railgun Online for more things that Twilight Prankster doesn't care for.

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