With You?

By Tofu_lover

1.9K 92 27

Began like this.....then it goes to that? Will it go back to this? Or will it stay as that? Going through ups... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Author's Note
Chapter 31

Chapter 19

46 3 0
By Tofu_lover

------------Taehyun POV---------------------

The next day, I woke up late. I felt dizzy and tired. I quickly got changed and  walked out of the apartment. 

I saw boxes and suitcases in the living room of the girls' apartment. I walked in through the door and saw Jungmi carrying a box out of her room. 

"Oh, hey." She greeted. 

"What are you doing?" I asked, helping her set down the box.

"Oh, packing stuff." 

"Why? And where's H-H-Hyejin?" I asked cautiously. 

"Oh, she's at school. I'll be packing stuff. We're moving to Jiyong oppa's house." She answered. 

"N-Now?" I stuttered. 

"Yea. Hyejin won't be coming back here after school. She will be cleaning out our rooms." 

"Oh..." I mumbled. 

"Why? Are you sad now?" She teased. 

"No. Well, say goodbye to her for me."

"Oh. I'll tell Hyejin that."


"Bye." I left the apartment. 

She's leaving without telling me? 

My phone rang.

-------------Hyejin POV---------------------

I held the phone to my ear. 

"Hello?" His sweet voice rang. 


What should I say? 

I lost my words. 


"Taehyun, I-"

"You're moving, right?"

"How did you know?"


"Oh...okay. Well bye."

"Wait! I mean can I speak to you after school?"

My heart fluttered with hope and excitement. 

"Yea. sure. If you're not busy."

"Meet you after school." 

And we hung up. 

-------------Taehyun POV-------------------

My heart fell. I have started it. There's no turning back. I put my phone in my pocket and entered training building

I kept practicing while the others were at the cafeteria for lunch. 

My throat felt raspy and dry. 

"Yah, Taehyun. You need to give your throat a rest before you break it." Seungyoon commented as he came in the practice room. 

"Aniya. I need to do better."

"But, you need to get better for Hyejin." 

"What are you talking about?"

"I saw you, talking to Jungmi."

-----------Hyejin POV--------------------

I stared at my phone, thinking about what he might say.

"Hyejin, let's get to class."

"Oh okay." I followed her into the classroom.

After school, I waited for all the students to leave the building before I exited. I looked around for him. I saw him at a corner. I quickly walked towards him. 


"Let's go somewhere before we start talking." He brought me to a cafe. We sat in the back for less attention. 

"Order anything you like. I'll pay." He gave me a "warm" smile.


"I'll go order." He left the table and went to the cash register counter.

He came back with the drinks and sat down. We didn't talk for a while. 



We spoke at the same time. 

"You go first." He suggested. 

"Aniya. You first." He felt uneasy but he started. 

"I-I-I think we should....b-b-break up." The words flew out of his mouth. 

I felt time froze....I felt something slide down my cheek. 

"Please don't cry..." He muttered. I quickly wiped it away. 


"I just want to. I lost feel..."

L-Lost feel???

"Oh..I see..." I placed my hands under my eyes to not show any tears. 

"I think I should get going. Here's the money." I placed the money for the drink down and left him. The moment I stepped out. Tears began pouring down. 

I arrived home. I wiped my tears away from my eyes before entering. 

"Hyejin! Welcome home!" Jiyong's voice sounded from inside. 

"Hey." I answered. 

"I already cleaned your rooms. You just need to unpack your stuff and you're set."

"Thanks." I gave him a slight smile. I walked past him. 

"Yah, what's with the long face?" He stopped me and turned me to face him. 

"It's really nothing. Just really tired." I faked a smile. I took his hands off and headed towards my room. On my way to my room, I saw Jungmi sitting on her bed looking through herself quietly. Her aura had a hint of sadness. 

I entered my room. My stuff were already there. The room had a large window, a mini balcony, a large bed, a closet, drawers, a desk, and shelves. 

I placed my clothes in my closet and drawers. Books on the shelves. I set the electronics on the desk. My blue curtain-shaded room became darker as time passed. 

"Hyejin, Jungmi. Dinner."Jiyong said from the kitchen. 

"Coming." We said from our rooms in chorus. We entered the dining room where all the food and plates were set up. Jiyong came out in an apron with a plate of food. 

"Oh my god.." Jungmi whispered. I covered my face in embarrassment. 


"Oppa, when did you start to dress like this?" I choked back a laugh. 

"Well, I don't know but at least you guys are happy."

"Thank you for the food, oppa." We sang. 

"I won't be here for next couple of months starting the end of this week. So take care of yourselves and my house." he told us. 

"Yes. We will."

We ate our food harmoniously. I helped with the dishes. I put everything away and dried my hands. 

Jiyong left for his concert. His manager drove them to the stadium. He would soon leave to go to other places for the concerts, too. 

Me and Jungmi had the house to ourselves. We would spend most of our time in the rooms. 

"Jungmi-" The doorbell interrupted me. 

"Who could it be?" I grumbled. I swung open the door. 

"J-Jinwoo?" My words came out as a whisper.

"H-Hey, Hyejin." He awkwardly smiled. 

"Nice to see you. Come in." He walked in. I closed the door behind him. 

"Jungmi." I called. She came out of her room drowsily. 


Why does she seem to be so flustered? 

"I, uh, will go out for a moment. Need to buy groceries." I excused myself with my stuff. 

The moment the door closed behind me, I sighed in relief. 

"Hey, Jinnie." A voice called. I looked around. 


"Here!" Minho??? I looked to the direction of the voice. A car's window rolled down. Minho's face appeared. I smiled and waved. 

"What are you doing here?" I asked. 

"Waiting for hyung." He answered. 

"It might take a while." 


"Dunno. I left right after. Wanna come?" 

"Yep. Better than staying in the car." He parked the car and left it. 

We walked to a nearby supermarket. I grabbed a couple of stuff. 

"Hyejin-ah..." I looked over at him for the next words. 

"You know that....Tae-"

"I don't need to know anything about him." I cut him off in a monotone voice. 


"Do this for me?" I asked. He nodded in defeat. I was about to pay for the food but Minho's hand gave the money to the cashier. 

I looked at him confusion. He smiled but didn't say anything. He helped me carry the stuff back home. I hesitantly opened the front door of the house. I opened the door slightly, not wanting to disturb the two in there. There was a slight sound of sniffling. I saw Jungmi on the floor. I threw the door open and ran to her. 

"Jungmi. What happened?" I asked with furrowed eyebrows. I heard Minho sighed as he placed the groceries on the floor of the kitchen. 

"Where's Jinwoo?"

"He left."

"What did he do?" Jungmi didn't answer. 

"He broke up with her." Minho's deep voice answered instead.

"How do you know?" 

"Sajangnim knows it all. That's why Taehyun broke up with you, too." 

"What- shush." I wanted to kill him. 

"Hyejin! Why didn't you tell me?" Jungmi muttered unhappily. 

"I'm fine. I am still myself." 

"But still.." She whined. 

"I think I should get going. Bye." I escorted him out. 

"Kwon Hyejin! Why did you tell me?"

"There's no point in saying anything about it." 

"Whatever. We should never trust anybody."

"So we can't trust my brother and his friends?"

"Well, we can. And Yuri and my mom and dad. Also your mom and dad." She added. 

"Happy now?"

"Yea...sort of. Still bummed out." 

"Take a nap. I'll make dinner today." She nodded and went to her room. 

I finished making dinner and told Jungmi to come dining room to eat. She came in and thanked for the food. After that, it was silence. We ate and cleaned up the dishes. 

We didn't talk. But at least we had some time alone. I went to bed earlier than usual. I didn't feel good. My head felt fuzzy. I snuggled up in bed. Within moments, I drifted off to sleep. 

"Hyejin, wake up! We're gonna be l-Omo, you're heating up. You have a fever! Sh-" She almost cussed. 

"Just go to school. I'll take care of myself." I told her with my dry throat.

"Ugh, fine. Here's a glass of water. Drink it up." She held it to my lips. 

"I'm gonna go now. Arasseo? Be careful." She nagged before leaving my room. 

I heard her leave the house in a hurry. I kept my eyes closed. The fuzzy and dizziness overwhelmed me. 

---------------Jungmi POV-----------

I didn't want to leave her alone but I had to get to school. Plus, I have an excuse for Hyejin's absence in class. I half ran to school. I made it just in time for first period. 

I saw the boys in there. i took cautious steps to my seat, which is next to Jinwoo's. We made slight eye contact before I sat down. 

"Ms. Choi Jungmi, do you know where Kwon Hyejin is?" The teacher asked. 

"She's at home. She is sick." I gave a brief answer.

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