Friends with Benefits (FwB) (...

By RitsuTainaka9

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No commitments. When you want to talk we can talk. When you want to act as if you don't know me, I don't know... More

FwB (girlxgirl) HM
FwB Chapter 1: A Rough Week
FwB Chapter 2: Piano or Violin
FwB Chapter 3: Banana Pancakes
FwB Chapter 4: The Flower that Bloomed Surreptitiously
FwB Chapter 5: Sweet Moments
FwB Chapter 6: Plans and Affirmative Actions
FwB Chapter 7: Their Masks
FwB Chapter 8: Picking up the Pieces
FwB Chapter 9: Dinner at Lunaire
FwB Chapter 10: Inevitable Meeting
FwB Chapter 11: Promise
FwB Chapter 12: Their Haven
FwB Chapter 13: Just Another Manic Monday
FwB Chapter 14: Comprehensions
FwB Chapter 15: Day One
FwB Chapter 16: Doubts
Chapter 17: Father-Daughter Relationships
Chapter 18: Phone Conversations
Chapter 19: Touch
Chapter 20: Happiness
Chapter 21: Digging up the Past
Chapter 22: Just a Title
Chapter 23: Tying Some Loose Ends
Chapter 24: Planning, Meeting, Partying
26: Epilogue

Chapter 25: The Ol' Switcheroo

5.1K 113 24
By RitsuTainaka9

"I hate you…"

Haruka couldn't help, but let out another suppressed laugh as Jiro with his fingers over his temples gave her an even stare.

"I wish I can see Michiru! So I can get mad at her for even letting you go through with it!"

"Uh uh uh," the blonde sounded as she shook her head. "No seeing the bride until the ceremony."

"I know! I'm going to give her hell afterwards!"

"She didn't really do anything though—

"Guilty by association!" the red haired man yelled, pointing at her. "She let you plan it and even went to the party after the rehearsals were all done—

"All because she was going to spend the night at my condo and it was only a story higher…"

"Which proves that she's guilty by association!"

The tomboy sighed. "Whatever you say Jiro-kun—

"And that Tylenol Hikaru-san gave me hasn't even kicked in yet!"

"It's fine…the ceremony won't start for another several hours…"

"Where's Michiru by the way? She's doing alright?"

"Shina Oba-san's with her. They're—

Haruka stopped her words as the door opened and in came a disgruntled Shinji.

"Oji-san? You alright?" Jiro asked as the older man let out a sigh and closed the door with a slam.

"He hasn't come in yet," he grunted, rubbing his wrinkled forehead roughly. "He's not answering his phone, he hasn't called…nothing! I'm going to fire him the moment I see him just to feel better about the situation regardless of the news he brings…gah!!"

He kicked an empty bed frame with his sandals and then sighed once more, looking at the clock that read just shortly after one in the afternoon.

Haruka thought he was talking about his father, but his last reiterated words wouldn't make sense in if that were the case—if he could've fired his father a long time ago, they wouldn't be in this mess. Jiro seemed to know what he was talking about though because he stopped tying his bow tie and walked to the now sitting man, patting him on the shoulder when he neared him.

"It's still too early though isn't it?"

"A week…" Shinji stated dejectedly. "One damn week…I thought I could…influence him with money or whatever he wanted. He's a friend too! He said he'd try. Try my ass! It's only a matter of signing one damn piece of paper and he can't even do that! One week…It's just one week!"

Jiro sighed and gripped at his temples again while the tomboy merely stood across the room, looking at both of them in confusion. Not feeling as if they would reel her into the conversation anytime soon, not that she wanted to, she turned to the full body length mirror in front of her again and began fixing her bow tie.

They were in the tea house situated next to the garden where the wedding ceremony and reception would be held. Everyone had stayed over at the Royal Condominium Tower for the night after the bachelor bash and oversleeping into the next day later, the bride and groom with the help of the two blondes were taken in separate cars to the garden.

It had started…the day of reckoning. And it seemed as if it was going too slow and too fast all at the same time for everyone involved.

"I'm going to take my shower and come back to put on the suit. Gotta greet the guests too so…" Shinji trailed as he opened one of the closet doors to reveal his hanging tuxedo as well as a towel and all the necessities he'd need for his shower.

He turned back around to them, eyeing Haruka in particular with a sad and helpless look upon his face. The blonde, noticing the small amount of attention on her turned to him with an asking look, but he merely gave her a small smile, the worried crease in his forehead never dissipating. He left soon after without another word.

"O…kay…" the blonde worded, turned back to the mirror and fixed her bowtie some more.

Jiro sighed. "This sucks…they're really cutting it close…"

His cryptic words didn't help the tomboy any and when she didn't know what was up, she merely didn't care. Turning to her side, she grabbed the hanging blazer from a lone hanger and shrugged it on. If anything was going right though, at least her clothes finally fit. Fixing her collar, bowtie, and jacket one final time, she looked at Jiro and gave him a small raise of the brow.

"Need help changing or can I go see the bride?"

He motioned her away. "Go ahead and go. I need to stay here and sort my feelings out for a bit."

His words finally caused her to frown. "What the hell's going on?"

The red haired man gave her the same helpless look, shrugged, and sat on the bed Shinji occupied before. "I…don't know. Hopefully something…Oji-san and Oba-san planned something…it's just a matter of waiting to see if it'll come out properly…"

"Like what?"

"I can't say…"

Haruka snickered. "You bigwigs and your company intrigues…Whatever…I'm gonna go see Michiru. Haven't seen her in an hour and I'm hungry. Maybe we can steal something from the caterers downstairs…"

The tall man merely nodded so after putting on the black loafers that came with the suit, the blonde began making her way out.


She turned around with a questioning look upon her face as Jiro got up as well and walked towards her. He reached into his pocket and took out two velvety boxes, home of the two rings they would need for the ceremony.

"Keep them safe…" he said softly and stretched out his hand towards her.

She sighed, feeling a little overwhelmed all of the sudden. It felt akin to asking a pyromaniac to hold a firecracker and telling him not to light it. But she knew what to do and what not to do with the situation, grabbed the two boxes from Jiro's outstretched hand, and shoved them deep into her pants pocket, eyeing him annoyingly as she did so.

He merely smiled at her. "I'd tell you not to lose it…but…I think everyone really wants you to…"

She sighed once more, turned around, and left.

She could feel the general nervousness surrounding the small establishment; feel the suppressed excitement and fear of the upcoming wedding due in several hours. Frowning at the annoying feeling suddenly nagging her, she walked quickly to Michiru's room, situated all the way in the other side of the small building. She passed some people in the way that had one thing to do with the wedding or another and paid them no mind, noticing instead, the sweet smell of cooking food permeating from the downstairs kitchen. She finally came upon another nondescript wooden door and gave it a small knock, waiting only a couple seconds before it opened and appeared their wedding planner.

She cocked her head deeper inside and noticed Michiru sitting in front of the mirror, someone in front and beside her putting her make up on.

"Bride's busy lover girl, what do you want?" Keiko asked as she made her way in.

The violinist made a little movement with her head to acknowledge her presence.

"Hey, Haruka," she greeted, a smile coming upon her beautiful face.

"Hey," the tomboy greeted back and made her way towards her, nodding at Hikaru and Hanako both occupying separate beds and reading different magazines.

"How's Jiro?" the bride to be asked, giving her a questioning look from the mirror as she situated herself behind her and leaned into the chair she was sitting on.

"Still a mess. Tylenol hasn't kicked in and now he's in emo mode, so I decided to leave," she said with a shrug.

The aqua haired woman gave her a chastising look. "Aren't you supposed to better the situation?"

"Ngeh…" she shrugged, receiving a beautiful, helpless smile from the smaller woman. "I'm more hungry than anything. Let's go down in the kitchen and forage something to eat."

Michiru put her hands up before her to signal the people in front of her to stop before nodding and getting up. Looking at each of them with an apologetic smile, she stated, "I'll be back. Rai-san, when do I need to have my dress on by?"

Looking at her wrist watch, the black haired woman gave a small frown as she gauged the time and looked back up. "Three thirty, max. All guests should have arrived by four thirty and seated by five. Ceremony will start as soon as we have a nice sunset over the horizon and the need for the lamp and Christmas lights are apparent which would be approximately five thirty, give or take a few minutes."

The violinist nodded understandingly before turning back to Haruka.

"Let's go."

They walked hand in hand out of the room and wordlessly walked downstairs towards the kitchen area, Haruka sliding her hand out along the way and going behind the smaller woman to hug her from behind instead. Their hands entangled once more at the base of the violinist's stomach, the smell of the food around them getting that much stronger as they walked nearer.

"So what's wrong with Jiro?" she asked as they neared the kitchen area.

Haruka shrugged. "Your father came in, in the middle of our squabble and he looks like he's seen better days…something about something not going as planned…or something. Completely ambiguous from where I was standing…"

Michiru gave her a thoughtful look. "They're up to something," she stated pointedly. "Even Okaa-san hasn't been herself since morning. She's very fidgety…as if waiting for something to arrive…"

"Hmm…" the blonde sounded. "Well whatever it is, it's making me nervous…"

The violinist turned to her and gave her a cute smile before rubbing her cheek affectionately.


The calling of her name made both women turn in confusion as a rather rotund woman wearing an overbearingly large fur coat over what looked like a gaudy purple dress inside smiled prettily at the aqua haired woman who could only look in back surprise.

"Yuka Oba-san, hi," she greeted silently as the woman gave both of them an inquiring look.

She gave another pretty smile as what looked like understanding dawned on her features. "And this must be the lucky fellow! Nice to finally meet you young man," she continued looking up at Haruka with a nod as if to confirm and allow her presence. "Shichiko Yuka, Michiru-chan's godmother." Then turning behind her, which proved to be pretty hard without moving the rest of her along, she gave a little yell, "Shina! I found them!"

And not a minute later, Michiru's mother appeared as well, looking over at her daughter and then smiling exasperatedly at Haruka who could only give her an inquiring look back.

"And how could you tell me this is an arranged marriage!" Yuka continued, sweeping her hand over at the couple who were still hugging in the middle of the hallway, Haruka's arms still grasped tightly over the violinist's waist from behind. "They're practically in love! I mean, I wish Gendo and I were like this on our wedding day, all lovey dovey and no concern for future make ups and what to do on our wedding night. I'm sure you remember how yours was like with Shinji, I mean, you practically called me in your trip yelling at how awful of a man he was! But this…This! This is certainly a welcoming gift…the bride and groom of an arranged marriage…in love." She turned to Haruka after her tirade and walked towards them, giving her a pat on her shoulder when the round woman was near enough. "I'm very glad I finally got to meet you…was it…Jiro-kun?"

The tomboy was speechless.

"No…Yuka," Shina stated from behind, giving the blonde an apologetic look. "That's Haruka-san—

"Ohhh Haruka! I'm sorry…I didn't know how I misheard Haruka to Jiro, but it's wonderful to finally meet you nonetheless," the round woman exclaimed, not stopping for a bit of air. "And such a handsome man too. I'm sure you keep Michiru-chan busy don't you—

"Baa-san, you called?"

The small party turned behind the couple to Jiro who gave Michiru a surprised look and started edging back. "Shouldn't we not see each other until afterthe ceremony?" he asked, looking at everyone unsurely.

The violinist shook her head. "It's alright. I'm sure we're not breaking any customs as long as you don't see me in my wedding dress."

He gave a small nod and joined the couple, looking up at their new guest that ogled his presence.

"Yuka," Shina stated, coming beside the other woman. "This is Jiro-kun, Michiru-chan's fiancé," she said, sweeping her arm at the onyx eyed man's direction. "The person behind Michiru-chan is…her girlfriend, Tenoh Haruka-san. Everyone, this is Michiru-chan's godmother, Shichiko Yuka."

The strange introduction left the rotund woman speechless, chocolate brown eyes wide in quiet speculation. After a minute of silence, she turned to the elder female Kaioh once more and gave her an inquiring look.

"Girl…friend? A girl…that's a friend—

"No," Haruka stated this time, causing the woman to turn to her and for Jiro to chuckle in his place. The blonde gave him a rough little push. "Girlfriend. We're…together…in that way."

If it was possible for the violinist's godmother's eyes to bulge any bigger, they did.

Michiru chuckled looking at her godmother as she did so. "It's good to finally see you again Oba-san," she stated giving a little bow where she stood. Eyeing her mother who looked on at the scene hesitantly, she continued, "We're hungry. Is there—

"Yes," Shina answered rather quickly. "I had the caterers prepare a lunch for us in the garden."

"Good." Turning to her godmother again, she asked, "Is Oji-san here…or…"

"He's…yes…he's here." Yuka still seemed genuinely shaken her gaze fixed on Haruka who would not look back at her for fear of acting out of her needed mannerisms.

Was it the first time she's seen a lesbian up close and personal or something? She didn't get what the big deal was…

They stood around for another few seconds before the violinist gave a little cough, causing everyone to come out of their awkward situation induced stupor. Before she could say anything though, a man came up from behind Shina giving the bride to be a wide smile.

"Michiru-chan! My God, how nice to finally see you again!" he greeted, coming up and hugging her which kind of forced Haruka to back out due to the discomfort of being too close to a stranger.

"Hi Oji-san," the smaller woman greeted again with a kind smile.

He raised his glasses higher towards his jet black eyes and gave a smirk to the tomboy. "And this must be Jiro-kun—

"Okay, I'm hungry," Haruka stated, causing him to look at her strangely and for Shina to chuckle at her exasperation. She nodded at the smaller woman's mother. "We should…yeah, we should go eat…"

"I completely agree Haruka-san," she stated.


Michiru found the entire thing comical, to say the least. After a bit of apologies for mixed identities, they all made their way quietly to the back of the establishment towards the garden. She noted the way her godmother and godfather looked at Haruka curiously as she and the blonde walked hand in hand, her fiancé next to the tomboy and talking idly about something she had stopped paying attention about sometime back.

The garden was beautiful, the pavement leading to the middle of cherry trees that had already withered and was getting ready for the winter season. Next to a koi pond, in the middle of a more grassy area sat a rectangular table fit for eight, but with only six chairs jutting out in position and plates at each setting. A man in a black and white tuxedo governed the outside of the table gave them each a bow as they sat down, Michiru's godparents and mother sitting before them and she in the middle, with Haruka to her right and Jiro to her left.

Her mother turned to the man who looked a lot like the butler at the Kaioh Estate and stated, "We'll need another chair and place setting for my husband."

He gave a small bow of understanding. "Your meals will arrive shortly madam and I will make sure to get the necessary items for your husband for the moment he will come and join."

They sat in silence as soon as he left, the tranquility of the garden not missed by the violinist, but probably by everyone else. She noted with a smile at the butterflies that danced around the bushes to the side and at the evident splashing of the koi fish in the pond beside the table to the left. Her musings were cut short though as a clearing of the throat, one she recognized without looking as her godmother's, gathered the attention of the table.

Here we go, were the only words her mind could summon.

Her godparents were overall nice people. Shichiko Yuka was the youngest born and only girl of a family of three, the two older brothers succeeding the family company while she, got the crappier end of the deal, with an arranged marriage to another company executive. Shichiko Gendo was a nice enough man though and both had seemingly retired from the business scene and were on a trip around the world, their two sons succeeding the company in their permanent absence and only stopping for a detour from Thailand to attend her wedding.

Her mother had always been friends with her godmother for as long as Michiru could remember and although she was a nice enough woman, she was never really around, the title of a godmother just that, a title and nothing more. Although she did remember her as someone who was pretty protective, and she had no doubt she would put Haruka in the lime light she thought her lover might've needed because of the situation she knew close to nothing about.

"So…" she started, her eyes trained on the blonde who was paying attention more at the napkin in front of her before the older woman began speaking. "I…will get straight to the point, Tenoh Haruka-san. Shina," she called turning to her left. "Don't stop me for I want to gauge this entire thing myself. Gendo, stop me if I'm going too far, or join me if it merits."

Michiru couldn't let help the amused chuckle as her mother and godfather could only smile at her godmother's antics.

She turned back to Haruka who was now eyeing her questioningly.

"Michiru-chan is a gem…to all of us," Yuka started, the violinist's hand snaking on the taller woman's thighs and squeezing them momentarily before stopping there. "I'm sure you of all people know her repertoire. Accomplished concert violinist, painter, and as of her newest album, a modern day pop culture phenomenon. Do you realize her net worth by herself is now over fifty million in dollars without the help of her parents? Of course, with the Kaioh name comes inheritance as well, and with that comes a multi billion dollar company. Multi trillion in yen if you choose to look at it that way or just don't know how much a dollar signifies."

Haruka sighed outwardly, but it seemed that Yuka didn't care or chose not the notice.

Tea was served momentarily to the group as well as coffee for those who wanted it and the blonde looked as if she could care less about the conversation at hand, paying more attention to the misty swirls her black coffee cup gave out until her ears picked up more words coming out of the woman speaking to her.

"Now I have met, people like you," Michiru's godmother started once more. "You are what people call…a fling. I can see that…you are probably the type who is good with words, good with looks, and most importantly probably good in bed…"

She trailed off as the blonde chose to sip at the wrong moment and coughed out, Jiro laughing beside her and Michiru rubbing her back affectionately and covering her lips with a napkin.

"Your reputation does follow you, koi," the violinist stated causing her mother and Jiro to laugh some more and for emeralds to narrow in her direction.

"I see I've made a valid point," Yuka stated with a nod.

Michiru nodded in her direction. "Nh, yesterday, we were having a group lunch—


"And out of the four women there, the only one she hadn't bedded was my mother, which…I'm sure is the correct info—

"Oh my God, I can't believe we're at this again!"

Shina laughed as Jiro gave Haruka an impressed look.

"Which brings me to my point," Michiru's godmother continued, serious in contrast to the laughing majority of the table. "My impression of you, Tenoh Haruka-san is you are a playboy leech."

"Oh that's harsh…" the blonde grunted, Jiro laughing some more beside a chuckling Michiru. "A leech?"

"What have you done recently to merit the good graces of my goddaughter then?" she asked challengingly.

The tomboy decided to wrack her brain, but couldn't think of one in such a competitive air.

"The Okinawa trip?" Jiro asked in the side lines, but she just shook her head.

"We stayed in Michiru's beach house estate in the entirety of it…" she stated and looked up in the sky some more, the words leech hanging over her mind as more seconds ticked by.

She hadn't cooked for the other woman recently too…Now that she thought of it, what had she done for the smaller woman recently? There really was nothing? She really was just a parasitic tomboy? A caress of her cheek got her attention as Michiru gave her a warm look, the aqua haired woman smiling at her apologetically.

Then, wordlessly, the violinist reached into her ring finger, took off her ring, and placed it in the middle of the table, her sapphire eyes on her godmother who could only look at the ring in awe as well as confusion.

"Haruka's ring for me," she said softly as both of her godparents leaned over the table to look at the ring closer without touching it. "A kind of…promise ring, I suppose. To always be there through thick and thin, regardless of the situation…times much like this one."

Her godfather took a sort of magnifying glass from his pocket and bent low towards the ring giving her an even more awed expression as he came up.


"You bought this from the Seigo's company didn't you?" he asked looking at Haruka who nodded wordlessly. He bent towards it again. "Oh my goodness, it looks astonishing…"

"Estimated net worth?" Yuka asked beside him eyeing his small actions as he paid more attention to the ring without ever touching it.

"About…one billion…yen…"

"Tch, mine's better…" Jiro grunted making Michiru chuckle at his direction and pat him in the shoulder.

"Haruka-san is the CEO and successor of Tenoh Corporation as well as the Triplet Condominiums Towers under Tenoh Corp.," Shina stated knowledgably making the two godparents eyes bulge in surprise.

"You're that Tenoh successor?" Yuka asked in shock.

"I…didn't realize there were other Tenohs…" Haruka trailed with a shrug, took back the ring from the middle of the table and placed it in its rightful place in Michiru's ring finger, the smaller woman rubbing her cheek as he did so.

"So you're…Tenoh…Yoshiko's…daughter?"

The blonde nodded. "The only one…as far as I know…"

"So your estimated net worth is—

"About 1.5 billion in dollars."

Everyone turned around to Shinji's presence as he gave a small smirk, bowing at Yuka and Gendo before sitting down at the head of the table, to the left of his ex-wife.

"Her mother…has a net worth of around 5.5 billion and well…let's just say Yuka that this time around, I don't think it's a matter of the other party member leeching on our daughter."

He gave a small apologetic bow to the blonde at his left and gave her shoulder a little pat.

"We've gone through a lot this past month," he stated, eyeing no one in the table in particular and just looking straight ahead. "What's more apparent than some things is that Shina and I have done everything we can to put a stop to certain feelings from blooming and what's probably most important and therefore least apparent was that the word genuine doesn't even come close to describe how real Tenoh-san has been…so get off her back, accept that she is a woman, and let them be. It's bad enough they're going through a wedding for a company's sake…they don't have to be reminded of what other people will see at a daily basis."

The table was quiet at his little word as Shina gave him a warm smile. "Thank you anata," she stated with a nod of her head. "Very well said."

And soon after their food arrived as well and everyone finally started a silent, but comfortable lunch.

"Speaking of your mother," Michiru started in between bites, her forehead creasing a bit due to worry, "you still haven't spoken have you?"

Haruka shook her head.

"Disowned you?" Yuka asked suddenly, making both of them look up from their conversation.

The tomboy nodded making Shina and Shinji look at her in shock.

"Your…mother disowned you, Haruka-san?" the elder female Kaioh inquired, asking again just to make sure she's seen it all correctly.

"Yep," the blonde nodded and answered too easily for everyone's liking.

"She didn't accept you for who you are?" Yuka asked making Haruka laugh while shaking her head.

"No, my mother of all people accepts I'll only like women…" she answered with a sigh. "She disowned me because this woman," she stated pointing at Michiru accusingly, "came to the company and whined about how I was being insensitive…which I was at the time…She told me to get my priorities straight and not come see her until I do…Until then, she doesn't have a daughter…"

Michiru laughed and leaned her head on the taller woman's shoulder. "You were being insensitive though!" she said with a pout, causing the tomboy to look at her apologetically.

"Yeah, it came to a boiling point where even I got tired of it and called her out…"

Everyone turned to Jiro as Haruka laughed at the memory of him coming to her company and asking her for a spar.

"That was so comical…" she stated.

"So…we have nothing to worry about then?" Yuka asked, looking at Shina and Shinji as she did so. "You—

"As far as Michiru's future relationships with women, I doubt there will be anyone else, but Haruka-san," the blue haired elder Kaioh stated, smiling at the blonde as she did so. "If anything, worry about the wedding that will be happening in several hours…These three in front of you…do not deserve such punishment…"

Michiru's godmother sighed. "Kei Oji-san isn't letting up eh?"

"He's hell bent on getting them married…" Shinji grunted, pushing his plate away as he gave a sigh of his own.

"No word from…"

Shina trailed off as they shared a knowing, cryptic look. The elder male Kaioh shook his head, stroking his goatee as he did so.

"Nope…no word…" he muttered, giving a distracted glance to all party members involved eyeing him inquiringly. He looked at his watch. "He has three hours. If he has no news by four thirty, his ass is fired…"


"I see what you mean."

"Cryptic right?"

Michiru nodded. "Cryptic indeed…"

"Do you have any idea what they were talking about?"

She shook her head. "Nope…Jiro does…I'm pretty sure."

"Tch, Jiro-kun's keeping his mouth shut…"

"He's used to it."

They both stopped at her doorway, Michiru eyeing Haruka appreciatively as she fixed her collar that didn't really need fixing.

"You have such interesting family members," the blonde stated funnily, causing the violinist to sigh.

"Thank you for taking it in stride," she said.

The tomboy merely shrugged. "Your godmother was tame compared to how Shina Oba-san used to be so I wasn't worried. I wasn't aiming to please them anyway…"

"You certainly got their attention though Miss Trillionaire—

"In yen!" Haruka added making Michiru smile and reach up to her, kissing her soft lips sensually.

The door opened in the middle of their make out session, causing a disgruntled wedding coordinator to sigh rather loudly.

"Lovebirds…get the hell off each other!" she yelled, pulling Michiru into the room. "You! You need to put on your dress, redo your make up, and redo your hair," she stated pointing at Michiru who could only smile. "And you!" she said, turning to Haruka this time. "Get out of this room until further notice because no one will get their job done with you two in the same room. Do everyone a favor and go away. Be a fitting best man and help the groom or something…"

The tomboy gave a low, sarcastic bow, went in the room to sneak one more kiss from a laughing bride to be before sticking her tongue out at their wedding planner who swatted her with a rolled magazine before finally making her leave. Trudging to the groom's room, she knocked before entering, causing both Shinji and Jiro to look at her presence as she closed the door.

"Need help?" she asked as the elder male Kaioh gave her an uncomfortable look.

"Shina always helped me with these things…" he said funnily, looking at his bow tie hanging precariously in place as he did so. "Can you…"

She nodded. "Sure. What about you?" she asked, this time looking at Jiro.

He fixed his bow tie and shrugged his blazer on, patting the entire suit before shaking his head.

"I think I'm good to go…" he answered, looking at himself in the mirror. "Do you know if the make up people and hairstylists will come in soon?"

"No clue," Haruka stated, grabbing Shinji's hanging bow tie with both hands and began tying it with him holding his head high enough for her to do her job properly.

"Sorry about earlier by the way Tenoh-san" he stated, emeralds eyeing his bobbing Adam's apple as he spoke.

She shook her head easily. "It's fine. I…kind of expected it after the weird introductions."

"She and I never got along…Yuka-san…" he stated, his eyes trained on the ceiling. "She would be the one Shina would run and whine to whenever we got into a heated argument and she would gallivant in my office out of nowhere and yell and shout to no end…It irked the crap out of me!"

The blonde and the onyx eyed man laughed at his exasperation as his head shook in disbelief.

"I mean, even after we were married, she would come in at random times just to bug me. And as you can tell…her husband isn't exactly wearing the shorts in the relationship…"

"I think we're all used to…the more feminine side of the relationship actually wearing the pants these days…" Haruka added making him nod vigorously in agreement.

She pulled the bow tie a little and straightened out his blazer collar before nodding and stepping back.

He gave her an appreciative look and a warm smile. "Thank you, Tenoh-san."

"Some of the guests are here," Jiro stated out of nowhere, earning both of their attention to his direction where he was looking out of the wide windows.

Both of them joined him as Haruka saw a glimpse of a head full of long sandy blonde hair accompanied with two other people she could gauge being her godparents from the distance.

"You gonna go talk with her?" Jiro asked as she stepped back and eyed herself in the mirror.

Before she could reply, a knock issued at the door and a few seconds later the beauticians stepped in, grooming kits in hand and eyeing them with a kind of disappointed/hungry look in their faces.

"Do they look rabid or is it just me?" Jiro asked quietly as each of them sat three separate chairs in front of the mirrors situated all around the room.

"Yes, they do," Shinji answered him and gave the beauticians a suspicious look.

"First order of business," one of the three of them said loudly, pulling out a kit from a big bag he placed on one of the beds. "Make up."

"Oh hell no," Haruka answered, inching away and towards the door leading to the outside world.

The beautician narrowed his eyes at her. "Sit down please. Let's get started."

"Do all you want with my hair," she stated narrowing her own pair of emeralds at his direction. "But if you put even a dab of make up on me, I swear I'm going to throw you."

"Believe her!" Jiro yelled in caution. "She has a black belt in judo…" And as if remembering that fateful day, he rubbed his back automatically.

Shinji chuckled at the two's antics and decided to be the role model of the group. Sitting down in the middle of the three placed chairs, he nodded at one of the beauticians to get started, eyeing at the two to take the unoccupied seats at each of his sides. A little more than a minute later, both of them were sitting beside him, the beauticians beginning to flock around them like vultures on wide open and bleeding carcasses.

"I feel like prey somehow…" Jiro stated as he gave a disgusted look at the blush being applied to his face.

Haruka eyed the man over her who was swiping his hand over her hair repeatedly, much like how Michiru does it without the feeling of comfort it left her with. More like disgust.

She shook her head to dispel his fingers. "Do your job and stop flirting with my hair."

Jiro and Shinji laughed, eyeing their obviously mixed orientated beautician who only looked at her in annoyance.

"You have the wildest hair I have ever laid my eyes on…" he grunted making her narrow her eyes at him from the adjacent mirror.

She looked at him funnily and then at Shinji and Jiro. "Does he know I'm a girl?" Turning to the beautician, she asked again, "Do you know that I'm a girl?"

"Pretty handsome girl from where I'm standing—

"Oh my God I want another beautician," she grunted, standing up as soon as the man standing before her gave another swipe at her hair. "Jiro-kun, trade with me."

"No way," the red haired man muttered, actually grabbing the shirt of the beautician currently adding more foundation to his face. "After what you did to me last night, you need some gay man all over you. Just so you know how I felt…"

Shinji gave a bark of laughter and gave the tall man an inquiring look. "What exactly happened last night?"

"Shou-san took a video of it. I'll be glad to let you see it after Kaioh-san," Haruka stated getting a horrified look from the red haired man.

"Fine! We can trade!"

"Too late," the blonde muttered, sitting back down and turning away from him. Turning to her beautician once more, she grunted with eyes narrowed, "Do your job properly. If I feel more touches meriting more than what you should be doing, I'll throw you out the window…"

"Violent…" Shinji said off handedly, a wrinkle of mirth showing in the corner of his eyes.

The beautician only rolled his eyes before giving her hair another pointed look.

"You have such a…tossed in the wind look," he stated, grabbing some gel and rubbing it all over his hands.

"No products!" she yelled, pointing at the gel bottle and inching away. "I like to feel my hair in the wind, not have it feel like immovable stone!"

"Tenoh-san, you're not leaving me with very many options here," her beautician grunted, wiping his hands free of the stuff with a discarded towel.

"Good, so we're done?"

He sighed, pulling out a brush and brushing her hair back with it, grunting every now and then as her hair came back exactly where it was before. Haruka smirked.

"How can you live with such unscrupulous hair?" he asked in disbelief, brushing her hair back with more vigor and speed as more time passed.

"Oww, my scalp, damn you!" the tomboy muttered, narrowing her emeralds at him until he stopped and stepped back to look at her in obvious distaste.

He sighed. "You won't let me gel it, brushing it makes it go back to its original spot, spraying it with water will probably make it frizz because of the moisture in the air, and blow drying it will only make it wilder!" He gave a disgruntled sound and looked at her in annoyance. "You're dismissed…If I can't fix you, no one can!"

Emeralds rolled in exasperation as well as relief. "Thank you…"

"Aww!!" Jiro sounded, causing her to stick her tongue out to him.

"I'm going downstairs…I need to talk to my mother," she stated and left before anyone could change their mind.

The cool winds had picked up as soon as she made her way outside, glad she was given reprieve from the arduous task of sitting down and having some stranger feel her hair up. No one would probably be able to do it now that Michiru had made it her rightful property…and Haruka had no qualms about either effect.

The guests were slowly coming in, the ushers bringing them to their right spots as soon as the invitations were shown and identities verified. She made her way towards the seating area for the bride's side, eyeing the crown of familiar blonde hair sitting beside a balding man and shoulder length, graying haired old woman she sussed to be her godparents. They were given the second row seats which was understandable because she, the rest of the Kaiohs, including the eldest one, and Michiru's godparents were going to be situated at the very front.

Guiding her body along the aisle, she made her way to her mother who had noticed her presence as soon as she was visible to them, giving her a saddened look that increased the more she stepped towards her with a kind of blank expression.

As soon as she came close enough, Yoshiko rose her hands towards her and grabbed her by the waist, pulling her nearer until she was bowing and they could share a meaningful hug.

"I've missed you aka-chan," she breathed, making Haruka's heart hurt more than she thought it would.

"Sorry…" she whispered back, tightening her hold around her mother's shoulders. "I've been a real jerk…and I'm sorry."

She closed her eyes as her mother's hand went up to her hair and brushed her wild strands back, the other one rubbing her back affectionately. They stayed that way in comforting and understanding silence until the tomboy retracted her body and leaned into the chair behind her, smiling handsomely at her mother as she did so and finally greeting her godparents who only sat quietly as the mother and the daughter reacquainted themselves with one another.

"So?" Yoshiko started, giving her a questioning look.

"So…" she asked back, smirking at the look her mother was giving her.

"Did you sort out your feelings with Michiru-chan?"

Haruka nodded. "Yup, I did."

Similar, older emeralds widened. "So she knows how you feel about her?"

The tomboy smiled. "Yup, she does."

Yoshiko sighed at the ambiguity her daughter was showing. "So…why do we still have a wedding then?"

"You want the Spark Notes version?"

Her mother gave a small nod.

"Her grandfather's gonna take the company down with him if she doesn't marry a man today. Majority shareholder and all that bull crap. I'm sure you know what I'm talking about…"

Yoshiko sighed, gripping her forehead as she did so. She looked at her helplessly before ticking out the options in her head.

"If you want…we can let that happen and loan out the money they need for a new company—

"You know as well as I do that they won't accept something like that," the blonde stated and looked up at the white clouds floating freely in the blue sky. "It's fine…Kaa-san—

"It is not fine," the elder female Tenoh stated resolutely and with a frown marring her beautifully aged features. "Neither of you should be subjected to this after all the things you've gone through…How are the Kaiohs by the way?"

"Better," Haruka stated happily. "We're all getting along wonderfully now."

Her mother gave her a skeptical look. "Really?"

The tomboy nodded and smiled. "Shina Oba-san and I are on first name basis…"

Aged emeralds widened in shock once more, the two Chens beside her chuckling as she did so.

"That good?"

The blonde laughed. "Yeah…believe it or not…She's been great ever since our talk. We finally understand where the other's coming from and she's more than supportive of my relationship with her daughter."

"And what relationship would that be?"

"Her mistress…after this marriage," the young CEO answered funnily and grabbed the chain from beneath her dress shirt out, letting it hang in plain sight of her mother and godparents who eyed the ring in awe, much like the Shichikos eyed the one she had given Michiru some time back during lunch.

"We know where this is going," she stated seriously. "Michiru and I, of all people, know where this is heading to. And it's more realistic to call it as it is than to act and believe what's false. As long as we don't stray from the path we've promised each other, everything will be alright in the end. It's a test. It's just a test. And we'll pass it with flying colors just to prove to everyone that we can. That it doesn't matter what the papers read. As long as we're together…it'll be alright."

All three of them looked at her in what seemed like shock making her sweat drop after a long silence from their end.

"And now you guys are just creeping me out…" she grunted, earning her laughter from all of them.

"Well it's just the first time we've all heard something so mature and so unlike the Haruka we know coming out of your mouth," Misa stated, making her look at the old woman evenly.

"Such a selfless act, goddaughter," Yuu said with mirth in his old eyes. "It only shows what kind of a woman Kaioh-san really is to make such a woman like that finally come out of you."

Young emeralds rolled in exasperation. "Now you guys are just being overly dramatic…" she muttered, crossing her arms over her chest as she did so. "Anyway, the ceremony will start in…"

She trailed off, her emerald eyes widening at the appearance of the eldest Kaioh. Olden sapphires locked with hers as two maids stayed beside and behind the old man, trailing him slowly as he proudly walked by himself, hand gripping tightly on the cane as another usher, the same woman from last night that guided her, walked in front of them and showed him to his seat, the one directly in middle of the front row. He sat down, three or so feet away from the blonde who was leaning into one of the seats of the front row as she straightened up and bowed.

"Good afternoon Kaioh-san. Glad you could make it," she stated, coming back up and noting his eyes that remained in front of him, as if she wasn't there talking to him at all.

Not getting a reply, she turned back to the Chens and her mother who looked at her imploringly, and she could only smile back.

"Anyway as I was saying," she continued, "the ceremony will begin in two or so hours…sunset according to the wedding planner. The lights looked beautiful last night during dinner rehearsal so look forward to it."

They all nodded at her words and she gave them each a hug before departing, her peripherals trained on the lone, silent man sitting in front of all of them.


"I bet you feel like a prissy little girl right about now."

"Oh shut up!"

Haruka laughed, eyeing the apparent make up all over Jiro's face.

"Oji-san, does it look as bad as she says?"

Shinji turned to him, smirked, and shook his head. "No, Tenoh-san tends to elaborate for your sake."

The blonde laughed some more making the taller man dagger stare her.

"You know, I've always wondered what it would feel like to have two sons…and I think with the two of you constantly around each other with this air of competitiveness and overall testosterone flying in the air, I'm sort of glad I had two girls to begin with," the elder male Kaioh stated funnily, causing the tomboy and onyx eyed man to look at one another with swollen pride.

"Come!" he continued. "Let's greet the guests because the ladies will not be ready anytime soon and we have to fill the void."

"Kaioh-san's here, by the way," Haruka informed, causing the mood to go dark in their lighthearted conversation if only for a minute.

Shinji gave a curt nod of understanding. "Guess I have two more hours to right this entire thing or hate myself for the rest of my life for not doing something right when given the opportunity," he stated more to himself than anyone. Looking at his two "sons", he gave a small smirk. "Let's go."

The three of them made their way out of the tea house and into the massive garden, walking in a solid horizontal line towards the bride's relatives and friends' area. They greeted anyone who was present, mainly Kaioh-Miroku's other company execs and the shareholders that Jiro had stated sometime back that would be coming to see the wedding only because of the change it would pose to the company. In the meantime, Jiro stood in the opposite side, greeting his family and friends who consisted more of real family and friends than Michiru's.

His entire family, save for his small sister who was still up in the tea house with the bride to be, were there and he greeted each of them jovially as well as some friends who were present at his bachelor party the other night and wouldn't let him forget any time soon of the events that transpired—some even giving Haruka more pats on the back while he stood in the background dagger staring the blonde some more.

Shinji finally formally met her family too which felt more comfortable than anything because he had started on talking about the purchase of his condominium first before delving into apologies concerning his actions during the planning stage of the wedding. Yoshiko as well as the Chens looked a little lost at his rambling while his father sat just a few feet away, as silent as he had arrived.

Then, as if readying himself for it the entire time, he walked over to Kei and bowed deeply, a lot of the people around them eyeing the father and son because mostly everyone present that day knew the arrangement concerning Jiro and Michiru already.

He breathed deeply, same pools of sapphires locking seriously until he bowed, all the way down to the floor. A collective gasp filled the area and all hung in that same tense air until Shinji got up from his knees and got back up, the bruised grass stain apparent on his new trousers.

"Give us your blessing," he stated softly, looking away as he did so. He seemed like a small child then, just wanting to get the good graces of his father. "We're doing it for the right reasons this time…"

And with another bow, he left once more, hand snaking into his pocket and taking out his phone, pressing a few numbers and putting it in his ear as he left the general area. Jiro and Haruka looked at one another worriedly before the taller man motioned for her to join him and follow the elder male Kaioh.

They found him inside the spacious tent, legs shaking vigorously and the phone still pressed up against his ear. He gave them a smile that seemed akin to a caged animal's before grunting at the unresponsive line on the other end and cutting the connection off altogether.

"Oji-san, you alright?" Jiro asked making him nod automatically.

"Stay here for a while," he stated distractedly. "Shina tells me the bride's going to make her way to the tent soon and they're just finishing up. Tenoh-san, go help them will you?"

Haruka nodded, gave him one more worried look before sharing one with Jiro and leaving altogether. Getting out of the small tent, she looked over the distance to see the bridesmaid making her way out, Shina trailing behind her, and Michiru at the end, wearing the gown and getting an applause from some of the guests still rolling in.

And for some reason, it seemed as if everyone around them melted away and the blonde could only see the beautiful violinist coming towards her. The dress fitted her figure perfectly, the mermaid gown falling to the floor in waves and the beading detail at her collar area glinting sharply in the sun. Her hair was held up in a refined ponytail, cascading curls dancing as she moved and her face held the tiniest amount of foundation and make up, her luscious lips pink and shiny from the gloss placed over it.

She was so beautiful…far more so in that one moment than Haruka had ever seen her, and the saddened look upon her face came too soon and she couldn't wipe it out for the life of her, causing the pretty smile atop the violinist's face to fall in worry. Michiru neared her, the concern in her eyes not leaving, and all too soon, her arm, covered with a creamy elbow length gloves, came up to the tomboy's face to caress her cheeks.

The smaller woman took her arm gingerly, causing their hands to intertwine and then led her to the left tent, giving a silent plea to her mother and Hanako who were already inside to leave them if only for a few minutes.

Alone once more, the taller woman swallowed the lump in her throat, the overwhelming feeling of desire and infinite sadness overtaking her entire being to the point where she could just stand there and look at Michiru in her creamy wedding dress silently, the figurative and literal look of perfection shown through her eyes.

"Koi?" she called, raising her arm up and touching her cheek once more.

The tomboy closed her eyes, not liking the feeling of cloth on her face being accustomed to feeling the smaller woman's soft hands.

She opened her pair of emerald orbs and stared deeply into concerned sapphires.

"You look so beautiful."

And as soon as the words left her, it felt as if her heart had exploded into a million pieces. She could see the accumulating tears in the younger woman's eyes, feel the suppressed feeling of gloom in her actions as the other's lithe, violinist hands wrapped themselves around her neck and pulled her down for a heartbreaking kiss.

Her mouth felt different, partially because of the products covering the other woman's otherwise soft lips, but Haruka could feel that the touch was different somehow as well. The kiss was soft and not so needy, but asking. Asking for forgiveness for a decision that was completely up to them, but not at the same time. Asking her if she was alright with everything that was about to transpire. Asking her to hold out and be strong, if only for a couple more hours where they could show the world that they were the ultimate martyrs.

The kiss stopped, and emeralds and sapphires met again, the same look of longing and desperation evident in both orbs.

The blonde gulped nervously, looking at her lips that didn't give the same glow it gave before.

"Gonna have to reapply that…" she stated funnily, the humor not meeting her dull eyes.

Michiru gave a small sigh, playing with her hair as she did so. "There's still time to—


The tomboy pressed a couple fingers on the younger woman's supple lips and smiled, the crease in her forehead not leaving.

"You and I both know that it's not the fact that we can't run away, but that we won't…"

The aqua haired woman sighed again and nodded, watching the young CEO as she pulled her elbow length gloves out of her arm and tossed them at an empty nearby desk. Their hands met again, the blonde giving them more attention than she ever had and rubbed them together and apart, liking the softness that emanated out of the violinist's skin. She took the other's open palms and placed them on her cheek, rubbing her cheek manually against the smaller woman's soft hands causing both of them to give each other a brief smile.

"I love you," Michiru said softly, looking at her longingly and rubbing her face with her thumb. "This ceremony…doesn't annul that or weaken it. If anything, it reinforces it. It shows how much we have to go through to be together, and if it calls something so fake such as this wedding, I can go through it as long as you're with me. And I have no doubt that you always will."

The blonde smiled at her words and nodded, leaning forward to share another brief kiss with her. Looking down at the grass sadly before looking up, she pasted what she hoped looked like an emotion of hopefulness…for them, their future, and what would be the consequences for everyone's actions today.

And Michiru could only smile back with a lone tear cascading out of the corner of her eye.


She had been duly kicked from the bride's tent after Keiko found out that they had kissed and she had smudged Michiru's lip gloss as well as ruined her entire visage from the tears that accumulated soon after. They both gave her an apologetic look as she ranted about the importance of looking the part if feeling it wasn't an option and a sorry look from Shina later left Haruka outside, sitting in the last, deserted row in the bride's side and looking at everyone who had finally arrived. Of the twenty rows designated for each side, both side was filled to the fifteenth or so, give or take a few rows.

The emotions ranged from happiness to nervousness or downright carelessness which left the blonde knowing exactly how everyone in the audience felt, seeing as her emotions were raging through those different feelings in a time span of a couple minutes.

The silent throbbing of her heart had turned into a dull one and she could only hope for everything to start so the end could only look that more promising. She wished for nothing more than the sun to set, the ceremony to start, the ceremony to end, and go home with Michiru afterwards and snuggle in her sweet embrace, wake up tomorrow, and act as if this day had never transpired. They had a little less than an hour to go, and the waiting was driving her close to insane, her legs shaking nervously in place and her hand swiping her disheveled hair as frequently as she could in auto mode.


She looked up at the calling of her last name at worried olden sapphires. Not being able to wipe the nervous look in her face, she added a smile to it in greeting which probably made her look even more of a wreck when she thought about it.

Shinji shimmied himself until he was able to pass her and sit on her left, her body taking up the last seat of the aisle and forcing him to take the only one beside her.

He patted her in the shoulder, causing her to smile even wider in question.

"It's a stupid question, but how are you doing?" he asked funnily, smiling at her like a father would to his daughter.

She shrugged. "Good…considering the circumstances," she answered and sighed, her legs going back to shaking vigorously as the sun began making its path downwards. It felt like a countdown to her fate and she could only squint at the ball of fire as it dipped lower for every minute that passed.

"It's been a long time coming," the elder male Kaioh stated. "But…I just wanted to say that I'm sorry."

Haruka nodded wordlessly, her gaze falling to the ground.

"I told you that I would fix this…and I'm not sure…if that's possible anymore," he said softly, his hand pulling at his goatee in agitation. "I've been waiting all day for a reply, but…I've given up hope that I would get one. I've wanted to atone for my sins for some time…and I felt…this opportunity would be the perfect one to do so. But…if God doesn't see it that way, then I guess there's no stopping this snowball from rolling."

The blonde felt the lump in her throat come back as she gripped her temples in distress.

"I don't know how I'll ever make it up to you and Michiru-chan, but I promise I will. I've seen how you two are…and I'm glad my daughter finally met someone who could take care of her and love her as I always wished would happen. Someone who's strong and confident and has a good head on her shoulders—It's all a father could ask for…and although Jiro-kun could provide these things for her as well…she doesn't love him like she loves you…and I've finally come to see this and accept it as well.

"You are and forever will be spiritually part of this family. Please continue to be the same wonderful person you've shown me and my wife and I promise to make it up for you in the nearby future."

She looked up at him and smiled, a genuinely relieved one. Getting up, he motioned for a small hug and she got up as well, resting her forehead on his shoulder as he gave her small pats in the back.

"I know it's hard," he stated gruffly, tousling her hair with his hand as he did so. "But Michiru-chan and you aren't alone."

She nodded, feeling the lump loosen if only for a little bit.

"Shina and I haven't been there for you, but we will be now. This I can more than assure you."

She smiled and nodded once more, sighing a bit at how all of them has gotten to this point where all the progress they've built seemed useless and important all at the same time.

The tomboy retracted from their little half hug and smiled at the elder male Kaioh who held her by square of her shoulders and nodded at her in confidence. Then, as the moment came to an end, Jiro came running from the walkway where more guests were coming in, a lot of them giving him curious looks as he sped to their direction.

"Oji-san!" he yelled, thoroughly grabbing both Shinji and Haruka's attention.

They both gave him a questioning look as he grabbed his side roughly and breathed deeply in labor.

"He's here," he stated in between breaths.

Olden sapphires widened in disbelief. "Is…is it…does he have it?"

"I think so," the onyx eyed man stated, shutting his eyes briefly to better hold himself. "He had papers so…but I don't know if—

Shinji didn't give him time to finish. He ran to the back with Haruka trailing after him, curious enough to follow and see what the hell they've been talking about all day. They ran until the end of the walkway of the bride's path, a mousey looking man running down with the maitre d' and ushers yelling behind him.

"It's alright, let him through!" the elder male Kaioh yelled, stopping all activity and for the same small man to look at him in mild fright. The blonde ran beside him until he came to a mild jog and finally a fast walk, his large figure towering the small man effectively and his face giving one of sheer discontent. "Where the hell have you been?!"

"I'm so sorry sir, but I forgot my phone and—

"Where are the papers?" Shinji inquired, not letting him finish. "Tell me it's been signed or I'll—

"Judge Kobayama signed it and said as long as no one knows about the sixty day penalty that it would be fine. It can be overlooked since it's been fifty five days since the divorce papers were filed and because Kaioh-san was your wife to begin with that it would be alright. There's a new law they're trying to pass to annul that law to begin with anyway so—

"So it's okay?" the older man asked in desperation, grabbing the smaller man's shoulders forcibly.

He nodded. "It's okay."

Sapphires widened as he looked at the blonde in restrained elation. All around them the lamp lights turned on casting the darkening grounds into a heavenly glow and for the orchestra to begin a hundred or so meters away. He grabbed the paper from the mousey man's hands and ran again, the tomboy in confusion, joining him once more.

He grabbed her hand to pull her attention as they ran side by side.

"Tell Shina I have the paperwork! Stop Michiru-chan from going out! I'm going to stop the wedding!"

Emeralds widened at his sudden instructions. "Bu…but your father—

"It doesn't matter what he says!" Shinji yelled. "Just go with it!"

The two of them stopped in the middle of the two tents, Haruka giving him another unsure look.

"Are you sure—

"Yes! Go!" And before she could reply, he ran into the middle aisle, casting everyone's attention to him as he yelled forcibly, "Stop! Stop everything!"

A murmur of confusion rose among the guests as the orchestra stopped and the priest smiled at him knowingly from the front. Haruka stood there for a second, staying long enough to hear Jiro's father asking what was going on before pushing her way into the tent to her left, grabbing the attention of Michiru, Hanako, Keiko, Shina, and the beautician who were inside.

Sapphires looked at her worriedly as her glance traveled to widened grays.

"Shinji Oji-san said to stop the wedding."

A silence fell over the small tent as each of them looked at her for further words.

"Umm…the paperwork…came through and—

"Was it valid?"

She turned to Shina who asked and nodded.

"It's valid."

Gray eyes widened some more before a relieved smile fell on her aging features, and then slowly, but surely an overwhelming look encompassed her entire being.

"Okaa-san?" Michiru called after a while, causing her to look up with clear, goal seeking eyes.

"Keiko-chan, go grab my wedding dress and extra bridesmaid dress from the tea house," she instructed quickly. "You should know where it is."

The black haired woman nodded and left without another word, causing her daughter and Haruka to remain rooted in their spot in shock.

"You," she said pointing at the beautician currently standing still beside the violinist. "Help my daughter out of her wedding dress and help her into her bridesmaid dress and get someone else in here to help me into my wedding gown. Get the hairstylist and make up artist here for anymore revisions and we should be good to go. Haruka-chan, you will be Shinji's best man along with Jiro-kun. I know it's going too quickly, but just go with it."

The tomboy gave her a confused look before asking, "So…Michiru won't get married?"

Shina gave her an exasperated smile before pinching her cheek. "No dear, now help Shinji out there by getting him ready. Go!"

She was very confused…and didn't really know what she was doing, but after giving one more look to an as confused violinist, she made her way out of the tent again just in time to see Keiko go back in with another wedding dress in hand, a bridesmaid dress in another, and two other beauticians trailing after her.

She looked up to the middle of the aisle just in time to see Shinji state loudly, "There will be a wedding! There will be a reception afterwards as well. I hope all of you can stay until then. Give us a half an hour more to get ready and we'll get started without anymore delays." Walking to Jiro's father, he looked at him squarely in the eyes and said quietly, "It'll be alright. I promise you."

He could only nod before Shinji turned away again and jogged to the other end of the field where Haruka and Jiro stood waiting for him. He grinned at them like a little child.

"Do I look alright? I think Shina and Michiru-chan will need more of a revision than me, seeing as they'll have to change their gowns completely."

The onyx eyed man smiled widely and gave a pat to a still shocked tomboy.

"You alright?"

"What the hell is going on?" she asked causing both men to laugh at her confused state.

"We couldn't tell you until the end," Shinji stated, rubbing his eyes tiredly as he did so, but looking happier than the blonde had ever seen him. "We wouldn't want to give false hope…"

"False hope with what?"

"Shina and I were already thinking about remarrying," he explained. "Our counseling had come to a point where we've spoken about all the things we've needed to and now…we just want to start over. And we could've waited until the sixty days expired when she could remarry again because women can't remarry after sixty days of a divorce settlement, but today was the fifty fifth day…and we weren't sure if Kobayama would be able to grant us our wedding license so we didn't want to tell you or Michiru-chan in case it couldn't be done and leave you with false hope."

"But…you're able to?"

"Yes! That's what that idiot up there was trying to do the entire day," he grunted, looking down at the pieces of paper in his hand overwhelmingly. He looked back up to still confuse emeralds and gave a small smile. "With this remarriage, part of the majority shareholder's stock would go back to Shina…so it won't matter if Otou-sama's against it…he'll have to relinquish the percentage he took because of the divorce and give it back to her."

"As if it never happened," Haruka finished, finally able to understand the importance of the entire matter.

The elder male Kaioh's smile widened and he nodded. "Exactly." And then his smile slid somewhat. "But he'll still be able to say he objects during the wedding…It's just a matter of being able to push his pride aside or staying true to his words…"

So in the end, it was still up to the eldest male Kaioh to make the decision…and as far as anyone knew, he would not be able to just sit there and let the wedding go by without the proper objections.

A half an hour later and everyone looked ready, Haruka grinning at the look of elation passing by the violinist's face when she came in and checked on them. Shina sported what looked to be a pretty old and basic wedding dress—the same one, she would be told later on, that she had worn for her first wedding while her daughter wore the same one that Hanako had. They had apparently bought another one fitted for her size without her knowing.

Then, as the orchestra began round two of the Bridal Chorus, and the guests stood up in their feet to see the blushing bride and groom, Shinji walked in first with a boyishly handsome smile upon his face that caused confusion to ring out of the crowd. Then, after walking half way through the aisle Haruka and Michiru followed, hand in hand, causing even more confusion on everyone's part. To add to that, Jiro followed shortly thereafter with his younger sister hanging on his arm, and after a confident and reassuring smile to the direction of his family later, the orchestra boomed louder to the arrival of the bride.

When Shina made her presence known, the sun had already dipped low over the horizon and the twinkling of some stars apparent. The glow of the lamp and Christmas lights gave the entire garden an ethereal glow much like the night before, but with circumstances so unlike the one practiced.

The priest seemed knowledgeable of the sudden switcheroo because his smile remained pasted on his olden features. Shinji stood beside him, waiting for her along with the bridesmaids and groomsmen that stood at their respectable places, the blonde and violinist eyeing one another with unsure, but bright smiles while the elder female Kaioh walked down the aisle serenely.

The general reaction of the crowd changed slowly from confusion, to surprise, and then overall joy. Most of the people in attendance came for a wedding and that's what they were going to get. The company execs, although a little shaken at first, saw the event as another solution to the shareholding problem, and sooner than they could count the percentages, they had joined in the fray of clapping as well.

Only Kei stayed rooted at his spot, his face showing the frown that had appeared there since his appearance to the ceremony. He didn't look surprised, nor pleased, nor angry. If anything, he wore a distant and nonchalant expression and watched the start of the ceremony as silently as the rest of the gathered crowd.

The dearly beloveds came and went. The homily…came and went and the bridesmaids and groomsmen did everything that was expected of them perfectly. Still unsure of the entire thing, Haruka and Michiru shared glances every now and then at one another from across the aisle and if anything, they were thankful of the little distraction that came this afternoon, even if it would all be stopped when that fateful question rose.

The violinist looked up at her parents and felt a long awaited peace finally settle in her. She's seen them together this past month as the husband and wife they had been prior to her older sister's death. She just didn't expect them to go back to being married spouses on paper…not this soon anyway. But she knew this was their way to atone…and it couldn't have come at a better time to do so. She could see the relief on her lover's face and that mattered to her much more than anything that would happen today.

Finally, the exchange of the wedding rings and wedding vows came and she could only smile at how genuinely happy her parents were. She was sure they didn't look like this during their first wedding, but this could make up for that one and any lost time they had dropped along the way. Jiro came up from beside Haruka and gave them each their old wedding bands, getting a nod of appreciation from each of them and huffing in pride as he slid back in place, emeralds rolling in exasperation after him.

Shinji smiled sheepishly as he thumbed his wedding ring with his fingers nimbly. Looking at warm grays softly, he stated loudly, "We've always been taught to do what's good for us instead of what's right, or what our heart feels is right. During our first wedding, I remember we couldn't even say our wedding vows correctly because it didn't come as naturally as it does now. Even after that…we would bestow the same malpractice on our daughter…But I, Kaioh Shinji, has grown to love you and I always have, before and most especially during the time we had grown apart and I am more than able to finally do what is right in my heart instead of what I feel is good for someone else. I wish to be more than your husband this time around. I will be your best friend, your lover, your confidant, and your husband, until my dying breath."

Some woots came from the back row of Jiro's side, causing the elder male Kaioh to look at that general direction in confused mirth while the onyx eyed man gave his friends sitting back there a warning look from the side. Haruka could only grin widely in amusement.

After getting back some semblance of serenity, Shina this time looked at the aqua haired man and gave an even, soft smile. "We've gone through a lot…this much is true. But through trial and error…a lot…of error…" Polite laughter issued from the crowd as she gave a slight pause of exasperation. "I, Kaioh Shina, formerly Fuji Shina, would love to give myself up to you again, in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, til death do us part…and I'm able to say this only now without wavering because I mean it wholeheartedly without any semblance of uncertainty."

Emeralds and sapphires met during this last bit of vows and they could only stare at one another as the priest asked for the placing of the rings.

Then, finally, the moment everyone had been dreading and waiting for all at the same time arrived.

"Do you, Shina, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do," the elder female Kaioh stated resolutely.

"And you, Shinji, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do," the tall man answered, his eyes never wavering or unlocking with grays.

"If anyone were to object, speak now or forever hold your peace."

There it was.

Silence reigned over the garden as everyone, save for the people at the "altar" swept their heads to the direction of the eldest male Kaioh. But he only sat there, both hands firmly grasping the cane before him and looking straight ahead, at a flower arrangement that wouldn't have taken his interest if he was given any other situation. It was the longest ten or so seconds of their lives, Haruka holding her breath in and wishing any god that would give her the time of day up there to grant her, her wish of keeping the old man silent.

And finally, when she thought her heart would break or collapse from the constant rapid beating it made against her ears and chest, the priest stated loudly, "By the power bestowed upon me by the Roman Catholic Church, I pronounce you husband and wife…again! You may kiss the bride!"

Praises, yells, woots, and clapping filled the general audience as Shinji and Shina with the rings placed firmly intact their ring fingers, met in the middle and shared a brief, but happy kiss, mirrored only in joy by the lovers beside them who were both grinning at one another happily in suppressed joy, because if no one was there, they would've jumped each other already.

The orchestra played once more as they began making their way out, the departure of Kei imminent to everyone on stage. Giving his wife's hand a little squeeze, Shinji moved out of their spot and walked briskly to his father, everyone's eyes trained watchfully at the father and son once more.

"You should stay," he said lowly, giving the elder male Kaioh a pleading look.

Kei looked tired all of the sudden and instead of giving him the look of contempt he was bracing himself for, the old man merely glanced at him in defeat.

"There's no reason for me to."

"There's always a reason to stay!" Shinji growled. "I—

"You've won, son—

"This isn't about winning Otou-san! It never was!" The younger man yelled loudly and scratched his head in annoyance as he looked his father in disbelief. "I wasn't doing this to prove a point or to win. I was just doing what's right for my family. I haven't done so in a long time and it's high time I start acting like the father I deemed I was. It's not about…Just…stay! It's real this time! There's no reason to act happy, we can be happy…and I know it feels as if I did this just to screw you over…but you and I both know it was the right thing to do. It was the fatherly thing to do…and if you were in my shoes…you would've done the exact same thing."

Silence surrounded them at the end of Shinji's words and not a minute later, Kei began moving away again.

"I will see you tomorrow with the proper gifts yielding the proper occasion," the old man stated as he walked away, followed closely by his maids. "Have a good rest of the night."

Shinji stood rooted in spot as he left, head bowed and morose faced. Not a second later and his wife stood next to him, intertwining their hands and gathering his attention. They gave each other a silent, knowing look, only understandable through one another, and the elder male Kaioh brought his head up and smiled tiredly at the crowd.

"Join us for the reception. There will be dinner, and dancing, and…it should be fun…"


"I feel like I got hit with a train somehow," Haruka stated, rubbing her forehead as she did so.

Michiru giggled right beside her as they walked hand in hand through the backside of the garden where the small lake filled with lit lily pads guided them through the otherwise dim pathway.

"Is your grandfather going to be okay though?"

The violinist gave a thoughtful look. "I'm not sure. I hope so…I feel like Otou-san really wants to make amends with him…It's a two way street regarding communication though so if Ojii-san wants to keep him away, it's all his doing."

The tomboy sighed, leading them to the arched bridge over the small lake.

"Are you happy?" the smaller woman asked, causing her to sigh again.

"I am," she stated, looking at her with a frown. "Just a little overwhelmed I suppose… I mean…you were getting married…and then you weren't. And then you were…and then you weren't again…I mean…"

The aqua haired woman suppressed the laughter coming out of her as she reached her arms outwards and pulled the blonde's body to her.

"And now you're all single and ripe for the taking and all miiine," the young CEO growled and grabbed her by the waist firmly and quickly, eliciting a happy sound from the small woman.

"Oh…oh God…I guess this was a bad place to brood after all," a voice from their right exclaimed, grabbing both of their attention before a searingly hot kiss could start from either end.

"Jiro-kun? Get out of here!"

"Haruka, be nice…"

"What are you two definitely happy lovebirds up to?" he asked, walking up to them and into the bridge area, standing closely as he leaned over the railing to assess the dimly lit view.

"We were going to make out before you arrived…" the tomboy grunted making him grin at her dagger stare.

"Jiro-kun, you back here?!"


The red haired man's grin widened as Hikaru's voice filtered twenty or so yards away. "Yeah, I'm over at the bridge with the couple who wanted to be left alone to make out!" he answered back, causing Haruka to punch him roughly in the arm. "Oww!!" he growled shortly at her, rubbing the soon to be bruised area automatically.

"Koi, it's okay," the violinist added, leaning into her as the strawberry blonde haired woman came into view. "Hey Hikaru."

"I think everyone's wondering where you guys are," she stated, looking over the lake to another figure that would soon come over. "The wedding planner was making her way here the last time I looked over my shoulder…"

The young CEO grunted in annoyance as another voice filtered through the dim garden.

"Sugiura-san?! You out here?!" Keiko's voice yelled from a distant.

"Shh," Jiro sounded, lowering himself down from the rail and looking through the holes the pillars provided in a ghetto sneaky fashion.

"Yeah he's back here!" Haruka yelled, causing him to slap the nearest thing that was her in his height which happened to be her leg. "Oww!! What the hell, man!"

"You asshole!"

"You did the exact same thing to me only a minute ago!"


"Stop it you two…"

Hikaru laughed at the almost automatic chastise from the aqua haired woman as Keiko arrived with what looked like a vintage wine bottle and throw away cups in each hand.

"Ahh good, no need to draw the club," she stated, placing the wine bottle and cups on the railing as she did so. "Celebratory cheers for a job well done?"

"Here, here!" Hikaru agreed while the rest of the party only made affirmative sounds.

"To the past which is gone, the future which is coming, and today where we can just eat, drink, and be merry," Jiro chanted, raising a full cup in the air as soon as he was given one.

Four more throw away cups joined the lone one in mid air before cheers of, "Kanpai!" echoed through the group. Two hundred or so meters away, the same cheer was echoed within the larger gathering, the group of parents questioning the whereabouts of their kids as soon as the champagne glasses filled the air.

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