Hard Times (GOT7 Jinyoung)

By SaraQen

72.8K 2.2K 767

Lee Hyeri is a High School student who is always quiet and lonely. Mostly nobody knows her name or that she i... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 5

5.6K 187 91
By SaraQen

Hyeri's POV~

I woke up from my deep sleep since it was already morning, I checked the time as I usually do and it was 6:30 am. I sat upright still under the covers and yawned,
I think I'm still sleepy but I mustn't sleep I have a lot of things to catch up from the days I was absent from my school,
I thought as I was collecting all my energy to get up from bed.

After getting up at last, I glanced at the bed then remembered yesterday's events.

Seems like he left earlier or was it all a dream?

I asked myself going to the bathroom to take a refreshing shower.

After showering, I decided to call JB to ask him if he can give me his notebooks to catch up of what we took, but suddenly I remembered that I don't have a mobile phone.

I went down stairs to the living room since I have no appetite to eat breakfast, I sat on the couch and opened the TV to watch anything since I have nothing to do. It's been a long time since I felt I this emptiness and boredom.

It was already 11 in the morning and I am still watching TV.

"Are you planning to stay like that forever?" some one said which made me flinch since I'm alone here. I turned to find Junior with JB standing beside the couch waiting for my answer.


They flinched taken aback from my sudden outburst,
"Hey, calm down, we did nothing." JB said innocently as if he really did nothing.

"Did nothing? You guys literally broke into my house."

"We didn't, you're careless enough to write your passcode in front of me." Junior said smirking as if he won the war.

I sighed, "Okay, whatever, what do you guys want anyway?" I asked starting to get impatient.

"We thought you were bored so we decided to take you somewhere." JB said smiling sheepishly.

"And where is that place?" I asked raising an eyebrow waiting for their answer.

"It's our dorm." JB said grinning.

"We want you to meet some friends." Junior said.

"So, you're saying that you want me to come to your dorm to meet your friends, right?" I asked impatiently.

They both nodded their head and I just sighed. I think it's a good idea, at least I can discover if what happened yesterday was a dream or not.

"Okay. No problem." I said smiling a little.

"Okay, I'll fetch you on 6pm tomorrow, is it okay?" JB said and I just nodded my head in approval.

"Great, see you then." JB said going out of the house and to his car then drove off. I was going to continue watching TV when I realised Junior is still there.

"You're not leaving?" I asked coldly giving him my blank face trying to be my old self with him again but it didn't work.

"Go change, we're going somewhere."

"Can I ask where?"

"You'll know later, don't worry I won't kidnap you." he said chuckling. I just scoffed and went upstairs to change.


I came down ready to go, I was wearing a black hoodie with writings on it with white and white shorts since its not that cold.
Junior was sitting on the couch comfortably looking at his mobile phone with interest, I faked a cough which made him glance at me then stand up.

"I see you're ready, let's go then." he said taking my hand and dragging me out of the house to his car, he opened the door for me to enter then went to the driving seat.

"You didn't even tell me where are we going."

"I said you'll know." he said starting the engine and smiling at me before he started driving, I looked out of the window trying to hide my blushing face.

On our way to who knows where I realised how much of a good looking guy he is when suddenly he glanced at me, our eyes met but he broke it since he is driving, I just blushed and looked out of the window again and watched Junior smiling on the reflection of the glass.


"Hyeri, wake up, we're here." I felt Junior shaking me to wake me up, seems like I fell asleep during the ride, it was really boring anyways -_-||.

"I was sleeping deeply, can't you see I was enjoying it?" I said yawning widely.

"Yeah and you were doing weird noises too." he said laughing which made me blush.

"W-whatever, let's go." I said exiting the car.

He laughed and did too. We were in a garage which seemed like a mall's. We went inside the building and it was a mall as I expected.

"What are we doing here?" I asked confused.

"I want to buy something, come on." he said taking my hand and started walking which made me blush, our hands touching made me feel the same thing I have felt when he held my hand before, a weird feeling of happiness and nervousness at the same time.

Hyeri you're falling really hard for that guy, aren't you?

After a while we finally entered a mobile shop,
Why does he want to buy a cellphone? Doesn't he has one already?

"Um...May I ask why are we here?"

"Obviously to buy a cellphone for you." he said grinning widely.

"Why do you think I need that?" I asked even though I know I need it since this morning I couldn't catch up of what happened at school the days I was absent.

"You know you need that, and also I can't reach you without a cellphone. If you want me to be at your house everyday then let's not buy one." he said turning around about to exit the shop when I held his arm to stop him.

"NO, let's buy one, why not?" I said faking a laugh and saw him smirking at me and I realised I was still holding his arm, I let him go and looked away awkwardly.

We finally bought one, it was a Samsung Galaxy Note 4 and I really liked it and it's color was pink which was my favorite, I may not be girly but I still love pink.

We returned to the car and started our way back home, it was 3:00 pm and I'm kind of hungry since I didn't eat anything since yesterday.

We reached home and I entered going to the kitchen to search for something to eat, Junior entered after me and closed the door behind him.

"Are you hungry?" he asked whispering in my ear making me flinch.

"Y-yah! You shouldn't do that, it's scary." I mumbled the last part but he heard it and smirked at me.
"Why are you smirking like that?" I asked and he started coming closer, every step he takes forward, I step one backward till I hit the counter with my back.

"Y-Yah! Junior, w-what are you doing?" I asked stuttering. He didn't answer, he put his hands on the two sides of the counter and trapped me between them and started leaning his face closer to mine which made me a tomato by the moment.

"Are you scared?" he asked in a low tone looking in my eyes and I didn't answer, I didn't even move a muscle.

He started leaning closer, his mouth near my ears, I can feel his breath on the back if my neck.
"Yesterday, it wasn't a dream." he whispered his mouth touching my ears which made me blush furiously.

He pulled away and smirked, "I'll order pizza if you're hungry." he said then disappeared into the living room.

I was left there wander struck, my heart was beating uncontrollably and I felt weird, I took a deep breath then drank a cup of water.

Hold it Hyeri, it's going to be okay, don't let your feelings control you.


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