Torchwood: Next Generation

By badwolf_910

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TORCHWOOD:NEXT GENERATION Amy Pond, Rose Tyler, Clara Oswald, and Jack Harkness all have something in common... More

Torchwood: Next Generation
Chapter two: wedding crashers
Chapter three: crazy train
Chapter four: posessions
Chapter five: call of the time lords
chapter six: give and take
Chapter seven: rise of the fallen

Chapter one: a night out at the bar

605 20 9
By badwolf_910

Doctor Who/Torchwood fanfiction #1

Role play scene one: night out at the bar


Rose: @rosebud666


Clara: @ScarletSpirit

Jack Harkness:@Allylenz

(Other characters were improvised by the main characters. This story originated from a role play enjoy :D )

Rose Tyler was sitting at a bar, drinking a simple martini, listening to the music play.

It had been some time since the doctor had parted with all his past companions: Jack, Rose, Amy, Rory, and Clara. He had gone traveling elsewhere.

She sighed and looked around the room. In the back, she noticed, a girl with vibrant red hair was talking to a laughing, sandy-haired young man, their hands intertwined. There was no doubt those two were a couple.

Rose smiled. She turned back to look ahead of her.

She heard someone call for an apple martini beside her, and she found herself looking at a young brunette, who was two seats away. She ignored this for the moment, and looked to her right instead, toward the wall opposite the front door, where she could see the bathroom doors. She blankly stared at the wall, sipping her drink.

The men's bathroom door swung open with speed, and out walked two men. One was a good looking young man, who looked in his late thirties. The other was a grinning Captain Jack Harkness. Their clothes were slightly ruffled, and giant smirks on their faces. They nod at each other, parting.

Rose put down her drink in a hurry, almost spitting out the rest of it from snickering.

Jack sees her and grins. "Rose!" He practically skips over to her.

She laughs and jumps up from her seat, pulling him into a hug. He patted her back, then pulled away to plant a friendly kiss on her forehead. "How are you doing, kid?"

She grinned. "I'm good, thanks. You, Jack?"

"Good! Let me buy you a drink, Rosie! We got some catching up to do!" He took a seat next to the brunette, not exactly noticing her.

She took the seat next to him. "So, you meet anyone lately, Jack?" She winked at him.

"Well, I met that one guy in the bathro-" he started to say, but was instead cut off. The girl with the red hair had gotten up to go to the bathroom herself, but had bumped into Jack instead.

"I'm sorry!" She yelped with a Scottish accent.

"Oh it's fine!" He smiled at her, barely acknowledging the incident.

Rose went back to the conversation. "So, you two hit it off, I see?"

"Oh, yeah," Jack nodded. "He had a real nice ass on him, too." He grinned at the memory.

Rose nearly choked, laughing. She noticed the brunette was containing her laughter as well.

The red-haired girl walked out of the bathroom. Jack decided to call after her. "Hey! Red!"

She turned to face him. "Mmhmm?"

He cocked his head at her. "Do I know you from somewhere?"

Before she could answer, the brunette got up out of her seat. Her hand pushed her drink off the table and all over Jack. She gasped.

"Oh god! I'm so sorry!"

"Oh, that's cold!" Jack smirked. "That's alright." He picked up napkins to wipe himself off.

"I am really sorry," she blushed. "I'm just a bit clumsy."

Jack turns back to the red-head. "So you're sure I don't know you?"

"No, I don't think so," she smiled as the sandy-haired boy came up behind her and put his arm around her.

Jack turned back to the brunette, who was still mumbling apologies.

"Really, it's okay," he said to her. "What's your name?"

She straightened. "Clara. Clara Oswald."

He held out his hand for a handshake and gave her a sparkling smile.

"I'm Jack. Captain Jack Harkness.

"Oh, stop it!" Rose did her best to imitate the doctor. The red-head snickered.

"You sounded just like.... Never mind."

Clara interrupted. "Jack, who's your friend?" She nodded toward Rose.

Rose hopped off the bar stool and held our her hand.

"Rose Tyler," she smiled.

"Yep, this is Rose," Jack smiled. "We did a lot of traveling with our old buddy."

The red-head girl turns around. "I'm Amy Pond, by the way. And what kind of traveling?

"Tiiiiiiiime trraaaaavel," Jack said ominously.

"Jack!" Rose scolded him.

"Who was your buddy?" Clara piped up.

"He didn't really have a name," he shrugged.

"Time travel, no proper name....?" Amy questioned. "The doctor."

"Why, you know him?" Rose jumped up.

"Are you one of those fanatics who obsess over him?" Jack curled his lip with distaste.

"No," Amy rolled her eyes. "I traveled with him."

"I did too," Clara called. "But I didn't get much time with him. One day he just... Never came for me. He said he would come back in five minutes. It's been months." She sighed.

Jack was distracted. His eyes drifted over to the guy he was with earlier. Jack smirked at him. The guy put up a number 2 with his fingers as he mouthed the words "round two?"

Jack smirked and put his drink down.

"Ladies, I'll be right back...."

He walked over to the guy and dragged him by his tie to the bathroom.

"What is he doing?" Clara asked, skeptical.

"He'll tell you after," Rose tried to contain her laughter.They hear a moan from the bathroom door. People sitting at tables near the bathroom gave the door a confused look.

The girls sputter laughter, and the door opens again. Jack walked out in an even messier condition, huge grins on both their faces. He winked at the other guy. "We should do that again sometime."

"Definitely," the guy winked and handed Jack his card, sauntering back to his table, receiving funny looks.

Amy burst out laughing, but covered her mouth as Jack walked back over.

Rose could barely speak between laughter. "H-Have fun there, Casanova?"

Jack strutted back into his seat. "What did I miss?"

"N-N-Not much..." Amy snickered.

Clara seemed shocked. "Was he... You were... Oh god..."

Jack smirked. "I'm not sure what your question is, but whatever it is, the answer is yes," he winked at Clara.

Her eyes fall on a purple mark on Jack's neck. "Is that a hickey?!"

He grins and takes a sip from his drink. "Yup!" He popped the "p" on the word. "I have a few others, but you don't want to know where they are." He winked at Clara again, taking another sip.

"Jack, did you just meet that guy?" Clara questioned.

"Yeah, he's a nice guy from what I gathered. Can't remember his name though..."

Rose rolled her eyes. "Not even surprised."

"Isn't that a bit dangerous, though? Couldn't he have, like, STD's?" Clara questioned again.

"I don't think he would care," Rose shrugged.

"I still think it's a bit dangerous..." Clara trailed off.

"Oi!" Amy said.The lights had flickered slightly. "What was that?"

Ignoring Amy, Rose answered Clara. "Jack wouldn't care if it wa-"

Rose never finished. The lights had shut off completely, leaving the room pitch black.

Clara screamed, along with many other people. Instinctively, Rose held onto Jack's arm. "What's happening?"

Jack opened his mouth to answer, but was cut off by a particularly loud scream from behind the bar.

The lights flickered back on.

Rose straightened, trying to look around. Panicked people crowded together toward the back of the room. Wanting a better look at the scene, Rose climbed on top of a table. She looked left and right, her eyes finally landing on the area behind the bar.

She screamed.

"What? What is it?" Jack yelled. He climbed up to join her. He saw behind the bar and his face darkened.

Other people saw, too. Soon, the whole room was filled with cries and shrieks, all from the same thing.

Jack looked around frantically, wanting to silence the crowd.

He pulled out his gun from his pocket, pointed it at the ceiling, and pulled the trigger. "ALRIGHT."

The gunshot echoed the room, and everybody immediately froze.

Rose backed up. "Whoa"

Jack yelled again. "Everybody quiet, and NOBODY leaves!"

He pointed at the scene.

Behind the bar, the bar tender lay on the floor, dead.

His throat had been slit and his eye sockets were now empty.

"Someone in this room killed that man, and no one will leave until we find out who."

Jack ran behind the bar, putting on gloves. He wipes the inside of the empty eye socket with his finger. Orange slime spread onto the glove.

"This definitely isn't human..." He muttered.

Rose moved toward him cautiously. "So, what killed him is alien."

"Yeah." Jack said, not looking up.

"Is that... Um, does that mean that alien could still be here?" Rose asked nervously. Jack stood up, turning to face her.

"They would disguise themselves as a human, so, yes. The killer is in this room," he spoke gravely.

Rose nodded slowly, dazed.

The people began to get louder and louder with fear.

Jack made an exasperated huff and pulled out his gun. He shot the roof again. The girls ducked as bits of ceiling came down.

"Okay!" Jack said, seriously. "Now no one leave. No one goes to the bathroom, either. If you have to piss, sorry, you have to piss yourself."

Amy and Rose snicker, despite the tension.

Jack continued. "Everyone grab a chair and sit in a circle. That way, we can all keep an eye on each other."

Clara grabbed a chair and sat next to Jack, just as a few people separated from the crowd and tried to get out the door.Jack wasted no time. He shot the doorknob, then immediately aimed his gun at the crowd.

"Jack!" Rose yelled, seeing him point his gun at the people. "No!"

"Back inside! Everyone!" He instructed the crowd, ignoring Rose's protests.

Rose darted over to Jack and put a hand on his gun, trying to force him to lower it. "You will not shoot anyone if we don't know they are guilty!" She yelled at him, using direct eye contact.

"Fine," he lowered his gun.

A random guy separated himself from the crowd. "Who made YOU in charge?"

Jack took out his badge. "Captain Jack Harkness, Torchwood. Now sit your ass down." The man looked surprised, but sat down in the circle.

Once everyone had taken their seat, Jack spoke up. "Okay, now lets get down to business."

Amy leaned over Jack from behind.

"Now what?" She whispered.

He crossed his arms. "We wait."

Amy looked confused. "What for?"

The lights flickered out.

"That," he sighed.

More screams echoed the crowd.

"Oh god," Clara cringed and closed her eyes

The lights immediately came back on. Clara slowly opened her eyes.

The woman next to her was dead.

She screamed, triggering more fear in the crowd.

Amy backed away. "Okay... Now I'm scared."

Jack glared at the crowd, displaying his gun in his hand. They quieted.

He nodded. "Now, I've noticed a slight pattern. Both people were young and good looking, and they both worked here..."

"Jack." Rose didn't let him finish.

"You knew that would happen."

He looked at her. "I did.

"I needed to see if there was a pattern, and-"

"But you knew!" She stood up, looking down at him. "Can't you stop it?" She waved her hand at the dead woman, voice cracking.

"Rose, calm down." He stood up, looking her in the eye. "We don't have time for this, we need to find out who did it."

She sat down slowly, exasperated. "I know."

Amy stood up instead, wanting to do

something. "Okay, clues. gimme." She scanned the faces of the crowd, who remained silent. "Fine, fine." She sat down, frustrated.

Clara spoke up quickly and

frantically. "Jack... Rose... Amy..." Her eyes filled with tears. "What if... What if we die here?" Her voice cracked.

"We won't." He became serious.

"How.. How do... How do you know?" Clara's voice began to shake.

"I promise." Jack raised the volume of his voice. "No one else will."

"We're not in the pattern." Amy said slowly. "We don't work here."

"I don't... I don't want to die." Clara covered her face with her hands and remained silent.

Amy bent down next to Jack. "Jack," she hissed. "That... That guy that you... Um... 'Had fun with', are you sure he's human?"

Jack didn't answer her. The guy he was with earlier had begun to walk over to them. He smiled cutely. "You aren't to let me die, now, are you?"

Jack smiled at him.

"May I?" The guy pulled up a chair next to Jack.

Clara looked defensive. "No, I'm sitting here," she said strongly.

Amy hissed into Jack's ear. "Answer me."

"What, Amy?"

"Are. You. Sure. He. Is. Human?" She whispered so the other guy couldn't hear.

Jack smiled at him again. "Cover me," he said to Amy under his breath.

"Why don't you sit on my lap, huh?" He called to the guy.

"Jack... Wait. The slime... It's... On his arm..." Clara stammered.

Jack didn't hear her.

The guy came to sit on Jack's lap. He smiled, but it didn't last long.

Jack pulled out his gun and pointed it at the guy's back.

Rose stood up quickly, stumbling back and causing the chair to screech. "Jack!"

The guy only smirks. "Oh, Jack..."

Jack scowled at him. "You can leave. You can go and I won't shoot your freaking back out,

if you tell me why you are killing these people."

"Oh, but why would I do that?"

The guy turned around to face jack.

Long fangs protruded from his mouth, orange slime leaking from them.

Everyone watches in silence, too scared to make a sound.

Jack takes his gun and presses it to the alien's forehead. "Tell. Me." He snarls through gritted teeth.

The alien brings his face to Jack's ear.

"Because..." He smiled. "I feel like it."

He uses his fangs to trace along Jack's throat slowly, scratching it.

"NO!" Rose runs at the alien.

She grabs jack's gun swiftly, and lunges at the creature. She lands on top of him, shoving him to the ground, and points the gun at his head.

Clara and Amy scream. "Rose!"

Jack gets up, looking at the alien with a hurt and angry look. "Shoot him."

Rose looks at the gun in her hand, shocked. Her finger trembles on the trigger.


Clara buries her face in Jack's chest, not wanting to see.

Rose looked at Jack sadly, eyes wide, then at the gun. "I-I can't." A tear rolled down her face.

Jack grunted in frustration.

He pushed Rose out of the way, knocking her to the floor. He grabbed the gun from her hands, pulling the trigger immediately.

The alien stopped moving, its mouth still leaking orange slime.

Clara screamed from the gunshot, surprised.

Rose sat on the floor after her fall, crying, not knowing what to do anymore.

"You can all go home now!" Jack's face crumpled as he took a swig from the whiskey bottle.

Amy packed up and leaves without a word to anyone, wanting to get home. Her and Rory left, talking gravely about the situation. Other people rushed out the door, Clara and Rose still motionless. Rose was leaning on her elbows, crying silently.

"Sorry, Rose, it had to be done. I didn't mean to push you so hard." He muttered and ran a shaky hand through his dark hair.

"I.... I almost killed him." Rose glared up at him through watery eyes. "How do you do it? How do you do that so easily?!"

"It wasn't easy, it never is. But it's my job to keep people safe and I will do whatever I have to in order to do that!" He yelled at her.

"I should go." Clara spoke up. "Although I haven't really anywhere to go."

"I'm not exactly sure where I'll be going either." Rose tried to stand up shakily.

"Well," Clara helped her up. "We could always figure that out together."

Rose smiled at her. "Yeah, we could."

Jack ignored them, looking at the dead body of the alien he killed, and frowned.

"Well," he snapped back into reality. "If you ever need me, here's my card." He handed them cards.

Rose took it slowly. "Thanks." She muttered. "Although, I don't think I'll be able to handle something like that again."

Clara took the card and looked at it, frowning. Jack pulled out a phone, dialed a number, and put it to his ear.

"Hey, it's me," he said, shaken up. "Yeah, Owen, we have an alien body, meet me here to pick it up for examination." He spoke into his phone.

Clara went to sit on a chair, head between her knees. Rose followed her, wanting to comfort her.

Jack closed the phone and looked around the empty bar. "Well, that was fun, wasn't it?" He laughed, breaking the silence.

Rose didn't look at him, nor answer him. He took another swig of whiskey, wincing as the alcohol burned his throat.

Clara looked appalled. "FUN? I'd hardly call that fun! I saw two people killed, and you call that FUN?" Her eyes began to well up with tears.

Jack rolled his eyes. "This is my job every day, kid. You get used to it."

Rose glared at him. "It's... Sick."

The Torchwood team suddenly came through the doors, looking around the empty bar. They gave Clara and Rose worried looks, but proceeded to work.

Clara stood up, walking to Jack. "Here," she said. "I don't want your stupid card." She shoved it back at him, and walked out of the bar.

Jack sighed and walked out after her. "Clara, what did you expect, huh?" The cold was biting, and the two of them could see their breath.

"The same thing happens with the doctor."

"Not while I was with him!" She snapped.

"Not like that, it doesn't." Rose appeared in the doorway of the bar, looking at the two

of them. She walked closer.

"Oh, it was bound to happen," he looked at her through drunken eyes.

"I mean, Rose, I died, remember? You honestly thought I was dead. And I was!"

She stammered, searching for an answer. "But I-"

"And what about Doomsday!" Jack yelled, interrupting her.

Rose went rigid. "You... You didn't... How could you..." She brought her hand to her mouth in horror, her eyes filling with tears.

Clara scolded him. "Jack, you're drunk. Go inside before you hurt yourself."

"Or someone else!" Rose cried out, shoving him back.

"Not like it matters, right!?" Jack barely stumbled back. "Not like I can die anyway!" His eyes were red and teary.

Clara walked up to Jack angrily. She slapped him straight across the face. "That's enough!" She shouted at him.

He looked into her eyes. "Sorry." He spat, turning to go inside.

He stormed back into the bar, knocking over a chair in anger, causing his team to jump. He darted into the bathroom and locked himself inside.

Rose walked in after him, giving apologetic looks to Gwen, Tosh, Owen, and Ianto.

Jack banged on the bathroom wall with his fist. He trashed the bathroom in a blind rage, yelling and cursing, tears streaming down his face. He collapsed onto the ground, muttering. "Stupid alien," he murmured.

Rose hesitated to knock on the door, but sighed and did it anyway. "Jack..."

He covered his face with his hands, crying.

"Jack," Rose said louder. "I-I'm sorry." She leaned back against the door.

The Torchwood team stood awkwardly, too afraid to say anything.

"Don't mind him..." Rose said to the team, giving an unconvincing laugh.

"Who are you?" Owen questioned.

"A friend, no one important." Rose

sputtered. She shut her eyes tight.

"Jack," she calls again, sternly.

Owen raised an eyebrow, but shrugged and went back to work.

Clara walked back inside.

"You okay?" She said to her.

"Yeah," Clara smiled, voice hoarse, eyes watery.

The bathroom door suddenly swung open, tossing Rose forward, who was leaning against it. She whirled around. Jack walked out with a serious look on his face, showing nothing of his previous broken state.

"Owen, what are we dealing with here?" Jack asked. The crew looked at him with jaws dropped.

"Jack... Are you alright, there?" Gwen asked cautiously.

"Yes, of course!" He faked a smile, then sighed, feeling the awkwardness.

Tosh cleared her throat. "It looks to be a convict from the planet Venus II. He's been wanted across the galaxy for years."

Clara walked up to Jack slowly.

He smiled at her. "What up, kid?"

She scoffed, then slapped him again.

"That's for being mean."

Jack sighed and turned back to her crew, ignoring Clara. "Okay, lets get the body back to HQ."

"Wait!" Clara snapped. "I wasn't done." She turned Jack back around to face her. Smiling, she planted a kiss on his lips. "That's for saving me. For saving all of us."

Jack looked at Clara with a shocked expression, but then smirks. "No problem, it's my job."

Clara blushed. "Sorry," she mutters.

Jack laughed and put his arm around her. "That's okay. I kinda liked it."

Clara blushed harder, smiling. He grinned at her, despite his heart ache. The Torchwood team finished, and began to pack up their work.

We're heading out, Jack. Are you coming or staying?" Ianto asked.

Jack sighed, looking at Rose and Clara. "You guys want to come to HQ? We could order pizza and Ianto could make us coffee."

"We've got no where else to go," Clara sighed.

"Okay," Rose nodded weakly.

"Alright then!" Jack dashed to the door, and held it open for the crew and the girls. He shut it after everyone left. They all walked on the sidewalk, the crisp weather nipping their skin, not sure what the future would hold.

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