Artificial Mind

By Inconvenient_Ideal

49.8K 1.6K 88

After hiding from a Decepticon attack, Minnie Ballentine gets swept up into the ongoing battle between them a... More



1.3K 61 0
By Inconvenient_Ideal

Minnie had disappeared shortly after her examination. Her sudden disappearance could have stemmed from the fact that the others had appeared. Sure, showing a small number what she really was was manageable. But showing everyone else? Clearly that was too much because she had quickly scampered off.

Optimus had found her sitting on the rocky surface which was a part of the bases rooftop. She was rolling her hands and wriggling her fingers. As quietly as possible, which naturally didn't come easily considering, he sat down beside her. "Shockwave explained a pretty blunt origin story." Minnie said, "It explains a lot though...I guess..."

"You are confused."

"Just a bit." Minnie fidgeted. "No matter what happened, I took solace in knowing who I was, what am I doing and so forth." She sighed. "But now, I don't really know who I am, or what I am doing." Minnie's shoulders sagged. So perhaps her confidence and acceptance weren't as present as Optimus first thought.

"That is a part of life, Minnie. You grow up not knowing who you really are, or what it is you are here to do. But, you live doing what you think is the right thing."

"I don't think that amounts to much considering my life on Earth was a lie." She said cynically. She couldn't help it, she honestly couldn't, but it was the truth. She was a dormant spy, waiting to be activated and used in foul means.

"Lie or not, you lived as a human. In part you still are." Minnie didn't look bought on his words. Optimus sighed, trying to make someone feel better was hard. Especially when that person kept countering his words.

"So, I continue living like I've been living, and ignore the fact that I am actually a Cybertronian, let alone Decepticon weapon?"


"Well that doesn't sound so hard." Minnie laughed a little sarcastically. The two were silent then, Minnie stood and stretched. Giving a yawn she patted her pockets and waved her arms by her side. "Say, Optimus, you will always be here, right? Obviously I will have questions which I'll need answering, you'll help if you can, right?"

"Yes. I made a silent vow long ago to protect the weak and innocent and to protect Earth. I think I'd be failing in this vow if I didn't help you."

"Thank you!" Minnie beamed. "So like, Cybertron...nice place was it?" She grinned as the two started to walk back into the base.

Optimus shook his head, of course the questions would start immediately. That was the type of person she was. "Yes, it was."

"Bet it's like something from Star Wars."

"I am unfamiliar with this."

Minnie looked up at him slowly. "Never mind then!" She smiled as she walked through the large door which lead back down into the base.


Sleep had become even more of a task than normal. Dreams were still a highly unpleasant thing which Minnie, no matter how hard she tried, tried to let them be and not let them affect her. Being surrounded in darkness, Minnie struggled against what felt like water. It was pitch black, she had no clue if she was in water or just struggling against nothingness. A light appeared, so bright it almost blinded her. It hovered, and for a split second the feeling of the current pushing against her relented. But this light soon moved on, it flew above her head and the current pushed harshly back against her.

The feeling of drowning overcame her again, she stretched out trying to reach for the light. The light had stopped the current, it had given her peace, and now it was purposely, almost tauntingly moving away from her. The darkness seeped upwards ever more, never stopping as she reached and continued to stretch for the light. Just when the darkness had all but covered her, she was enveloped in the light. She had never felt so carefree and at peace in all her life. Nothing mattered, she felt no fear, no worry, just peace. Frowning at the sound of a whispering voice, Minnie looked around. There was nothing here. Looking up at the sight of bright red optics, she fought against the light. This had gone from peaceful, to suffocating.

Letting out a scream when she tumbled to the floor, Minnie fidgeted around in her half asleep state only to have a hand scoop her up. "What? What's going on?!" She asked utterly confused.

"Nightmare." Optimus explained. "You did a lot of talking and...kicking."

"I kicked you? Oh, I am so sorry." Minnie put her hands over her mouth. " all right?" It seemed like an odd question to ask. Minnie hadn't personally ever seen anything which could hurt Optimus, other than another Cybertonian but even then; she hadn't witnessed this first hand.

He looked troubled. "Can you explain your dream?"

"What did I say? Oh God, was it something really embarrassing?" Minnie faked embarrassment, Optimus didn't seem to believe her because he just looked at her blankly. Sighing she sat down in his hand. "Drowning dreams within the human race are quite popular you know? I don't know what they symbolise, and in truth I don't wholly care, just they're horrid."

"You dreamt you were drowning?" Optimus seemed sceptical still.

"There was a light, and it was so warm," Minnie said wistfully. "There was so many things I didn't understand while reaching for it, but once we connected, I felt so...peaceful, my current confusion of who I am didn't matter because I was at peace and happy...why does it sound like a near death experience?"

"It sounds like an out of body one." Optimus said thoughtfully.

"...Don't I have to be human for that?"

"You are part human," Optimus stated bluntly. He was getting a little tired of Minnie denying the humanity which still remained with her.

"No, I mean, fully human?" He gave a shrug. "Okay," Minnie crossed her legs. "Let's say it was an out of body experience, what was the light?"

Optimus sighed, looking at the ground he looked up at her slowly. "The Matrix."

"And what is that?" Minnie asked now more confused than she was originally.

It wasn't a simple question to answer. Optimus found himself standing in silence for several minutes. He was trying to think of a way to simplify something which could essentially be quite confusing for a human. Or, techno-organic in this case. Minnie sat patiently waiting for him to start talking. She could clearly see he was trying to sum things up for her, pestering wasn't going to get anywhere.

"Do you have an afterlife?" Optimus asked interestedly.

Minnie looked up, she seemed a bit confused this was the starting point of this conversation. "Well, yes, we have heaven." Optimus nodded, Minnie smiled. "It's where our souls go to once we die. Those who are good go to heaven, those who are bad don't." She explained the belief briefly, she could tell that his nod was not one of understanding.

"The Matrix, in the simplest term, is our afterlife." Optimus said, it seemed by asking Minnie about humans concept on afterlife, he had found the words he needed to start his explanation. "It is impossible to define, it could be seen as an extra-dimensional realm or force. Some believe that it is even an entity, and that entity is the living essence of Primus." Minnie held her hand up, she didn't want to just interrupt him so she thought this would be more polite. "Yes?"

"Optimus, I was understanding you, then you make it confusing by mentioning Primus." Minnie groaned and collapsed onto her back. Giving a start she shot back up. "Wait! Is Primus your God?"

Optimus gave a slow nod. "Yes."

"Now I'm understanding again." She wrapped her arms around her knees. "Please continue."

"It is an endless cycle of birth, death and resurrection-"

"You can resurrect?!" Minnie exclaimed, he looked down at her. "I'm sorry for interrupting you, but that is seriously very cool."

Optimus sighed and shook his head slowly. "The Matrix is both the source and destination of all Cybertronian sparks. When we are bought online, it is usually through the use of implements which have links and access to the Matrix. Through these implements a Spark departs from the Matrix and enters the new Cybertronian body, thus granting it life." Optimus paused in case Minnie had any questions, she just smiled and nodded at him to continue. "We live out our lives, and when we come to die our sparks will return to the Matrix. Every emotion, experiences and knowledge we have gathered through life go back too. Don't look like that, Minnie, all of this knowledge joins the Matrix and gathers with all the other knowledge of other sparks from throughout time. This collection of information is known as the Wisdom of the Ages." He paused, Minnie looked confused again, perhaps he may have explained a little too much on information that she didn't need to know.

"So," Minnie said slowly. "Within the Matrix, there's no individuality?"

"Very little individuality. Our life experiences become one with all the others within the Matrix, so we cease to exist as a singular entity."

"That's sort of sad."

"I do not know a positive side to death, I'm afraid."

"'ll cease to exist, know?"

"Not necessarily." Optimus said, Minnie looked even more confused. "Some Autobots, especially those who have carried the Matrix of Leadership remain self-aware within the Matrix. They could act, or serve as guides for any visitors to the realm."

"Who, or what, would be visiting the Matrix?"

"I don't know." Optimus said honestly. He'd never really thought about it.

Minnie gave a shrug, patting her knees she stood up. "Why was I visiting the Matrix?"

"I'm afraid I do not know." He answered. "Perhaps the answer will come to you."

"In another dream?"

"Quite possibly."

"Excuse me if I say I don't really want that." Minnie huffed. "I've never had dreams before, until coming here, and...the dreams I do seem to have aren't very nice." Minnie sighed and stuffed her hands in her cardigans pockets.

Optimus nodded, he could understand this. Lifting his hand up he looked at her. "It seems that you may have found your purpose, and the answer to who you are." Minnie looked up at him and gave a shrug. "You're a techno-organic messenger."

Minnie tried not to smile, but did. "That's a very awkward role."

"Do you except it though?"


Optimus nodded, leaning down he put her on the ground. "It seems that your dreams mean something. Or at least, there is a message which needs to be conveyed." He said while shifting forms.


(Edited: 6/August/2020)

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