By cxstles

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The world is ruled by Shifters, those who are able to transform themselves into different creatures. To be a... More

Author's Note
SHIFT: The Soundtrack
Works by cxstles


6.1K 265 30
By cxstles


I wake up tracing circles on Amethyst's bare backside, her deep sleep continuous with my touch. Her skin is soft and soothing underneath my fingers and I dread having to get up for the day.

Carefully I move out of bed and walk to the window, not surprised by the items of clothes strewn all over the floor.

I open the curtains and look outside, the sun barely making its way over the trees. It's early, but I still have my duties as an alpha. I'm used to being an early riser.

I'm about to open the French doors to the balcony when I hear a rustle in the sheets, followed by a quiet mumble.

I spin around and see Amethyst with her head against the pillow, her eyes lazily grazing over me.

"You're very naked this morning," She comments, a glint of humor in her stare.

I chuckle, a small smirk instantly rising to my lips. "Nothing you haven't seen before."

She smirks and raises an eyebrow with a gaze lowered past my torso, and I fight the urge to jump back into bed with her and forget all of my priorities.

But that's in a different life.

"I need to shower," I blurt out, getting out my head and walking into the bathroom. I quickly turn the nozzle and let the water run, stepping underneath the stream, shaking my head at how much of an idiot I am.

I left her there in the bed. I should've went back.

I press my hands against the cold tile of the shower, letting the water flow over my body. My thoughts are the only audible things at the moment.

When I feel a pair of hands wrap around my waist, I instantly recognize Amethyst's careful touch. A relieved sigh escapes me and I turn around to look at her, completely bare and beautiful in my sight. My mouth opens slightly as water trickles down her body between her breasts, my hands instantaneously moving to her skin.

I'm starting to think committing treason will be heaven with this angel.

No words are exchanged between us as my lips press against the base of her neck, biting and sucking in hunger and want. A small moan of pleasure escapes her, the sound of her voice enough to drive me mad. I can't help it as one of my hands trails underneath her thigh and lifts it, wrapping it around my body.

Our eyes are locked and water continues to spray all over us while we become slick and sweaty, our kisses heavy and messy all at once.

I could get used to this.


"What are we doing today?" Grayson asks as we walk into the study.

"Surveying new territory. I've been drawing lines and communicating with neighboring clans and we think it's time for a change," I reply, sitting down at my desk.

"Shouldn't be too difficult," Derek comments. "Will Gabe be back in time?"

I shake my head. "He should be back within a few days. We'll take a group of the guards with us."

Grayson's face shows his obvious anticipation for the question I know he wishes to ask. I can see it in his eyes.

He wants to know if Amethyst will be coming.

I fold my hands together on top of my desk, my face stern. "No."

"You didn't even know what I was going to say!" Grayson exclaims, laughing a bit.

I look at him with hard eyes, not at any point about to budge on my decision. "She's not coming. She is staying away from the hawks. If she is seen in leopard form with us wolves, all hell will break loose."

Grayson winks in my direction, clasping his hands together. "You got it, boss."

"Who's going to keep an eye on Amethyst then?" Derek inquires.

I sigh, standing up from my seat. "I guess we will have to trust her."

"She tried to escape once, you know," He presses on, folding his arms across his chest.

I step towards him with a warning glare. "That was a while ago, Derek. She has changed."

"How do you know she won't run off again and run into someone she shouldn't? You and I both know Liam knew she was clueless. He will be back for her and someone needs to be here to protect her," He explains.

"Someone as in you?" I sneer, tension bubbling in my bones. I hope Derek doesn't feel obligated to care for Amethyst; that's my job whether I'm present or not.

He doesn't know what Amethyst and I have gone through, not even the slightest clue. And to be completely honest with myself, I don't want him to.

He shakes his head. "No, I think Grayson is the better choice."

An amused smirk rises to my lips and we turn our heads to look at Grayson, his eyes wide and mouth open in surprise.

He lifts his hands in defeat, shrugging his shoulders. "Hey, Amethyst is cool. I'll make sure she doesn't do anything illegal."

I walk over to Grayson and lay a hand on his shoulder, squeezing gently. "Keep her safe. Please."

He nods, smiling in understanding. "Don't worry. You have my word."

"If anything happens, don't come for me. I don't want you to leave her side. Understand?"

If she's willing to make this work, whatever we are, she has to abide by the rules. There is no other way to ensure her safety.

"Yeah, I understand," He replies lowly, taking in all of my commands.

With that I let Grayson go and start to walk out of the study with Derek, ready to get some alpha business done and out of the way.


The woods are slightly warm with early afternoon air, the sun partly veiled by clouds. Leaves crunch under my paws, the ground damp and soft. Snow is coming soon. I can feel it.

Six wolves follow Derek and I between the trees, sniffing and searching out any suspicious activity. The next area for surveying the territory lines is not too far away.

We should start at the edge of the clearing up ahead, I tell everyone.

Growls of approval erupt from the group and we continue onward, stepping into the break between the trees.

How far away are we from the mansion? Derek asks.

Three miles, I respond. We can extend north for another four and then head west.

That's a lot more space than before. Definitely going to need it for winter, He comments.

I nod. Let's hope no one is already occupying it.

We continue our trek for another few minutes or so, the guards spreading out and looking around. Right when I'm about to turn and say something to the group, large gusts of wind blow through my fur, causing me to stagger backwards.

I look up and three hawks are perched on the branches of trees ahead, heads tilted with curious beady eyes. Liam isn't one of them.

Now what business does a pack of wolves have out here? One of the birds questions slyly, making me claws my paws into the ground frustratingly.

Observing new territory. Nothing to worry about, I respond easily, but still weary towards their behavior.

I had let many clans, including the Payne's, know that I would be out here today. Why are they interrogating me if they already knew where I would be and what I would be doing?

To what distance are you taking the territory? Another asks and by the tone in his voice, they're just passing time.

This is a distraction.

From what, I don't know.

I turn my attention to Derek and his gaze is already on me, his brown and black fur perked from the sudden intrusion. He can feel the suspicion from the hawks; all of my wolves can.

But if we were to instigate anything and begin a fight, the outcome would not be great for my side. Attacking a Central Three clan is asking for obliteration.

The only thing we can do is wait it out and listen and answer their bullshit.

Derek speaks for me this time. A couple of more miles ahead and then west. Is there a problem, guys?

The remaining hawk raises his voice, an immense amount of secrecy beneath his words. Yes, there is a problem. Only, we're not dealing with it. Liam is.

At the mention of Liam my ears perk up and my teeth begin to snarl, claws digging even deeper into the dirt. Stop beating around the bush. Tell me what is going on here.

The first hawk flutters his wings a bit, his eyes locked on me. You've been hiding something from your clan, mate. Something that could cost them their lives.

Suddenly I hear the rustle of paws shifting uneasily against the ground, the paws of my guards, and I hope they stand their ground and know better than to listen to these jokers.

It's too soon for the truth to come out. Amethyst and I have barely made amends. I wouldn't be able to handle it if-

Those fuckers.

Amethyst. They're distracting me from Amethyst.

Liam plans to find her. I wouldn't doubt it if he already has.

Ignore them. Let's move along, I say quietly to my clan. If we can get out of this clearing and into the thick tree line up ahead, we can head back to the mansion.

We can make the hawks believe we're continuing our surveying.

My wolves catch on and we walk underneath the branches where the hawks are seated, their words muted out. But I know my clan will want answers to the vague accusation made about me. Especially since it involved them.

I don't stop walking until I feel the breeze from the wings of the birds as they rise back into the sky. Quickly I turn around to face the group, all of them tense with anger and confusion.

We need to get back to the mansion, I say hurriedly.

Why? One of the guards asks.

Amethyst. Liam is after Amethyst, I respond.

But what does he want with her? Another guard chimes in.

I don't know, I reply with a quiet voice, the thought of Amethyst tortured by Liam taking over my mind. I have a lot of explaining to do, but right now is not the time. Getting back home is our firsthand priority.

The wolves growl in approval and soon we are jogging into a sprint back through the woods with me at the head of the pack. I can't help but go faster and faster, pushing against the wind with everything I've got.

If anything happened to her, the blame would fall onto me. She is my responsibility.

Keeping her safe is all I care about right now.

The mansion comes into view in minutes and I don't bother shifting back into human form before entering through the front door. Derek follows behind me and I tell the guards to gather around in the back in case Liam escapes that way.

The first thing I see when I walk inside is Grayson kneeled next to Amethyst on the floor, her body curled into a fetal position.

Tears are streaming down her face, silent tears, as Liam rounds her in a circle with a knife in hand. Fresh cuts mark her arms and face, blood streaming down to the tiled floor. Her leg is twisted in an unnatural way and she shakes violently, clutching her body as if trying to keep it from falling apart.

Liam is trying to force her to shift into her leopard form, trying to drag it out, slowly and painfully. Amethyst is resisting it, causing more stress on her bones and muscles.

She doesn't want him to know the truth.

It is sickening.

Grayson sees me and starts to get up but Liam points the blade towards his face, forcing him to stay down. He turns his attention to me and smiles, sinister and menacing.

"Come any closer and I'll slit her throat," Liam threatens, looking down at Amethyst with false care.

"She is beautiful, Harry. I'll give you that. But when she ran into me in the woods, I knew she was hiding something. Her scent gave her away. She reeks of wolf because of all the time she has spent hiding with you, but she can't hide the instinct in her."

"Harry, I'm so sorry.. I- I'm sorry.." Grayson trails off, his voice breaking.

I want to tell him that it's okay, that I know it wasn't his fault, but I can't.

"Shut the fuck up!" Liam exclaims, slapping Grayson across the cheek. "Don't even speak unless I tell you to."

"You're not my alpha," Grayson replies automatically, voice full of confidence. "I don't answer to you."

Liam hits him again, this time the blow hard enough to knock Grayson down to the floor.

"Enough," Liam utters, rolling his eyes. "Now, here is what is going to happen. The girl comes with me, and you and your clan lives. I think both of us know what will occur if you refuse."

I look at Amethyst and her eyes are pained and on me, telling me it's okay, as if she knew it was bound to happen at some point.

All I can do is trust her and nod. I watch as Liam picks up Amethyst into his arms and takes her out of the mansion, not a word spoken between us. I howl up towards the ceiling and trigger my human form to take hold, curling into myself and watching my black fur morph into human skin.

Derek does the same as I rush to Grayson's side, helping him sit up after his blow from Liam.

"Why did you let her go?" He asks me, confused. "You could have said something, done something..."

"Grayson, you and I both know she wasn't going to stay a secret from the Three for long," I tell him, my chest constricting painfully, already missing the girl who was my weakness and my strength all at once.

"But she'll be back right? Amethyst will come back?"

I give him a small smile and put a hand on his shoulder, squeezing gently as I did before. "Of course. We're going to get her back."

Whatever it takes, I'll get her back.

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