_Family_ where life begins &l...

By delle21

177 13 2

Family Family, a word that is defined as a group of people born of the same blood or not, that comes together... More

Meet The Characters You'll Come To Love
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5

Chapter 1

27 3 0
By delle21

Trazon (Tee)

The day starts out how it usually does, I'm always the first one up. I get myself ready and then I proceed to wake up my siblings. I start banging on their doors just because I know it pisses them off. Fortunately, without a doubt I know it'll get them up. When I got to Jay and Tay's door, I didn't even make it to the second knock. When suddenly, the door slams open and out rushes Jay to the bathroom. As soon as the door slams shut, here comes my little sister Ariel screaming and running out her room. "Jay come on! You take mad long in the shower, can't nobody be that dirty!" Ariel says. "No one complains when you take mad long to put on your face" says Tay as he walks past us. Ariel scrunches up her face "Who's talking to you?" she shouts in his direction. I can't help but to laugh. Whenever Jay or Tay does something, the other one always backs the other up, even when the other one is wrong. I let out a sigh and then ease up to the door. "Jay hurry up before I drag you out the bathroom" I say. Then I turn to leave, I gotta walk by all my siblings bedrooms to make sure all the little jerks get up. When I start to pass by the bedrooms, I notice Elijah and Terrence's door is open. When I make it up to the door, Terrance bumps right into me, rushing out of the room. I shake me head at him, and then I turn back to the door. I wonder what EJ is up too? I peek my head in slowly and that's when I see it. Elijah with his big head, stuffing socks in his pocket. If I know one thing, Elijah always and I mean always is up to something and it's always something stupid. " EJ why the hell are you packing socks in your dam pocket? EJ turns around, chuckles and then makes a straight face and says, " I need them" Bullshit. " You need socks for wha—" Before I can finish my sentence I hear Ariel screaming off the stop of her lunges. "Tee! Teeeeeeeeee!". I take off running to the direction of the bathroom. As soon as I get there I see Ariel trying to pull the door open furiously. "What's going on?" I say firm and hard to let them know how pissed off I am. "Tell Terrance to get out of the bathroom. I was here first!" she yells. I start pounding on the door "Terrance come out now" He cracks the door enough for his nose to peek out. "No, I cant be late to first period" he says and then all hell breaks lose. Ariel pushes the door open like a mad woman. As the door pushes open, Terrance catches it with his palm and proceeds to close the door on Ariel. She tries hard to stop it from doing so. Enough of this shit! I grab Ariel by the waist and pull her back from the door. I beg and plead her to stop and clam down, she doesn't of course. Just them Ameria my baby sister pulls on my pants leg. "Tee Say Say (Sayvon) is still sleeping." After five minutes of holding Ariel hostage, I finally let her go, while Terrance walks out of the bathroom laughing.

I start heading for Khelo and Sayvon's room. After our parents died Sayvon distanced himself from us. Well, more like cut us all off completely; that sounds about right. I get to the front of his door and pause. I know he's not even gonna answer when I knock, but I only do it so he knows I respect his privacy. I take a deep breath and began to knock. No response, I figured as much. Then out of nowhere, I catch out of the corner of my eye movement. EJ kicks Sayvon's door open and runs. I'm gonna kill him. " Why would you-" I say in his direction but I'm cut off by Sayvon " Get away from my door". He says in his morning but grumpy voice. "Listen I know you're tired, but that's no one's fault but yours, stop coming in late. Get dressed for school now." I don't want to be hard on him because then he'll really act out. " I don't want to" he says nonchalant and covers his face with his blanket. Here we go. "Boy get up and get dressed." I say sternly, while closing his door. Then I hear him mutter, " I hate this family". I shake my head outside the door slowly. I love you too brother.

I head to the kitchen. When I get there I see Khleo sitting at the table doing his homework. I'm so proud of him, he'll be going to college soon and have everything on track. That's one brother I don't have to worry about. I take a seat next to Ameria who's eating her breakfast, just like Terrance, Jayvon, and Tayvon are doing. Soon after everyone is in the kitchen eating now, except for Sayvon of course. When they're all just about done, I start getting everyone's attention. "Listen up, today I have to do over night" Elijah jumps up and yells "Yes!" Little bastard. I reach over and back slap him upside the head. When I turn my attention back to everyone else I see nothing but pouted faces. They already know what I'm about to say." Which means EJ and Ariel I need you home early to watch the twins and Ameria. Jay and Tay I need you guys to pick Ameria up from school" I say. "No, its Say Say (Sayvon) turn to watch them" Ariel says in her whiney voice. Sayvon strolls into the kitchen. "I ain't watching shit." He says as he walks out the front door and slams it close. "Watch your mouth!" I shout out behind him. "Don't worry Tee, I'll watch them." Terrance says to me. Ariel runs to him and tackles him with a bear hug. "Thank you bro!" Then my watch goes off. It's a signal for the kids to get going for school. As they all head out, I stop Khleo. I tell him if he see's Sayvon, give him some money for me.

" I'll do it, if he ever shows up." Elijah slaps him on the back, "If he doesn't give it to me, I'll take it. They both burst out into laughter and start wrestling out the door. Khleo, Sayvon, Terrance, Elijah and Ariel all go to high school together. While Jayvon and Tayvon go to middle school and Ameria goes to pre- school. Khelo is in the 12th grade, Sayvon 11th, Terrance 10th, Elijah and Ariel are in the 9th grade. They're only a few months apart. The twins are in the 8th grade and Ameria is in kindergarten. Well that's my crazy, wild, uncontrollable mornings and I can honestly say I love them. My siblings can be a hard to handle all at once but I can deal with them.

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