Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Khelo (Leo)

I start walking to the bus stop with my annoying little siblings. Before we reach the bus stop, myself and my siblings break off into our groups of friends. As I make it to the bus stop, I see Zack leaning against the bus pole talking to a boy I never seen before. Zack and me, have been best friends since I could remember, our moms were close. After she died, Ms.Walker embraced us even more. She became like a favorite aunt, not a mother cause she didn't come close to mine. "Wassup bro" He dabs me and then he introduces me to the boy. "This is Rashard, my cousin, he just transferred to Cranbruck." I did a chin lift and he did one back; I felt a presence at my side. " Your face looks familiar, I know you from somewhere?" Terrance says. From the way he's standing I hope this boy doesn't know him. "Yea, he looks just like me, he's my cousin. Zack says while chuckling. "Nah I'm pretty good with faces, so that's not it" he says. "Terrance" I say, but he still staring straight at Rashard. "Leo (Kehleo) he's a big boy let him answer. Now, do I know you?" Terrance steps closer to Rashard. The crazy part is the boy is staring straight back at Terrance eyes, like he looking at his soul. "Nah" he said plain and simple. "If you so good with faces, which one of those girls ( I point to a group a girls that's been staring Terrance down, since he got to the bus stop) Tee caught you with in his car last night?" I asked. He twisted his face up "That's beside the point here." "You can't remember which one or you had all of them on different days?" Zack ask, "Fuck both of ya, I-". A girl cuts him off, "Hey Terrance". He looks down at her confused, " Heeeeeey....girl" he says. This fool doesn't know her name. I start smirking at him. " Oh so you don't know my name?" she asked giving him a death glare. " Of course I do we hooked up yesterday baby" he says. While, putting his arm around her waist. "That wasn't her, that was me stupid! Another girl, steps from the crowd of girls screeching. Shit. Well, that proves he doesn't know Rashard at all.

I see the buses starting to pull up. I start walking towards it, I don't even look back at Terrance, he's on his own with those vouchers (birds). Jay and Tay gets on the same bus with Ameria, while the rest of my siblings and me with our friends start getting on our bus.

We get to the building and we see our coach standing outside. Zack is on the team with me. There are times I know it gets to him that coach is harder on him then me, but he's trying to push Zack to be at his best. As captain of the team, I know for a fact Zack can do better in practice he's just holding back. "Thompson and Black, locker room and then straight to suicides. You guys got ten minutes." He says, "Got it coach". Rashard starts walking off from us down the hallway. "Z (Zack) you ain't gonna tell your cousin the main office is in the opposite direction?" I say, as we make it to the locker room. "He'll figure it out", he says as he starts undressing.

After practice we head back to the locker room, Zack is pretty heated at coach. "Its not fair, he treats me like shit! Asking me why I'm even on the team." He picks up the garbage can and throws it at the wall. "Z relax, I get it; the way coach talks, it gets to you. I know, but look at the brighter picture he-"What brighter picture?" he cuts me off "You don't know nothing Khleo, you're the golden boy, coach's favorite lap- dog. "What" I stand up and get in his face. "While the rest of us is busting our asses off, but we'll still be untouchable to you. You don't know shit!" He slams his shoulder into mine and walks out the locker room. I'm stuck cause it catches me off guard. Zack knows I don't do anything or say anything to make people think I'm better then them. He knows me better than anybody, but I got the feeling I don't him.

Since our fight, I haven't seen Zack yet. I usually don't until lunch anyway. Maybe he's cooled off since then. As soon as I step in the cafeteria, the breath in my lungs stops. I see the back of a boy's head, who's shoving people out of his way; while he skips the lunch line. Sayvon's actually came to school. Well, he probably just got here and most likely will leave right after this. Whatever, it's progress. I walk up to him, "Say Say, Tee said to give you this when I saw you." I leaned over the table and held out twenty dollars to him. He snatches the money from me, "Do I know you dic-". He stops talking and stares behind me. I turn to where he's staring. There's a girl that just dropped all of her books on the floor. I can tell she's shy by her rushing movements to pick up all her stuff and move from all the attention she's getting. When she stands I see her face, she beautiful; not just her face either but her body as well. I'm man, what can I say. I can't help it. I look back at Sayvon and he's stills staring, I can see the imaginary drool hanging from his bottom lips that's about to form." Sit boy, before you roll over and start doing tricks for her." He snaps out of it, shakes his head and then flips me the bird. He walks past her and knocks all of the books out of her hand. Then marches right out of the cafeteria. Yea, real smooth jackass. A boy starts helping her pick her books.

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