Blood And Pleasure (Lesbian S...

By livingwithfun

38.6K 1.5K 239

The World we live in is just a fictional mentality of our witting. The world we live in is filled with Demons... More

1 - Silence
2 - Unforseen Reality
3 - Define : Domain
4 - Getting to Know
6 - Magical
7 - The Dilemma
8 - First Kiss
9 - Research
10 - Doubt
11 - Tomb of The Undead
12 - Reality Kicks In
13 - Coming Clean
14 - Happy Birthday
15 - Unpredictable Events
16 - Truth About Kendall
17 - Kendall Jenner
18 - Dancing With The Undead
19 - Alexandra
20 - Christian
21 - One Step Closer
22 - Lost in the World
Final Chapter - When It All Comes Crashing Down

5 - Bloody Mary

1.8K 69 8
By livingwithfun

Bewilderment was the only word Cara could describe her thoughts with.

Had Kendall not been with her, or had she possessed the strength to perform a mind trick on the brunette, she wouldn't have refrained from her common tendency. The one she uses at situations identical to this one. But with the brunette, she had to be careful.

"Are you okay?" Cara muttered subconsciously not even aware why it mattered the slightest bit.

"Yeah." Kendall gasped. "Are you?"

Cara nodded and picked up speed as she did so. Kendall's horrored expression gave her a new emotion she had never felt for a human.


She passed the red Porsche glancing at Toni's frenetic eyes. Only to be hit by the car. Kendall's scream and grip on the car wasn't one to be ignored.

"What's going on?" Kendall asked in apprehension. The car was trying to basically get them off of the road.

"She's probably just high again. She's one of my cousin's exes." Cara lied.

Never in over thousands of years had there been an affair among members of a different world. There was a strict ban on it. Specially among bright and dark vampires. They could never ever bond.

"That's nuts." Kendall shouted with disbelief.

"Tell me about it." Cara whispered in concentration as she spotted another car following from behind. "Shit." She cursed.

She glanced at Toni again only to see her whispering a spell. To stop her, Cara hit Toni's car quite hard and pressed the gas pedal.

"What are you doing?" Kendall freaked out.

"Just hold on a second." Cara yelled. She seemed to have chosen a certain direction.

"Oh shit. Oh shit." Cara screamed when she noticed her brakes weren't working. That damn spell.

"What's wrong?" Kendall asked with genuine fear.

"Nothing.." She huffed loudly but never panicked. "I'm gonna show you, bitch." She muttered.

"Hold on tight." Cara took a very sudden turn with no breaks that almost caused her to jump out the car. "Yes!" Cara cheered as they passed the abandoned neighborhood through dusty houses and narrow streets. That would for sure confuse the witches.

"I think we lost them." Cara announced once she realized her brake was functioning. She stopped the car on the closest street in a rather busier part of the nearby alley.

"Are you okay?" She turned her head to look at Kendall for the zilionth time that evening. She was concerned about the human.

"Yeah I'm good... I just.." The brunette was breathing heavily. "I've never really been through something like this." She closed her eyes and a small smile appeared on her pink lips.

"Did you like it, then?" Cara asked. Kendall nodded her head. "Well it was a nice change." She looked at Cara and her smile only widened, making Cara smile a little as well.

"I like your smile." Kendall announced.

"What?" Cara was taken aback yet amused. She kept the smile on, though.

"You never smile." Kendall stated.

"I do." Cara protested with a frown.

"Not genuinely, you don't." Kendall ran her fingertip over Cara's cold lips with her head still rested back. Cara sighed deeply as her inside started to tremble with desire. "It's better when you smile."

Cara just shrugged and glanced at the brunette who withdrew her hand. Kendall had her eyes closed and was coming down from her adrenaline high. Though the small smile never left her lips.

Everything about the brunette, everything with the brunette was different. Every moment spent with her was both torture as Cara lusted after her blood and heaven as she was just different from anyone Cara had ever seen. A good kind of different.

The thought plastered an adoring smile over Cara's dark figure showing her dimples just not for the brunette to see as her eyes were still closed.

"You sure you're okay?" Cara asked though she could see Kendall's small smile on her lips. She just nodded and sat up. "Yes I'm good." Cara grinned and started the car again.

"Is the car damaged much?" Kendall asked. Cara just shrugged and glanced at Kendall as she rolled down the window. "It wouldn't definitely be the first car I trashed."


Cara nodded. Kendall chuckled softly.

"Sorry if that scared you by the way." Cara glanced at Kendall. She would take away her memory if she could but for some darn reason she wasn't able to do so.

"It's okay. I wasn't that scared anyway." Kendall protested sweetly.

"Well I'm almost certain I wasn't the one screaming my lungs out." Cara raised an eyebrow convincingly.

"I was surprised. Not scared." Kendall argued as she crossed her arms playfully.

"Yeah. Sure." Cara raised an eyebrow.

Kendall started giggling softly after a short silence, causing Cara to tilt her head at the sound.

"What's so funny?" Cara asked with interest.

"The fact that your cousin's crazy ex comes to crash your car." Cara chuckled but kept her face still.

"Well she's nuts." She quoted Kendall from earlier that day.

"I had fun though. It's nice to get some adrenaline once in a while." Kendall mused aloud. Cara smiled as she never thought a human would be this cool with the concept. Though Kendall didn't know how dangerous and powerful Toni really was.

The car came to a sudden stop reminding Kendall of the fact that she hadn't really told Cara where she lived. A slight pang of fear started to settle in her heart.

"Where are we?" Kendall asked, trying desperately to remain calm. Though Cara's presence gave her the sense of calmness.

"I'm going to buy you a drink." Cara explained as she got out.


Kendall was confused. "No thanks I don't drink I.. I just.." She stuttered while an amused smirk played on Cara's gorgeous face.

"I didn't ask for your permission. I'm going to buy you a drink." She got out of the car and walked to the passenger's seat. She opened the door and motioned Kendall to get out of it. She obliged halfheartedly.

"Seriously I don't.." Kendall started again once they began walking.

"I told you it wasn't a question." Cara replied with a smirk.

They walked into the spacious bar. "Whoo look whose here!" The bartender, a guy in his early twenties with blonde hair cheered once he saw Cara. His smile only widened when he noticed Kendall.

"Hey Zack." Cara smiled as Kendall focused on the floor shyly.

"Saw you in town the other night, Cara. Didn't expect you with your target on so soon." He winked as Cara helped Kendall settle on their booth.

"What can I say.. I'm sharp." Cara shrugged with a victorious smile.

"Jeez do I know that." He chuckled before going on. "What can I get you guys?"

To Kendall, the atmosphere was rather different. There was a strange scent lingering in the room. The lights were dimmed, the carpet on the floor was blood-red as if someone had poured red wine everywhere. Cold red wine.

Cara's facial features had also changed. Kendall could swear she saw her eyes turn red for a second but blamed it on the redness the floor being radiated off of the light. Her hands were gripping the table harshly and her usually calm and relaxed aura was no longer there.

"What do you want to drink?" Cara asked Kendall. She had been lost in her own thoughts for long.

"Ehm.. Pardon?" Kendall furrowed her eyebrows.

"I asked what you wanted to drink." Cara repeated. Zack had walked away.

"I seriously don't drink." Kendall stated more sternly.

"A 'drink'..." Cara began and got more comfortable in her seat. "Isn't necessarily alcoholic. You know?" Kendall blushed. Zack returned to get their orders.

"I'll have a bloody Mary." Zack nodded understandingly.

"What about you..." Zack paused for the name.

"Kendall." Kendall smiled.

"Kendall." Zack repeated. "What about you?"

"I'll just have a coke." Zack nodded. "Right up." He disappeared inside.

"Thanks for the drink." Kendall found herself saying.

"You're very welcome." Cara kept a slight smile on her face. Almost right after going in, Zack returned. Kendall blamed it on the stress she had been through.

"Here! Enjoy your drinks gals!" He placed the drinks in front of them and walked back inside.

Cara lifted her glass motioning Kendall to drink hers as well. She awkwardly grabbed it and lifted hers as well.


Cara smiled. She hungrily downed the Bloody Mary.

Bloody Mary for vampires meant blood. They just wouldn't want their preys to know of its actual content. Therefore, they chose a name close enough, an actual name to code it among themselves.

Kendall's phone started ringing before they had a chance for a conversation. She smiled apologetically and answered.

"Hello?.. Hi dad." She lightly scratched her head as Cara finished her drink. Despite having just drank there, her lust for Kendall's blood didn't go away. The truth is, she needed the drink to ease her need a little bit as she could no longer hold it under control.

"I'm with a friend.. Okay.. I'll be there real quick." She took a sip from her coke and gave Cara a short glance. The blonde seemed much calmer. Though her veins on her hand were swollen. "Bye." Kendall hung up.

"My dad wants me home like.. Now!" Kendall joked.

"No worries." Cara stood up and motioned Kendall to get in the car as she paid.


"It's here. Thank you." Kendall announced while they arrived at a residential precinct.

"I can drive in." Cara suggested.

"The security wouldn't let that. Your car isn't signed for here so.. Thanks for the drink. "

"You're welcome."

".. And thanks for the ride." She added quickly with an adorable smile.

Cara grinned. "Anytime."

Kendall got out if the car and felt the presence of Cara beside her.

"What are you doing?" Kendall asked.

"Learning where my math tutoring session is going to be." Cara replied.

Kendall smiled thankfully as Cara walked beside her. She felt goosebumps over her skin and wrapped her arms around her tall frame. Cara took off her jacket and handed it to Kendall. "Wear this. You're cold." She offered.

"No I'm.." Kendall was immediately cut off.

"I'm fine." Cara shrugged and walked in extreme comfort.

Kendall noticed Cara's jacket was extremely cold even though she had worn it for quite some time. That lit a question mark in the depth of her brain.

"The sky is so beautiful." Kendall pointed out. It was half blue half red with the autumn weather. The leaves flying in the wind with different colors. Red, green, yellow and even better blends.

Cara never cared about the nature. Maybe because she was too busy fighting the bright side in this game of cat and mice.

"Thanks." Kendall stopped.

"Is it here?" Cara nodded toward the building they had stood in front of.

"Yeah. Thanks for the ride, again." Kendall smiled sweetly and stood there unsure of what to do. She finally swallowed and walked closer to Cara giving her a hug.

They parted soon with Kendall blushing hard. "I'll see you soon." Kendall walked up the few steps and Cara stood there with a grin.

"Bye." She opened the door and got in.

"Bye." Cara waited until the door was closed to walk away.


"Hey folks." Cara stood in the doorway.

"Back from your little date?" Brandon asked as he stood up from the armchair he was sitting on.

"With Toni? Yeah she was nice. My car is trashed. Again." She explained with a bored expression as she let herself fall on the couch.

"Toni?" Taylor asked from the stairs. Karlie was on her side helping her walk as she hadn't fully recovered yet.

"Yes. She was in her red Porsche. Kind of tried to kill me but I doubt that was her intention. She could have crashed my car into a wall with a spell if she wanted that." Cara mused.

"Were you in a busy street?" Selena asked.

Cara thought for a moment. "Somewhat. It wasn't an empty road, exactly."

"She couldn't have been without help." Selena mused as Taylor sat down on once of the couches. Karlie sat beside her as she held hee hand.

"And how'd you get that?" Karlie asked.

"It's not the full moon." Selena helped, with an expectant look. She thought everyone knew the reason now.

"What does that have to do with all this?" Brandon asked in confusion. Selena rolled her eyes.

"Toni is not a tru blood witch. She gets her ultimate power at full moon. She can't do an invisiblity spell and try to kill Cara at the same time. It drains energy." She explained at the confused faces of vampires.

"So that means she didn't kill me because she couldn't?" Cara asked in confusion. "If she had help, it doesn't make sense."

"That's the big question." Selena replied. "Why she held back."

"There's some shit going on that.." Brandon trailed off in search of words. "Something's not right."


Kendall got up at the sound of a dog howling in the dead of night. She decided to go to the bathroom as the noise scared her a little bit.

She tried to turn on the light but failed. After grabbing the decorative candle from the nightstand she lit it with the match she once had brought underneath her bed.

She walked up to the bathroom and gulped loudly as the fear was getting to her. The howling from outside got louder. She almost dropped down the candle in sudden stress.

After entering the bathroom she took a general look around to make sure everything was in its place. She sighed out of relief and turned toward the mirror. A vague figure was standing in the distance through the mirror. Kendall froze.

Someone knocked the door trying to get in as the face in the mirror grinned at her showing her frightening mouth.

Kendall's scream was loud enough to outdo the howling.


Hey so thanks for reading obviously.
I wondered if you wanted me to continue this plot at all. If you want an alternative story just let me know and I'll delete this one.

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