Sorry (ON HOLD)

Por cuddlymxndes

14K 273 25

Being best friends with William Singe can be hard when he becomes famous, but what will happen when Maddy mee... Más

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 31

54 3 0
Por cuddlymxndes

"Mums coming home soon, you better go, she'll be here in about 5 minutes."

"Are you kicking me out?" Julian joked around. He looked down at me, pain in his eyes. We were all cuddled up, watching an old black and white movie.

I was still grounded, so my mum didn't know about Julian coming over. We had to make sure that she didn't find out.

As much as I wanted to stay like this, resting in Julians arms, I knew he had to go.

"Yeah, pretty much," I smiled back at him.

"Ughh alright." I got up so that he could aswell. He embraced me in his arms once more, and I felt his pouted lips softly touch the top of my head, before we walked to the front door.

He turned the knob and pulled the door open, I instanly felt a rush of cool air swarm in, mixing with the warm air around me.

Julian turned back to look at me.

"Bye beautiful." He leaned down and for a short few seconds, our lips met. When we pulled back he looked down at me, eye to eye. I couldn't help but get butterflies.

"Don't let the fans bring you down," he whispered before wrapping an arm around me and giving me a slight squize.

"Bye bub."

"Bye boo," I responded.

He slid his hands in the pockets of his jeans before stepping out and walking down the drive way before turning onto the street.



I can hear my footsteps as they meet with the pavement.

Mums telling their kids to hurry up or they'll be late.

The sound of car doors closing with a solid thud as people drive off to work and school.

What is it about Mondays that makes people dislike it so much?

I mean it's just a day. Yet the sound of it can make us go insane.

I forgot to charge my phone last night which left me nothing to do but stare at my feet as I walked along the path, on the way to school.

I started humming a tune quietly. I looked around to see if anyone was around before singing it properly, but still hushed.

"You've got a nice voice," someone behind me commented. I spun around quickly, unaware that someone was behind me.


"Ha, sorry, didn't mean to scare you. I just said you have a nice voice," he repeated. He had walked up next to me by now. I let my eyes wonder over him.

I have to admit, he was quiet atractive. He was in the my school's uniform, yet I didn't recognize him.

I realised I was staring at him and should have probably said something by now.

"Oh, ahhh thanks."

"What's the song called?" He asked. He must be new. No guy at my school would actually have a proper conversation with me. I noticed he had a strong british accent.

"What?" I asked confused.

"The song? You were singing?" He furrowed his eyebrows, but had a smile spread across his lips.

"Oh right, ahh it's Don't Judge Me by Chris Brown."

"Ah yeah, good song. I'm Mike by the way." Mike. I wasn't really sure about him. There was something about him that I couldn't quiet get my finger on.

"Maddy. Did you just move here? I haven't seen you around."

"Yeah, I moved here on Friday. My parents wanted me at school right away."

"And here we are," I replied, as the school came in sight. We walked in the gates.

"Hey would you be able to show me where the office is?"

"Yeah sure." I started walking towards the main building and he followed.

"Have you been going here since year 7?" He asked.

"Yeah," I responded, not making any eye contact.

"Is it a good school?"

"It's alright."

I think he got the hint that I wasn't really in the mood to chat, because he stopped asking me questions after that.

We walked into the building and along the hall until we came to a stop at the office.

"And here we are, I'll see ya around," I said, before turning on my heels and started walking down the hall.

"Hey wait up," he called out before running up to me.

"We've still got 20 minutes before class, I just need to get my timetable. Do you just wanna chill?" I looked at a clock that was on the wall in the office. He was right, we still had 20 minutes.

I guess I left earlier than usual, and with out my phone to tell the time, I wasn't aware.

"Ummm, my friends will be waiting for me, sorry," I replied. He didn't seem hurt or upset by the rejection.

"Ok, well I'll see ya around then," he responded with smile and a wink. He turned back around and walked back into the office.

I let out a big sigh before walking down the hall and back outside.

Great, now I had to find a place to hide from him. I couldn't let him see me sitting around by myslef after I just told him I would be hanging out with my 'friends' ugh I'm so stupid, why did I say that?

Because I didn't want to hang out with him, that's why.

I know that sounds kinda harsh, but I'm really not in the mood.

I really don't want to be here. And I'm just to socially awkward. I'm not used to random guys coming up to me and asking to hang out, I kinda panicked.

I pulled the strap on my bag a little bit higher before walking to the only place I was guaranted to stay hidden from Mike.

The girls toilets.

I went into a stall and locked the door, hanging my bag up on the hook behind the door.

I put the lid of the toilet down and sat on it, resting my head in the palms of my hands.

I looked at the wall of the stall. It had writting all over it. Some with pen or textas, some scraped in.

"Lisa's a whore."

"I'm going to fail at life."

"There's beauty in everyone, it just takes the right person to see it."

"Gtfo of here with your mushy bullshit"

"I like pie."

"Maddy's a fucking waste of air."

I have to admite, that really hurt. I felt my eyes start to water as I stared at those words, filled with so much hate. I pressed my lips into a thin line and furrowed my eyebrows.

Why is it everytime I end up in these toilets, I end up crying, or almost crying in this case.

First the news about Will, now this.

I heard some footsteps that led into the bathroom.

"Hey did you finish that assignment?" One of the girls asked the other.

"Aw shit, I forgot about it, I went to the beach all weekend." I didn't recognize the voices, but they sounded mature, like they were in my year.

"Oh thank god, I thought I was the only one who didn't do it. Hey did you see that new guy?"

"Yes! How could I not! He's so fucking sexy. I said hi to him as I walked past him before, and he said hi back and damn, his accent is so fucking hot."

"Woah Lisa, calm down, don't have an orgasm," the girl laughed.

"Oh shut up. But seriously, I'de fuck him anyday." Well I guess the wall tells the truth, Lisa is a whore.


"Oh pfft, don't act like you wouldn't either!" The chim of the bell ran through the bathroom and that was the end of the girls conversation. They walked out of the bathroom and closed the door behind them.

I came out of the stall but waited a few moments before stepping outside, making sure Lisa and her friend didn't see me walk out.

After about a minute, I decided it was definatly safe to go out.

I walked through a huge crowd of people before making it to my locker and chuking my bag in and getting out my laptop and maths book.

As I walked into class, I was about a minute late, but I knew the teacher wouldn't really care, so I didn't bother getting a late pass.

As I walked in, everyone was already sitting down and my eyes made contact with one person that I really wished they hadn't.


We made a few seconds eye contact before I tore my eyes away to look around the room for a spare seat. There was one next to Mike, well actually two, but there was no way that was happening. There was only one more seat that was free, infront of Mike.

I took my seat before apolpogizing to Mr. Thomas for being late.

Another girl walked in, late also.

"Sorry for being late." Straight away she made her way over to Mike and sat down next to him before introducing herself to him.

She sounded like she was trying to be all cute and flirty, but he didn't really sound that into it.

I stopped listening to them and focused on what was getting written on the board.

I pulled my bag out of my locker and locked it. Made my way to the cafateria, before setting myself down at a small empty table. I pulled an apple out and took a big bite out of it, feeling the juices explode into my mouth, satisfying my taste buds.

A second bag hit the table. Then a third, a forth, a fifth and a sixth.

"Hey there pretty eyes, don't look so shocked. I told you we weren't finished."


I looked back at my apple, before taking another bite. All of a sudden it was knocked out of my hands and thrown across the room.

"Look at me when I'm talking to you," Jack ordered, gritting his teeth. I picked up my bag and stood up, pushing my chair out.

I didn't want a repeat of the other day. I got up and left without a word.

Walking past a big group of people and out of the canteen.

I took a seat on a bench outside under a tree to finish off my reccess.

I wasn't alone for long.

What is with people and not being able to leave me alone today?

They've done a damn good job at it the past few years of my school life.

"Hey," Mike said before taking a seat next to me.

"Hi," I replied, sending him a weak smile. I had to admit, I was kinda embarrassed that I was sitting alone.

"Where are all your friends?" I think he knew the answer to that.

"Oh, ummm," I struggled to come up with a lie.

"Ha, don't stress, it's all good." I fell awkwardly silent, not knowing what to say.

'How's your first day been so far?' I attempted to make small talk.

'It's been alright, everyone is a bit suffocating though. You know, you look really familiar.' He studdied my face as he tried to figure out where he had seen me.

'Umm yeah, I've been on the news lately,' I admitted.

'Really? Why?'

'Ummm,  long story.' I didn't want him hating me already.

'It's alright, I get it. Don't worry, I never believe what the media says anyway, they make up bullshit just to sell the story.'

'Ha, you could say that again.' As time rolled by, I found myself feeling more comfortable as our convesation kept going.

He was good at keeping a conversation going, I'll give him that.

Authors Note

Hi guys. I'm reallyyyyy sorry for such a late update. The other day I realised it's been like a year since I started writing this... oops.

As you can tell, this story is on hold as this year has been a crazy year for me.

I've had a lot of family issues along with friend issues.

And I've had major writers block.

I probably won't be updating again for a while, sorry :(

But I came on and saw this chapter was half written so I decided to finish it for you guys.

Again, I'm so so sorry :(

Ha, get it? Sorry :3


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