Im Back Bitches

By welll_fukkk_meee_

370K 9.3K 2.3K

Taylor Evans was always picked on. She was the girl who everyone pushed around. She was the nerdy girl in the... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty-one
Chapter twenty-two
Chapter twenty-three
Authors Note
Not an update.
Chapter twenty-four
Chapter twenty-five
The End!

Chapter eight

15.5K 395 83
By welll_fukkk_meee_


I woke up to soft talking near me and I sat up and looked around.

I was in a hospital room.

What the hell?

I looked at the door and saw a man who looked as though he was in his forties who was in a doctors coat, talking to Luke.

"Yeah she will be okay just make sure she wraps her hands and puts this medicine on them so they don't get infected" the doctor said and I assumed they were talking about me, Luke nodded to him wearily and I instantly felt bad for the look of pain in his face.

"You're sure she's okay?" Luke asked with concerned eyes, as they were still oblivious to me being awake.

"Yeah she just passed out from the hyperventilating, its good that you brought her here though. Her hands could have gotten really infected with those nasty cuts on them." The doctor said and Luke muttered a thanks before turning to me with wide eyes after seeing me awake.

His next move, Let's just say it was unexpected on my end.

"Oh my god Taylor" he exclaimed as he came over quickly and wrapped his arms around me in a comforting hug.

I'm such a bitch.

I yelled at him.

And he is still here.

Hugging me.

Worried about me.

God I'm a bitch.

"I'm sorry" we said in unison before giving each other confused ass stares.

"What are you sorry about?" We asked in sync again

Okay. Now its getting weird.

"You go first" we said in unison again and our eyes widened and I held up my hand so this didn't continue.

"Okay you go" he said and I sighed

"I'm sorry for being a bitch and yelling at you. You brought me to the freaking hospital and took care of me and all I did was flip out on you and have a fucking breakdown!" I said and he shook his head at me.

"No Taylor, its okay, you were upset. us I kinda deserved it after everything I've done" he said with a small chuckle trying to lighten the mood "So..." He trailed off and I raised an eyebrow at him

"Yes?" I asked

"Can I still stay with you?" He asked wearily and I smiled nodding.

"Of course you can" I replied and he smiled and hugged me.

"Well let's get you home" he said and I nodded climbing out of the bed.

"Uh where are my clothes?" I asked looking down at my hospital attire and he went to grab a bag on the table.

"Your other clothes were messy and had a little blood on them so I got you these" he said holding out a bag

"Thanks" I replied opening the bag as he stepped out so I could dress.

He brought me a black v-neck and a pair of grey sweats so I threw them on while throwing my messy bed hair in a lose bun.

When I walked out he was sitting in a chair right outside the door and he quickly looked up as he heard the door shut beside him.

He gave me a warm smile and stood up, walking towards me, and poked my cheek making me give him a weird look before laughing.

"Okay so were gonna watch movies and- Oh! By the way your friend Ally came and scorned me a bit and that was funny, but the dude didn't show..." He trailed off looking confused, waiting for me to explain I assume.

Oh yeah. He doesn't know that Liam hates me now...

"Um yeah... Liam kinda flipped out when I told him I forgave you and he's um... A little mad right now " I choked out and felt tears rising but pushed them back down trying not to show him that it might be serious. "He hasn't talked to me in a few days but soon I'm sure he will calm down." I said looking at the ground a bit because I wasn't sure how convincing I was being.

"Wait. That's why you were upset the other day wasn't it?" He asked kind of angrily

"Its no-" I got cut off

"That's why you were crying?" He asked with his anger more evident

"Luk-" I tried again

"That douche bag!' He snapped and I flinched and I'm guessing he saw because his eyes softened "Sorry Taylor... I just can't believe that he got mad at you for having free will." He mumbled wrapping his arms around me comfortingly.

"Honestly it's fine" I said trying to smile and convince myself "If he thinks my desicions are stupid and can't back me up then I don't want him in my life any ways" I said and he just kept quiet, his hot breath fanning my neck.

"I wanna go home and watch some movies. You up for it?" I asked and he chuckled pulling away and nodding his head.

"Alright let's get you out of here" he said grinning and my face mirrored it as we walked towards the front desk to make sure I was good to go before leaving.

When we got to my house I went to my room and grabbed blankets and pillows while Luke got food from the kitchen before we started our movie night.

A couple movies later, we had watched all of the best Adam Sandler movies I could imagine and we were just laying on the couch now and talking.

"So what are you doing tomorrow?" He asked and I played with my hair a bit .

He does realize we are actually students right?

"Oh I dunno, maybe work a little and probably get in the ring if I feel like it later in the night" I muttered distractedly as I inwardly contemplated getting my hair cut.

"You have a job? And what ring?" He questioned more interestedly, propping himself up on his elbow beside me.

"Oh yeah, well you know me, I don't like all my parents money so I make my own. Not in the most conventional way, but I do." I said watching what I said a bit more closely. "And the ring is actually two different things. One, the first one I started doing is fighting, there's a fighting ring that you just sign in whenever and winner of the night gets a percent of all the bets placed. And the other ring, the one I was gonna do tomorrow, is racing. There's a lot of categories. Bikes, cars, there's pretty much a category for each and every motor vehicle. But I usually just race bikes or my cars." I examined to him and he looked very confused.

"You do all this stuff? And what do you mean non conventional? Is it illegal?" He asked sounding completely astonished and I bit my tounge. We were now sitting up on the couch and talking about these very bad subjects and he seemed to want a bit more information and I could not provide that.

Thankfully, before he proceeded to question the doorbell rang and I got up to grab my wallet because I was pretty certain it was actually the pizza we ordered this time and not another person from my past.

But of course, before I could grab my wallet Luke had already gotten up and blocked me from the door. He was holding out a twenty as he grabbed my wallet and set it on the table behind him. I shook my head and took the twenty before smacking his arm kind of lightly. And kind of not...

I opened the door and was very releived when it was actually the pizza. I told the girl to keep the change and walked back into the living room to see Luke on the phone.

He looked up as I walked in and held up his finger before telling the person he was talking to "Hold on she's right here let me ask"

"Ask me what exactally?" I questioned with a smirk and he rolled his eyes making me laugh.

"My friend Austin wants to come over and basically examine you." He said and I raised my brow at him making him chuckle.

"And this Austin is on the phone?" I asked and he nodded. I held out my hand and he wearily placed it in my hand with a frightened look.

"So why exactally are we examining me?" I questioned the boy on the other side of the phone and I heard a deep, accented chuckle making my eyes widen.

"Well darling I need to meet the girl my best mate has ditched me for dont I?" He asked in a British sounding accent. And I dont mean a fake one, that shit sounds authentic.

I looked to Luke who was nearly laughing his ass off and I covered the speaker on the phone.

"He's so British!" I exclaimed quietly squealing and he chuckled with a nod.

"Yeah he moved here last year." He stated and I took a deep breath going back to the phone.

"You okay there love?" Austin asked and I rolled my eyes at the smirk in his voice.

I'm not imagining things. I can tell. I freaking know.

"Listen British boy! Stop that and I'll text you the address!" I quickly said and hung up before handing Luke back his phone and slumping into the couch as Luke laughed at me.

"Shut up and text him" I snapped and he quickly muffled his laughter.

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