Not What It Seems (A Harry St...

By dead_accountx

4.3K 71 2

Summer vacation just started and Alex and Katie couldn't be more excited! What's better than spending the sum... More

Meeting the Characters
Chapter 1: Finally Out
Chapter 2: Getting Suspicious
Chapter 3: Suspicions Confirmed
Chapter 4: Taken (no, not the Liam Neeson movie)
Chapter 5: Getting Worried
Chapter 6: State of Panic
Chapter 7: Car Rides
Chapter 8: Your New Home
Chapter 9: Waking Up In Hell
Chapter 10: Meeting 'Them'
Chapter 11: Meeting Harry
Chapter 12: Feeling Hopeless
Chapter 13: Adventures in Funderland
Chapter 15: Repairs
Chapter 16: She's Different
Chapter 17: Escaping
Chapter 18: Cleaning Up
Chapter 19: Group Chat
Chapter 20: Punishment
Chapter 21: Worried
Chapter 22: Cocoa Puffs
Chapter 23: "We need to talk"
Chapter 24: "but I never told any of you"
Chapter 25: Unanswered
Chapter 26: "He's changed."
Chapter 27: It's becoming dangerous
Chapter 28: Chatting with Faye
Chapter 29: Chatting with Faye (part 2)
Chapter 30: Other Side Of The Line
Chapter 31: Other Side Of The Line (part 2)

Chapter 14: Zayn's Visit

72 2 0
By dead_accountx

I stopped crying hours ago, I was just laying down, watching the sunset out of the window in the other corner of the room. It was probably around 8 at night right now (it's summer, so the sun sets later).

I was so exhausted from all the crying I had done today, I just wanted to relax and go to sleep. But I didn't get a chance to because the door opened again, this time, Zayn walked in. . . and locked the door behind him.

He was holding something behind his back, but I couldn't see what it was. He had a disturbing smirk on his face which only made me feel more uneasy.

"Hey love. So . . . you met Harry," he asked. I nodded my head 'yes'. "He's a good lad, ain't he," he asked, walking closer.

"I guess," I said in a whisper, not feeling like talking.

"Give me your right hand," he said softly, holding his hand out, waiting for mine.

"Why," I asked hesitantly.

"Just give me your damn hand," he growled lowly. I gave him my right hand; he pulled another pair of handcuffs out from behind his back and cuffed my right hand to the bed post, leaving me defenseless.

"Now," he said," let's have some fun, eh?" He got on top of me and started running his hand up and down my side. I shifted uncomfortably, telling him to stop. He just put his other hand on my hip, preventing me from moving. He leaned down to my ear and whispered ,"just behave and I'll make this a whole lot less painful for you, babe."

I felt nauseous. Is he seriously gonna do this? I started screaming for him to stop, but he leaned down and kissed me before I could get my second scream out. I tried jerking my head away from the kiss, but he held my jaw in place with his hand.

He pulled his head away and sat back up, still on top of me. He moved his hands to the zipper of his jeans. That's when I started tugging of the handcuffs.

Just as he put his hands on the zipper of my jeans, one of the bars of the bedpost I was cuffed to broke and whipped across Zayn's face, sending him to the floor with a thud.

I pulled on the other handcuff and the bar broke on that one, too. This is my chance to escape! I jumped off of the bed and bolted to the door, momentarily startled by Zayn's grunt. I turned around and saw Zayn pulling himself to his feet. I pulled on the door. . . and it was locked! Motherfucker, are you serious ?!

I started banging on the door with my fists, begging for someone to let me out. I suddenly felt a sharp pull on my hair, sending me crashing to the floor. I looked up and Zayn was mad as hell. He leaned down and punched me right in the face. Then he kicked me hard in the stomach. The wind was immediately knocked out of me. I groaned in pain.

He got down on one knee, leaned into my face, and said "if you ever do anything like that again, I will have you inches away from death, do you understand me?" He got back to his feet, kicked me again, then spit on me. Once that was over, he left, slamming the door behind him. I just stayed on the floor, too afraid to move. I think he broke one of my ribs.

Well . . . I know who not to piss off.

(A/N: Holy violence! Hope you guys liked this chapter! Was it thrilling? Did you like it? Let me know in the comments below what you thought about the chapter. I always appreciate your comments! Keep voting and commenting, my lovelies! -AllieCat816)

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