Aveune 31 (A One Direction Fa...

By XxTrickster_CattyxX

16 1 0

Samantha Calabrese, Kellilyn Wickham, Lily Allison, and Camryn Tutor were all best friends since preschool, t... More

Aveune 31 (A One Direction Fan-Fic) [ON HOLD]

16 1 0
By XxTrickster_CattyxX

Yo, personally, I HATE 1D...(DON'T KILL ME YET DRIECTIONERS!!!) It's just...I didn't see the point in squealing over British/Irish guys who sing and are in a band. Yeah, there're great singers, got cool accents, are hot, and all that...but..really. What's there to get over excited about?

So..this is why i'm making this story. It'll be about my friends (who are Directioners), added with the near-deaf/near-mute girl: me. And, that deaf/mute part, is correct. That happened to me. But, almost. Mostly to my hearing, but, still...pretty close.

Well..........here ya go you..Directioners.

Oh, PS!! The EXTERNAL LINK shows what is happening during the song.

The SONG ON THE SIDE, is the one where I got the lyrics from.


 Samantha Calabrese, Kellilyn Wickham, Lily Allison, and Camryn Tutor were all best friends since preschool, they were inseprateable. They were practially sisters. Soon though, over time...things change. Sometimes for better, other times...for worse.

In the 3rd grade, a simple mistake made by Sam made the others hate her, each other, and then it all fell down from there. After drifting apart, they never saw each other again until their 7th year in school.

But, when Sam wins a contest for a concert with tickets for four, will the group finally make up? Or is the concert more than what it seems? Who or what is 'Aveune 31'?


Sam's POV-3rd grade

After Mom dropped me off, I walked into my school. Going up the many stairs was annoying, but, I did so. After I reached the 3rd floor, I walked quickly, following the many students that were going in all directions. After reaching room 304, I hung up my bookbag, took out my pencils and a notebook, and sat in my seat. I opened my notebook and began to write. Writing lyrics for songs that is.

Three girls approached me. One with brown-ish blonde hair and green eyes and glasses, one with blonde hair and blue eyes, and the last girl had blonde hair with brown eyes. These were my bestfriends, Kelliyn Wickham, Lily Allison, and Camryn Tutor. (In that order.)

I smiled at them from my seat, and Kelly sat in front of me with Camryn on my right and Lily on my left. They each pulled out their own notebooks filled with songs. I flipped to the latest song we were making: Servant of Evil.

Some might say that i'm too young to be able to spell hard words or act beyond my years, but, I am mentally older then how I look or act. I've always wondered if these people even knew the true meaning of 'friendship'...

Anyway, our first class period was always a 'free' one, so, we would be able to do whatever we wished. Of course, the teacher is in the room.

I stood up from my seat and told the trio that I would be right back.

I walked over to the teacher, Mrs.Huggins. (Said HUE-GIN, the s is silent.)

"Mrs.Huggins, can you turn the music on? I already have the CD here....but, after the first few lines there is going to be a 'speaking part'. That also happens again near the middle of the song."

My blonde haired, blue eyed teacher just nodded as I handed her the CD. She popped it into the player and waited until we were ready.

You see, me, Kelly, Camryn, and Lily make songs. After we have the lyrics written and printed, and have the beat and melody and all that, we go to my house to record it. My dad (with the help of his friends and other family members), made a record studio for me. We would be able to make and finish our songs all at once and then get the CD with the music on it a day after we've done it. Though, we do have more money then most people, we are not rich.

I went to my bag and pulled out four headsets. I gave three of them to the trio, who saw what I was getting. Canryn went to her bag and got out some dresses for us, along with one butler suit. We decided for it to be a sort of musical. Though, there is much more singing than speaking, it sorta fitted. Since I was the one who hated dresses and the like, while being a tomboy and looking somewhat like a boy, we decided that i'd be the servant. Camryn would be the servant's twin, the princess, Kelly is the 'princess in green', as I called it, and Lily is the one doing the speaking parts. Well, she's only doing the first one, the servant has the 2nd speaking one.

After heading into the back room and changing, (save for Lily), we got into position at the gym. We have been doing this since we were able to walk, talk, sing, write, and imangine. This was normal to everyone by now. The gym was dark as we stood there, backs facing the crowd who couldn't see us. We quickly talked with Mrs.Huggins who announced why they were called to the gym.

Us four decided that I would do most of the singing, since I was the one who planned most of it, but, it was mostly because I was the servant, who sang the most.

I stood in in middle, crouching in front of the Princess of Evil, (Camryn). Kelly was behind a giant speaker, so the audience won't see her. Lily is behind the other speaker.

As I was crouching, one hand was on my chest while the other was holding Camryn's. It was a sign of loyalty.


I then began to sing.

"You are my princess, I am only your servant. We are twins that destiny has played a cruel jest on. Even if the whole world turns against you, i'll become the only evil that is on your side."

Lily started saying the tale of the twins.

"Once upon a time, in a far away kingdom, the queen gave birth to twins, a girl, and a boy. However, the siblings got seprated soon enough. The girl became a selfish queen of the kingdom, and her brother became her loyal fool; a servant of evil."

Camryn began to sing.

"Our fates were decided on the day we came. Bells of the church tolling their blessings the same. Our elders were selfish for reasons; thus we grew apart with the passing of the seasons. If every creature alive hates you,"

I finished her line and kept on going while Camryn stopped.

"I'll be here waiting, always true. So please keep smiling like you always do. None that keeps you laughing as myself, had I knew."

I quickly stood up and grabbed Camryn's hand, pulling her to the table with two chairs.

"You are my princess, I am only your servant. We are twins that destiny has played a cruel jest on. Even if the whole world turns against you, i'll become the only evil that is on your side."

Kelly, or, 'Daughter of Green', came out and ran up beside me, smiling.

"I came to a beautiful country, there a girl of green I happened to see. She was kind with a bright smile and grace. Her image from my mind I could not efface."

I was then standing behind a throne like chair with Camryn sitting in it. She had a green rose in her hand and threw it off to the side.

"However if my princess wishes her gone, the order will not be something long drawn."

As I sang the next line, Kelly was standing in front of a sort of grave building. When she turned, I pulled out a fake knife.

"Only one question do I have of this: Why, for the first time are my tears not of bliss?"

Kelly was the other side of the gym, so I ran to her, fake knife in hand, when I reached her, it showed that I 'killed' her.

The lights then went off, and when the turned on, I was standing beside Camryn as she sat in a chair as I put cups and plates down.

"You are my princess, I am only your servant. We are twins that destiny has forced suffering on. 'Todays brioche will be served with your tea.' The only gesture you had was a coy laugh."

It then went dark again, only my voice could be heard as I spoke this part.

"The princess has made this country great, even though there are some draw backs. She will continue to grow and prosper...like the color white. Always pure... And this country will be complete because I am her servant."

The lights came back on. It showed me and Camryn by a window. I sang.

"Soon the people may come to punish us. While we derserve it, you have no need to fuss. I will, to the end, fight who the send."

I took off my jacket and cloak and draped them around Camryn.

"Please exchange our clothing, to have this war at mend."

We kneeled to the ground, as I put my hands on her shoulders.

"As long as you wear this, come and what will; no one will notice and you they won't kill. I ask you not to worry about me. As I said, we are twins, there is no difference to see."

I then hugged her as the secene changed.

Camryn stood and ran, wearing the servants costume as I now wore the princesses.

Camryn sang her part as she was running.

"I am the princess, you are now a fugitive. We are twins that destiny chose to inflict pain on. If all the world belives you are evil, then I am evil as well because I share your blood."

I walked towards a 'butcher' type thing. You know the giant wooden things that if you cut the rope, takes your head? Yeah, that's here, but, it won't kill me.

In the backround, you could hear my voice singing. Lily was doing it though.

"There was a country with an 'evil' rule. So they thought, and I say that they comprise a fool. The only person who had any say, was my cute sister, who remains free to this day."

I was almost there as I sang, Camryn was running, trying to make it in time. The audiences' heads were going back and forth. It was funny. Luckily, I didn't break character.

(The WRITING is Camryn, the WRITING is Sam.)

"If every creature alive hates you, At last the time of ending has come."

"I'll be here waiting, always true, As the bell that announces it starts to ring."

"So please keep smileing like you always do, Without looking to the faces of the crowd."

"None that keeps you laughing as myself, had I knew, You only said what I have always said."

Lily spoke.

"Oh, it's snack time."

I was, by then, already at the 'butcher' thing. My head on the hole. Then, it fell. Before it reached my neck, the lights went out, making the audience think that I 'died'.

A more depressing tune came along, though, the same words with my last dying breath. (That's what it sounded like atleast....)

"You are the princess, I am only yout servant...."

"If we are ever reborn, I want you to know... That I would like to be with you again..."

Lily then said:


As I layed on the floor, the gym still dark, I stood back up, along with Kelly and Camryn. Lily walked over to us.

We all stood in a line facing the audience. We each put our right foot behind our left, our right hand on our chests, and our left arm behind us.

When the lights came on, and the audience saw us, they clapped and shouted in glee. We just smiled up at them as we leaned forward and bowed.

We stayed that way for a few seconds before straightening back up. Under the dress that I wore, was the servants costume, so, I took the dress off. Camryn had her dress under the jacket and cloak, so, she took those off. Me and Kelly wiped the fake blood off of ourselves and then went to the exit. I stod on the right side of the door, (as you were leaving), Lily on the left side (in front of me), Kelly beside me, and Camryn beside Lily.

As people passed us, they either said 'thanks', 'great job', 'I hope you do another one', or just slapped our hands or back as a great job or thanks. After they went to their classrooms, us four, along with Mrs.Huggins cleaned the gym real quick, and then the bell rang. That event took most of the school day, so, school was now over.

I was too lazy to change, plus, this servant costume was quite comfy, so, I just left while wearing it.

After the bus ride home, I went to the attic, where the record room was, and took the painting off the wall. Behind the painting was a hatch/door thing. I pulled on it, and there was a picture of the four of us, Lily, Kelly, me, and Camryn. Together, we made a sort of group, a sort of band. We were insanely popular on YouTube. We always had someone, like our teacher, record our performance so we could post it. This, by far, was the best performance we did. And, it was by far my favorite.

Holding the picture in my hands, a soft smile appeard on my face, though it was a sad one. My eyes held saddness and unshead tears in them. A yell from my dad inturpeted my thoughts.

"Samantha! The trio is here!"

That snapped me out of my dark thoughts.

I turned my head slightly so my voice would go towards the door. I took a very deep breath and shouted, as loud as I could.


You see, if you're at the highest, or lowest point of my house, it depends on how loud you have to be for someone to hear you. If you aren't that loud, well, you could use a megaphone...

My eyes shifted back to the picture. I flipped it over. Five words were on the back.

'Aveune 31 for the win!' I smiled softly. I quickly wiped all feelings, includeing the smile from my face as I put the picture back into the wall and hung the frame back up, to block it.

I opened the door and shut it quickly. I switched shoes and then I slammed themon the ground. Wheels came out of the bottoms.

We had a veeeery long ramp in our house for my use. I hate stairs, and the like. But, I love ramps. Espically when I have wheels.

Going down the ramp which twisted and turned, was real fun. But, guessing how many flights of stairs were going by...I could faint out of shock.

Reaching the basement, or, bottom floor, i was greeted by my friends who sat on the couch. I skidded to a halt.

"Hey. Did you want to get started on the next performence or something?"

Lily stood up with papers in hand.

"Auctually, we were thinking on taking a break from all this. Before school, I searched some places for a nice vacation spot that wasn't extreamly far from here." She handed me the papers.

I noticed some places like Flordia, some famous beaches, that kind of thing. But, the thing that caught my eye the most was the L.A. one and to go to Nashville.

I smirked slightly.

"I say either L.A. or Nashville. Those were the two that caught my eye."

She nodded.

"I thought you might like those places, so, I got some tickets to go there. They won't expire until we're in our 5th year, considering they are very high classed seating tickets."

I glomped Lily.

"You're aswome as a strawberry."

We all laughed.

"Wait wait....wait. To...MY ROOOOM!"

As I shouted the last word, I skated over to the ramp, pressed the "S-A31-R" And then the ramp shifted. And I mean LITERAL shift. It now tilted to that it'd lead straight to my room.

I heard a series of 'thunks' behind me, telling me that the trio has their wheels out.

"Ready?" I said.

"Set!" Said Kelly.

"GOO!" We all shouted the last word before going down the ramp.

My room was on the top floor, which was the attic. My room has a TOOOON of locks on it so that if someone breaks in, they won't be able to get me. Not even my parents or siblings know the codes and stuff. It's because they have to be me, as in, have my blood, memories, knowledge, point of view, and hands.

We all reached the door of my room at the same time.

We triped over each other and landed in a heap, with me on the bottom.

"Uggh...." I groaned

They all laughed at me.

After they got off, Kelly pulled me up as I said a thanks. Only Kelly knew all of my passwords and stuff to enter my room. While making the others turn away, I entered all the stuff.

After I opened my door, I ran in, (after taking my shoes off), and flopped on my bed. Camryn sat on the edge of my bed as Kelly and Lily sat on my fluffy crimson floor.

The walls and celing were black. My bed were made of colors of orange and purple spirals and cool shapes. Most of my pillows were either black or white and were fluffy.

My bathroom, which was connected to my room, was white and green. In my giant walk in closet, I had only dark colored clothes. Of which none were pink.

I rolled over to my back and stared at the celing which reminded me of death. Like Death Note.

I grabbed a white pillow and clutched it to my stomach. I opened my mouth, but no words came out. A few minutes later, I opened my mouth again, nothing came out. I shut my eyes, and listened to the chirping of birds outside and the breathing of myself and my friends. Soon, I couldn't hear anything. I concentrated harder, a heard a chrip before I lost it again.

I sighed, my eyes still closed.

"So, what's the real reason you came here? I know it's not for a vacation. I know you all too well, plus, it's Tuesday. You never come over on Tuesdays." I sat up, and stared at them.

They all looked down at my carpet. I sighed one more at not getting an answer. I stood up, got behind my bed, and pushed it away. Behind it, was a door. I opened it, and inside was a tunnel. I gestured them to follow. As they crawled in, I shut the door behind me. I took the lead and guided them threw the many shafts and turns. After reaching a metal plate lableb 'Number 00212', I kicked it as hard as I could. Blue lights were in our faces as the plate disappeared, replaced by a hole. I jumped in. After the others followed, we were in a observatory. Yes, we even have that in my house.

They all stared in awe at the place. This wasn't what I wanted to show them, I dragged them over to another plate labled 'Number 21200'. I kicked that, which had a pink light. I jumped in that hole. Inside, was a desk, chair, and a cabinet. Along with a lamp and clock.

I sat in the chair as they sat on the floor.

I didn't face them for a while. Around an hour later, I stood up and opened the cabinet. Inside, were paper airplanes, pencils, and a letter. I took one of the airplanes labled '21', and gave it to them for them to read.

When they looked back at me, they were shocked, and terrified.


Well, this is Chapter 1 of Aveune 31.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and liked the songs on the side. I do NOT own them, nor did I make/sing them.

I hope that once I get into more of this story, that you'll all like it!!

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