Just a Babysitter (Lesbian S...

By _SoulBound

101K 614 92

Age is just a number, right? .... Abigail Clarke is a divorced 33 year old woman who prioritizes her... More

Chapter 01|The Start of a Good Day
Chapter 02|See you Around
Chapter 04|Ride or Die

Chapter 03| Stained with Issues

5.9K 141 26
By _SoulBound

Chapter Three: Stained with Issues
Abigail's Pov...

Shutting my laptop, I look around and see the final group of potential business investors walk out the door as my boss gives them all a thank you handshake. At this exact moment I want to hide underneath this table or maybe just go home and hide under my bed sheets.

"Hey," I look up and see Alexa giving me warm smile. "Everything will be fine."

I stood up and gathered my file folders, I am done with this."They clearly did not seem interested in what our company had to offer, what I had to say," I stated.

We stood frozen as our boss stared down at us, she gave us a warm smile before thanking us and walking out of the meeting room without a second glance. I follow Alexa out as we walked to our cubicles with a defeated expression.

The meeting had been a messy round of doubts coming from the potential investors and questions about the intento Jessica had. My presentation seemed solid as I announced all the great ideas Ms Carls' small company had to offer them if they decided to contribute. It didn't work. And now the company will have to come up with a different approach or all the money that Carls invested into owning her own fashion company will go downhill.

"Abigail," Alexa asks as she pushes me further into my cubicle. She has a mischievous smile as she hands me a manila folder. "Greg from the fabric department gave me copies of the upcoming summer line. The first couple of pages are the bathing suits and dresses."

I glanced at the suits, nodding whenever a particular design captured my attention. The summer dresses were really something else, colors popping and the flow of the dresses was immaculate. As I scan the copies, it hits that Alexa works in the money management department with me. "Alexa, you know you're not allowed to have these, right?" I asked in disbelief.

She groaned as she took a seat next to me. She grabbed a raged notepad, pushing it towards me to look inside. Imagine the face of shock as I flipped to the first couple of pages, my colleague who I thought counted money actually sketched clothes. Not only does she sketch out clothes but she does it beautifully. I compare the copies to her own designs, she would make an amazing addition to the fashion crew two floors up.

"I've known you for so long and never realized you designed clothes. Why did you apply for the money management team?" I asked, amazed at what she had shown me.

"I applied to so many companies, went to many interviews, and none of them took me in because they were fulfilled in the fashion area. It leads me to apply for money management. I'm really happy that at least this company took me in but I just wish it would have been for the department I'm comfortable with." Alexa had this hurt expression as she continued on. "Now, I'm sucking it up and doing what I am hired to do."

"Managing money isn't what you love doing," I whispered to make sure the other colleagues around don't overhear us. "You should show these to Ms. Carls, you would light up the fashion department immensely."

Alexa rolled her eyes, she took her notepad and the copies. "Doing what I love will not buy me the apartment that I live in. Neither will it buy me food or any necessity that I need, Abigail. Anyways, I know my time to shine will happen soon, don't fret about it. I learned to just go with the flow," Alexa explained with such ease.

Although two years younger than I am Alexa is more realistic than I am. She is speaking the truth and now that I know of her passion I am determined to help her out in whatever way I can. She and I have been working together for six years and has been the best of friends. I can confide her with any sort of problems and be given back a solution. Alexa has been there for me when I most needed company, she was the first person I told about the speculations I had of my husband having an affair. She helped me find a solution that I was comfortable with and now I'm happy with the result.

"Well, if you need anything just let me know. I'll support you in any way that I can," I said truthfully.

Alexa nodded as she took her things and walked off to her cubicle opposite of mine. After she had left, my mind began to race as all it could think of was finding a way to get Alexa into the design crew. From what I can recall, the design team is very strict with what they do and if they find out that Alexa has copies of their work she can be in big trouble. I could maybe slip in the idea of Alexa becoming a designer to Jessica and see how it goes from there.

I would be walking on thin ice...

The sound of heels clicking brought my attention back to the real world. My eyes landed on Jessica Carls. She slipped in and took a seat in the extra chair I had. Clearing her throat, she spoke, "I wanted to thank you for giving such a concrete presentation. You had amazing details in every slide."

I had very few interactions with Jessica and seeing her right in front of my face had me blushing. I usually receive emails from my work and hearing her say this is amazing.

"Thank you," I replied.

Jessica nodded, "Abigail, you've been working very hard this past couple of months." She came closer, her eyes looking over the walls before landing back on me. "Without you, I'm sure I would be millions of dollars in debt. And for this, I have to thank you. I wanted to talk about having a different approach to this bad moment."

I nodded, "Sure. What were you thinking?"

"Follow me to my office and you'll know what I'm talking about."
It was time for our lunch break and Alexa and I had tagged along with a few of our colleagues. We were walking towards the nearest restaurant which ended being a sandwich shop. I could not keep the good news to myself alone so I needed to tell someone about it. That someone, of course, is Alexa.

"So Jessica took me inside her office today," I stated as I walked closer to Alexa. Although I know a majority of my colleagues, I still have the idea that they would have something against me if they knew about the topic.

"Really? What did you two talk about?" Alexa asked.

"She consulted me about the lack of funds from large companies and how we needed to find a way to grasp their attention onto our business. To let them know what they're missing on." I explained.

"That sounds interesting, what were you proposing?" Alexa asked.

I opened the door to the shop and let Alexa walk in first. I took a quick glance over to the table that our colleagues were sitting in. Greg was waving us over, he had saved two seats. I nodded and gestured the line. "Just that maybe we should be open to unfinished designs that we have. I've seen many nice ones that are stored in the old meeting room and seem they have potential to be something big."

"Yeah, I understand. What do you think I should get?" Alexa asks as she stares at the menu.

"I'm getting the bread bowl soup. I need warmth after what happened this morning." I said remembering the accident with the barista. I hope they do not drop soup here.

"What did happen anyways? You never got around to tell me," Alexa asked with a smile.

Rolling my eyes, I began to tell her about the barista in Grace's Café who dropped my cappuccino on me. Alexa laughed as she realized why I smelled like coffee in the morning.

"Damn, did you give her tip?" Alexa asked with a teasing smile.

"No, I didn't get the chance to when she dropped scorching coffee on me." I said annoyed.

We finally stood in the front of the line. I ordered my soup while Alexa went with the club sandwich. We walked over to Greg's table who had a big smile on his face. Greg is a kind man for 40 years of age, but it pisses me off how many take advantage of his generosity back at work.

"Tough day today, am I right?" He asks with a chuckle.

Alexa and I both nod. Today was just so hectic and the day is not even over yet. "I can already hear the constant orders of Jessica. How are you doing in your department?" Alexa asked.

They talked among themselves, I turned around to hear Alexa and I's order number. I took her receipt and walked up to the counter where I thanked the cashier. The soup smelled amazing. I took the tray and ignored my other colleagues who were calling me over to their table. I placed Alexa's sandwich in front of her as I took a seat next to her.

I began taking a spoonful of the thick soup when my phone vibrated. It was ten minutes until one, I usually received messages at this time from Olivia.

*It stopped raining. Can I go to the dance class today with Michelle?

It had stopped raining hours ago. The sun was shining brightly. I quickly typed a response.

**Yes you can. I'll pick you up after. Have fun baby.

I listened to Greg and Alexa's conversation about the new summer line. It is prohibited for someone like us who work in money to know about the plans early on. I don't know why but Jessica Carls initiated that rule. Pretty stupid since the money management team has to look through the plans to make sure we stay on budget.

On a different note, the soup is delicious, I will definitely be ordering this more often.

"Hey," Alexa elbowed my arm. "You should tell Greg about your fabulous morning today."

Greg seemed intrigued as he stopped chewing on his own meal. "What happened?"

"Just a clumsy girl that dropped my drink on my pants and shoes. I'm still debating whether I should send her my dry cleaning bill," I said with a joking tone. The barista might have covered me with the coffee scent but I'm not that petty.

"Now I get why the investors were eyeing you, you probably stench of coffee. When you were explaining the thought process of the company, the guy with the purple tie sniffed the air. And who was the one who he smelt? You." He replied laughing.

Alexa smiled, probably witnessing the same thing. "Your smell set them off, this is probably why they said no to us." Alexa and Greg both laugh but you could sense the pain through it.

After a while of silence, Alexa broke in. "Why does this keep happening to us? What is the company lacking in? Creativity? I wish they would have told us so we can no longer make the same mistakes."

This is not the first time we have been rejected. Although we have a vision of the company, it can be very risky to invest money in as we're a small business. They question the ability of Ms. Carls's company and if it could endure the hardships of negotiations and the ideas of consumers. I understand their worry, I do, but it would be nice to have the chance of proving them wrong.

"Did you guys hear," a shout from two tables down directs at us. Looking over it's a worker from the Marketing team. "Apparently some of us will be seeing pink slips soon. Better pack your bags."

That arouses the people in the table in front of us who have fearful looks on their faces. I roll my eyes, ready to respond but Alexa beats me to it. "No one is receiving pink slip notices. Stop spreading rumors that will only cause chaos," she snapped. "You're literally doing nothing to help the issue."

"Like you know any better. Your department will be the first one gone. If I were you I would start packing up my things before going through the embarrassing process of being fired in front of your gal friend here," the guy snickered.

"Johnny you know deep inside you would be the first to go. So stop trying to use them as scapegoats. Face the problem and help solve it. Do not be part of the issue." Greg said in a fierce tone.

Johnny did not mention pink slips after that. I gave Greg a pat and took his words into consideration. I will be taking notes when I get home...

After a stressing and long day of work, I was finally out. Alexa tagged along as I drove us to Olivia's dance class. A dance academy that held many types of dance classes with large studios; ballet was Olivia's favorite.

"I forget that Olivia dances. How is she doing anyway?" Alexa asked, smiling away as she changed the radio station.

"Improving every year," I replied with glee.

"Damn, she has been dancing for seven years now?" Alexa asked.

"Five, remember she stopped dancing for two years," I replied thickly.

Alexa remained silent after. She and I both knew why Olivia stopped dancing between those two years. My divorce has affected everyone, I tried my best to deflect the pain my children felt during those dark times. But now that I think of it, the hardest part was the life before my marriage went out of control. The beginning of a broken marriage that I desperately wanted to piece back together. It had to end someway, I just wish that it ended differently.

A way that avoided giving pain to my children.

We arrived at Alaine's Dance Academy, the best dance classes around the area. I found a parking spot and turned off the ignition of the car. I unbuckled myself and grabbed my purse and phone before stepping out of the car. I waited for Alexa before locking the car and walking side by side to the entrance of the building.

It was unusually busy today as the lobby was filled with loud parents. A line was forming from the front desk to the entrance.

"What's happening?" Alexa asked, amazed at the large line.

I shrugged because I did not know myself. I walked over to the line where a mother who was holding a little boy's hand stood. He looked up with a toothy smile. I gently tapped her shoulder to get her attention. She looked over her shoulder with a scowl.

"Excuse me, ma'am, I saw the line and want to know what is happening," I explained.

She sighed, "The monthly payment has been moved to today. They called letting us know yesterday."

"Thank you." I pushed past the people surrounding us as Alexa and I made our way upstairs to the second floor.

"Did you pay the monthly fee?" Alexa asked as she looked back over her shoulder.

"I pay full price for a year. They're very friendly and do refunds in case of an emergency." The type of emergency where Olivia stopped dancing out of the blue.

Keeping those thoughts out of my mind, Alexa and I walked past the jazz room and into the ballet room. Mellow music was playing as we walked into the parent waiting room which had a clear view of the studio. I took front row seat as I watch Olivia practice her twirls one on one with the most experienced instructors they have in the studio. Miss Alaine herself. Alaine is a seventy-seven-year-old woman who is retired in the art of ballet and is now an owner of the Academy. As I watch her with Olivia, I feel at ease knowing that she is being taught by a former ballerina. A profession I know Olivia is interested in.

Olivia's legs seem shaken up as Alaine demonstrates this double turn that evolves into a leap with one leg out. From what I can see, Olivia is getting frustrated with herself. Something usual that happens whenever she is learning a new move that she wants to get right away.

"Olivia turns pink when she's mad, right?" Alexa asks, breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Yes, and she knows she is not supposed to get mad during a lecture. Her anger tends to throw her off which usually results--" Olivia slips and lands on the floor. Alaine helps her up and comforts her before Olivia walks to the other side of the studio where another instructor is teaching five girls how to jump. Alaine calls over Michelle, Olivia's best friend who together joined this class.

My phone vibrates, my children's babysitter's name pops up. I stood up quickly and walked out the room to take the call. "Hello?" I could hear some ruckus from the other line.

"Abigail, I was wondering what time would you be coming back from work? I really need to talk to you about something important." My babysitter Chelsea explains with such urgency. Her tone is making me believe that an accident had happened and hearing the shouting from the background seems to conclude that.

"Why do I hear shouting? Chelsea, what's happening?" I asked. I could hear her talking in the background, it seemed she was trying to calm down my twins.

"Shut up already! Fuck, you're so annoying," That is all I needed to hear before ending the call. I went back inside to grab my bag.

I looked for Olivia and saw her laughing with two of her dance mates. The class is not over yet and I know she likes being here for the whole time. I look at Alexa who's on her phone texting, the confrontation would only take about thirty minutes or less...

I look over at Olivia, I walk to the front of the glass and gently tap on it. Olivia's expression changed as she sees me gesturing her over to the door. She nods as she walks over to her instructor, letting her know that she has to leave early.

"What happened? Why are we leaving early?" Alexa asked as she stood beside me.

"The babysitter, Chelsea, told someone to shut up and that they're annoying. I have a feeling it is Lucas who she directed the insult to." I stated angrily.

"Wow, yeah this is an emergency that needs to be settled with. Has she ever done this before?" She asked, trying to make sense of the situation.

"Not that I know of."

Olivia comes out with her duffle bag, she has a frown on her face as she hands me the bag. "I know Liv, I'm sorry," I mumble against her forehead as I leaned into a kiss.

"You promised me that it would be the last time we leave early. I'm so behind now and have to dance with the younger group." She sighed heavily, feeling defeated.

As we walk down the stairs to the exit, I can see the line of parents increasing. We squeeze our way out and I practically run to the car with Alexa and Olivia running behind. I unlock the car, opening the passenger door and throwing my bag as well as Olivia's over my seat. I start the ignition as I buckle up and wait for everyone else to get seated.

Alexa being the last one in, I scan the lot to see if there are any cars behind me. Through the rearview window, I can see Olivia pouting. I'll need to make it up for here when this mess with Chelsea is cleared up. I pull out of the parking lot and try my best to ignore the heavy feeling in my gut.

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