Chapter 02|See you Around

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Chapter Two: See you Around
Hailey's Pov...

Twirling the ice in my coffee with my straw, I look towards the counter where I dropped the woman's drink. It is my break and as I sit here and evaluate my morning, I'm beginning to feel awful after what I did to her, although, to in my defense it was an accident.

"Do you think she's serious about me paying her bill?" I asked Natalie who was carrying out a tray of fresh glazed donuts out of the kitchen.

"I don't know. I've known Ms. Clarke for two years now and I know she can be a bit rough around the edges. I doubt that she meant it." She struggles to switch out the empty trays so that's my cue to help her out.

I run to the back of the counter and carefully switch the tray with fresh donuts. "How do you even know her?" I asked.

Natalie sighed heavily, "She's good friends with the owner. Plus, Abigail has frequent visits here, if not alone she's with her family or friends."

So her name is Abigail. Very posh, it sort of reminds me of a Queen. It still doesn't justify why she couldn't accept my apology. I stood there for a while, eyeing the empty shop before I began helping with doing a pastry count. I took notes and went to the kitchen to give Natalie my total.

"I'm just worried about the bill. Did you see the boots she was wearing? I can tell she doesn't shop in the clearance section and I had to burn myself and mess up those designer shoes." I sigh in defeat as I lean against the metal countertop watching Natalie mix the batter for a batch of cupcakes.

Natalie returned a hearty laugh. She shook her head, "She works in the fashion industry, Hailey. What do you expect?" She handed me a dirty bowl to put in the sink. I threw the bowl instead and mentally high fived myself as it went in with no trouble at all. Natalie did not seem pleased. "This topic is boring me, and enough about Abigail. Could you quickly go to the supermarket and buy me some flour? Our purveyors are late on the order so now we have to buy our flour for a week."

"Again? I thought Grace paid extra money for them to be on time." I went to the pantry to find the cash box and dig out a few dollars. "Do you think they'll be here tomorrow?" I asked as I counted the money.

"Grace called them in and said they'll be here in two weeks," Natalie shouted.

"Are you kidding me," I mumbled to myself. I grabbed about fifty dollars to buy enough flour for the next two weeks. I locked the cash box before hiding it behind a tub of icing tips and slipping the money into my front pockets.

I closed the pantry door and ran out to see Nat scoop out the batter into the cupcake liners. She gave me a small wave as I ran by to grab my jacket and scarf from the employee closet. I'm usually not the one to run on an errand but since it's only Nat and I it leaves me to do the easy tasks. Although, it can be debatable that running errands can also be tiring. Nat never believes me.

I exit the shop and make way towards the nearest supermarket which is basically a good thirty minutes away. I don't mind the walking since I have time to myself to think of all the mess that is my life. What a fun experience, no?

It's still raining but not as harsh as it did in the morning. I covered my head with my hoodie as I walked between people. It might seem to the public eye that I'm just a cheerful young adult who looks forward to all the joy and mishaps life brings. An example of that would be this gentleman walking out of his car, as our eyes catch he gives me a friendly smile which I return. He might think that I'm just a friendly lady who smiles at strangers. Or he thinks that I'm miserable and masking my emotions by this smile. Exactly. It's hard to tell by just a glance.

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