Sonic Anarchy

By Ricker106

215 3 2

This story was made WAY before I made an account on here, so DON'T give any suggestions, however after the fi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 19

5 0 0
By Ricker106

Maverick felt more confident about himself than ever before, he was glad he finally told Amy about Richard, even though she didn't understand what he was really trying to say, he still felt good about it. Amy walked into the living room wearing a yellow tank top with blue jeans, she picked up her boots and put them on while Maverick watched her, "Where ya goin'?" he asked the pink hedgehog. "I'm gonna head to the store to get somethings, wanna come along?" She asked with joy, Maverick got up from the couch and walked to his room saying, "Lemme get my clothes on first." Maverick was very careful when it came to hiding his metalic figure, he wasn't 100% metal, but he had patches covering some of his fur. Amy opened the door and called for Maverick who was getting his shoes on and walking at the same time, a difficult task when you're in a hurry. The two finally got ready and headed to the mall, which thankfully wasn't a long walk from her house.

They walked around for a while until they reached their destination, the mall's local market. Amy walked up to the lady behind the counter and asked her where the produce section was while Maverick sat on a bench, cohorting with the maniac inside. 'Mav, quit ignoring me, I only want to help.' Richard said, hoping Maverick would answer him, Maverick looked at the shady figure in front of him and thought, 'Why are you doing this?'

'Doing what?' Richard asked, acting like he didn't know what Maverick meant. 'Why are you being such a jerk?' He thought to Richard, Richard wheezed with laughter at Maverick's question and said, 'Because I can, ya see, you can only be so nice to someone before you get bored, so I wondered what you'd do if I was mean, my theory was right...' Maverick gave a confused expression to the...whatever he was and thought, 'What theory?' Richard gave him a sinister glare, 'You'll see soon enough...' than he vanished. Maverick looked over to see Amy picking out fruits and vegetables from a carton, she looked over at him and waved, he waved back. The bench made a creaking noise as someone sat down next to him, Maverick turned to whoever sat down and shut his robo-eye tight, in order to avoid suspicion.

The person who sat next to him was wearing a black undergarment with white ankle socks and her boots had pink hearts on the front of them, her chestpiece(?) was in the shape of a heart as well, she was wearing pink lipstick and sky blue eye liner, Amy recognized this person and marched over to her fuming. The teal eyed bat looked over at the socially anxious hedgecat and said, "Hey there hon." Maverick tilted his head, 'hon'? He had never been called that before, he was about to ask the seemingly mature bat what she meant but Amy interrupted him. "Hello Rouge." She said with a sneer, Rouge looked up at the pink hedgehog and told her, "Hey Amy, ya know this kid?"

"Yes, he's my brother, and I'd appreciate it if you didn't call him 'hon'."

"Your brother huh? I don't remember you ever having a brother." Rouge said, Maverick raised his hand halfway to hopefully break the ice, "I-I'm adopted..." He said nervously, Rouge glanced over to the fibbing hybrid and said, "Really? Well let me tell ya, you couldn't have asked for a better sister sweety." Rouge said winking at him, while this is the point where other guys Rouge talks to swoon over her, Maverick was unnaturally calm, it was almost as if he didn't understand what flirting was, which he didn't. Amy grabbed Maverick's hand and brought him away from the flirty bat, wishing he wasn't subjected to that kind of personality, Rouge stood up and said sarcastically, "Nice to meet you to." Maverick felt like he was on a leesh as Amy kept dragging him away from Rouge, finally they stopped and he rubbed his arm saying, "What was that for?" Amy looked at him and said, "Listen, I really don't like Rouge okay? And I never wanted you to meet her, she's...well you know."

"A-actually I don't" Amy sighed as she remembered how clueless Maverick was when it came to the real world, the two were about to leave the mall when Amy's tablet starting ringing, she got it out and tapped the screen.

On the screen was Tails, who seemed to be happy, Amy was about to ask him why he looked that way before she heard something explode in the background. "What the heck was that?!" she asked, concerned for the kitsune's safety, Tails looked to his right and shook his head, "Nevermind, I thought it was ready..." he said, sounding defeated, Maverick looked at the screen and asked, "What was ready?" Tails froze, he could see Maverick's glowing eye in the shadow of his hood, "What...happened to your eye?" He asked, Maverick quickly looked away and shut his left eye as tightly as he could, Amy saw this and knew she had a lot of explaining to do, or did she? "Tails, what happened?" She whined trying to change the subject, another explosion was heard this one louder than before, and the room Tails was in was completely shrouded in smoke. "Just *cough* come by the *hack* lab, I ha *cough* have to show you *cough cough* something." He than disconnected, leaving Maverick scared out of his mind, Tails saw his eye, how could he explain that without admitting he's a cyborg? Amy tapped Maverick on the shoulder and told him that everything would be fine, Maverick didn't believe her but acted like he did so he could avoid talking about 'personal details' in public.

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