Sonic Anarchy

By Ricker106

215 3 2

This story was made WAY before I made an account on here, so DON'T give any suggestions, however after the fi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 5

8 0 0
By Ricker106

Maverick tried to find Richard and eventually did, "Oh so know you want my advice, just leave her there, she's the one who started it." Maverick could imagine Richard in front of him, he looked exactly like him but he was all black and his eyes were just 2 glowing red dots. "Maverick, I know what you're thinking and it'll only make things worse." Maverick knew in his tormented heart that he had to try to make her feel better, Richard noticed this, "Fine, you do know how to hug people right?" Maverick had a faint memory of a hug, in his childhood someone hugged him, but he didn't know how to hug someone. Richard being the creature he is stated, "Wow, you really are clueless aren't you?" He said with a hiss, "All you have to do is wrap your arms around her, that's it, just don't screw it up." Richard disappeared again, leaving Maverick to deal with the problem at hand.

Almost everyone in the store was looking at Amy, making Maverick uneasy, he was afraid of how she'd react if he hugged her. Maverick tapped Amy's shoulder in order to get her attention, she looked at him with tears in her eyes and hugged him so tight that his spine would snap, which it almost did if he hadn't hugged her back. The hug broke after a couple of minutes, Amy's crying had become sniffles and quiet whimpers. "Thanks Maverick, I feel a little better now." Amy told him, Maverick felt something warm inside him, he didn't know what the feeling was so he ignored it. Him and Amy went to the check out and the cashier just stared at them with slight terror in his eyes, he was a bit concerned for his safety since Tails shouted 'I killed her' but he let them but the shoes anyway.

As the two were walking outside Amy heard a familiar sobbing to her left, she looked over to find a yellow fox with two tails crying so hard that he could power machinery. Amy wasn't the only one who didn't like to see people cry, Maverick was also sad to Tails like this even though they barely know each other. Maverick walked over to him and sat down next to him, Amy also sat down on the opposite side of where Maverick was sitting, Amy looked over at Tails and noticed that Maverick's robotic eye was glowing enough for anybody to see it, Amy looked back at Tails, focusing on the problem at hand, "I'm sorry Tails, I shouldn't have said that, can you ever forgive me?" she asked. Tails looked up at Amy and smiled, it wasn't a smile that expressed a lot of happiness but it was a smile nonetheless, "Yeah, I forgive you..." Tails said with a whimper, his smile soon faded as an image of Cosmo flashed through his head and began to cry again. Tails buried his face in his hands and sobbed uncontrollably while Amy slowly stroked the back of his head, Maverick on the other hand was confused about something, who is Cosmo?

He decided to ask Amy when they got back to her place, in all the drama Maverick almost forgot to try on his new shoes. He got Amy's attention by tapping her leg, causing her to look at his new shoes. The shoes he got weren't to bad, at most they seem pretty average in modern standards, they were mostly black with a hint of grey, there were 3 red vertical stripes going from the front to the back of the shoe, the shoes didn't have shoelaces, instead it had velcro straps that had a comfort grip at the end of them. All in all Amy liked them, and so did Tails who had cheered up a little bit.

Tails checked his tablet (the thing that Sonic uses in Sonic Lost World to talk to Amy and Knuckles) to see what time it was, and when he did he said he had to leave and twirled his tails so he could fly back. Maverick stood there in awe, he never thought that Tails could fly like that, Amy saw the amazement on Maverick's face and giggled, getting his attention, "I forgot you didn't know that Tails could fly." she said, giving his shoulder a playful nudge. Maverick put a hand on his shoulder in order to ease the slight pain, as caring as Amy was she is really strong, on their way back to Amy's house she asked Maverick something she needed to know, "Maverick, can I ask you something?" Maverick looked at her in response, "Are you a hybrid?"

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