Love struck ( A Nick Mara Lov...

By Beauty_Swim

20.6K 310 17

there always that one person that you trust and loved when you were as child....... but when you realize you... More

The Last Day Before Spring Break
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Not a chapter
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Not a chapter
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
Chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 49
Chapter 51
chapter 52
chapter 53
author note
chapter 54
Chapter 55
Author Note
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Author's Note
Author Note

chapter 50

132 2 0
By Beauty_Swim

Frida POV.
Today is the day that I could watch TV and be in my Pjs but nope that could never happen because Louis have something plan for us the Whole Entire Day. I'm not complaining about it but I'm too lazy today. So I got up from bed and check my phone and see I got a text from Louis to saying to bring extra clothes. So I don't know what kind of clothes should I bring , so I ask Louis formal or casual. And he said both. So I grabbed a bag and stuffed my wallet, my glasses, a put my casual clothes in and formal clothes in too. I put my clothes on. I decided to put makeup on but not that much and I bring my makeup bag with me. I put my hair in a side braid.I grabbed my stuff and went down and meet up with Louis.

Alaisa POV
I woke up and went straight to my phone. I went on twitter and instagram. I decided what to do today and probably just stay in my Pjs and watch my Tv. Now that sounds a relaxing day. I hear knocking on the door and "Come in" and it was Jason. I probably smile like weirdo but. Always happy to see him . He came to my bed and we kissed. He pulled away and I just 😀. He took out his phone and took a snapchat.

I looked at the photo and smile. "So what are you doing?" He said... " well stayed on bed and watch Pretty Little Liars. And probably be with you." I said and he smile "I like the plan of the day." He said and I nodded so we brought snacks and watch Pretty little Liars. We make ourselves comfortable and began watching it.

Darlene Pov
I woke up and groaned. I turned around and to see Sleepy and Snoring Mikey... I just giggled about it. I tried not to wake him up but I failed at it. He groaned and got up. "Good Morning 😁 Love ❤" he said. Making me smile , "Good Morning sleepy head" I said and got up and went to the bathroom do my daily morning routine. After my routine. I got out of my bathroom and saw Mikey wasn't there. I shrugged and went downstairs to make myself a smoothie. I put it frozen mangoes, spinach, frozen berries, frozen yogurt, and orange juice and I put it to the blender and waited for juice. After that I pour it to my cup and drink it. Today, we have chill day. So that means I get to go shopping today. I went upstairs to see If Heather want to go with me. I knock on her door and she open it.
"Hey are you busy today?"
"No.. why"
"Well let's go shopping."
"Ok... Did you ask the others?"
"No but I ask."
"Ok give me 5 mins."

I went to Alaisa's room to see if she want to come but when I walked in I saw Jason and her cuddling and watching Netflix. I was about to ask Frida but she not here, she probably with Louis. So that means me and Heather are going shopping. I saw Heather and we went to the Mall. When we got to the mall, our first stop was Victoria Secret, there was a sale and I freaked out. Okay, I might have obsession for Victoria Secret but they have the cutest under garments and cute sweats. I bought bras and underwear and 2 sweats and jackets. Heather did the same bought as me. Next we went to Forever 21, this store has the cutest and chic clothes I have ever seen.

After that, we went Sephora, Mac, American Eagle, Bath and body works, and many more stores. We decided to take a break and went to go eat. We wanted something delicious and got Wendy's. Mmm 😌 the food is good. Also, we finished our food and got cinnamon buns. I was so full and tired, we left the mall and went back to the House. Today was chill but fun. We got to the house and park the car. I open the trunk and grabbed our bags. Heather turned around and stared at something. I look at her direction and saw Mikey house filled with a lot people. We quickly put our things in the house and walked over there. Once we open the door, we just saw people dancing and music playing everywhere. I look around and thought to myself they are having party. Heather was shock about this because Nick didn't tell about a party. Even Mikey didn't tell me. I'm not mad about it but at least say something about it. I tried to look for Mikey but my luck has changed. I couldn't find him anywhere. I went to see if he is in his room but Nick was in front of me. "Hey Darlene... Uh what are you doing here?" Nick said and he was hiding something. I just furrow my brows, "I'm looking for Mikey, have you seen him?" I said and Nick eyes widened and stuttered. "Um. No I haven't seen him probably he in the kitchen, where people are. So come with me and let find him." He stuttered again and I know Mikey not in the Kitchen. I smiled and nodded he was in front of me and I was behind him, he kept walking and I stopped and went to Mikey's room. I was in his door and about to open it and saw Mikey on his bed with.......

Heather POV
I tried to look for Nick around for 20 mins and then I saw him. He look at my direction and came up to me. "Hey, see you having fun?" I said to him and he kind of was 😬 "yep, sorry that I didn't tell you about the party." He said and he kinda felt bad but I nodded. He turned around and his had wide eyes. "Um what's wrong?" I said to him. "No. Where Darlene?" He said and he worrying about it. "I don't know, she was looking for Mikey." He widened and turned around and pulled me with him. We went into Mikey room and saw something that my mouth fell down to the floor. I looked at Darlene's reaction, I'm nott surprised about this. He didn't noticed us. I'm still not surprised about this.

Nick POV
I warned Mikey about this but he didn't listen to me. Now here watching this, make my eyes burn and now thinking about this. I probably will die because I could tell Darlene reaction was out to hunt. I turned around to see Heather's reaction her mouth touched the floor but at the same time she was not surprised at all. Mikey didn't notice us and I'm like bro can you see us or are we ghost because if we are ghost I could tell that Darlene is going to hunt him for the rest of his life. OMG, it getting worse by seconds. I can't believe this. Can't someone make a noise so that we could get his attention. I shook my head and look down and saw beer bottles. This keeps getting better. I nudged Heather and showed her and she was like 😱 and Darlene look down and her face was 😠+😈= Very Pissed Off Darlene. I can't stand it, so I coughed hard and he turned his head on us. I could tell that Darlene is going to hunt him down. This is the same thing over again. HE HAVING INTENSE MAKE OUT SESSION WITH ANOTHER GIRL PLUS HE SHIRTLESS AND DRUNK. Darlene just walked away and Heather went after her. I'm smh right now and he felt bad. "I warned you, dude." I left and close the door. I didn't want to stay here anymore so I left and went to the girls house. I opened the door and see Jason coming down the stairs. "Dude, what wrong with Darlene?" He said with concerned voice and I sighed softly and I spoke "Mikey." With the face I have was 😕. He sighed and I explained him the whole story including that we were watching that. "I don't know what to do with Mikey anymore." Jason said rubbing his face. "Me either.... He wasn't like this before." I said and thought the moments over and over. "Do you think he's ready for relationship? Do you think he changing?" Jason said and I sighed. " I don't know anymore." I said.


Well that a bit shocker and really awkward for Nick. Sorry guys haven't been updating. It's just school and things that I'm busy with. But I probably will update soon. Let me know what you think about Mikey in the comments section and do you think Darlene should go back with him. And I'm just noticed that there a lot drama in this book because I'm trying to related to life but I think it's too much but it's my first time writing a book.

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