Our Ouran Life

By Pandakat137

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This is my first fan fiction so yeh.... I do not own Ouran or the characters in it. More

Chapter 1: Welcome To Ouran
Chapter 2: Back to the Host Club!
Chapter 3: Later
Chapter 6: I Have No Inspiration Again :D
Chapter 7: Mall Day!
Chapter 8: Dodge ball!
Chapter 9: WAR OF THE TWINS! pt.1
read please

Chapter 4: Still no Inspiration! :D

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By Pandakat137

"Ughhh" London groaned as we walked up to the school "I'm to tired for school."

"Stop wining" I said "When are you not tired."

"Yeah good point, but its school so i'm even more tired!" she mumbled.

"Lets just go to the host club Lon." I said already aggravated.

When we walked into the host club Hikaru and Kaoru pulled us into a changing room.

"Hey what gives!?" I screamed at them.

"Here." they said handing me and London some clothes. "Put these on."

"Ugh fine." I grumbled as they left. When we finished getting dressed me and London looked at each other. We were wearing black skirts with a white button up shirt. We also had on a black tie with a purple strip and a light blue/purple jacket with the Ouran Academy sim bole on it. The only difference between what we were wearing was the fact that i had purple leggings on with black combat boots, and she had black leggings with the same kind of boots.

When we walked out the dressing room everyone surrounded us.

"Aw look at my beautiful daughters!" Tamaki said "They look so cute in their new uniforms! Oh and by the way Haruhi meat your new sisters!"

"Wait uniforms?" I questioned " I thought the girl's uniforms were the exploding bananas, how come we have these?"

"Well, we remembered you saying that you guys hated the dresses," The twins smiled and wrapped their arms around us "so we had our mom make these for your two."

"Thanks, these are much better than the bananas!" I smiled "Especially the ties!." Me and London yelled at the same time.

"OH MY GOSH LON LOOK!" I said as I spun around watching the skirt twirl. "Haha....ha...huh...I think i am going to through up now." I pointed to the couch and just sat there, as everyone just laughed.

"Welp that happened." London said.

After that the bell rang. The entire time I was walking to class with the twins and Haruhi, I could not stop smiling.

"Hey Paris?" Haruhi asked "Do you think you and London would want to come over after school?"

"Sure," I smiled

When we walked into class I sat next to Haruhi at the table next to the twins. Not long after the bell for class to start rang, and the teacher gave us our bell-ringer.

"Oh this is easy,I don't even have to work it out." I mumbled to my self as I wrote the answer. I started rolling my pencil up and down my desk waiting for the others to finish, when all of a sudden my pencil rolled off my desk.

"Crap." I grumbled. When I looked under my desk for it, I could not find it. All of a sudden I saw Kaoru holding it out to me.

"Thanks." I said smiling at him.

"No problem."

Finally, when all the other students finished the bell-ringer the teacher assigned us to groups of four. Luckily I was in a group with Haruhi and the twins. We had to finish a front and back page showing all of our work.

"Wow, thats it?" I said.

"What do you mean?" The twins asked

"This is easy it will take me like five minutes to do." I replied laughing.

"Really?" Haruhi questioned.

"Yeah its only finding the greatest common factor of stuff, and checking the work will be easy!" I said already on question #3.

As eight minutes go by, i finished both front and back of the worksheet.

"Paris you lied to us." The twins laughed

"How?" I questioned.

"You said it would only take you five minutes but it took you longer than that." They replied.

I just stuck my tongue out at them. Then the bell to end class rang.

~~~London's Point Of View~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Psst, Tamaki do you have a pencil I can barrow?" I whispered to Tamaki hoping the teacher would not see me talking.

"Yes of course." He said handing me a pencil.

"Thanks." I said taking it.

We were learning about European countries so I zoned out since I know almost everything about them. The only reason i needed a pencil was because we were gonna have a quiz on it after.

"London" Tamaki said tapping my shoulder.

"What." I hissed.

"The teacher is Handing out the quiz." He relied with a smile.

"Oh thanks." I said half asleep.

As soon as the quiz was passed out I started to answer all the questions with ease. About five minutes later I finished the quiz already knowing that I got a good grade.

A few minutes later the bell had rang.

~~~~~~Paris' Point Of View~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

When I left my class I went to my locker to put my math books up.

"So Paris," I heard two voices say from be hind me.

"What." I said turning around to see the twins.

"So, you did't forget your homework this time." They said laughing.

"Nope, not this time and I swear if you tell anyone what I did your gonna with you were never born." I said with a smile, as I walked to P.E.

I had P.E. With London so I was excited to tell her that we were going to Haruhi's house after school.

"Hey Lon!" I yelled as I saw her sitting in the bleachers.

"What is it Par?" She sighed looking up at me.

"We're going to Haruhi's house after school." I smiled

"Ok...Wait a minute I never agreed to that!" She shouted at me.

"I know but she wanted to know so I told her we would."I laughed with a smile. London just death glared me.

"Fight me" she shouted at me as I went to go change into the gym uniforms. Our gym uniforms were white shirts with the Ouran Academy symbol on it with short purple sleeves and purple shorts. I put my hair in pigtails and then walked out of the girls locker room.

Just then the teacher announced that we will be playing volleyball.

"YES!" I jumped up and screamed, then quickly covered my mouth realizing that everyone was staring at me.

"Oh god" London mumbled. She had already changed into her gym uniform and sat next to the twins.

"What do you mean about that?" They questioned her.

"Nothing, its just Paris really loves volleyball." She replied covering her face.

"Oh, is she good at it?" They asked again.

"Wait and find out." She answered.

The game was girls against boys, and we had to pick who was going to be team captain. I was chosen to be the captain of the girls team, and the captain of the guys team was Kasanoda. When the game started I was serving first, and I managed to get a point. When I served it again, Hikaru hit it back.

"Nice try Paris but your not gonna get another point that easily." Hikaru yelled.

"Good it wont be as fun if ya'll didn't hit it back,"I yelled back at him. On of the girls on our team managed to hit it back so we got another point.

After we got a few more points we switched spots. Now I was in the middle and London was serving. When she hit the ball over Kasanoda hit it over, so I slid across the gym floor and hit it back over before the ball hit the ground.

"Your not to bad Paris," Kasanoda yelled

"Thanks, but i'm just getting started," I yelled back "But don't worry Ill go easy on ya'll."

~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Oh come on tho!" I yelled at London and the twins. "Its not fair that they took me out the game!"

"Dude, you kept spiking the ball at people!" London yelled back

"So, thats what your supposed to do!" I screamed as the four of us walked to lunch.

"Well, you were getting a lot of people hurt," Hikaru said "But it was hilarious tho." him and Kaoru both started laughing.

"Besides its not like they were bleeding...most of them..." I mumbled making a derp face.

"I have to admit it was pretty great tho, but you kept hitting people in the face." London said.

"Eyy, then they should have got their face out of the way," I shrugged "Its not my fault."

"Sure, its not" she rolled her eyes.

When we got to lunch London just went and sat by the rest of the host club while I went to go get food. When I finally got my food I sat next to London.

The whole time at lunch I was just sitting there with my arms crossed making a grumpy duck face, because I was still made about the whole being to aggressive in volleyball thing.

The rest of the day went by really slow, but when the bell rang to end our last class I ran out the door to go to the host club.

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