Chapter 4: Still no Inspiration! :D

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"Ughhh" London groaned as we walked up to the school "I'm to tired for school."

"Stop wining" I said "When are you not tired."

"Yeah good point, but its school so i'm even more tired!" she mumbled.

"Lets just go to the host club Lon." I said already aggravated.

When we walked into the host club Hikaru and Kaoru pulled us into a changing room.

"Hey what gives!?" I screamed at them.

"Here." they said handing me and London some clothes. "Put these on."

"Ugh fine." I grumbled as they left. When we finished getting dressed me and London looked at each other. We were wearing black skirts with a white button up shirt. We also had on a black tie with a purple strip and a light blue/purple jacket with the Ouran Academy sim bole on it. The only difference between what we were wearing was the fact that i had purple leggings on with black combat boots, and she had black leggings with the same kind of boots.

 The only difference between what we were wearing was the fact that i had purple leggings on with black combat boots, and she had black leggings with the same kind of boots

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When we walked out the dressing room everyone surrounded us.

"Aw look at my beautiful daughters!" Tamaki said "They look so cute in their new uniforms! Oh and by the way Haruhi meat your new sisters!"

"Wait uniforms?" I questioned " I thought the girl's uniforms were the exploding bananas, how come we have these?"

"Well, we remembered you saying that you guys hated the dresses," The twins smiled and wrapped their arms around us "so we had our mom make these for your two."

"Thanks, these are much better than the bananas!" I smiled "Especially the ties!." Me and London yelled at the same time.

"OH MY GOSH LON LOOK!" I said as I spun around watching the skirt twirl. "Haha....ha...huh...I think i am going to through up now." I pointed to the couch and just sat there, as everyone just laughed.

"Welp that happened." London said.

After that the bell rang. The entire time I was walking to class with the twins and Haruhi, I could not stop smiling.

"Hey Paris?" Haruhi asked "Do you think you and London would want to come over after school?"

"Sure," I smiled

When we walked into class I sat next to Haruhi at the table next to the twins. Not long after the bell for class to start rang, and the teacher gave us our bell-ringer.

"Oh this is easy,I don't even have to work it out." I mumbled to my self as I wrote the answer. I started rolling my pencil up and down my desk waiting for the others to finish, when all of a sudden my pencil rolled off my desk.

"Crap." I grumbled. When I looked under my desk for it, I could not find it. All of a sudden I saw Kaoru holding it out to me.

"Thanks." I said smiling at him.

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