Brown sugar and Lavender

By Deipotent_Daisy

372K 10.3K 5.9K

If you love someone, what would you do to be with them? For Addison Montgomery, it meant she would follow th... More

Brown sugar and lavender
Chapter one: The Mistress Encounter
Chapter two: McWife makes an appearance
Chapter three: Addison's attempt to get it together
Chapter four: a day of awkward expiriences
Chapter five: The stuck up and the old lady
Chapter six: Ten tiny toes to never touch ground
Chapter seven: Cloudy eyes and nightmare cuddling
Chapter eight: 7th grade crush round 2
Chapter nine: Driving Miss Crazy
Chapter ten: Sleepy Cuddles
Chapter eleven: Just Christina and a close call
Chapter twelve: Bunny wants to sue the Hotel
Chapter thirteen: I really freaking like you
Chapter fourteen: Love me, leave me
Chapter fifteen: Love me, keep me
Chapter sixteen: Peace and love...for a short while
Chapter seventeen: Less personality than a steak
Chapter eighteen: Its a survivor
Chapter nineteen: She'll be standing next to me
Chapter twenty: The Tangy Story
Chapter twenty one: Prom!
Chapter twenty three: Pop the question like its Derek's jaw
Chapter twenty four: May wedding? June wedding?
Chapter twenty five: Through sickness and planning
Chapter twenty six: You're my life
Chapter twenty seven: Surprise!!!
Twenty eight: Guess who's back?
Twenty nine: A Day Of Sisters
Chapter thirty: Tragedy becomes us
Chapter thirty one: Tragedy becomes us prt.2
Chapter thirty two: I'm okay
Chapter thirty three: A baby?
Chapter thirty five: One year anniversary!
Chapter thirty six: Biggest surprise, best surprise
A question for my readers
Chapter 15 (delayed) part two: Love me, keep me
The end??
Chapter thirty seven: Christmas round two
Chapter thirty eight: Ultrasound
Chapter thirty nine: Mini-Meredith
Chapter forty: Chubby bunny
Chapter forty one: Painting
Chapter forty two: Petty on a whole new level
Chapter forty three: Hemo-what??
Chapter forty four: wash, dry, fold, repeat.
Chapter forty five: I can't help falling in love with you
Chapter forty six: Ouch! (Is it labor?)
Chapter forty seven: Baby time!
Chapter forty eight:
Sequel ❤️

Chapter twenty two: Rationally heartbroken?

7.1K 186 233
By Deipotent_Daisy

Addisons POV:

A few weeks later, things were still good with Meredith and I. Amazing, actually. We had good communication, a good understanding of each other and very good sex.

It was the best relationship I can say I have ever had.

And I was married for ten years.

I was sitting in bed, Meredith's bed, looking over some notes and papers for a surgery. There was a really, really rare case coming in and I was studying up so I knew exactly what to say to the parents when they asked any questions.

Mere, was sitting curled up on my side trying to get my attention on her and away from my reading.

"Pay attention to meee" she whined, poking my ribs.

"'M reading" i murmured, flipping a page "we'll watch a movie in a couple of hours, don't worry baby"

"I wanna spend time with you now" she kissed up and down my neck, trying to win me over.

"Not working, Mere" I sigh, still focused on my reading.

"I guess I'll have to try method B" she says absently.

I thought method B was go and bug Izzie or George, but apparently not. She kept on kissing me and poking me, but I didn't budge. I had to finish this reading.

All of a sudden, I felt a slimy, wet line go from my collar bone to my ear.

She freaking licked me.

"Ew!" I exclaimed, throwing my reading aside "gross! You licked me!"

Standing up and smirking, she crossed her arms triumphantly.

"Should've paid more attention to me!" She giggled.

I stood up "I am so going to get you for that!"

"Not if you can't catch me!" She runs out the door, and I quickly follow.

"Mere, you are so dead!" I laugh, chasing her down the stairs and to the kitchen.

"Can't catch me!!!" She squeals, as we run in circles.

"I bet I can!" I laugh.

"Nope!" She keeps on running.

"Meredith" Izzie yells from the living room. Meredith just ignores her and runs into the living room, I run behind her and tackle her, throwing myself on her back and wrapping my legs around her waist.

"Gotcha!" I smile, as she teeters and wobbles before falling backwards on the couch.

"Looks like the tables have turned, Miss Addie Bunny" she smirks, on top of me. I laugh, as Izzie clears her throat.

"Mere" she says more urgently.

"Not now, Iz" she whines, kissing me lightly "I'm spending time with my love"

"So I'm your love?" I tease "because you were TORTURING me a few minutes ago!"

"Addison" Izzie says.

"She licked me! What was I supposed to do? Not chase her?" I ask, kissing Meredith lightly again.

"You're all adorable, really, but-" Izzie tried again, but Meredith cuts her off.

"Let me be, Iz. The love of my life is under me and she's wearing my Dartmouth shirt. Which, by the way, looks amazing. She's all gorgeous and cute, and FINALLY paying attention to me so I think I'd like to be left alone" Mere puts her forehead against my own, smiling.

"I love you" I breathe.

"I love you more" she smiles, as Izzie talks again.

"Derek's here"

Meredith and I snap our heads to the side, to see Derek standing with Izzie in the doorway.

I'm suddenly all too aware that Meredith is on top of me, I'm only wearing an oversized shirt and Mere is only wearing sweat pants and a tank top, not to mention that we were having a moment whilst confessing our undying love.

"Derek" Meredith stands up and sits down next to me, casually throwing a blanket over my exposed legs. I guess she noticed how exposed I was too.

"What brings you here?" I ask, wondering what the hell he's doing.

"Meredith, your Mother was brought to the hospital last night" Derek's tone is serious "I wanted to be here to tell you"

"Addie, come here" Meredith says quietly. I scoot over so I'm closer to her, and she grabs my hand.

"Is she okay?" I ask, worried for my girlfriends absent mother.

"You know then?" Meredith asks Derek.

He nods "we all do, we just wanted to have you there to make all of her medical decisions"

"Why?" I ask "is she not awake and alert?"

"Addie, baby" Mere slowly turns to face me "my Mother isn't okay. She hasn't been for five years"

"What's wrong then?" I ask, exasperated.

"She has Alzheimer's. She swore me to secrecy five years ago, I didn't tell a soul. She wanted me to be the only one who knew, but I guess the cats out of the bag" Meredith said softly.

I wrap an arm around her and pull her close to me.

"Oh baby, I'm so sorry" I whisper into her hair.

"You're not mad I didn't tell you?" She looks up at me, her grey eyes big and wide.

"Not at all" I answer "I'm only sorry you've had to deal with this all alone! I would never be mad at something like this!"

She buries her head in my neck, holding me closer than I thought possible.

"I love you" she mutters.

"I love you too"


"Meredith, I am trying to work. Please go home" Ellis Grey is sitting in a hospital bed, completely and utterly out of it. She's yelling at Meredith, she's yelling at the staff, hell, I think she even chucked a bedpan at one point.

"Mom, for the last time. I'm a doctor, I'm here to see your charts and make sure you're okay" Meredith says exasperated.

"Meredith, you're five years old. Stop being preposterous" her Mother scoffs.

With a defeated sigh, Meredith slams down the charts and joins me at the door.

"Well, I guess I'm done here for the day" she rubs her temples "the woman wasn't exactly a joy when she was lucid, let alone now"

I grab her hand and lead her away from her mothers room and to the cafeteria.

"Meredith, I'm sure she'll be okay" I reassure her.

"Oh I sure as hell know she's gonna be okay. The woman is made of steel. It's me I'm worried about"

I laugh "you're tough, you'll be okay"

She sighs and sends me a small smile "I'm stuck on Derek's service for the next few days too"

I groan "well, remember that there's no Netflix in prison" I kiss her cheek as I grab us both some water.

"Ugh, you and Netflix" she groans "that stupid show you're obsessed with, what's it called?"

I smirk "The Mindy Project"

She nods "that's one, but what's the other one about the surgeons and shit? The completely unrealistic one with all the drama where everyone dies and everyone's kissing everyone?" She asks.

"Blue's Hospital" I laugh "and it isn't too dramatic!"

Blue's Hospital is a drama show I'm absolutely obsessed with. It's based off of the life of a new intern, Elizabeth Blue, and her intern friends Alexis, Kristin, Isabella (Bella) and Ernest. The show starts off where Elizabeth sleeps with (unknowingly) her boss's kid (who's a surgical resident) Daniel and they end up having a low-key work romance. It's the perfect mix of forbidden love, drama, tears, laughs and jokes.

It's safe to say I love it.

"Addie, Hun, I love you to pieces. But that show is completely stupid" she tells me as we sit down at an empty table.

"Mere, that show is amazing" I say, dead seriously.

"Whatever" she scoffs.

"Like you watching Americas funniest home videos is any better" I defend my show, because I'm a firm believer in 'On Tuesday we watch Blue's'.

"I'll have you know-" she's cut off my her pager beeping like a son of a bitch. "Dammit, 911 on Derek's. I'll see you at home Princess" she kisses me quickly.

"Stop calling me that!" I call after her. She just laughs at me.


"You seriously trust her with Derek?" Callie asks me later on, as we chat absently by the nurses station.

"Why wouldn't i?" I ask curiously.

"Well, she's upset about her Mother, Derek happens to be a good and sturdy shoulder to cry on, and they were seriously the power couple around here before you showed up" Callie tells me, checking off each reason on her fingers.

"We've been together for six months, Cal" I tell her "that's halfway to a year. I mean, as far as I know, we're both thinking about marriage"

Callie nods "and you know what? That's really freaking amazing. You both deserve that. But things are hard for her and she's spending so much time with Derek..." She trails off.

"She's in OR two right now, Callie, I'll go and wish her good luck and find everything the same way it was yesterday. Her glaring at Derek while Derek glares at her" I stand up and head to the OR, ignoring Callie's sigh.

I know Meredith wouldn't ever do anything with Derek, but Callie did have somewhat of a point. Derek could've put the moves on her and tried something. I'm sure Meredith would've told me if he tried anything.

I smile and open the door to OR two.

"Hey! Wanted to wish you good luck before..." I trail off upon seeing the one thing that makes my heart crack right in my chest.

Derek is kissing Meredith, and she seems to be kissing back.

I step backwards, like I just got hit in the gut. Breathing seems to elude me, and all I can do is watch as she pushes Derek away from her with wide eyes.

"Addie, I swear, this isn't what it looks like" she says quickly.

I turn on my heels and rush out of there, only stopping when Meredith grabs onto my wrist.

"Addie, please just talk to me" she begs.

I can't speak, I can't form words. I just saw the one person I love more than anyone or anything on this planet lip locking with her ex. With our ex.

"Leave me alone" I grit my teeth and yank my wrist back with a force I didn't even know I possessed. I was heartbroken and I was pissed. I didn't want to think reasonably, I didn't want to think at all.

I just wanted to get out of there.

"No" Meredith says defiantly "if you think you're nuts enough to make me let you run off all pissed and upset, you're fucked. I'm not letting the one thing I've got to live for run out on me, not now and not ever. I'm going to explain and you're going to decide after that how pissed you are"

I turn to look at her "Meredith, you can't even begin to know how I'm feeling right now. So, let me go and leave me alone" I spit, anger lacing my words. I'm willing myself not to cry, because crying at a time like this would make me look even more pathetic than I feel.

"Addie, please don't leave me. Please, I love you" her eyes are glossing over and I can tell she's really worried I'm not coming back.

I don't really want to come back.

But at the same time, I can't even begin to imagine leaving her.

I breathe in and out, thinking rationally, or trying to anyway.

"Let me have some time" I say slowly "I promise I'll be back, I promise" I know there's truth in my words, because even if I decide to stay pissed off, I have to get my things from her house.

Right now, all I can see is every amazing moment I've ever spent with her. And it's breaking my heart to know she just shared a kiss with Derek.

When I leave, I can hear Meredith behind me break down in sobs. That breaks my heart more, because I want nothing more than to go back and hold her. But I can't, because I'm hurting too and no ones going to hold me.

Sometimes, you just have to look out for yourself.


When I'm at my apartment that night, I still haven't spoken to Meredith. It's been close to ten hours since I saw her at eleven this morning, and I literally just stayed in a ball crying and eating ice cream. I want to believe that Meredith has a legit explanation, I really do, but at this point I can only believe what I saw.

Deciding to get my shit together, I pull on some decent clothes and fix my face and hair before heading over to see the one thing I know will tell me what happened.

Not Derek and not Meredith.

The security tapes from the scrub room.

Is it kind of unnecessary?

Hell Ya.

Will it tell me what really happened?

Hell Ya.

Will it tell me why she did it?

Hell no.

Either way, after I Aquire this tape, I know I'll have to talk to her.





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