Harry Imagine 1

By hxrryimxgines

3.7K 37 5


Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 15
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24 (Last Part)

Part 1

1.2K 3 0
By hxrryimxgines

"C'mon sweetheart! We're gonna be late!" I was hoping this would be a normal day, but no, my dad is dragging me into work with him for 'Bring Your Kid To Work Day' or something like that. I looked at my nightstand clock. 6:18 am. I groaned not wanting to get up. I heard three knocks on my door and I knew it was my dad. He opened the door a peeked in. "You're still not up?! It's almost seven!" I pulled the blanket to cover my ears. He didn't yell, he just has a loud voice. "Do I have to tickle you?" I immediately removed the blanket from my face to give my dad the death look. "You wouldn't." "Oh try me darling" He held up his hands like claws with a smirk on his face. Oh no. Please god no. Within a matter of seconds, I burst into a fit of laughter and tears. "Stop dad please!" I begged. He finally listened. "Get up princess. It's gonna be a good day." He smiled at me then left my room. Work shouldn't be that bad right? I mean I do get the day off school. I'm a senior in high school graduating this May. My excitement is over the top. I got out of bed, washed my face, brushed my teeth and put on my best 'work' outfit. I took out my knee-length dress. It had black on the sides and white down the middle and a thin belt. My mom gave it to me last year before she passed. It's been really hard for me and my dad, although it seems like he's moved on. I did minimal makeup and put my hair in a high pony tail. I left my room with everything I needed. "Look at you! You know you look just like your mother." He held a sad smile as he looked at me "Oh you're up." Here we go. "Good morning Denise" Denise is my stepmother whom I hate with passion. She just smiled and walked past me . "Uhm, Dad we gotta go. It's almost 7" I said breaking the awkwardness. "Oh right! Can you drive?" I nodded and we were out the door. He didn't leave without kissing Denise. As he was about to go she grabbed his arm. "What about the girls?" She questioned referring to my stepsisters. "Daddy!" Speaking of tweedle Dee and tweedle dumber."Ahhh my lovely girls!" He embraced each in a hug. "Are you going to work?" Nikki said batting her lashes. "Yes darling I am and I'm taking (Y/N) with me today" he cooed. "Why her? I mean she's okay but we're awesome!" Wow uhm okay. "Okay look. I promise I'll take you both one day and it will be the best day ever okay?" "Promise?" They said in sync. "Promise." Okay I've had enough. I left slamming the door, as tears threatened to fall. He always gives them the best. Whereas I have nothing but myself and my spirit, which is slowly fading. If only he knew how they treated me. I'm like a modernized Cinderella. A wicked stepmother with 2 rock brained stepsisters treating like complete trash. Every. Single. Day. My dad opened the door and sat in the car. "Don't be like this, please" I mumble a 'whatever' and he sighed as I drove off. It'll be okay...one day.

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