Fable Fanfiction - The Affair...

By SpottedFaun

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After many years of being alive, several hundred in fact, Reaver finds himself at a stand still of life in wh... More

Chapter 1 - The Meeting
Chapter 2 - The Party
Chapter 3 - Aurora
Chapter 4 - The Sudden Movement
Chapter 5 - The Other Party
Chapter 6 - The Shadow Court
Chapter 7 - The Sharpest Shooter
Chapter 8 - The Pirate's Armada
Chapter 9 - The Guest of honour
Chapter 10 - Bloodstone
Chapter 11 - The Beating
Chapter 12 - The Attack
Chapter 13 - The Jealous Type
Chapter 14 - The Faked Plunder
Chapter 16 - Reaver's Point Of View
Chapter 17 - The Duo Of Recklessness
Chapter 18 - The Crossroads Of Fate
Chapter 19 - The Final Feeling
Chapter 20 - I pity you (FINAL)

Chapter 15 - The Shocking Confession

336 11 0
By SpottedFaun

After the event with the pirates and me shooting myself on deck, I was taken back from being in Reaver's service to spending most of my time in his cabin. He never exactly told me why, he kept me enclosed in, most likely due to the fear that came with the spirits that were apparently in these waters. Reaver would come to see me most times, he wouldn't leave me alone for more than an hour, but, it was odd. He'd finally said that he had feelings for me, which I found horrifically hard to believe, but it still amused me. Days must've gone past and the ship wouldn't stop almost capsizing, there was definitely something wrong with these waters. I had a deep feeling inside that our trip was coming to an end and that soon enough there was going to be a climax to our life's together. Soon enough, we began to pull into a lonely and empty port, we had arrived.

"Ah yes what a glorious port! It has all the free space and no regular peasants how delightful!" I heard in Reaver's voice from the deck and I opened up the door of the cabin to see him on deck as most of the servants were running from the ship to the port, carrying things.

"Is this it?" I asked him as he looked over his shoulder to me, flashing me a smile.

"What do you mean 'Is this is'? This is a port of treasures and hope!" He said as he turned back around and went for the plank that was connecting his ship to the dock, and he casually walked off the ship, pushing servants as he went. I slowly followed after him, picking up a few things on deck and carrying them to give that servant appeal. Just like before in Bloodstone but in reverse, us servants were carrying things from the ship to the land, leaving them be as those big men from before hounded us into a circle just as Reaver (once again just like last time) swooped in and grasped me from the arrangement of people as Emily smiled at me from within.

"You'd make a fine servant. Are you sure that after all of this that you do not wish to serve me?" He asked me in a calm tone, obviously sarcastically but it still made me tick a little.

"Reaver I am literally the Queen of the country." I say as a counter, and he shrugs his shoulders as if to say 'That's too bad' or 'I wish I cared'. Something arrogant I'm sure.

Just as we spoke, a man from before in the group ripped me away from him by the arm, but as Reaver's back was turned, he couldn't tell.

"Get away from the master, slave!" He yelled at me just as he threw his stick across my face, smacking me. If I wasn't a hero, that probably would've hurt a lot, but it still threw me to the floor. Reaver then turned just as the man raised his cane up again to hit me. I saw Reaver clench his fist, hard. He stood there watching me for a moment, but I knew there was nothing he or I could do. We still had to play this act that I was a regular slave and not in fact the Queen of Albion. Ridiculous, but still. And yet, I could reveal my identity at any point and falter his plan, why do I care enough to not? Oh yes, because he blackmailed me. I thought for a second that I was becoming too used to his company.

"Uh, leave that girl alone! She's...uh, had enough?" Reaver yelled over to the man that was still continuing to beat me, and he gave a grumble before stepping away from me as everyone began to whisper to each other. Never before had anyone probably seen Reaver actually helping another. How interesting.

"Uh..." He was stuttering, it was almost funny.

"Stop looking at me you useless peasants, if you don't move I'll have your heads on a brass pipe you hear me?"

As he said that, everyone scrambled and went in a forwards direction and around a corner, being escorted by the men. Reaver stood there for a moment, his hands on his hips as he watched everyone leave as I sat on the floor with a bit of a frown. I mean, it didn't hurt, I just felt degraded. Just then, as everyone had left around the corner, he walked up to me with a smile.

"Now I never thought I'd see you on the floor in front of me." He almost purred to me as he put a hand out to me, which I took and he helped me to stand.

"Pervert." I muttered to myself as I got to my feet and I looked at him as he kept smiling.

"Now if anyone asks, I beat the life out of you, alright?" He said, his smile still growing.

Sadistic bastard.

"Alright." I said to him as I gave a sigh, still having to conform to his ways. Yet, I remember that our deal still stands that we decided on the roof of the Bloodstone manor. That after these events, no matter how we feel, that I will never so much have to breathe the same air as him again and that he will never say a word of these events to anyone. I forget that sometimes that I am being held captive and that my kingdom is being run by a stand in.

He began to walk, obviously with nothing more to say, and I followed along behind him, leaning down and taking a mound of dirt and rubbing it into my face to give that 'He may or may have not just slammed my face into the floor' effect. As we got around the corner, the port was still going for miles, it was huge. Obviously, this was a trading place at some point, most likely built by my mother when she was the Queen also. I wonder why nothing is here anymore; I've never seen this place.

"Are we in Aurora waters or something?" I asked him as he continued to walk along the wooden dock.

"No, I don't even know myself." He said as he looked over to me, giving me another smile.

Oh yes I forgot. He'd said that before that we had to be lost to find somewhere that couldn't be found. It sounds poetic, but I think that was Reaver's way of saying that we went off track, or maybe it was all planned.

"Are we going to find that ship of yours here?" I asked him, and he stopped in his tracks and looked over to me before properly turning.

"Find my ship? My! You must be joking."

"But, we're in a port."

"Yes but if a pirate king kept his ship that he stole in a port then he wouldn't be very good king, hm?"

Damn, he had a point.

As we reached the servants, Reaver casted them all a glare as if he was counting them one by one as well as the men and it made me uneasy. I don't like it when Reaver thinks.

"There are 46 of you, and two of speciality and 4 men belonging to me..." He was speaking to himself and all the servants looked to each other in fear.

"Now, I'm going to be blunt!" He said in a happy tone, flaring his hands out as he smiled.

"I'm going to have to shoot, hm, 26 of you as sacrifice to the pirate king!"

Oh you must be joking.

All of the servants suddenly gripped onto each other, all of them beginning to whimper as I was pulled by the arm into the group again as Emily held onto me.

"They're going to kill us." Emily whispered to me as Reaver stood continuing to think as his men began to smile, pleased at the fact that they may have the chance to beat some to death.

"I won't let him." I said as Emily gave a sigh, but not in relief, more as if she was saying 'I hope so' or 'You better know what you're doing'.

Reaver then casually began pointing to servants, choosing weak or tired looking ones from our group and lining them up by the water, most likely so the bodies and blood would fall in making little mess. I was gripped to Emily, I was ready to tackle him and attack him if he even so much as pushed one, and then he went to draw his gun. Then, it hit me. I'd used his gun on the deck of his ship to shoot myself, and it wasn't moved from there. He's forgotten his gun...no wonder Theresa wanted me to use his gun, to save these lives in the future. Heh, how interesting.

"Drats!" He yelled as he noticed his gun wasn't there.

"Now how shall we appease that damn king."

He was talking as if he was crazy. Maybe this voyage and the pressure and feelings coming with it is going to his head. Maybe he should take a break.

"Master Reaver?" I called out from the group, making some servants gasp and my casualness of addressing him.

"I think maybe you should get some rest." I call out as I give Emily a reassuring tap on the shoulder and making my way over to him. He frowned at me, his eyes dark as if he hadn't slept in a while.

"How dare you tell your captain what to do? Come here!" He grasped me by the collar and specifically not the neck like he usually would.

Ah, he's only acting.

I nodded slowly, giving the fake impression of terror, and before I knew it I was back in his cabin. As we had entered, he slowly made his way over to his bed and he flopped himself down on it in a tired manner, putting a hand to his forehead to show his fatigue as I made my way over to him and sat by him on the bed. From his face, which was faced towards the ceiling, he was obviously far too tired to even somehow stay awake.

"Ah, my dear Queen. Before we both know it this'll be all over." He muttered to himself as he shut his eyes for a moment, as if in thought, before he opened them back up to continue to look at the wooden roof.

"All over?" I ask in curiosity of what exactly he could've meant. He could've meant anything really.

"This voyage of course!" He sounded so confident, it was as if just knew.

"And before we know it, we'll be returned to Bloodstone where together we shall-...oh." His voice trailed off for a second, and I was wondering why until my thought from before, from when I was on the dock, hit me. Our agreement still stands.

"Sometimes I forget that you're bound to me under...shall I say, somewhat evil circumstances. I am not surprised that you'd want to leave me. It saddens me, my dear. To see someone like yourself skip in and out of my life, it's rather...uh, unsettling." He said as he glanced over to me a second, his tired and worn look apparent through his mounds of makeup. He had a point really. He seems to forget sometimes that I am the Queen of Albion and that he blackmailed me to get on this ship.

"I will not forgive you for shooting me, but I know that you are somewhat a changed man now." I admitted to him, and he gave me a slight smirk, that seemingly came out creepier than he probably meant it to be. It was just his dark eyes and the angle he was lying out, instead of charming it just kind of came off as creepy.

"Changed man? Me?" He asked as he gave a slight laugh, which turned into a slight cough. It seemed almost as if that sometimes his age would slightly catch up on him and make him ill or less agile.

"Well you're still sadistic, but, you don't seduce every woman you see now." I said to him as his smile faded and he seemingly went back into thought.

"Well, the thing is your majesty is that...I may have, to put it kindly, went 'off' of woman now a days. They don't appeal to me as they once had, I no longer crave their bodies against mine. I just crave to have some company, and it always comes down to you. Well, I'm not sure what people call it now, but I seem to have...caught feelings for you." He admitted to me, rolling over to face in my direction and I felt a little shocked.

"Reaver, are you...in love with me?"

I was well aware that it was a very bold question to ask someone like him, especially in a serious manner. He kind-of squinted at me for a moment, as if thinking of his reply.

"Well my Queen, I don't know how to define it but I believe that I care for you more than anything else." He said to me as he slowly sat up to face me, and my heart sank.

He was in love with me.

"Well, perhaps...I too, care for you." I said as a counter and yet as a return as a smile appeared on his face as he placed a hand behind my head.

"My Queen." He said, putting emphasis on the 'My' to further prove his possessiveness, seemingly going to pull me into a kiss just as the door was swung open. We both moved our heads in that direction and there was a pirate of Reaver's ship, standing there horrified.

"It's those spirits! They're here!" The young pirate yelled as he ran off, and Reaver gave a grown as dread filled me.

"Drats! Can't a man relax? Ah well, no time like the present to be brutally murdered by ghosts, wouldn't you say? Anyway, come now my Queen. There is so much to do, and yet so little time." He said as he suddenly stood and ran off out of the door of his room, his energy suddenly coming back.

My, he was right. Soon, this is going to be all over.

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