Chapter 17 - The Duo Of Recklessness

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"So tell me, Emily dear, how exactly did you come across the maid girl?" I asked the girl as she walked by my side, jumping over rocks and being tactical as I kept to the sand all I could, not daring to jump in case I hurt my precious face. She gave me an odd look as if to say 'She didn't tell you?' and she gave a quick sigh.

"Back in Bloodstone manor, I just so happened to run into her whilst fetching things, wait, no..." She paused, and her pause captivated me deeply.

"No, that was the Queen of Albion. By Avo, they look alike...I almost mixed them up there. I met her in the hallway of Bloodstone whilst she was fetching things for you it seemed." She said in a confused tone as if she was having to think very hard to get her story straight, and it made me smile for the fact that I had forgotten about our little Bloodstone party and our spot of fun.

"Me too." I breathed to her, thinking about what she had said. I doubt a normal girl, well as normal as a fortune teller can get, could actually figure out that that maid friend of hers was indeed actually the Queen that she seemed to mix her up with. If it wasn't for the fact that I knew the Queen before these events, I would've never have guessed her to be a monarch. She'd be so good as a maid as well, yet, has she ever even done any work in her almost pitiful small life? Perhaps it's just her mother's genes that come into her life, but who knows?

"How did you come to care for her?" Emily asked me as she turned to me and it made me sigh and almost feel uncomfortable.

"I do not care for her." I said in a low tone, making her squint a little at me, and my it was so unfitting of such a soft featured face.

"Yet you call her aside so often."

"That is true, but I do not care for any servants." I say to her in a very aggravated tone, my own polite way to say 'Do shut up, dear'. Her expression kept changing and due to my lack of caring for Human emotions, I seemingly could not deceiver how she felt. She seemed to be angry with me, obviously feeling that I was lying to her yet still, I cannot simply tell this servant that I do indeed have some feelings for her, my reputation would waver and then I'd have to kill her and then we'd be in a predicament.

"Whatever you say, Master."

There was something about this creature calling me 'master' that brought a sense of un-comfortableness to my being, it almost made my skin, as the people say, 'crawl'. Perhaps I am too used to lifeless beings calling me as such, yet someone who I am attempting to learn about? I do not complain when it is the Queen, for I find it amusing, yet this girl, especially someone as much as a diamond as her, I cannot stand.

"Call me Reaver." I said in a very loud tone, flailing my arms to show my dedication to my name and she tilted her head. Her expression once more changed, again to another unidentifiable emotion and I continued to smile to her. She seemed less than amused. By Avo, what a disrespectful girl! Her Master asks her to call him by his actual name and she says nothing? Insolent!

"Alright then, I shall call you Reaver."

As we kept walking, that girl still being tactical as could be, we began to find ourselves at new ports which I had not seen before on this island, well, not that I have been here before. Yet, there is something horribly familiar about this place...yes, like a distant dream or something of that sort, like a memory that is not a memory. As I continued to glance around, my thought becoming rather crowded, I began to notice that my breathing became rather heavy as if I was very scared outwardly, but internally I feel fine. What an odd place we have stumbled upon. Yet, there is a noise I can hear, like a heartbeat in the land. It keeps coming and going with every new direction and there is only one place that I know that can make a heartbeat, yet, I doubt we are there.

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