1/13: The first of thirteen (...

By XxNightStripexX

4.5K 156 13

*tink* *tink* *tink* The sound of water dripping on a metal pipe in the basement beneath my head. The room, a... More

Copyright - Author's note
Chapter 1*
Chapter 3*
Chapter 4*
To be continued...

Chapter 2*

77 3 2
By XxNightStripexX

Four years later

Garrett ended up being everything I wanted in a child. I had spent years with him, watching him grow into a playful six year old boy, and he almost made living with Steve tolerable. I got to watch him grow up as I never got the chance with Noah. His loss still pained me even years later. I tried not to think about it or the depression would set back in. Garrett needed me, I couldn't let it consume me again as I had before he arrived all those years ago. I had moments of it returning, but I did what I could for Garrett. I didn't want him to worry anymore than he did. It was my job to protect him, and I needed a clear head for that.

As Garrett grew up, I started lying about my life -- our life. I did it to protect him...or so I told myself. In the end, I was only protecting myself, but when he asked me at the tender age of six how I met his "father" I couldn't bring myself to tell him the truth. I shook the flashbacks of the day Steve kidnapped me and the years of horror I had lived through since when I heard Garrett call for me.

"Mommy, mommy!"

"Yes, Garrett?" I loved Garrett, and Steve knew it. He used Garrett as leverage on me and I obeyed without hesitation. I couldn't be responsible for his death as I had been for Noah's. I did everything I could for Garrett, and I would continue to until my dying breath. No matter what it took to protect him.

With Garrett, Steve let me outside under his supervision with Garrett close to his side; to make sure I didn't try to escape again. It was the small freedoms that I knew would save Garrett and I one day. If I could keep Garrett under control then we had a real chance to escape, and move forward with our real lives.

"You never answered how you and daddy met."

I sighed and prayed he never found out the truth. It would tear him apart, but at least by lying he could grow up with some resemblance of a childhood.

"Well, you see, sweetheart," I said, noticing Steve watching me. He wanted to know what I would say just as much as Garrett did. He wanted to make sure I kept my mouth shut even when it came to Garrett. "Your father and I," I paused, this would be the last chance to turn back. Tell the truth or lie. "We were high school sweethearts. We met our first year and just knew right away that we'd be together forever." Literally until death took one of us away, most likely me. "Then a few years later, we got you." Not a lie, just not the whole truth either.

"Where did I come from?" Garrett's eyes sparkled with intense curiosity.

"New Jersey," Steve replied coolly from the kitchen table.

I shot him a glare, but he didn't seem to react. I turned back to Garrett, the curiosity had been replaced with confusion thanks to Steve's comment. I couldn't think of anything to say except, "Your father found out about you while he was in New Jersey." After he stole you from your real parents and brought you here to live with us in permanent hell, I added silently to myself. "You were a surprise to me especially."

"A good surprise?"

I hesitated. I knew the real reason Steve had brought Garrett back with him was because of me. He did it because I had been devastated over losing Noah, because of him. Anger boiled inside of me at the thought. He killed our child and feared I'd do something drastic if he didn't do something quickly. Garrett was just a pawn in Steve's game to keep me in line. Otherwise I'd either run again or try to kill myself to escape. Anything was better than live here with him. But Garrett wouldn't understand that, not yet anyway, and I couldn't explain even if I tried. 

"Yes, you were a very good surprise. I'm happy to have you here with me."

Garrett smiled and hugged me around my legs. The familiar feeling of love and appreciation for him swelled in my chest. He loved us as if we were his parents, not that he knew any better. Steve had taken him away at such a young age that he had no hope of remember his parents as he grew up. Soon it would be too hard for him to return to his real family unless I found a way to get us out. He'd be too attached to me, it would hurt him to have me leave alone. I also couldn't bring myself to leave him, he couldn't grow up here. He'd live like an animal in captivity, except beaten and tormented for enjoyment of his captor.

I couldn't risk running yet though. I wanted to bring him with me when we escaped, and for that I needed him to understand if we were caught he had to go on without me. I needed to know that he would follow my order and run without me. I wouldn't feel comfortable running with him until I was sure, but he wouldn't understand until he was older. When I could really sit him down and explain what happened, where he actually came from, why I lied to him while he grew up, and what had to be done for us to escape. I knew his family, at least their name and where they were from. The Thomas' would look for him, if I was his actual mother I would never stop looking for him. I just hoped they could wait a few more years. For now, playing into Steve's desires kept us safe, I couldn't break from them without punishment. I had waited this long to try escaping again, I could wait until Garrett could come with me.

At least I hope I could. There was no telling what Steve was truly capable of, especially when he was angry.

I shuddered at the though as Garrett raced upstairs to play with his toys. I had been so distracted by my own thoughts that I hadn't even heard Steve tell him to leave us. My stomach clenched and turned to knots as I heard Steve rise from his seat. My heartbeat races as his footsteps came closer to me. These were the moments I dreaded most, the fleeting minutes, which felt like days, when I was alone with him.

"That was a nice story you told, Kelly. I honestly almost bought it myself." His hot breath attacked the back of my neck before his hands grabbed onto my waist. "You have such a way with words. They just slip through your lips so easily and smoothly, even a lie to our beloved son."

"I had to tell him something." My voice cracked dryly as my throat contracted in protest. I shouldn't have to explain myself to him, but coming in a better light would only help me in the long run. Despite my desire to tell him to fuck off.

"Yes and the truth is dangerous. You were right to say what you did. I don't want him telling others the real story, would you?" His grip tightened around my waist. I knew the threat well, and gave him the answer I knew he'd want.

"No, we wouldn't want anyone to find out and break us apart." The words were emotionless as I spoke. They were tasteless on my tongue except for the hint of venom lacing the edge.

"Good," he cooed as he brushed my hair to one side of my neck. "I'm glad we agree on something. If you keep behaving this well we can try another trip outside with some of my friends."

I shuddered and forced down the bile rising on my throat. His friends were just as disgusting as him, they knew he had taken Garrett and I, but none of them did anything. The cops turned a blind eye, the others laughed in my face and told me if I ever escaped from Steve then they'd find me and do worse.

"I don't want to take Garrett on those trips until he's older. He can't do much, and going to the lake is dangerous because he cant swim, at least wait until he's older to take us out with your friends again. We can just got outside in the forest and play together. Like last week."

Steve had taken us to a park, unfortunately with one of his friends to keep me in line, but Garrett was safer out with me. When Steve's other friends came, they would try to pull me away from Garrett and I feared the worst if they got a hold of him. So I held him tightly, but Steve took him sometimes, and I would be left alone with his friend of choice. What they did to me was never pleasant, but it wasn't worse than what Steve had done to me. Even when we were forced to talk a photo as a "family" I couldn't even manage to fake a smile anymore.

"We will see. He has to behave, and only when I think he's ready will we do anything. I have to make sure he knows the rules and follows them as you do." His hand trailed lightly up my torso. Just another threat if I didn't behave, but even if I did he'd take it eventually. He always said he wouldn't wait forever for me to be ready.

I was about to respond when something dropped from upstairs. Steve pulled away from me as Garrett cried out in pain. We both ran upstairs, Steve wondering what broke while I feared for Garrett's safety.

We found that he had broken one of Steve's glass awards from his job a few years ago. Back when I knew what he did for a living, but now he kept everything that occurred outside of the house separate from me. It seemed that he was living two separate lives after he brought Garrett home. He must not have wanted anyone to ask questions.

"That little shit." Steve leaned down to collect the pieces of glass as he cursed Garrett to Hell and back.

I picked up Garrett, who had started crying, but that only turned Steve's anger toward me.

"Put him down he has to be taught a lesson!"

"You can't hit him, Steve! He's just a little boy. He did it by accident, he's just a child. I told you when we moved his toys in here that you should move all of those out of the way. He could have gotten seriously hurt!" And I knew Steve wouldn't take him to a hospital, and if I lost Garrett I wouldn't be far behind. I wouldn't live here without him.

"He broke it. He has to be punished like I did with you. Now put him down!" His eyes grew wider with the command. His posture turned rigid and his hands balled into tight fists. I knew what was coming next and I refused to let him harm Garrett.

"Punish me. I should have raised him better it's my fault. Don't hurt him because of something I did. That's not the kind of punishment you deal out. Do it to me so I raise him better."

Suddenly I understood motherly instinct, willing to put Garrett's well being before my own. Dangerous and stupid, but my need to protect him over ruled every other emotion.

"If that's how you want it, Kelly." His voice turned dark and ravenous. "Then put him in his room and come receive your punishment."

I nodded and quickly raced to put Garrett in his room. I told him he would be safe, that I would protect him, and as he cried I felt my heart torn in two. He asked what his supposed father was going to do to him and I, and all I could tell him was, "He won't do anything to you while I'm alive. I'll keep you safe."

Without another word, I sealed Garrett in his room and went to receive the full punishment. Anything to protect him.

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