By dreamerinmaking

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"I DO LOVE NOTHING IN THE WORLD SO MUCH AS YOU...." Their love was inevitable. Her heart belonged to him and... More

Chapter 13 (B)


23 3 4
By dreamerinmaking


All the IMPORTANT characters name is in Capital Bold.

Prologue- The story starts with the two protagonist of the story- KATE and Andrew. The scene opens with Andrew telling Kate not to leave him and go and she tries to assure him that she will be back but Andrew knows that that's a lie. Kate is packing up all her belongings and she's thinking about all the memories she has had in the house. At the end of the scene, Drew a.k.a Andrew asks her the reason why she's leaving but all Kate says is a goodbye and she leaves.

Chapter 1- The chapter starts with Andrew's Pov after Two Years. Andrew meets his long time best friend COLE at a bar. While talking to Cole, Andrew mistakes some girl as Kate and Cole then finally questions Andrew about how he's coping up with everything. Drew has still not been able to get over Kate and he seems to have lost all hope of finding her. At the end of the chapter, Cole tells Andrew that Kate has returned to New York.

Chapter 2- The chapter starts from Kate's Pov. She is come back to NY from Cape Town, where she had been living from the past 2 years. Kate is getting ready for this meeting with the editor of the NY Times. When  she goes to meet the Editor of NY Times, she is surprised as the Editor is her friend from University, DAVID (He's the other greek god ;)). Then they talk business and how Kate is back to NY to promote her campaign and for collecting funds and needs help to use the NY Times as a channel for sending out the message. David agrees to help her and asks her out for dinner to catch up with all the things that have happened. As Kate is ready to leave, she comes face to face with Andrew.

Chapter 3- The chapter starts with Kate's Pov. She can't understand what is happening. She is too shocked to see Andrew there. Kate asks Andrew about how he has been doing and then she introduces him to David. Kate then quickly leaves with Andrew before he makes a scene in David's office. Kate and Drew sit in a nearby cafe and Kate asks him how he has been doing and soon Andrew loses his calm and tells her how he had been looking for her and how she just left him and never even cared to contact him. Drew says very hurtful things to Kate and Kate leaves. David comes past Kate and he hugs while she breaks down.

Chapter 4- David consoles Kate and cheers her up. Kate turns to leave and that's when she sees Andrew in front of her. Andrew looks very hurt and she realises that he has misunderstood the whole situation with her and David. Kate tries to explain Andrew the whole situation but he doesn't listen to her and starts with the whole rampant about how he had loved her and starts putting allegations on Kate. Kate tries one last time to explain him but when he doesn't listen she leaves him and walks away. David is still there and after witnessing the whole scene, he offers Kate a ride back to where she is staying. When he comes to know that she is staying in a hotel, he offers her to stay with him. Kate denies but then he tells her to think about it. She decides to go home with David as it will be better for her if she will be with someone at this time. They both leave for home.

Chapter 5-This chapter revolves mostly around David and Kate talking about all the silly things from the past and making fun of eachother. (I suggest that read this chapter because it has all the fun parts) At the end of the chapter David challenges Kate that he can tell 20 Things about her which no one else knows and if he wins then Kate will be his date to an upcoming charity event.

Chapter 6- David tells Kate 10 things about her and he wants to carry on with it but Kate gives up and agrees to go with him. And then they have a fun time together. (If you re-read Chapter 5 then read this one as well cause it's a continuation.)

Chapter 7- Kate wakes up David in the morning and David is up with his funny talks. David informs Kate that the charity event is in the evening. Kate finds a big gift box on her bed and when she opens it she finds the one dress which she has always wanted. David gifts Kate the dress. David gives her the tour of the house. Kate comes across one of David's room which has all their pictures from Uni (Not in a creep way. In a cute way!) They have lunch and Kate heads to her room to get ready for the evening's event.

Chapter 8- David and Kate reach the charity event. David introduces Kate to everyone there and soon David gets busy with the event while Kate wanders around the place. There she comes across Cole. They catch up with everything and Kate tells him about why she is in NY and that she has come to the party with her friend. David meets up with Kate and Cole and Kate introduces them. Cole asks Kate to dance with him.Cole then tells her that he knows about her meeting with Andrew and that Andrew loves her very much and his feelings for her had never changed. Cole tells her that he is there for her and then David dances with Kate. At the end of the chapter there is Andrew's Pov and Cole tells Andrew about his meeting with Kate and David and Cole explains Andrew that he needs to hear out Kate.

Chapter 9- The chapter starts with Kate's Pov. The next morning Kate asks David to leave her to the nearby market place. Kate calls up Cole as he wanted to meet up. She tells him where she is. She is at a jewellry shop where she is trying to put on a bracelet. She is struggling with the clasp of the bracelet when someone offers her help. It was Andrew. After she takes the bracelet, they both leave the shop and Andrew tells her that Cole couldn't make it so he sent him to keep her company. Andrew and Kate sit in a park and Andrew apologises for his behaviour. They both sort out all their differences and Ta Da! They get back together.

Chapter 10- Kate promises not to leave Andrew without a reason and they talk and tease each other. Cole calls Kate up and invites her over to his house. Andrew and Kate go to Cole' house and they have the "Friends Time". While Kate was busy with things Andrew answers a call on Kate's phone and it's David. David tells Andrew to inform Kate that he is heading home and to ask her if he had to pick her up? Andrew is confused and asks Kate about where she is staying. She tells him that she has been staying with David.

Chapter 11- Kate explains Drew the reason for her stay at David's house and she clarifies everything to him. Andrew understands everything and believes her. But he asks her to move out. Kate tells him that she needs a few days to find a place and then Andrew hands her her old apartment keys. Kate agrees to move back in her apartment and Andrew agrees in staying at his place as it's too early to move back in together. Kate calls up David and tells him that he will be home soon and then Kate, Drew and Cole have a movie marathon.

Chapter 12- Kate gets a call from David and he tells her that there are two men who have come to visit her at his place. She wonders who it can be as no one knows that she is back in NY except of these guys. Kate asks David if they have told him their name. He tells that it is MR. ADAIR. Kate's blood runs cold at his name. Kate quickly cuts the call and leaves with Andrew to heads back to David's place. Andrew leaves Kate at David's house. At David's house, Kate meets STEVE ADAIR and SAMUEL ADAIR. They both have grudges from the past against Kate and Kate knows that with them in the picture, things can get very messy. There is an UNKNOWN POV at the end of the chapter. The person is talking to someone and asks if the plan has been executed perfectly. He tells that Kate has to suffer after all that she had done to them and it's time for the games to begin.

Chapter 13 (A)- The chapter starts with Kate's Pov. David asks Kate if everything is fine and if there is anything that he can help her with. Kate then tells David about her "Friend Time" with Cole and Andrew. Andrew's name upsets David as David feels something towards Kate but doesn't want her know. He bids her goodnight. Kate gets a call the next morning and gets to know that one of her major funder has withdrawn all his support from the campaign. She needs to find a new person immediately as this can take have a negative impact on the campaign. After receiving the call, Kate gets another call from an unknown number. The person doesn't tells who he is. He tells her that he knows about the funder withdrawal and many more things about her. She asks him about what he wants. He tells her that he just wanted to wish her luck for all that was going to come her way.

Chapter 13 (B)- Kate meets David downstairs for breakfast where he really seems to be stressed out. She asks him about what was wrong when he questions her back to tell him what was going on. He tells her that he knows that one of the major funders have withdrawn. He tells her that his supervisor has given her a week to clean up this mess. She tells him about the phone call which she had received from the unknown person. David assures her that he will track it down and not to worry about the funds as he has already found someone. Kate decides to meet up with Andrew for lunch. Andrew and Kate meet up for lunch. When they have to leave, Andrew goes to get his car and that's when Kate's phone beeps to show an incoming message and something happens!

Chapter 14- Andrew is hit by a car and Kate quickly calls up for help. Andrew is taken to the hospital. Kate calls up Cole and asks him to come down to the hospital. There is an unread message on her phone. When she opens it. it reads- "Did you like my surprise, Princess?". Kate gets to know that it is because of her that this has happened to Andrew. Her phone rings again and it is the guy from earlier. She begs him not to hurt Andrew and to leave him out of all this. He tells her that if she follows what he tells her then he will spare BOTH of her loved ones. She asks him about the other person and then he tells her that there is a second surprise for her. And he cuts the call. Kate realises that she has put everyone at risk by coming back here. Cole reaches the hospital and Kate tells him about Andrew. The doctor says that Andrew is fine and that there is no severe injuries. Cole tells Kate to go back home and that's when Kate hears someone call out to her. It is her sister, TARA. Tara tells Kate that she was worried about her as she got a phone call that Kate has met with an accident. Kate's phone beeps and there's a new text message which reads- "Surprise! Surprise! Give my love to your sister, princess."

Chapter 15- Kate explains Tara what she is doing in NY and she even tells her about all the messages and calls that she has been getting. Tara tells Kate that it can be someone from the past and that she needs to be careful. Kate tells Tara about Andrew and the accident. David calls Kate and she informs him that she is at the hospital.Kate blames herself for what has happened to Andrew and wishes that she could correct the mistakes she had made two years back.

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