Hard Times (GOT7 Jinyoung)

By SaraQen

72.8K 2.2K 767

Lee Hyeri is a High School student who is always quiet and lonely. Mostly nobody knows her name or that she i... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 4

6.2K 204 130
By SaraQen

Hyeri's POV~

It was time for me to return home from the hospital, I couldn't feel the pain in my stomach anymore and it was a relief.

It was Friday so we had no school tomorrow so I'll be taking a long rest, ah.. How I missed my bed. I changed my hospital clothes to my school uniform since I had no other clothes to wear and I went out of the room, payed for the treatment and went out of the hospital. I was about to walk back home when someone called my name which I knew without even looking.

"What's wrong?" I asked Junior turning his way.

"I brought my car, I'll bring you home." he said as if stating the obvious.

"Thank you but I don't need your help, I was problematic enough till now." I said starting to walk again, but Junior being the stubborn kid he is, held my hand to stop me which made me feel that weird sensation in my heart as if it skipped a beat.

I turned to look at him trying not to blush from the contact of our hands, raising my eyebrows giving him a 'what' sign. He just smiled and pulled me all the way to his car.

"Yah! I said I don't need your help." I said snatching my hand from his. He stood there smiling innocently at me then opened the car door.

"And I said I'll bring you home." he said looking at me in the eyes then smiled his cute eye smile, did I tell him that his smile was my weakness before, coz it's really hard to oppose him when he is smiling like that.

I just sighed and entered the car. I heard him chuckling before closing the door and entering the car as well.

"Now, where do you live?"

I gave him the address and he started driving, my house was about half an hour away from the hospital which made him frown.

"Wait, you were going to walk all that distance?"

"Yeah, it's not a biggy, I'm used to walking since I really like the feeling of the morning breeze." I said and heard him giggle. I looked at him raising an eyebrow.

"Did I say something weird?" I asked confused.

"No, you didn't, it's just that you're just like what JB said, when you don't know her she is really quiet but when you become close, she is completely the opposite."

"Did he say that? Agh... That guy really." I said shaking my head then looking out of the window.

The sky was dark and seems like it was going to rain, I love rain, I love to trace down the rain drops with my finger on the window. 

"Why are you smiling like that?" Junior asked glancing at me then returned to the road again, I actually didn't realise I was smiling.

"It's going to rain." I said gazing at the clouds which are dark and heavy with water.

"You like rain to the point of smiling like that?" He asked chuckling and I just nodded my head pressing my lips into a thin line.

"We are here." Junior said parking the car in front of my house. I got out of the car and so did Junior,
"If you want anything just call me, okay? Wait I don't have your number." He said the last part almost as a whisper. I was afraid from his reaction but I decided to tell him anyways.

"Actually... umm... I don't have a cellphone..." I said slowly and he was looking at me weirdly.
"It's just that I don't need it, I didn't have friends or a family to worry about me or need to call me so.... "

He just sighed and smiled at me which made me blush, he didn't say anything but just came closer to me, "W-what's wrong? Why are you smiling like that?" I asked but he didn't answer but pulled me into his embrace.

I didn't know how to react, my face was burning hot and my heart was beating loudly and I thought he could even hear it.

"I think you were really going through alot." he said putting his chin on my head and patting my back softly which was very comfortable.

After minutes from standing like that, it started raining, "It's raining, you can stay here until the rain stops if you want." I said pointing at the house, he then held my hand and ran to my house since the rain started to become more heavy and we were soaked with water.

I typed my pass code then opened the door, letting Junior inside. He was standing examining my house with awe.

"Are you rich or something like that?"

"Yeah, kind of, my parents were rich and my grandma was rich too. This was her house and the house there was JB's house." I said pointing at the house in front of my house through the the kitchen's window.

"Take off your coat, you're soaking wet, wait here a second." I said going to the second floor to get some towels from my wardrobe.

When I went down with the towels I found Junior looking at the photos on my fireplace.

"They are my parents." I said startling him since it was so silent.

"God, don't do that again." he said placing his hand on his chest which made me giggle. I gave him the towel and he dried himself.

"Want some hot chocolate? I'll make some." I asked which made his eyes sparkle and he nodded his head and I went to the kitchen.

I put milk on the stove to boil and started setting the cups on the counter, when the hot chocolate was ready I poured it in to the cups and went back to the living room, Junior was looking out at the garden.

"Here." I said giving him his cup and sat down beside him, it wasn't awkward sitting with him, which was unusual for me since I don't talk much.

"Hyeri? Are you okay? You space out alot today." he asked looking at me with concern.

"I'm fine Junior." I said smiling a little and returned back to my hot chocolate.

"You have a beautiful garden." he commented while putting his empty cup on the cafe table, I did too since I finished also.

"Me, grandma and JB planted these flowers together, I remember Jaerim was helping is too, JB was always trying to ruin our clothes with mud and one time he put mud inside my hoodie and when I wore it, mud was all over me, he was annoying as hell." I said giggling at the memory.

"Can I ask you a question but you have to answer truthfully?"

"Yeah, sure."

"Did you use to like JB?"

It was silent for a moment, but I looked at him shaking my head a no while pressing my lips into a thin line.

"I never liked him that way, he was just a friend for me, I liked him that way." I said smiling then looked to the front again leaning my back on the couch trying to comfort myself.

"Do you wanna watch a movie?" I asked holding the remote control in my hand.

"Okay, no problem, it's kind of boring."

We started watching The Avengers since I really like this movie alot.

Half through the movie I felt tired and sleepy but tried to wake myself up as much as possible, but at the end I passed out.


Junior's POV~

The movie was about to end when suddenly I felt a weight on my shoulder. I looked to the side and saw Hyeri sleeping peacefully on my shoulder.

Why is she doing this to me? She is making me fall deeper for her, but not now I mustn't show my feelings now.

I turned off the TV and carried Hyeri bridal style to her room, I put her into bed and covered her with the blanket, I lied on the other side of the bed and watched her breathing stably.

"I won't ever leave you alone, I'll always be by your side and I'll protect you." I whispered in her ears then kissed her forehead and without knowing I drifted to sleep beside her.


Hyeri's POV~

I woke up and it was still night, I checked the time on the clock beside my bed and it said midnight.

I sighed trying to remember what happened when suddenly I felt someone's arms on my waist hugging me, I turned to the other side and found Junior sleeping peacefully our faces inches apart.

My heart was racing and my face was bright red. But for some reason I was smiling widely. I was going to touch his hair when he opened his eyes and started rubbing them still sleepy.

"You're awake?" he asked as if it was ordinary to wake up next to a girl who you were hugging her while sleeping.

"What time is it?" he asked looking at me still sleepy.

"I-its past midnight." I stuttered, I can't believe myself I stuttered.

"Wait, we were both sleeping on this bed?" he asked and I just nodded my head shyly shifting to the other side so I won't be looking at him while blushing like that.

I heard him chuckling then felt him shifting closer to me since it felt warmness from behind, I was feeling really cozy and warm. Suddenly I felt two arms wrapped around my waist and pulling me closer, I can feel his chest against my back which made my cheeks burn up and turn dark red.

"Let's sleep like this, it's more comfortable. Goodnight my new best friend Lee Hyeri." he said kissing my head then resting his chin on it.

"Good night." I said before drifting back to sleep in his comfortable embrace.


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