A hybrid wolf rejected. (Edit...

By Yuzuki16

1.1M 33.6K 3.8K

Jade is a 15 year old girl. She is different from everyone in her pack. Because her eyes are multicolored she... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 16

34.1K 1.1K 154
By Yuzuki16

Edited 23/10/2020


Jade pov


I was inside of a castle walking through the halls. For reasons unknown to me, it was looking at myself from various angles. I wore a cloak using it to hide my face as I ran towards something.

After turning here and there and going down many halls I finally stopped in front of a giant door. Now that I could see through my own eyes again I stepped forward pushing open the door.

What greeted me was a cave, a glowing one, yet as I walked into it is could barely see in front of me. The deeper I got into the cave the more apparent that there was something here with me if the breathing was any indication.

"Why are you here?" A voice rumbled from deeper into the cave shaking its floors with the power held within it. I spun looking around to spot where the voice sounded from. When I looked before me again I spotted glowing red eyes amidst the darkness and from it came a black dragon.

I gaped up at him, her, them in awe. First time in my life out of movies I'm seeing a dragon!

"You don't look scared." Their voice confirmed that they were in fact a he.

His head came down to my height tilting his head to the left so that all was in front of me was his right eye.

"Should I be?" I voice staring back at myself through his eye. He chuckled rising back to his full length as he stepped back into the dark.

"I look forward to seeing you, princess. Daughter of the moon goddess, Rose. And Drakon... my son..." He finished letting the darkness swallow him whole.

And leaving me there baffled beyond belief about who the hell was Drakon?!

|Dream End|

I shot awake wide-eyed and still puzzled by my weird dream. Shaking it off for now I got up to take a shower. As I stood under the water  I couldn't help but think...

Dragons exist...since when!? And did I just see a dragon's spirit or...? I groaned so many questions with no answers I myself couldn't provide. But! Someone else could.

Mother darling! You have some serious explaining to do. I huffed linking to her as I finished my shower.

I'm afraid that I cannot provide the answers to you this time, darling.

Oww!! Momm!! I whined sighing afterward as I changed into some short black high waisted pants and a blue off the shoulder top, slipping on my blue high top converse to match before leaving the room.

I headed straight for the kitchen to see Jayson there eating toast. I smiled bouncing over to him.


"Hm?" He looked over at me with toast in his mouth. When he saw it was me he smiled still chewing. Chuckling I wrapped him in a hug.

"You had me worried you, idiot."

"Sorry... and technically it wasn't fully my fault! Your mom dropped the bomb that I was your guardian and the guardian of earth and fire! Then she had me training, not to mention Erik trying to rip Mason from me. It was a ride..." he sighed I nodded.

"I know. At least you're okay now."

"Hmhm! And hungry..." he grumbled scooping up pudding I now noticed he had.

"Jade, are we still visiting the witches and the demons?" Danny asked as he walked into the room
I nodded

"Yeah, I'm going. You're staying here to guard the pack." Danny snorted folding his arms and shaking his head

"Not happening. I'm coming. Kyle can watch the pack. You are never to leave my side again." I huffed knowing better than to continue this conversation with his tone.

"Fine... We'll leave in the next few minutes." Danny smiled coming over and kissing my forehead.

"Love you too," I grumbled.


|Witch's castle|

"Woah... Witches live here?" Daniel gawked looking around us.

"Don't tell me you thought it'd be all dark, gloomy and shit." I snorted pausing when he gave me a guilty smile. "You did!" I laughed.

Once we approached the double doors we settled down. I went to knock when I heard deep breathing. My movement paused as my eyes looked to the side of the castle. There I saw a cave. And from here I could sense someone was watching me.

"Jade..?" Danny snapped me from staring at the cave so I proceeded to knock.

The door creaked open on its own allowing me to push it fully open and walk inside. Once inside a woman greeted us. She wore a  purple silk dress that hugged her figure nicely as it flowed all the way to the floor, even leaving a bit of a trail behind her.

We approached each other bowing once we were almost face to face.

"Welcome Jade, we were expecting you. I'm Elena the soon to be queen of witches. Mother is inside, please, follow me."

Nodding we followed after Elena through a series of halls, some of which I recognized. Elena looked back at me as she stopped before a room.

"Mother's in here. And if you would, mother would love to see your witch form, as would I honestly." She flashed me a quick smile before turning and entering the room.

She seems quite excited. Scarlett hummed. I nodded.

As I entered the room I shifted into my witch form. I dawned on a dress that went down to my ankles. The sleeves of the dress were lace going all the way to my fingers and up to my neck. The dress was in a high low fashion, short to the front, long in the back. Parts of my dress were black but blue dominated the dress and there were beautiful black heels to go with my attire.

Upon seeing my witch form Elena and her mother smiled happily at me.

"Beautiful! Your form is just, beautiful. The dress, it suits you so well." She smiled examining me.

"Mother!" Elena scolded.

"Yes! Right... I am Jewel, witch queen, pleasure to meet you, Jade" She bowed. I bowed back.

"The pleasure is all mine, thank you for meeting with me." She nodded and we all sat down.

"Now. Let's get straight to the point." Jewel got serious "A man by the name of Erik is taking all the witches and warlocks that will follow in his footsteps. Especially the rogue ones. And it's no doubt their mates go along with them."

"Did he come for you?"

"Yes, but I refused him so now he keeps trying to attack us, but our barriers and spells are too strong for his men." Jewel sighed.

"I must apologize. Honestly... I don't know the reason for his hate towards my mother and I at all. He's just as powerful with his own set of powers. He's so filled with hate for us he's doing to such lengths to destroy everything we protect.

At least with demons, I know what they're thinking. But for him, he...he doesn't see me. He sees something and if I could place my hand on it maybe, I can get rid of his hate."

"You plan to fight him?"  I nodded

"Would you stand with me? To defeat him?" She smiled.

"Of course. On one condition"

"What is it?" I was ready to show her all the magic I had if she wanted if that's what it took to get her to fight alongside me.

"Tell me, have either of you had any strange dreams lately? Perhaps you're in a cave? Or you are simply hearing a deep voice talking to you but you can't see anything at all?"

"Yeah.. I'm usually in darkness and all I can hear is a deep voice 'Bring to me your mate. Dragon's daughter. Bring forth, my son's child.' Is all I hear" Daniel spoke up surprising me.

"You too huh? Except mine is different. I can see who I am speaking to." Jewel gasped shooting up at what I stated.

"You've seen him...he hasn't let anyone see him in centuries!" She stood beginning to pace the room before she stopped "Do you...wish to meet him?"

"Yes." Both queen and princess smiled before they began going back and forth around the room.

"Here, wear this. No one must see who you are as you visit him." Elena passed me a cloak.

The one from my dream... I stared at it for a moment before placing it on.

Like within my dream I went down a few corridors, the exact same ones from it too. This time though, Danny was at my side.

We stopped in front of two large doors.

"This is as far as we go, you must proceed on your own." I nodded. Seeing Danny about to protest I kissed his cheek.

"I'll be fine. Promise." He frowned "It's okay! You go take care of yourself, you need more training with your warlock. His powers are enhanced here."

"She's right. We can help you." Elena added.

Danny growled at me upset we had to separate. I smiled kissing his cheek again before I opened the doors and walked out.

I made my way across the bridge, coming face to face with the exact doors from my dream. With a deep breath, I pushed the door open walking into the dark cave.

"Hello?" My voice echoed "Anybody there?" I called out again.

Breathing sounded from the back of the cave and the further in I walked, the louder the breathing got. When I reached the heart of the cave everything around me was pitch black. Even then, there was a shadow in the darkness.

That should be impossible!

Yet here it is. A shadow darker than darkness itself... Empress huffed.

Moving cautiously I tried to get closer when glowing red eyes snapped open. It instantly turned into a slit upon sighting me.

"I feel so tiny right now.." I whispered earning a deep chuckle.

"You are tiny..." The dragon's voice from my dream spoke up. "I see you've  come." The cave shook as the dragon moved to shift to come closer to me "Are you afraid?" He turned his head to face me again.

"Who said I wasn't! Never thought dragons existed until yesterday! But curiosity killed the cat so, good thing I'm a wolf!" I shrugged speaking my truth.

"Hmm... interesting..." he chuckled shaking the cave again.

"On a serious note, how do you know my mother's real name? And who is Drakon?"I inquired tired of hearing that unfamiliar name.

"All will be answered. But first my name, and who you are. I am Astarot, I am your grandfather. Drakon is my son and  your father." I stilled keeping quiet for all of-

"What?!" I yelled. My mind started reeling on me. "Okay. Okay! So. So my dad's a... dragon? And you're my grandfather? How? How is that possible!?" I was at a loss.

Mom! Explain! I groaned.

I was told not to say anything by your grandfather. He wanted to inform you himself. I can say that as a child, you always loved being near him on cold nights. When we separated, he was the one trying to find you first. I sighed looking up at the dragon before me.

"Grandfather huh.." I scratched my hair playing a bit with one of its coloured strands "Guess we have a lot of catching up to do" Astarot breathed out through his nose sending my hair flying. All I felt was warmth.

"So...care to explain where my dad is?" He nodded.

Knowing this might take a while I sat down, yes on the ground. Astarot shifted laying back down as he curled up wrapping his tail around me.

He went on to tell me of my biological father, Drakon, and how he was half-dragon, half-demon. He told me how he died protecting mom from Erik who killed him in front of her the day of my birth.

This man really has a vendetta against us... Safire snarled

He needs to fucking grow up! That's what he needs to do! Ruby and Empress added.

"But you know.. he's alive." I looked back at Astarot raising an eyebrow at him.

"How do you know?" I inquired tired not trying to go against him yet.

"Us dragons are connected to one another. We can tell who is dying or dead, from feeling alone. No matter the distance. Drakon died 19 years ago, but he has resuscitated 5 years ago... Erik took death as a joke" he growled steaming with greatly held rage

"The moment his heartbeat again I was aware of it, but I could tell he is only halfway here.. he cannot be at peace, his body does things his soul despises. He's at war within himself. I've felt it for the past four years and I've been searching for you both for so long. I have yet to catch even a scent from your father." Astarot breathed his anger diminishing to sadness.

I who barely know of my father couldn't compare the pain of wanting to see him, to the pain of losing him to my mom and grandfather. I leaned closer to the larger dragon offer what little comfort I could.

"This is a lot to process... I'm not going to turn into a dragon am I?" I joked getting a laugh in return.

"No. You do have dragon blood, which means you can get a dragon's spirit. Go to the water,  when it glows dip your hand in it. Something will come into your hand."

I stood going to the water a little to the side of where we sat. I knelt down, watching the dark water slowly light up. Once the lake was fully glowing I place my hands into the water.

I waited for five minutes before the water began to ripple and I felt something tiny wrap around my fingers as it laid on my palms. Confused I lifted my hands out of the water to see a small dragon. I smiled at it moving carefully as I went back by Astarot. As I was walking I felt a burn on my shoulder making me flinch.

"What was that?" I looked at my shoulder trying to see if i.can make out anything.

"That's the mark of your dragon. I'll teach you everything tomorrow. Now you need to rest." Agreeing I sat where I was before once again being wrapped in his tail.

My tiny dragon perched itself on my neck falling asleep. I relaxed as well, talking to Danny about his day before I too fell asleep.


Editing completed!

Dragon. Added!

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