Something Only I Know

By GlitterRose

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Chrissie is a shy girl who, only on special occasions, comes out of her shell. With her 18th birthday having... More

Something Only I Know - Chapter 1
Something Only I Know - Chapter 2
Something Only I Know - Chapter 3
Something Only I Know - Chapter 4
Something Only I Know - Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12

Chapter 11

108 6 2
By GlitterRose

Chapter 11

            The sun beat down on my face, making me smile from the pleasure. Waves crashed against the shore in the background. I sat up confused, not remembering how I got to the beach. A bright light blinded me as I opened my eyes a fraction of an inch to look at my surroundings.

            I could see children playing at the edge of the water, splashing around with each other, their tinkling laughter carried by the soft breeze to my ears. I sighed a contented sigh. It was so peaceful here.

            I heard the soft thud of feet against the sand behind me. As I turned I came face to face with the most beautiful child I had ever seen in my life!

She had shoulder length light brown hair, with blonde streaks from where she had been playing in the sun a lot. Her eyes which were framed by long thick eyelashes, were a jasmine green with overpowering depth to them. You could see the joy in them from the fact that she had caught a crap in one of the rock pools, which she now held in a bucket in her hand. I didn’t know whose daughter this was but I had this compelling urge to wrap my arms around her tiny waist.

“Look Mummy” she said in a soft, gentle voice.

I looked around to see who she was talking to but as I turned to her cute, round face I saw her looking at me expectantly, holding her hand out to me. Shock coursed through me. Was this my child? Where was the father? How do I not remember her?

            As I looked down I saw the most exquisite shell. It was a shimmering pearl colour that twisted so intricately that it looked like it had been hand carved by a great artist. The tip was twisted over forming a swirl, where the inside was a deep purple.

            The little girl, my little girl, held the shell to my ear.

            “Listen mummy! You can hear the sea inside the shell” she beamed at me.  Couldn’t help but grin back at her. It was like she radiated her joy so that everyone else could absorb it and feel like she did.

            Her cheeks were pink from the sun and it seemed to make her skin glow even more.

            Suddenly she ran off towards the sea.

            “Stop! Where are you going?” I called to her, scared that she was going to be in danger.  I felt oddly protective over her now. Whether it was my motherly instinct taking over I don’t know but I started to panic, even though I could see that she was fine.

            “I just want to release Mr. Crab back into the water” she replied with wide and innocent eyes.

            “Okay just be careful!” I called back to her.

            Without warning, a strong wind started to blow causing Goosebumps to rise on my skin. I looked up to the sky to see dark, heavy storm clouds beginning to roll in from the east. I quickly stood up and started to fold up the blanket that I was laying on.

            “Are we going now then mummy?” My little girl asked.

            “Yes sweetie there is a storm coming and it is too cold out her for you.”

I grabbed my bag and put the blanket in it and then started to walk up the sandy bank hand in hand with my daughter.

            “Mummy? Are you okay you haven’t called my name all day and I looked up to the sky to see dark, heavy storm clouds beginning to roll in from the east. I quickly stood up and started to fold up the blanket that I was laying on.

            “Are we going now then mummy?” My little girl asked.

            “Yes sweetie there is a storm coming and it is too cold out her for you.”

I grabbed my bag and put the blanket in it and then started to walk up the sandy bank hand in hand with my daughter.

            As we reached the car park I heard my name being called.

            “Chrissie? Amy? Is that you?”

I looked around and saw Jess standing there, her hair blowing around violently. So Amy was my daughter’s name! That was good to know.

            “Jess! How are you?”

As I was talking to Jess I saw out of the corner of my eye a car swerving round the corner. I looked past Jess and saw Amy dancing in the middle of the road.

            I tried to call Amy’s name but it was too late. The car had already hit her and she went flying over the top.

            “AMY!!” I cried out. Praying that she would be okay. I began to run towards her but as I got closer to her body, the driver’s door opened striking my stomach and causing me to fall towards the ground, my eyesight faltering. Just before it gave out completely, I managed to glimpse the eyes of the driver. Something I wish I had avoided for the last thing I saw was those very same steely grey eyes that I have never been able to forget.


Okayy, I know that I suck majorly riht now for not uploading in well forever! I would just like to thank you for being so patient with me and not sending any messages like when are you going to start writing again blah blah blah.

This is a really short chapter I know but I just wanted to upload something for you so you didn't get too bored of waiting :)

I haven't edited this chapter either because I am going to do edit all the chapters once I have completed the story.

I hope you enjoy it and it will be interesting to see what you think of it so comment, vote, fan... yeah I think that's it :)

Oh and I promise the next chapter won't take as long as this one did to upload! Enjoy!

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