Avengers Imagines Part 2 | Th...

By shining_jewel

404K 10.1K 2.8K

It's a book to cater to the imaginations of all Avengers fans, where your requests end up as stories!! --- No... More

How to sumbit your request :)
Round 1
Loki | My Protector
Tony | Football
Natasha | Coming Home
Bruce | Reactions
Thor | Choose
Steve | Never Let You Go
Bucky | The Mask
Round 2
Tony | Mindless
Loki | Jealousy
Thor | The Welcoming
Steve | If I'd Never Ever
Bruce | The Night You Took Him Home
Natasha | Paintball
Wanda | Fun Times
Round 3
Clint | Forgiveness
Tony | Sides
Tony | Sides (Part 2)
Tony | Sides (Part 3)
Tony | Sides (Part 4)
Tony | Sides (Part 5)
Tony | Sides (Part 6)
Thor | Like I'm Gonna Lose You
Steve | Movie Night
Bruce | Choices
Round 4
All | Playbacks
All | Search (Playback Part 2)
Tagged | Q&A
All | Burning (Playback Part 3)
All | Forward (Playback Part 4)
Tony | Glimpses
Loki | Opposites Attract
Thor | Titles

Loki | Jealousy Part 2

12.2K 357 318
By shining_jewel

Stupid Loki. Stupid, stupid, stupid, infuriating Loki! You felt the clothes hanger snap in your hands. Crap. You looked down at the piece of plastic that was in two halves. If you bought the shirt, would they charge you for it on top? Did they even care?

You looked around the shop finding no one looking at you aside from a little kid with an ice cream cone and a scoop of pink ice cream. How cliché. She may as well have been blowing a bubble of pink bubble gum and popping it in your face to simulate how you'd felt when Loki had come over to your apartment, brought along his girlfriend Melody, that he'd never told you about, who was a freaking Victoria's Secret model, then simply spat out, after a nice hug, that he was going to propose to her.

It had been two weeks of absolutely zero communication. He'd tried to pop by a couple times, finding that the door was dead bolted shut from the inside. He, for the first time in his life, took it as a warning to not mess with you.

You looked at the little kid who kept staring at you for a while until her mother looked at where she was looking and pulled her away.

You sighed, looking down at the broken clothes hanger.

"Oh my gosh!" you heard.

You knew that voice instantly. You plastered a fake smile onto your face before looking at the VS model herself. "Melody!" Your voice was a little strained with what wasn't quite anger, or jealousy, but annoyance. Right?

She was wearing those shorts that only looked good on people with thigh gaps that were more like box-gaps according to J'amie. To top it off, she wore a cute white crop top you'd seen and thought looked ugly on the mannequin but looked amazing on her. And her heels were the perfect height too. She didn't look like she struggled with walking in them, unlike you. You sighed inwardly as you watched such a pretty person try and make friends with you because all you had in common with her was her boyfriend.

"(Y/N)!" she called, doing a cute little jog over to you and pulling you into her long arms. It was like standing next to a very, very good looking giraffe. You felt unusually short which was kind of funny because both Thor and Loki were taller than her even with her heels on.

You hesitated into the hug but eventually got your arms to wrap around her. She smelt good.

As a gesture of kindness, you complimented her on it only to be informed that she wasn't wearing any deodorant or perfume. You hated her more. Was it possible to hate someone just because they kept breathing?

You pushed it down. "So uh, what are you doing here?" you asked.

She smiled, reaching back for her hair which was silky smooth and in one of those high pony tails that your hair didn't like. She brought the hair to drape over her shoulder, her small smile turning into a big one. "Just a little retail therapy, you know!" Could she get anymore annoying? "Loki said he didn't mind accompanying me shopping."

Oh did he?

You remembered back to the last time you'd asked him to go shopping with you. The only word that had come out of his mouth had been "No. Shopping is for peasant mortal men. I'd only shop if I were courting a goddess." Prick.

You rolled your eyes in your mind but it ended up physical. At Melody's confused and rather hurt expression, in which she looked like a lost puppy. "Sorry, I just got distracted." She smiled warily.

She looked like she was about to say something when a grin came to her mouth as she looked past you.

You turned finding the same man you'd been avoiding all week right at the entrance to the store.

"Speak of the devil," you muttered to yourself. You looked up at Melody. "I have to go." Then quickly, whilst those green eyes followed you, you ran out. Luckily he was too preoccupied with his 'goddess'.


"Hey," you heard as someone waved a hand in front of your face. You blinked out of the momentary trance you'd been in, sending vicious thoughts to Melody telepathically. If there had been one power you wanted, it would be to send pain, much like Jane the vampire. You snickered to yourself before realising the guy that had waved you out of your trance was still standing there, looking just as confused as Melody had before.

"Sorry," you said. You'd probably been there for five minutes, staring at another rack of clothing that you didn't like in a shop that you'd just ran to. And to make it worse, it was men's clothing. Awkward. You made up the lie that you were a fashion major as you added "That wasn't for you. It was kind of - "

"A mental note?"

You chuckled, sighing at the same time. "Yeah, something like that."

You both stood in a happy bubble of strange relief until he broke it with a smile and an outstretched hand. "I'm Josh, by the way," he said.

"(Y/N)," you replied, shaking his hand.

"Loki! This suit would be perfect!" you heard, Melody's voice cutting through all the cheesy music of the store. Your eyes shut involuntarily as your lower lip jutted out, eyebrows raised. You were the perfect concoction of a b*tch face and an attitude.

"Speak of the devil," you muttered again.

Josh was looking over at who it was and was pretty excited at who he saw. "You know Melody?"

Your eyes opened, staring at him in disbelief. "Are you her number one fan?" you retorted.

He was immediately defensive in order to save his life. "No! Of course not! It's just, that's her face right there!"

You turned and the billboard advertising the VS shop was a big, blown up picture of her in some very sexy looking lingerie. If only that would blow up.

Unlike the last store, there was only one exit to this one so running wasn't an option. That, and Loki had caught your eye.

Melody smiled, walking over. "(Y/N)!" Ugh. Still sickly sweet. "Is this why you ran off?" She looked over to Josh who tried to play it cool, putting his hands into the pocket of his jeans before he realised that he wanted to shake her hand too. He fumbled for a moment before sticking it out.

"Hi," he said. "I'm Josh."

You rolled your eyes, playing it off as something you'd forgotten. "Loki, Melody. I forgot to tell you, this is, as you now know, Josh, my - "

"Boyfriend." He said it as he wrapped an arm around your waist. This guy was smooth!

You smiled shooting Loki a look. "Yep. That's right."

You placed your hand on Josh's chest which was rather muscular, waiting for either one of the real couple to say something.

Loki smiled politely, his eyebrows down in confusion. "Josh. It's a pleasure to meet you." He shook Josh's hand before letting it drop.

Josh shook out his hand. "Wow, quite a grip you've got there."

You laughed. "He's a strong one!"

Josh chuckled some more, clearly feeling the awkward vibes. "So anyways, darling, as I was saying, before, how fun would it be to uh, go for dinner later!"

I smiled. "Aw you're just so thoughtful!"

He grinned. "Do I get a kiss?" Even smoother!

You rolled your eyes, kissing him, Melody looking away. You stole a quick glance at Loki as you wrapped your arms around Josh. He didn't look too impressed and you loved it. You closed your eyes and got into the kiss before letting go, leaving Josh breathless. "I'll see you later, darling," you told him, smiling as you tapped his chest and walked out.


"That's some boyfriend of yours," you heard as you opened the door to your apartment. You tilted your head to the side. How had he gotten in? "Key under the pot plant outside Bob's place."

You rolled your eyes. "What do you care?"

He chuckled, sinister, before standing up off the couch. He took a few steps forward, frown engraved on his face. "Why, I care because I didn't know we were keeping secrets from each other."

You rolled your eyes again, dumping your keys into a bowl. "Yeah, neither did I until about two weeks ago."

"Oh!" His eyebrows raised. "So this is a new relationship!"

I turned so he wouldn't see me slip up in my facade. I hung my jacket up on the coat hanger. "Three years in the making, but two weeks in the bedding." You wanted to hit yourself for that horrible rhyme that didn't even fully work.

When you turned back around, Loki was standing in front of you. Your breath left you for a second before you regained your composure.

"That's very nice to know."

You smiled. "Sharing is caring."

He nodded. "But the only thing is that I think he's not the one for you."

You raised an eyebrow. "Oh really? I've always had a crush on Thor."

That got him going. He was eager to change topic. "The show was rather lovely."

"Mm," you said as you took a step to the side. "It really was."

He blocked you. Why were his legs so long? "But you need some pointers." He added a smirk.

You scoffed. "Are you saying I can't kiss well?" He was getting even closer, his scent surrounding you and making it had to think properly.

He shrugged. "I'm just saying, I kiss better."

"Unlikely." It had been hard to conjure up the word. He was getting closer now and caging you in at the same time. Smart man.

"I'll prove it." Now he was up close and personal. Just far enough so that your eyes could focus on his with ease.

You out your hands on his chest, turning your head to breathe in fresh air. "This is getting weird," you told him. "You're in a relationship, about to propose to a freaking VS model."

He grinned, chuckling. "I knew you were jealous, mortal."

You rolled your eyes, on the verge of hyperventilating. "Irrelevant."

He smiled. "Very relevant."

You felt your resolve crumble and in that moment, you couldn't get enough of him. "Just shut up and kiss me."

The End!

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