Hidden Stars (A One Direction...

By CatherineEatsCarrots

67.5K 477 255

Summer Malfoy (yes Malfoy) didnt expect to knocked down by the one and only Louis Tomlinson on the way to sch... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24 (Bonus)
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39

Chapter 3

2.7K 23 4
By CatherineEatsCarrots

As I pushed my way through the crowds,a smile graced my cheeks loving the adrenaline and the concentration. Its a friendly battle but its still a battle and we love to do them.

I walked up to my “troop” which consisted of my friends including Mercy. I could tell she was angry because I was late so I put on my repentant face.

“WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?? Arent you always early for school??” She yelled over the heavy bass and the cheers. “Too late now, get on there” She pushed me in front of us all. I dropped my bag and greeted everyone else. I looked to see who are opponents were; aahhh my ex boyfriend Jay.

My lip curled at that name. He cheated on me, badly! Broke my heart and didnt even care. I still feel the dull pain in my heart every time he sends me that smirk. I cant believe I fell for his lies. But now this is payback, because Jay always used to brag about his amazing dancing skills so beating them will be brilliant.

This wasnt a friendly battle to me anymore. I caught his eye as he turned to us and he smirked at me, looking me up and down, making me shiver with disgust. I sent him a glare and turned back to my friends.

We got into our places and our music started. I  get lost in the dance and gave it my all. It was the boys turn first and they were great. We had worked on a new routine and its working really well.

Then it was me Mercy, Khara, Ellise and Macy’s turn; the girls. (See video for this)

To cut a long story short, we won! The look on Jays face! I was laughing and singing with Mercy when I realised I forgot something...or someone.

SHIT-TAKE MUSHROOMS! LOUIS! “Merce, I just have to go check something be right back” I yelled in her ear. I rushed through the crowd to the place I had left him, but he wasn’t there.

My heart sunk, he had left without even watching. I frowned, upset as I thought he was a generally nice person and now my view has totally changed of him. Why would I be such an idiot?

“STUPID STUPID STUPID”  I said to myself.

“Awww don’t beat yourself up babes, I know you want me back” A horrible voice sneered in my ear. Jay.

I spun round, backing away from his smirking face. “Get away from me.” I spat as he came closer.

“Don’t be like that, we were only messing aroun-“ He didn’t get to finish his sentence, because my fist had connected with his mouth, and my leg with his crown jewels.

He looked at me lividly while bending in pain. “I TOLD you to stay away from me” I said. “You're nothing to me.” It felt good to say those words as I had been too heartbroken before to talk to him. But now I could forget about him. I dont know why it was now that I found this new born courage but it was about time.

I turned around to walk off when I noticed a piece of paper and two pieces of card. I took them curiously and opened the piece of paper and read the note inside:

Sorry I couldn’t stay, but WOW u can dance.

Take these tickets, they're for tonights performance

See you there


So he had seen it. and he had invited me to his gig! I walked quickly towards Mercy, banging the tickets on my thigh. The crowd was gone now, all filing to their next classes so she was easy to spot. She was holding my bag, looking around before she spotted me.

“MERRCEEEEEE!!!!!” I said pleadingly. “Please-will-you-come-to-a-One-Direction-Gig-with-me-Tonight” I said this so fast I couldnt even understand. She looked at me confused.

“I heard One direction and tonight??” She said, handing me my bag questioningly.

I told all about what happened this morning  as we walked to Drama Class and she literally screamed when she heard that he invited me to the gig and I said I had two tickets.

For the rest of the day, she was talking about what to wear, what Im going to wear, and how fit Zayn is. I was pulling my hair out at lunch because she wouldn’t shut up. I said I had to go to the library and I knew she wouldn’t follow me. She hadn’t set foot in the library for the best 4/5 years at this place.

I loved our library because it was so unique. It wasn’t just a book library, but also, CD’s DVDs, old records, a recording studio and editing place! MY HEAVEN basically. I had 2 free periods so  I spent the rest of the day in here, away from Mercy and away from the world.

When I got home, I decided not to tell mum about what happened this morning, she would want all the gossip. She is pretty young and still has the twinkle in her eye. She was the image of me, except she has brown eyes and laughter lines. She was an part time actress so the talent runs in the family. My father was a singer in a band (she wont tell me which one) who left my mother. Twice. Once when I was 5 and then he returned when I was 15 only to leave again, spurting lies of being a hit again. Douchebag.

“MUM I’M HOME” I shouted as I entered our flat. Its really modern as it can get on a tight budget but we made it our own. Our living room is red and rustic as mum likes to call it and each room is a vibrant colour which mum and me had painted a few years ago.

I got ingredients from the shop to make dinner for the whole family. Mercy was coming round at 5 to get ready and she is probably going to bring MOST of her wardrobe, knowing that eccentric girl.

Thinking of tonight made me smile. I will be able to see Louis again. Just thinking about him made me smile like a puppy...wait puppies dont smile..well you know what I mean. As I prepared our dinner, my mind seemed to accept that this boy was not just a hottie in my life, but someone I have real feelings for.

My smile faltered. This isn’t good. Hes a national superstar, I CANT fall for him and anyway, with a face like that, I dont think he would want to settle for plain ol' me. I shook myself and thought about something else: like Jay's face when I punched him.

I will have to hide my knuckles are they are a bit bruised and cracked. Not a good story to tell to mum, no matter how much he deserved it.

“OH hey honey, you're home early.” Mum said, she had paint everywhere, so Im guessing she was re-painting Matts bedroom as she had promised this morning. She was good with a paintbrush and Matt was going through a Dinosaur phase so his room will look like a jungle from the Jurrasic era.

My brother Matt is the cutest thing to hit this earth. He's 3 years old and he has a halo of blonde hair and chubby cheeks. It was hard to say no to him but me and mum prided that he wasnt as spoilt as other kids but he had his tantrum moments like any todller.He was bright for his age and was my pride and joy as well as my mother's. As if on cue, he comes running into the kitchen screaming “Sum! Sum! Sum!” he was also covered in paint, so I had to dodge him so I wouldn’t get my jeans ruined.

“Matt Matt! How you doing buddy!” I said, kneeling down to his level. He smiled his dazzling smile at me, showing his dimples.

“Mummy is painting, so Matty paint too!” he said happily, showing me his paint soaked hands. Mum grabbed him by the stomach and picked him up, spinning him round, while his laugh filled the kitchen.

I set us out the dinner I made and we ate with the TV on, me and mum fighting over the remote and Matt screaming “TWEEENIES!!!” All in all a normal dinner at my house. I told mum that we had been invited to concert by a friend and after 20 questions of the motherly kind, she accpeted; but was insistent on helping us get ready. 

At 5 on the dot, Mercy rang the doorbell. I opened the door happily and laughed at my friend. She had actually brought a SUITCASE of clothes! This girl didn’t know how to do things normally!

We spent an1 hour getting ready, mum helping us with our hair as she was very good at it. We came down the stairs looking a million dollars, well in our opinions.

I was wearing a sparkly black dress which covered my shoulders and clung to my non-existent curves with silver NIKE trainers instead of heels, because its easier to move in them. My hair was curled and down one shoulder and my make-up was emaculate if I say so myself.

Mercy was wearing short shorts and a beatles top with a big cardigan and bright NIKE trainers. Her afro Caribbean hair was relaxed and curled and her make up with sensual. 

Mum frowned slightly and remarked 'thats some friend you are dressing up for.' I smiled sheepishly, planning a quick get away from her 'spill-or-else' gaze.

“SUM, you look beauts” Matt said, looking up at me adoringly. I LOVE my little brother. “and so do you little bro” I said, tickling his chin. He giggle sweetly then hugged mums leg.

I stood up and gave mum a kiss telling her we will be back before curfew and  not to stay up for us. With a smile and a tight hug she shouted 'BE SAFE' as we journeyed up the road to the station.

We left for Wembley Arena where the boys were perfomring. Excitement was building now, I couldn’t wait to see Louis again, even if it was on a stage with hundreds of people around me. Maybe I will bump into him on the way to the refreshment stand. What?? A girl can dream cant she??

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