Chasing The Beat Of My Heart...

By tronnorfrivan

72.1K 1.7K 143

"Austin, I promise you, we'll find a way around this. Even if its the last thing I ever do," Ally said, and f... More

Chasing The Beat Of My Heart(An Auslly Story)
2 - Secrets and Slushies
3 - Friendships and Fears
4 - Songs and Smiles
6 - Parties and Pain
7 - Hangovers and Hospitals
8 - Family and Fights
10 - Rough Nights and Real Life.
9 - Deals and Drinks
11 - Reunited and Recovery
12 - Collisions and Crashes
13 - Decisions and Drama
14 - Painkillers and Performances
15 - Cheats and Challenges.
16 - Partners and Promises
17 - Nightmares and Notes
18 - Rumors and Readers
19 - Arrangements and Arrests
20 - Prisons and Problems (FINALE)

5 - News and Noise

3.4K 86 4
By tronnorfrivan

~Austin's POV~

I woke up the next morning feeling absolutely amazing. It felt so good knowing that the weight I'd been carrying on my shoulders had finally been lifted. I checked the time, which was 09:47. I decided to get up and put my clothes on.

Once I was dressed, I went downstairs to the kitchen to get my breakfast. I filled a bowl up with cornflakes, and opened the fridge to get the milk. It wasn't until I realised nothing was coming out the carton, that I knew it was empty. This is the worst start to the day in history. Well, Austin, time you got off your lazy butt and got to the shop.

I went to put my hi tops on, and get my phone. I pressed the lock button and the screen lit up. '1 New Message' it read. I slid the bar to the other end of the screen and looked at the text. It was from Ally,

'Hey Austin, wanna meet me, Dez, and Trish at the food court at 12?!xx' her text said. I quickly replied and said yes.

-At Lunch-

I met Ally, Trish and Dez at mini's and I ordered pizza. When my food arrived, I ate like a pig, as I usually do. Once I was done, I drank my drink. The whole time I ate, Ally would give me glances and I'd just smile at her. I got up off my chair and whispered in her ear, "Do they know?"

"Nope, do you think we should tell them now?" She whispered back.

"Um okay, should I or should you?" I asked curiously

"I think you should, you're better at this sort of stuff," she stated. And with that, I gave her a smile, went back over to my seat, and cleared my throat.

"Dez and Trish, I have to tell you something," I said, they looked at me with a puzzled look, before Trish spoke up.

"What is it Austin?" She asked. I ran through what I was going to say in my head before speaking.

"Me and Ally, we're going out," I simply said, and they dropped their mouths wide open at the exact same time, "No need to be so shocked," I chuckled.

"It's just, I thought you didn't want to risk your friendship?" Dez asked, confused.

"I don't, we're gonna see how it goes, and if it works out, we'll stay together," I explained, and he gave me a nod to show he understood.

-That Night-

"Austin, come and put this stuff away for me!" My mom shouted from downstairs. I wasn't in the best of moods at this moment.

"For goodness sake," I sighed when I got downstairs.

"Austin, don't use that language when I tell you to get something done," my mom instructed. I really did not like to be told what to do.

"It's my mouth, I can say what I want to," I replied, with no tone whatsoever.

"We have already talked about your attitude, Austin. Did you not promise you were going to stop this?" My mom said, trying to deliberately tick me off. To give her a fright, I decided to punch the wall with my fist, full force.

Bad idea. Because that resulted in a bloody hand, a trip to the hospital, and a broken finger. Thank God that it was my right hand though, which means I don't have to write for about two weeks, but I can still strum a guitar.



Sorry this was such a short chapter, its because I could not honestly think of anything to write. DID YOU SEE R5 AT THE TCA'S omg k bye for now.


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