Black Butler: Dark Service An...

By TitaniaWolf

807 20 8

Death. Sadness. Misery. That was all Natalie knew her life would consist of after losing her parents and her... More

Chapter 2: Her Butler, In the Past.
Chapter 3: Her Butler, In a new Contract.
Chapter 4: Her Butler, Making Preparations.
Chapter 5: Her Butler, Hosting.
Chapter 6: Her Butler, Risky.

Black Butler: Dark Service And A Broken Soul.

579 7 3
By TitaniaWolf

The sun, unlike most days lately, was shining brightly in the sky as I sat in my office, leaning up against the window-sill, looking out onto our Mansion's stables where the Horses were grazing and galloping throughout the bright green grassy fields. Which also over-looked the rest of the rural Hampstead Heath, only six killometers from the busy Trafalgar Square; London. The view was absolutely beautiful, Looking out of this window, as sad as it sounds, other than riding, was one of my favourite things to do. It relaxes me, gets rid of work tension and my ever lasting worries and takes me out of harms way, if only for a little while. He also knew that. He could predict my moves, he knew my actions and fears. Also was he a saviour to me. A contradiction to his race.

The Church has always called upon my family, knocking on our doors, trying to spread the word of their saviour; Jesus Christ. He never did anything for me. Had he have truly cared, I wouldn't have been in such a state those years ago. He is my true saviour, in both my freasoning and in the truth. I wouldn't be standing here today, at this moment, this time, breathing the air I do now. I'd be long gone. The birds chirrped happily and enthusiastically in the large fir trees and hedges surrounding the fields, some flying around in pairs and groups; singing to each other. Snapping me out of my trail of thought and relaxation bounded up to the window from outside a large Wolf-looking hound, jumping up and down at the opposite windowside for my attention, almost causing the furniture in the office as well as my papers to lose balance and topple over. Yume, our families Demon Hound, so I found out 4 years ago. None of us have any inkling what-so-ever of how my parents came to posess such a creature. Her personality however contradicted her name of 'Demon hound.' She wasn't demonic at all unless she was being protective or if she as angered. She's a hugely playful softie really. She was wagging her tail happily in response to me opening the window and leaning out to stroke her nose. She'd grown so much in the last two years... Now maximum size, she weighed a ton, and always gave the stable-hand and residents of the Mansion a bit of a hard time when she was being playful.

She began licking my hand and barking loudly with joy, before calming down and sitting next to the window, and tilting her head to one side and letting her ears droop, her eyes focused on me. Or so I thought before realising they were focused on something behind me. 'He's caught me off guard not doing my work again...' I thought, lowering my head with guilt. Footsteps could be heard from the doorway approaching my desk before I head a chuckle. I turned around to face him, standing next to my desk wearing his usual tail-coated outfit and holding a bradished mug of tea, his gaze fixed on me. He placed the mug on the desk before bowing and rising again. "Your favourite blend of 'Earl Gray' my lady.. " He spoke calmly with a smile before chuckling once more, his dark curly hair swaying in the breeze of the open window. "You may wish to continue your paperwork now Miss, you certainly have a lot to do, and not that much time of the day left in which to do so." He smiled again, looking up at the hanging clock on the wall. He was right, I'd dozed off for a while and had awoken only to get distracted by the view and tranquillity of the scenery outside, and now it was already six-thirty pm. "What on earth shall we do with you Miss..?" He spoke again, his voice remaining calm and collected as he placed his gloved hand on my head, and began to stroke my long hair. I really didn't know the answer to that question. Maybe I would have had a better idea previously, two years ago, when this all started... "I'm afraid I don't know... Tobi." I spoke, smiling.

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