God, I miss her so much! (On...

By Aussie6641

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Alison has put up walls. She lt's nobody in, but either way, nobody talks to her. She used to have it all. Un... More

God, I miss her so much!
GIMHSM, Chapter 4

Chapter 2~ Sobs of Love

93 1 0
By Aussie6641

~Scotts POV~

I walk to lunch and when I get outside I see the schools head cheerleader/ head slut walking towards Alison. This can't be good. I start to walk faster to try to get to Alison before Skylar does but I get beat to it. Before I know it, Ali is up and running away from the school. I drop my tray and go into a full on sprint after her.

When I finally catch up to her she is curled into a ball in the grass sobbing. Then I know Skylar had said something about Sarah.

I sit down next to my sister and pull her into my lap. She curls up into my chest and sobs. Then she comes down to a small cry.

"I miss her Scott! It's my fault she's gone but I miss her." She says while crying. I look down at her.

"Don't say that Ali! It wasn't your fault!" I say.

"It is! If I hadn't forced her to go to the party with me then she would still be here! And I left her alone with a boy I barley knew!"

"Ali, believe me, it wasn't your fault. Who went to prison for her death?" I ask.

"Samuel." She says quietly.

"Your not Samuel, are you?" I ask, she shakes her head. "Exactly. And Sarahs parents don't blame you for what happened. They know you meant no harm to her and how bad you feel." I say to her. She nods and I watch as she falls aleep in my arms.

I watch her for about 10 minutes before I decide to take her back to school. Yes I know she is asleep, but our mother won't be home and I don't like the idea of her being home alone and if I skip another class I will get a dentention. So decide to drop her of with the nurse. After all, the nurse was Sarahs mother, and she always treated Ali as if she was her other daughter, and she still does.

When I arrive inside the school there are kids in the hallways getting ready for their next class. Some give me weird looks because I am carrying my sisters sleeping body through the hallway bride style. When I finally reach the nurses office I go inside and Mrs. Kendle looks over at me then at Alisons tear stained, sleeping face. She sighs.

"What happened this time?" She asks while she leads me to a cot to lay Ali down in.

"Skylar. She said something to her. She still blames herself." I say after I lay her down on the cot.

"I wish she would have a happy life. I want her to know it's not her fault and my husband and I don't think its her fault or blame her." I nod. "Now get to class. I watch her until she wakes up."

"Thank you." I say then walk off to class.

~Alisons POV~

I have had the same nightmare for a year, every night. But sad thing is that the 'nightmare' I have, was real. It happened. It is my own personal flashback.

"Come on Sarah! Please! We will leave when you want!" I beg to my best friend.

She sighs. "Fine. But I am not drinking, and we are leaving at 12:30! Got it?"

"Yay! We will have so much fun!" Little did I know, it was the last party I would ever attend. Or that it was going to be the last night of my best friends life.

That night when we arrived at the party, I saw the drinks and went over to get a drink, but before I did I started to look for a certain someone. Then I saw him. Samuel. I dragged Sarah over to him.

"Hey Samuel!"

"Hey Ali! Who's this pretty lady?"

"This is Sarah. Well why don't you guys go and get to know each other! I'm going to go get a drink." I say. Sarah starts to protest but I walk away leaving them there.

At the time I didn't know what I was thinking leaving Sarah alone with Samuel. He isn't a stable person. But I was stupid and naive, so I left her alone with him.

I got extremely drunk and didn't see Sarah for the rest of the night and that should have been a sign something was wrong, but I didn't think twice about it, I don't even know if I thought about it once.

By the end of the night I was dead drunk and ended up passing out on the living room floor. When I woke up it was 4:00 A.M. and I went to find Sarah to take her home. But I couldn't find her.

I finally went into the bathroom about to puke thinking maybe she went home without me. But what I saw made me need to puke more.

Sarah was on the floor against the wall. I ran up to her and grabbed her. She smelled of alcohol. But what scared me the most was because her skin was cold and pale. I started shaking her and yelling her name, but she never opened her eyes. I puked in the toilet. I knew then, that my best friend was dead. It was my fault.

I guess someone heard me screaming because an ambulance and the police came. They flooded the house, but I wasn't paying attention, I was holding Sarah as if, if I held her tight enough she would wake up. It never happened.

My best friend was dead, and it was my fault.


Sooo.... what do you guys think???? Well, your probably confused to how Sarah died exactly. That will be explained when Alison gets closer to Mason and she ends up telling him what happened. But that won't be for a little bit.

Oh, and sorry its kinda short....

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