"True Love"

By G_CLue

750 50 7

I made a fool of my self, I made a mistake. This is about 6 people who have everything they could ask for... More

Long week
Special Event
Boys Birthdays
Shocking news
Life without her
Found Them!!
Let's win this!


24 2 0
By G_CLue

4 years of being away and now their back home and needed to go back in their company, Lydia was in her office when someone knocked on the door it was Rossy her secretary.

"Welcome back Maam Lydia, as you said I have already fired that girl. And for today you have a business meeting at 3pm." Rossy explained while giving the time table to Lydia.

"Thanks Rossy, will you be able to call my driver to pick Kai in his school, thank you." Lydia said reading the papers. "Mr Sachihiro fired the girls?"

"I will call your driver Maam, and yes Mr Sachihiro, Mr Zhu and Mr Pacey fired the girls. I will excuse myself now." Rossy said then walk away.

While Rossy was on his way to call the driver Lydia called the girls and tell them. Jen was also in her office when she read Lydia's message and decided to forgive Alvin if he's still willing to be with her. Like Lydia and Jen. Bella was also in her office when she read the message but she's not content of just this she wanted Brantly to tell her his sorry. While the boys was at their meeting place waiting for the girls to arrive. It was Already 2:30pm so the girls went to Alston's office for their meeting, the boys is already there, then Jen and Bella arrived.

"Long time no see, Jen and ...... Bell." Brantly said while telling them to sit down.

"Where's Lydia?" Alvin said sitting beside Brantly.

"Sorry, I'm late." Lydia said holding the papers.

"So ... What's the meeting about? Bella said getting her pen.

"We need your signature for this contract, to fire Ida, Pia and Ria." Alston said looking at Lydia.

"Good, so you three finally decided? Well that took too lo ... "Before Lydia could finish her sentence Rossy came in and talk to Lydia.

"What!?" Lydia yelled. "I'm sorry but we need to go."

"What happened Lia?" Bella said.

"The boys is in the hospital." Lydia said getting her papers and phone. "I'm sorry but will you be able to put this meeting on hold, I have to go and meet someone."

"Who's in the hospital?" Brantly said.

"None of your business." Bella said and run off.

Actually when Rossy called the driver the school also called Lydia's office but she's not there so Rossy was the one who answered it, the teacher said that Kai, Lance and Nate was playing slide when Kai fell off because someone pushed him. On the way to the hospital. Brantly, Alvin and Alston followed them ofcorse Lydia and the girls didn't care since Ida, Pia and Ria is already gone, it was alright for them to introduce their sons to their father.

"Mommy." Lance said while hugging Jen.

"Are you alright Lance? What happened?" Jen asked, then saw Alvin, Brantly and Alston walking towards her.

"Is this ..." Alvin said looking at Lance.

"Yeah, this is Lance my son." Jen said kneeling to her son.

"Lance, can you please go and play with Nate." Jen said.

Lance went to Nate and Bella who were also worried of Kai. While Kai was in the operation room, Lydia was with the doctor. While Alvin and Jen was talking, Brantly and Alston cut their conversation.

"Who is that child with Bella?" Brantly said curiously.

"Oh that's Bella's son." Jen said.

"What do you mean son? Who is the ... Father?" Brantly said.

"Look Brantly the reason we were angry at you three before is because Bella was pregnant that time and she told us to keep it from you until you three decided to fire Ida, Pia and Ria." Jen explained.

"You mean, she was pregnant 4 years ago? I didn't know." Brantly said in a sorry.

"Ofcorse you didn't know, we didn't tell anyone about her pregnancy after all. You can just go and talk to her about it." Jen said facing Alston. "And you Alston you might want to go inside with Lydia she might need your help since Kai is your son as well."

After Jen explained to them she immediately called Lance over to introduce him to his father that he longed for.

"Lance, did you remember when I told you that your dad was a busy person that's why he can't be with us for a long time?" Jen said

"Yeah," Lance nodded.

"Do you want to meet daddy?" Jen smile

"Yes." Lance said then look at her mom.

"This is Alvin your daddy." Jen said looking at his son.

After Jen told Lance everything, Lance immediately hugged Alvin with a tears running down on his cheek then Alvin look at Jen and finally kissed her forehead.

"Thank you Honeybee."

Brantly who was on his way to meet Lydia inside of the doctor office, he stopped in front of the door and finally opened it and saw Lydia in tears.

"I'm the father of the boy." Alston said to the doctor and sat down beside Lydia.

"Oh well then, I will tell you about the situation as well. You see when he fell down he fractured his hand and he needed to stay here in the hospital for at least 3 days for full scan." Doctor explained.

"I understand. Is he gonna be moved soon?" Alston said holding Lydia's hand.

"Yes Mr Sachihiro, he should be in his room by now." The doctor said.

On the way to Kai's room, Lydia and Alston were talking about Kai.

"Look Lydia, can't you just give me a right to be with our son? I miss you so much and I need to filled that 4 years of being away from our son." Alston said looking at Lydia.

Lydia sigh and finally talked. "I understand since you did fired the girls already I can tell Kai about you and I will let you two to meet each other as father and son."

Lydia and Alston finally arrived in Kai's room, Kai was awake and finally smiled when he saw Lydia.

"Mommy." Kai cried.

"Kai, are you hurt anywhere else? Are you alright now?" Lydia said hugging Kai.

"Mommy I'm alright, don't cry." Kai said hugging Lydia.

"That's right Kai. You said that you want to meet daddy?" Lydia said sitting beside Kai's bed.

"Yes, but you said that daddy is busy so Kai can't meet him." Kai said sadly.

"Well, guess what, this person beside me is daddy." Lydia smiled.

"Really? Your my daddy?" Kai said tearing up.

"Yes Kai, and from now on I won't leave you." Alston said kissing Kai's forehead.

"I need to go meet Tita Bella and Tita Jen, daddy will stay here OK." Lydia said then kiss Kai.

"OK. Uhmp .. Daddy you said you won't leave me anymore? Does that mean we will live together?" Kai said.

"Yes we are. Are you happy?" Alston said.

"Yes I am, is mommy gonna be living with us too?" Kai said happily.

"Ofcorse she will." Alston said hugging him.

Kai fell asleep and so Alston went outside and saw Lydia with Bella and Brantly so he walk towards them.

"I know, but can't you really forgive Brantly? What are you planning about Nate?" Lydia said.

"I don't know, I'm scared. What if he will repeat the same mistake?" Bella said.

Alvin and Jen went home together with their son Lance who fell asleep in his fathers arm, they became a happy family now, Bella went home with Nate while Brantly haven't really talk to Bella yet because he's ashamed to face her. Lydia on the other side was on her way to Kai's room when Alston hold her arm because he wanted to talk to her.

"You can pick Kai in school every day and drop him at home, I can drop him off everyday mor ...." Lydia said while facing the other way around.

"Kai wanted us to live together in the same roof, and you probably forgotten but were still engage and I don't have a plan to break that. I know I was wrong when I didn't choose 4 years ago but .." Alston said still holding Lydia's arm.

"I'm not living with the same roof with you, what if everyone in your company will start another rumor about me being slut and wooed their boss?" Lydia said walking away.

When Lydia was walking away, Alston pulled Lydia's waist towards him and kiss her.

"Your living with me, and I wont let anyone say those kind of words , I love you and for this past 4 years I realized what it feels like without you, it's like a hell. Please Lydia." Alston said still holding Lydia's waist.

"No!! What if someday something like that will happen again? Then you suddenly choose them than me and your son? I don't wan't that to happen ... Because ... Al ... I love you so much that it hurts." Lydia said.

"No that won't happen ever again. I promise." Alston said hugging and they finally kiss each other.

After Alston and Lydia decided to live each other in one roof, they went home after they make sure Kai is asleep. Jen was at home reading bed time stories to Nate when her phone rang and it was Brantly saying that he's downstairs. Jen went downstairs immediately and saw Brantly.

"What is it that you want to talk about?" Bella said walking downstairs.

"Sweetie, I'm sorry about everything I did. I know saying sorry now is nothing and it's not enough for you to believe in me again." Brantly said holding Bella's hand. "But won't you give me another chance I will do anything."

As soon as Brantly finish talking, Bella was tearing up then Nate called out her name running down the stairs.

"Mommy. Who is he?" Nate said holding Bella's hand.

"This is ... Daddy Brantly." Bella smiled.

"Daddy? Really it's daddy?" Nate repeated. Then hugged Brantly.

Brantly looked at Bella when Nate ask them a question that surprised both of them.

"Is daddy gonna live with us starting today?" Nate asked.

Brantly don't know how to respond and just look at Bella, then Bella smiled to the both of them and finally talk.

"Oh, yes Nate daddy will be living with us. Now can you please go to your room and sleep, Mommy and daddy need to talk." Bella said kissing Nate's forehead. "And no running."

After Bella told Nate to go inside his room, Brantly who was surprised of her statement grinned.

"Are you really coming back to our place?" Brantly said

"Apologies don't mean anything if you keep doing what you're sorry for, I believe that you won't do it again. And yes we will go back to our house, I'm giving you this chance so I hope you won't ruin anything." Bella smile.

"I promise I won't." Brantly said and kiss her.

That night everyone was at home and reminiscing their past.


Another part is finished. I just love writing. :D

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