Ex- husband and babies

By saiamrutha77

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She could easily recognize that touch. Sharon knew it was him. She could feel him against her body. His hands... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Loving you again

Chapter 12

130K 3.8K 259
By saiamrutha77

Chris was in a deep thought when his phone rung bringing him out of his trance.


"Mr. Vanderwood. Laura speaking."

"Yes... Laura."he said rubbing his palm against his eyes.

"I have good news for you. We have won the court case against Galvs & co."

"That's very good news." He said smiling genuinely.

"Yes.. Our shares sky rocketed yesterday and now the project is worth ten times more than it was ." Laura said excitedly.

"well... could you please ask Mr.Gerran to send me the detailed report of the project and call as soon as possible, I'm so not going to waste my time now. we need to get to work on this as soon as possible."

" But Mr. Vanderwood we have a problem. you need to fly back to New York to sign the contract." she said.

Chris eyes immediately went to the house infront of his. He was sitting on the front porch waiting for Sharon to come so that he could talk with her. "Laura, Is there any chance you could fax me those papers and I could sign and scan them back to you."

" I'm afraid there is no such way Mr. vanderwood you are required to sign it here infront of them."

Chris sighed heavily. "Okay, I'll get back to you in a hour or so." he said.

" Sure, Mr. Vanderwood. Have a nice day"

Chris brushed his hair with his fingers as he hung up the phone.

" Chris.." lily called him as she came and sat beside him. Her eyes looked a bit swollen, her hair in a bun.

" hmm.. "

"Laura messaged. Congratulations."


"And I'm sorry for yesterday...I was..."she started to say bbut Chris cut her off.

"I'm not. I meant what I said yesterday. I will bring Sharon back into Aprils life. I will do anything." He said determination set in his eyes.

Lily took a sharp breath. She knew this was coming. She have to do something and that to fast.

"Very well... then I think I will pack. I... " she said swallowing a lump."Need to go home."

Chris didn't say anything. He already felt like a douche. But he has to do this for his broken family.... for his lost love.


"You are such an idiot" Sharon exclaimed.

"I am." Chris chuckled as he tried to steal another chicken nugget from her plate.

"Chris!! Stop stealing my food."

"I'm not stealing,love. It's called sharing."

"No.." she said raising her plate up out of his reach.

It was usual Friday afternoon. And as per their every Friday plan since they started dating two months ago was to kick Chris's roommate out. Get comfy on his bed and watch movies on Netflix.

"Okay.. I will not steal any. I promise."
He said giving her his best innocent look.

Sharon narrowed her eyes at him before pressing her lips to his. "Good" she said against his lips.

"What do you wanna watch?" She asked popping the last nugget inside her mouth.

"Anything is fine by me as long as you cuddle by my side" he said with a smirk on his lips.

"Cheesy much?" She asked smiling.

"Oh... Shut up. I know you love cuddling next to me"

"That I do" she said as she got comfortable next to him.

"I don't know.. whether I like it or hate it." Sharon said once the movie was over.

Chris just laughed at her "You say that for every single movie we watch."

"No... I don't. I liked the movie which we watched last Friday.

"Well... that was a pretty awesome movie."

"What are you doing tonight?" She asked as she craned her neck up to see him.

"Nothing much. Might go for few drinks with friends."

"Will Erik be going?" She asked.

"Maybe. Why?"

"I feel so bad for kicking him out his room every Friday."

"Don't feel bad... I am pretty sure he doesn't want to be a third wheel between us."

"Hmm... I know. But still..."

"Hook him up with any of your girl friends then may be you will not feel bad."

"Wow. That's a very good idea. I would ask Lily if she is intrested.?"

"Your roommate Lillian?!"


"Hmm... she is pretty." He said playfully.

"That she is", Sharon said.

"But no one is pretty than my girl" he said tickling her. Sharon heart swells with love each time he call her his girl.
For her it feels so early to fall for him.... she could see herself falling for him... He is the best thing that happened to her after what she left behind and came.

"What is it?" Chris asked with frown on his head.

Sharon shook her head in nothing. "Come on, what is it?" He asked again.

"You know that you are the best thing that has happened to me after my parents...." she said tears filling her eyes immediately.

Chris sat on the bed pulling her along with him and adjusting her on his lap. Sharon had her head buried her head in his chest.

"It's okay, sherry. I am here. I am not going anywhere."

Sharon was the daughter of very big business man Adam and Jenna Daies who died 6 months ago in a car accident.She couldn't stay in the same city where her parents memories haunted her. She wanted to move on from their death. That was the reason to apply for a college far from her hometown and she was glad Lily joined her.

"I think I'm falling in love with you...." she thought hugging him for life.

"I love you, Sherry. " he whispered.


Chris shot to his heels immediately after seeing Sharon. She was dressed in a grey jeans and black tunic top with a grey scarf draped around her neck.

His eyes landed on little Chase tagging along with her.

"We need to talk" he said.

Sharon was startled "Oh my god, Do not sneak up like that."

Chris gave her a small smile and said "we need to talk"

"I do not wanna talk with you" she said turning around with Chase.

"Sharon" he said catching her elbow and turning her to face him.

"Chris." She spat and about to say something when Chase kicked him in his shin.

"Chase" she shouted.

"Leave my Mommy." He said the little lad tugging Chris Jacket.

Chris took his hands off Sharon. His whole attention now dedicated to Chase. Those blue eyes stared at him with fury.

"Chase... Say sorry." Sharons voice boomed bringing their starring match to an end.

"No" he said almost immediately.

"Chase... Mommy was dealing.. right? And he is elder to you and you are not supposed to disrespect anyone elder to you. Say sorry."

"No..Me say No sorr-y" he said throwing chris a challenging look.

Chris could clearly see his stubbornness in Chase that it almost amused him.

"Stubborn as hell" Sharon murmured. And turned her head to see Chris transfixed on little Chase. Sharon felt guilt creeping all over her heart. If only you weren't selfish.

"I'm sorry but please leave me alone."
Sharon said.

"You know I can't do that..." he said in a small voice.

Sharon gave Chris a defeated look. She decided to tackle the situation. She can not run away without dealing with him this time. Last time she did that she lost her April and she kept Chase away from his father. Now also she had same plan. She can not tell April that she is her mother. She can not bare her little angels hatred.

"Okay... meet me in "Daisy's delight" in two hours. We will talk" she said.

"Very well..." he said with a satisfied grin "And you..." he said bending down to Chase's level. "Very good. Keep protecting Mommy like that." Sharon was sure she also heard something along the lines "Until I come back."

"What did you say?" She asked.

"Oh.. Nothing we aren't going to discuss. See you then." He said giving her the boyish grin.

Sharon's heart fluttered. 'What the..." she thought as she walked to the bus stop with Chase.


"Hola... Sharon." said as soon as Sharon entered."Hey Chase"

"Morning Mira" Sharon said while Chase responded with a "Hey"

"You look lost." Mira commented.

Sharon was thinking about Chris and what he wanted to talk. She had a very good idea on what it's going to be and she for sure is not looking forward to it.

"Nothing" she said placing her bag behind the cash counter.

"Did we have any customers yet?" She asked.

"Yes... few school kids stopped by.. and the art necklace you brought the other day are on demand. Upto 40 pieces have already been sold." Mira informed.

"I will put more orders then" she said surfing the net to place quick orders and in no time two hours passed by and it was time to go meet Chris.

"I have to go meet someone...Please keep a eye on Chase." She asked Mira.

"Aye...aye..." Mira said giving her a mock salute.

"And tell Savvy to show her face tomorrow or I'm gonna pull her to Joseph's clinic."

Mira just chuckled. Savvy called in sick today. Sharon, however thought to drop by her apartment in the evening.


Chris is been waiting for twenty minutes in "Daisy's Delight". It was small cozy cafe.

He choose a very discreet corner in the cafe as he waited for Sharon.
He saw Sharon walking around the corner deeply in her thoughts. Her hair was in a braid and few stray hair were coming out of her braid. Her face as pretty as he remembered. God.... he was an idiot, for not finding her before. He infact have had a private detective to look for her but failed to locate her.

He saw her mumbling something to herself. Some habits never change.. He thought. She took a deep breath before opening the cafe door.

"Hello Sharon" the worker behind the counter said.

Sharon gave him a small wave and a smile before looking around to find Chris.

Sharon's eyes landed on Chris whose eyes were already studying her. She was going to make it clear that he had no place in her life nor her son's. Really? Her subconscious mocked. She took steady steps towards him.

"I hope I'm not late." She said as she took the chair opposite to him.

Chris didn't say anything. Something was wrong, Sharon thought immediately. His eyes were drilling holes into her but they were expressionless.

"I want to make something clear Chris... I do not wish to see you again. I'm sure April has learned to live without me" Sharon's heart shattered to utter those words."And I do not want to confuse Chase bringing you into his life. It would be very difficult for a three year old to understand us"

Chris still didn't utter a word. He sat there motionless and suddenly his eyes potrayed heart breaking saddness.


"Do you want to tell me something about your pregnancy here in Princeton.?"he asked

Sharon face paled immediately. No way.

"When are you going to tell me about Caleb?" He asked his voice hard and his hands in a fist.

Chapter 12 everyone....

Who is Caleb now?! Burning question?

You will find your answer in next Chapter and if you are following the story carefully you might have had your guess already. Hit the comments section below to drop your guesses.

Next update is on 20th March.

Please ignore any grammatical errors.

Hope you had a good day :)

Good night.


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