Promises Are Meant To Be Brok...

By BigBadSofty07

309K 9.9K 1.6K

Y/N and Lauren were best friends since birth. They were inseparable. They did everything together. Even thoug... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 7 Part 2
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Not an update
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Final Chapter Part 1
Final Chapter Final Part

Chapter 12

8K 225 67
By BigBadSofty07

1 Week Later

Ted's POV

We were on our way to Texas. The last concerts we had in New Mexico and Nevada were fun. The fans were amazing...and not to mention loud. Right now me and Scott are playing video games in the living room that's in the bus. Last time I checked Y/N was asleep. She gets really tired after the concerts and she sometimes stays up really late writing songs. "Hey boys we are making a quick stop so if you want anything form the store you guys have to make it quick." Tom the bus driver said. "I'm gonna go check if Y/N wants anything." "Just let her sleep I'm pretty sure she's gonna want some chips and apple juice." Scott said before I could leave to call Y/N.
We got off the bus and made our way to the store while Tom filled the bus with gas. "Hey guys where's Y/N?" We turned around and saw Lauren. "Oh she's in the bus asleep I think." "Can I go see her?" We nodded and she smiled and left. I smiled and looked at Scott. "She better not hurt Y/N." I nodded in agreement. "I know she won't."

Lauren's POV
      I thanked them and walked towards their bus. I put in the code and walked in. I walked towards Y/N's bunk and quietly pulled the curtain. "Bab-" I stopped myself when I saw that she was asleep hugging the little teddy bear I gave her, her hair was also all over her face. I smiled and took out my phone and took a picture.

I smiled and decided to post it on Instagram. With the caption.
"😍Aw she's sleeping with the teddy bear I got her. Love you @Y/TN💚"
After I posted the picture. I got who knows how many questions asking if we were dating. I was gonna close the curtain when a soft hand grabbed my wrist. "Can you stay and cuddle with me?" She said in her raspy voice. I smiled and nodded. I texted the girls saying that I will stay with Y/N. I got in her bunk and she laid her head on my chest while my hand went around her. I smiled and we both went to sleep.

I woke up and saw that I was in Lauren's arms I smiled and kissed her cheek. I carefully and quietly slid out of the bunk. I went to bathroom and showered. After I was done I blowed dried my hair and strained it. I put on some black ripped skinny jeans, a grey shirt, a jeans jacket and my white and black adidas. After I was done with all my business in the bathroom I walked out and saw that Lauren was still asleep. I smiled. I gently shook her but she didn't wake up. I shook her again but nothing. I flicked her nose but she just rubbed her nose and went back to sleep.
"Babe you have to get up." I said while I kissed her cheek. She smiled so started to kiss her all over her face. She giggled. "Come on go shower. You can wear some of my clothes theres also an extra tooth brushing I left out for you. Oh and we have to meet everyone at the restaurant that's not far from here in 2 hours." She smiled and nodded. She got up and left to the bath room. I walked into the small kitchen and saw a note saying that Scott and Ted will be waiting for us at the restaurant. After a couple of minutes Lauren walked out wearing my clothes.

"You look beautiful in my clothes." She put her head down to hide her blush. I smiled and pecked her lips. "Come on they're waiting for us." She took a hold of hand and led us out the bus.
     We walked in the restaurant hand in hand. We saw everyone sitting at a table so we walked towards them. I looked up and saw Nash glaring at me. I gulped down. "Hey guys come on come sit." Ally said with a big smile.
We sat down and ordered. "So when do you guys plan on telling the fans?" I looked up and looked at Lauren. She smiled grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers. "Well we can do it know?" Lauren said. I looked at her confused. She handed her phone to Demi. "Smile"

(You are the black haired and Lauren's the blonde.)

"Or you could kiss." I heard Demi chuckle. I was still in a daze from the kiss. My eyes were still closed. "Aww Lauren look at her." Demi cooed. I blushed and opened my eyes. I looked at Lauren and she was looking at me lovingly. I rested my head on her shoulder. I saw her posting the picture. With the caption. "To answer your questions we are dating and I couldn't be happier. Love you boo💚@Y/TN." I smiled and kissed her cheek. "Love you too."
      After that our food came. We all ate in silence. "I gotta go to the restroom I'll be right back." I said getting up. "Want me to go with you?" I shook my head and kissed her cheek.
      I flushed the toilet when I was down. I opened the stall to meet by Nash. He smirked at me and punched me in the stomach and face. He pushed me back in the stall. "Now Y/N didn't I tell you stay away from Lauren?" "She doesn't love you she's only going out with you out pity." "I mean look at you. You're pathetic little girl who can't stand up for themselves. When Lauren sees how pathetic and worthless you are she's gonna come to me. A real man." "You don't deserve her." I looked down and in a split second I connected my fist with his face. I guess I got him by surprise cause he lost his balance and crashed into the stall door. Someone rushed in here I looked up and saw a pissed off Lauren.

Lauren's POV
       When Y/N left I smiled and touched my cheek. Gosh I love her so much. After a little while I looked up and Nash was gone. "Hey guys I'm gonna go cheek what's taking Y/N so long." They nodded and I walked towards the restrooms. As I was gonna go in I heard people talking so I went in quietly. "Now Y/N didn't I tell you stay away from Lauren?" What the hell is Nash doing in the ladies room? "She doesn't love you she's only going out with you out pity." "I mean look at you. You're pathetic little girl who can't stand up for themselves. When Lauren sees how pathetic and worthless you are she's gonna come to me. A real man." "You don't deserve her." My blood was boiling with anger. But before I could do anything I heard a loud crash. I went in and saw Y/N with tears and a busted lip. I looked at Nash and saw that he was getting up. Man this guy is really pissing me off. "You little bitch." But before he can do anything I quickly went In front of her and punched him square in jaw. Followed by more punches to his face. I felt soft hands pull me away. I looked at Y/N. I gently cupped her face. "Please tell me you don't believe what he said." She looked down and got out off my grip. "He's right I don't deserve you. You deserve way better than me." She said looking down. "I love you and only you what he said about me not loving you is completely bull shit cause love you." I cupped her face and brought our lips together. The kiss was filled with passion and love. When air became a problem we separated. "I love you." She gave a small smile. "I love you too." We walked out hand in hand. Leaving an unconscious Nash in the women's restroom.


There's another chapter for ya lovely people. If it sucks I'm sorry. I'm sick and hella sore. I can't move my legs. So I'm sorry. So if you read my other fanfic "There only Secrets." I probably won't update today I'll probably update on Sunday or Monday. I'm very sorry. Sorry for any mistakes

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