Fight For This Love (Sergio R...

By EvaRamos

30.6K 783 180

Olivia takes a leap of faith and moves to Madrid alone, but will a chance meeting and a promise change her li... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 7

2K 50 7
By EvaRamos

"You're very happy today" Lidia observed as she sat swinging her legs whilst perched on the mahogany desk at the front of my fancy classroom. "And when did you change out of your work clothes? Are you going out?"

I just ignored Lidia and concentrated on getting ready to leave for the weekend. It was Friday afternoon, and around 4pm, meaning the kids had just left and Lidia and I were having our little daily catch up. It had only been two days since the date at Sergio's place and Lidia had already noticed a difference in me.

"You had sex didn't you?" She pointed her finger at me accusingly.

"Wha- no!" I spluttered. "I'm just happy!"

"You liar! You totally had sex. Tell me. All the details please" She shifted slightly on my desk as if she was getting comfortable to hear my tale. "I didn't know you knew any guys here"

Damn this girl. She can see straight through me! "I've only known him for just over a week"

"Oh you slut! I love it" Lidia squealed, clearly enjoying my reluctance to share. "What's his name?"

"Sergio. He lives on my estate" I shrugged.

"So was he good?" She asked me unashamedly, her eyes lighting up at the gossip.

"Lidia!" My cheeks blushed furiously at the thought of him.

"Oh come on Olivia, please tell me! I've been with Mikel for like five years please let me live vicariously through your one night stands!" She had clasped her hands in front of her like she was begging me.

"Ok. Ok. It was good" I finally admitted as my cheeks burnt to the colour of tomato soup.

"Just good?" She raised her eyebrows at me.

"Ok he was amazing. Heart breaking, Soul shaking love making! Is that what you want to hear?" I threw my arms up in the air in exasperation.

Lidia burst into laughter whilst I just stood there embarrassed and flustered. "So when will I get to see what this mysterious Sergio looks like?" She asked me when her laughter had died down.

"Well.. He's kinda out there" I pointed out of one of my windows which overlooked the car park. "There, stood outside of the black car? He's waiting to pick me up"

"Oh my fucking god" Lidia whispered.

"Huh? What happened?" I asked confusedly, momentarily stopping the act of shoving all of my work things into my big handbag to look up at Lidia to see what was wrong.

"That's fucking Sergio Ramos" She gasped, pointing at him with a shaking finger.

"Ahuh. What's the problem? Are you a cule?" I joked but she ignored me.

"You're fucking Sergio Ramos!" She was almost shouting now and I was scared the students in detention next door probably just heard my dirty little secret.

"Lidia! Shh!" I blushed again. "Well Sergio Ramos is waiting for me so i'll get going, I guess? See you Monday?"

"No Olivia. You don't understand. I've had a crush on him since fucking 2005!" She was freaking out. Like totally uncontrollably freaking out just because I had sex with Sergio Ramos. How the fuck does one cope with these situations. What would the queen do?

But I really doubt Queen Elizabeth II would ever fuck a Spanish footballer, or any footballer really. And in the case she had, I wasn't actually on speaking terms with her, so I had no fucking clue what she would do. And all this is irrelevant because I'm not a queen and I'm wasting time and Lidia's still freaking out and Sergio is still stood by his car with his hands in his pockets looking like a damn sex god.

"So... I think I'll go now... You think this over, get used to the idea" I patted her shoulder gently before picking up my bag and edging towards the door. "Lock the door yeah?... Lidia? Hola?... Are you ok?... Um Adios?"

And so like the good friend I am left her stood in my classroom like a zombie in shock and made my way towards the car park and the waiting Sergio.

"Hey beautiful" He said as soon as I reached him and he lovingly pressed his full lips against mine just briefly.

I had missed him.

The dangerous thought hit me like a speeding train. Missing a man you barely knew? Nuh huh. Not good. This was so unlike me, to fall in lust so easily, it wasn't love yet. Definitely not. But I could feel the beginnings of it blossoming within me.

It was Friday night and tomorrow Sergio had a game at the Bernabeu, it was a Real Madrid tradition (according to Sergio) that the team would meet up and eat together the night before a home game. Last night Sergio had called me and said I just HAD to go with him, and so here we were in Sergio's car heading across Madrid toward Iker Casillas' house.

Me? Myself? Yeah I shit scared. I was about to meet all of these footballing superstars who I used to admire on TV. I was about to find out what they were really like in person, and the wags. Holy fuck, the wags!! I was I full on panicking now. What if they were bitchy and judgmental? Would they think I was too ugly for Sergio? Or not classy enough? Or not Spanish enough?!

"Baby, stop panicking. They'll love you" Sergio placed one of his hands on my knees and squeezed it gently. He must have read my mind, or more likely he noticed the fact that it was nearly hyperventilating. "They're my friends Olivia, they're not going to bite you"

"Sergio...." I whined, feeling sorry for myself. "What if your teammates think I'm ugly?"

He actually starting laughing when I said that as if he found me ridiculous, which made me feel worse. "Olivia, I can assure you no one will think that." He lifted my chin so that i was looking at him. "Stop it now ok? You don't need to worry about anything. These are good people"

"Ok" I mumbled, I trusted Sergio sure, but that didn't mean I was feeling any less nervous about meeting them all.

A few minutes later and we were walking through Iker's beautiful house towards the garden where all of Sergio's teammates had congregated.

A bunch of hellos welcomed us into the garden and dazzling white smiles were directed our way, making me feel slightly more comfortable that they were actually welcoming.

"This is Mesut, Mandy, Karim, Sarah, Irina, Cristiano, Lana, Sami..." Etc. etc. Sergio introduced them to me one by one and I offered them all polite smiles and just hoped I wouldn't get tested on these million and one names.

The guys gave Sergio manly hugs and then turned to me for the normal Spanish double cheek kiss, the women also kissed my cheeks and offered me the same "hi nice to meet you" line.

Sergio and I finally took our seats in the circle and Sergio was immediately dragged into conversation by the man on his right, Pepe I think? He looked really different in person, what with the new fro look he had going on.

"Hi. I'm Carol. You probably couldn't remember all those names right?" The beautiful lady on my left reintroduced herself to me. She must be Kaka's wife, as she was sat next to him.

"Olivia. It's nice to meet you." I shook her delicate hand. "There's just so many of you!"

We both laughed. "It's an 'us' now. You're part of the family once you've been to a pre match meal!" She nudged me in the side playfully.

"Huh? What do you mean?" My eyebrows crinkled together in confusion. Part of the family?

"It's one of the unspoken rules. You can't bring just anyone to a pre match meal, you must be very special to Sergio" She smiled at me like a knowing mother, showing me all of her perfect white teeth. "It's about time he brought someone with him"

"Oh." I didn't know how to respond to her. Sergio and I weren't official or anything, we've only been on one date. "He doesn't bring girls with him often?"

"Never." She shared with me. "Since Ricky signed for Madrid, you're the first girl I've ever seen him bring with him. Sure he's had girlfriends, flings, whatever, but no, you're the very first girl he's introduced to his teammates."

I glanced at Sergio to check if he was listening but he was still in deep conversation with Pepe and Cristiano Ronaldo had joined in. None of them were paying attention to Carol and I.

"I didn't know that" I admitted, fiddling with my phone nervously. "I didn't know... Sergio liked me that much"

"But you like him a lot right? I can tell" She asked me. I just nodded as a response. "Well then you like him a lot, he likes you a lot. Be happy"

She friendly patted my shoulder and then, as if the serious conversation didn't happen she suddenly grinned at me. "Ohh foods ready! Come on before all these greedy boys eat it all!"

And I let her pull me, I wouldn't usually allow myself to be pulled around but I liked her. Carol wasn't supposed to be this nice, she was a wag and she was both beautiful and successful but she was still nice. Seems as if Sergio was right, I was worrying over nothing, his friends were nice, and apparently he liked me a lot. Then and there I decided to follow Carol's advice. Forget about how long I've known Sergio, or what I've read about his past relationships and stop worrying about this not working out. I was going to just be happy.

(Hi friends, comment or vote if you liked the chapter. Sorry it took a while. Besos, Eva xx)

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