Mated To A Jerk |✓

By ranchchips

609K 17K 2.1K

Being mated to the future alpha isn't a breeze, especially for Cassandra. Wanna know why? Because he's a flat... More



6.2K 200 23
By ranchchips

School. Of all things Chase would make me do, he chose to force me into getting caught up with my education. I didn't see the point anymore, seeing as I missed so much school already I wouldn't be able to understand the concepts in such a short time. But he wanted me to try. Key word try.

"I'm just going to take a quick shower, boy calm down." I rolled my eyes at Chase, who was trying to get past me at the bathroom door.

"I'll wait inside until your done showering." He shrugged casually, causing me to give him my best glare. I was tough, but not good at being intimidating.

"Nice try, Chasey boy, but no shows for you." I smirked and he just sighed.

"As much as I love arguing with you, really, I do," I rolled my eyes at his sarcasm. "we have school in an hour, and this is wasting your preparation time. You are good at putting up a fight, but it's useless with me. Go get in the shower." I groaned and turned around in defeat. Stupid Chase.

I set up the towel on the rack and turned, giving Chase a warning look. He gave me an amused smirk before turning his back respecting my privacy. I quickly undressed and got into the shower, closing the curtain as fast as possible before he turned around.

"It's good now." I announced as I turned on the water.

"K" his voice shouted over the noise of the water. I started my shower, eyeing his silhouette behind the blurry clear curtains, just to be safe.


I finished drying my hair with the hairdryer, glaring grumpily at the still black curls. When would this wear out? What if it never did?

Our hair will stay as black as the future. My wolf whispered in my head.

Shut the fuck up, you little devil. I snapped, irritated at her constant depressing comments.

I did a once over my simple outfit; black shorts with a dark red v-neck tee tucked in. I pulled my hair over my neck, doing my best to cover the triangle permanently colored on my skin, which caused Chase to growl because he thought I was concealing his mark. I would get enough interrogations for the day, why not save the 'tattoo' questions when I'm in a better mood.

"Can we go now?" Chase complained from the toilet. He was sitting on the seat of it as I dried my hair and he watched, bored.

"Yeah yeah, don't get your panties in a twist." I walked into our room and swung my bag over my shoulder as he followed me out.


The moment Chase pulled the car into the parking lot I knew I was in for it. There literally crowds around his usual parking spot, and I could feel my heart hammering in my chest with the lump in my throat.

"They'll bombard you with questions, since we kept the situation private from the pack, so just ignore them and keep your head held high, no matter the rumors you hear. Got it?" Chase said as he parked, and the mob was watching curiously.

"Got it." I opened the door, and the loudness the crowd radiated made me cringe.

"Where did you go?"

"What happened?"

"Why do you look dead?"

"We're you raped? Held captive? For ransom?"

Ignore them, Cassandra. Chase's voice rang through my head.

It was kind of hard when I wanted to shove the truth down their throats, but I just did my best to push past the mob. Some didn't want me to get through, but when I looked at them harshly they got scared and scrambled away. I finally bumped the last shoulder and quickly walked into the building, with everyone following behind curiously.

When I looked up from the floor tiles my face lit up. My bag fell off my shoulders carelessly when I ran towards my best friends, and engulfed them in a long waiting hug.

"Oh my god, I love you guys so fucking much." I cried into their shoulders. They did the same while holding me extra tight.

"Your hair is so freaking dark still. I miss your brunette locks." Mandy sniffed, her eyes wet and red as she studied me. I laughed airy.

"I miss the criticism, too, Mandy, thanks." I winked and she smiled wide.

"You don't know how much we missed you." Ameth finally spoke and I nodded

"I think I do." I joked and she rolled her watery eyes. She was about to speak but Chase came up and interrupted her.

"Don't talk about it here. They're all listening suspiciously, and we don't need them to know Cassandra's problems." His voice commanded behind me. Ameth and Mandy let me go, but stayed close. A heavy weight pulled down on my back, and I looked, but noticed it was Chase who put my bag back on my shoulders.

"Thanks." I mumbled, wiping my non-makeup eyes. The bell rang, and the students dispersed to their first class. I gave a farewell to my friends and Chase led me to my locker. He had to open the lock for me since I forgot the code, and then he went to his locker.

I opened the locker, and my heart suddenly sank. I looked right and left, making sure nobody was paying close attention. Since nobody was, I shoved my bag in and grabbed my binder before slamming it shut without a second thought.


You thought your problems were fixed? Think again, Dark Wolf. People know of the fulfilled prophecy Dark Wolf, and they will stop at nothing, and do anything to find you. Some offer rewards. Maybe they'll have a use to me. Here's a 'gift' to think about while you're at it. I mean, why trouble your friends and mate when you can set the world free of evil all in one? It will do everyone favors.... So long for now, 'Dark Wolf'


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