The Gamer Girl Crush

Por angels2370

5.7K 216 26

Meet Victoria, with a dysfunctional family that never remains in one place for long, and she never feels that... Más

The Gamer Girl Crush
The Last Day Home
The Airport and the Arrival
Weekend at the Hotel
The Relieving First Day
Welcome, Again!
New Player?
New Home
The Boring Week
The Weekend
Jittery Jordan
Her Friends Know
The Sleepover

Vacation Invitation

209 16 3
Por angels2370

I wake up in the morning with my back hurting and a huge headache, then I remember last night. I had to sleep on the floor while my parents were shouting upstairs. I sigh and hop up, running into the bathroom to get some asprin, I take it and walk out.

"You are so unhelpful!" My mom shouts at my dad, not really caring if she wakes everyone up.

"Well maybe I'd help, if you weren't all over the place telling me to do one job when I have my hands full with another!!" My dad shouts back. I sigh and walk past them and downstairs into my room, luckily they didn't see me. I put an extra blanket on the twins and head over to my computer. I turn it on and go onto 'Minecraft'

"Hello?" I ask knowing a few people are on.

"Ya, hey." I hear Danny's voice saying.

"AHH! CREEPER!" I hear Jordan shout.

"Well thanks for the hello..." I say, giggling to Jordan.

He laughs. "Ya, hi." We play a little longer until Danny ends up saying something. "Uhh... Victoria,"

"Ya?" I ask

"We have this... Uh. Youtube channel for Minecraft and we thought, you could be in it?" He asks rather than stating.

"I'd love too!" I chirped. Danny began recording and introduced me. We played a little 'Hunger Games' and Jordan ended up winning. We end up playig for the rest of the day until about 10:00 p.m. and I get off to go to bed since I have school in the morning.



I hear my alarm on my phone go off causing me to jolt up, I changed it to a louder alarm so I could be more awake and alert in the morning, if that's possible. I run up the stairs and eat a quickly before running back down and taking a quick shower, throwing on some faded light blue jeans and my 'Minecraft' shirt, and brushing my teeth. I quickly slip on my grey and white polka-dot converse and rush out the door, ready for my early morning study session since I came in half way through the unit.

"I'm here, I'm here." My mom mumbles, obviously not wanting to be out of the comfort of her bed, oh well, but I have a good reason! It's for school!

"You're smart enough, why do you need this stupid study session anyways?" Did I mention my mom is SUPER grouchy in the morning?

I rolled my eyes, "I came in half-way through the unit. Yell at dad for having his job moved."

"Don't you DARE turn this around on your father! He works hard and put the food on the table that YOU eat everyday!" She shouted. I threw my hands up in defeat. I can't argue with her in the morning. We pulled up to my school,

"We're here." My mother groaned, I got out. and walked up the steps to the main entrance.

The day went by fairly quickly,me kind of being bored all day, but I got through. I came home and hopped onto my computer, quickly finishing my homework, and then, as usual since I have new Minecraft friends, going on there.

"Sup Victoria?" Kevin says.

"Not much, you?"

"Nothing, but did you hear that Jordan's got another vacation coming up?"

Another? I didn't even know about any previous one, I guess he goes on them often.

"Nope, probably wasn't planning to take me. Which is alright since he barely knows me." I state, it WAS alright, we clearly weren't good enough friends for him to want to take me anywhere yet.

"Oh I don't know about that." Kevin said, I could hear the smile in his voice, probably some sort of inside joke.

"Dude did you tell her!?" I heard Jordan shout causing me to jump, I didn't know he was on.

"Uh, ya...?" Kevin said in more of an questionable tone. "How'd you know?"

"I logged on during your last sentence." He said.

"If you don't want me to come, that's fine. I mean we aren't really..."

"No, you can come." Jordan said cutting me off, almost in a pleading tone, like he was begging me to come.

"Oh, I guess we're already better friends than I thought." I said smiling at how I already have some good friends.

(Jordan's P.O.V.):

"Ya." I said, trying to sound normal and not super excited that my crush was coming on a vacation with me.

We were good friends, and I really wanted to be much more.

***PLEASE READ*** (A/N: I would like to get a vote thing started so here: 5 votes for the next chapter! But anyways, I was checking Wattpad the other day and I was so freaking shocked at how I had reads other than my sister! I like freaked out! Well, I kind of forgot how to do it now so I don't know how many people are reading exactly. But thank you SO, SO MUCH! I love to know that other people are interested in my writing, it makes me feel special. I'm SO sorry I haven't updated in forever, I just started school and I've had this writers block and I tought I really needed to put out a chapter for you guys even though it stinks. Thanks for reading guys! Oh, you don't have to read the rest now, but if you want to, read on! I will be trying to update more frequently because I have the vacation thing and I think I can make a few chapters leading up to that and the actual vacation, but I REALLY need help in where the vacation should be. And YES Victoria is coming on Jordan's vacation, he's allowed to bring friends so, why not? But anyways, Question of the day: If your friend asked you to be on their Youtube channel, would you join?)

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