Deja Vu.

By lolaboa09

406 59 10

Haley Murray swears to remember her previous life, as Ashley Hendrix. She remembers living that life and dyi... More

1. letting go
2. Goodbye family drama
3. New Roommate.
4. (Not) A party girl.
5. Sorority party.
6. Magical voice.
7. The Cafe.
8. The Game.
9. Kisses.
10. First date.
12. Guess Who.

11. Surprise Call.

13 2 0
By lolaboa09

After our first day together, we settle on a rutine. We spent most of our time together. We study together, we ate together, and we walked through the campus together. We became a package; you couldn't have one without having the other. And I can't say that I don't love it. For first time in my life, I have someone who cares about me. Someone I can talk to, someone to spend my day with. Someone that asks me how was my day, and actually cares about the answer.

He became my first best friend and boyfriend. All too soon, he became the most important person in my life. And I wasn't sure if the feeling was mutual. I mean how it could be, that such a perfect guy will fall for me the way I did for him. Especially, if is in this short period of time. However I wasn't complaining. I will enjoy every single second that he gives me, because I know that it won't last forever.

Taylor, my roommate became also one of the closes friends that I have. I know it's kind of pointless to point that out, given that I only have a few friends in my life. But I don't need to have other friendships to compare, to know that this is one of those real friendships that are so hard to find.

I could say that these two past months were the best time of my life. Well, until a surprising call ruined my fairy tall. You know what they say, the higher the lowest rise in the fall.

Cage and I were at the garage of one of his band mates. They were practicing, like they usually do at least once a week. I was enjoying the private show, when phone started ringing. That was weird. The only people who called me were Cage, who for obvious reasons wasn't, and Taylor, who was at a study group session. Wondering who could it be, I put my phone off the pocket of my jeans. It was in unknown number. My body gives a little shiver, and I became instantly nervous. Just like if I was predicting who it was, and what kind of conversation will come from it. Determinate to not let this feelings control me, pick up the phone. - Hi? – I whisper to the phone, in part to not disturb the band and in part because that's the higher I can make my voice go for now. - Haley? – I strong woman voice say on the other side. - Mother? - Yes. I need you to come see us. Immediately. – Her cold voice gives me chills on my body. - Why? What happen? - There's been an accident. We are at the local hospital, room 203. And then she hung up, before I can even process what she says. Oh, god. An accident, they are at the hospital. Oh my god. Why did she sound so calm, this have to be a big deal for her to call me about it. Fuck. I may not be really found of my family, they made my life a living hell. They rejected me, and didn't even try to pretend to like me. I can remember the last time, or even if it was a time that they give me a hug or tell me that they loved me. Things they did all the time with Jonathan. Who isn't any better than them. Always judging me and hating me for not reason at all. I think the bulling and rejection of my family, was the one that hurt me the most in my life. However, they still are my family. The people responsible for my existence. And I know I wasn't anything close to an easy kid. So, I can't blame them for acting the way they did. It would have been too much to anyone on their position. Sometimes I wonder how Ashley's parents will have reacted if this passed with them as my family. Would they still have been those sweet people who loved me the most? Or would they be just as heatless as my currents ones? I was so in to my thoughts and shocked about who could be hurt of them, that I didn't even notice that the band wasn't playing anymore. And a desperate Cage was shaking my arms, and keeps asking me what was wrong. I compose enough to answer him. - There's been an accident. I need to go to the local hospital. - Who? What? – Cage looks frantic and scare for all of second. And then his face became determinate. He kisses my temple. – It's okay. Everything it's going to be okay. I can see that he is worry, and that he really wants to know what the hell am I talking about. However he understands that I'm in shock, and he probably won't get more of me right now. So he gives me my time and space, while trying to comfort me. That's one of the things I love the most of him, he understands what I need and want better than myself. And he doesn't pressure me to do or say nothing, he just give me my time. We arrive at the hospital without me noticing even when we got in to the car. Once we are there, I tell him the number of the room, and he asks a nurse for indications. We find it five minutes later.My mother it's sitting in a waiting chair right out of the room 203. You couldn't read her feelings from her face. You never could, it was like the woman literally didn't have a heart. Though, I know better. People, who don't show emotions, are the ones who feel them the most.She looks my way, like she feels my gaze on her. - Was about time for you to care enough about your family and showed up. You'll think, that telling you that we were in the hospital would at least mean something for you. I put on my own poker face, and answer to her with the most out of feelings kind of voice. - I'm here now. So, what happened? She gives an evil laugh and says. - Well, if you really care to know, go find a nurse or doctor to tell you themselves. Now, if you'll excuse me. She gets in to the room 203; I give a sigh and start looking around for a nurse. But my eyes only meet with Cage furious ones. I completely forget he was here. - Thank you for the ride but you doesn't have to stay, you know. – I say with the most convincing smile I kind manage. He shakes his head, like he can't believe me. - I'm staying. And who the hell it's that bitch? – He says with clenching teeth. - That will be my mother. – I say with a small smile. – ignore her, it's what I do.- Is she always like that with you?- Like what? Like a bitch? – I say amused, and he nods. – Well, yeah. You get used to it, though.He looks really mad about my answer, and I can see that he is not done with the subject. Not feeling like getting there right now, I start looking for the nurse.The nurses didn't know anything, but they told me who the doctor to both patients on the room 203 was. After finding Dr. Reynolds and convincing him that I was direct family, I finally found out what happened to my brother and father. The three of them, my mom too, were in a car accident about five weeks ago. My mother only had a small concussion. My father has a broken leg, and some problem with his liver. Though, they are optimistic of his recover. Jonathan, it's the one who got it the worst. He broke his leg and arm; he got a deep cut on her stomach. But the worst of all, he has internal bleeding. That last one got him in a coma. They don't think he'll ever wake up. My mother can make the choice to keep him like that on hopes of someday getting better, or disconnect him and put him out of his misery. Once we made our way back to the 203 room, we nock on the door. My mother tell me to say goodbye to him, and then heads to the hall way.I look at Cage, who wraps his arms around my waist; I'm whisperer it's going to be okay in my ear. I let a small sob go out, and then recover enough to look at the two beds, side by side, on the room. - I'll be right here. Take your time. – He says stepping out of the room, but I hold his hand. - Don't go. – I beg him.- Okay. – He puts a hand on the small of my back and guides me to a spot between both beds. I hug myself to Cage's side, and close my eyes. My father has a lot machine connected to him a looks a little pale. But it's nothing compare it to Jonathan. He is even whiter than his sheets. And have so many thing connected to his body that I can't even count them. I take a deep breath. And look them both in the face. Cage's arms get a little tighter around me. I give him resourcing smile. I know my father it's going to be okay, so I first walk closer to my brother bed and hold one of his hands. - I wish we could have been closer. I wish you would have given me a chance. - I take another deep breath, before continuing. – I don't blame you, though. I don't. It's no one's fault, but destiny perhaps. – I give a laugh without humor. – Good luck on your next life, pal. – I get close to his ear and whisper. – I forgive you. – And kiss his cheek. I turn to my father, and hold his hand for all of a second. - I hope you get better soon. Then I make my way to the door, with Cage arms still around me.

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