Forget-Me-Not (George Weasley...

By patdfanatic

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"Is this... Is this your brother?" The girl asked, glowing blue eyes boring into his as he smiled gently. "Ye... More

Forget-Me-Not (George Weasley Love Story)
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Eleven

2.9K 105 21
By patdfanatic

Felix awoke. She was still in her dress, shoes abandoned on the floor. George's arm tightened around her waist as she nuzzled into his shoulder. During the night he had dragged a blanket over her while she slept and she was glad of it as it was not quite summer and winter was yet to leave. It was only six in the morning so she quietly slipped out of bed, changing into pyjamas and padding out of the room. Felix crept downstairs, aware that the rest of the household was fast asleep, and made herself breakfast.

"Grrgsnsm." George mumbled when she slipped back into bed beside him, tray laying next to his pillow loaded with pastries and cereal and a scolding cup of coffee. She planted a soft kiss on his cheek and dragged the blanket over the both of them this time, settling into his embrace and swiftly falling back to sleep in his arms.

"Fee?" Warm breath in her ear woke her up. This time, sunlight was streaming through the blinds and the sounds of the house awakening filled the room. George was staring down at her, slightly unbelieving smile on his face. "Isn't it me who's supposed to get you breakfast, not the other way round?" Felix laughed and rolled onto her back from her side, staring up at George and smiling.

"You've never been one for traditionalism." She smirked, pulling herself upright so that they were both sitting up in bed, staring at each other. "Besides, you've made me breakfast in bed before, it's only fair I repay the favour." George leant in and kissed her nose softly, smelling strongly of fresh coffee.

"I knew you wanted me really." He grinned, winking at her as she pulled him down with her on top of the blankets.

"You're a cocky one, aren't you." He faked being hurt and Felix nudged him with her shoulder.

"Ow!" He rubbed his arm and pouted. "Do you always have to hurt me? Domestic abuse! Someone help me-" her lips pressed against his and he fell quiet, his breathing slow and startled.

"Only when you deserve it." She said fiercely. "Which is all the time." She added

"When have I ever done anything wrong?" George smirked, padding across the floor and trying to find a change of clothes.

"Well you called me heavy, you make fun of my nose when it twitches, you-"

"Lies! All lies!" He found a shirt and jeans and was about to change when Felix interrupted him.

"Do you have to change?" She frowned. "I like the tux."

"I liked the dress but you changed that pretty swiftly too." He threw the bundle of clothes at her and she ducked, shrieking.

"Don't throw stuff at me-" a pillow narrowly missed her head. "George! GEORGE!"

Someone cleared their throat at the door. "S-sorry... I didn't mean to interrupt-" a tall, awkward boy stood at the door, brown hair sweeping over his eyes as he tugged nervously on the edge of his cardigan. Seamus stood behind him and pushed him encouragingly into the room.

"Oh Neville, it's fine! Come in!" George gave Felix a look behind Neville's back but her scowl was so fierce he daren't try again. He stumbled into the room, glancing around at the mess and trying desperately to make eye contact with Felix. Yes, he had most definitely become a lot more brave, but he still couldn't handle the greatest fear of them all. Girls.

"I-I was uh... Wondering if uh... You wanted to go out with me today?" He stuttered, turning a lurid shade of red and pulling his cardigan tighter. George scowled but Neville couldn't see him in the corner of the room.

"With Seamus and George, too?" Felix asked and he frowned.

"O-oh..." He paused to think. "I guess..." And he shuffled away, muttering angrily to himself. Seamus punched his arm when he left the room,

"You know he was asking you on a date, right?" George said, shutting the door behind Neville and surveying Felix with crossed arms.

"No he was not, don't be silly. Neville was just being friendly." George raised his eyebrows and turned away, changing out of his tux and into clean blue jeans and a black t-shirt

"Yeah, well, it looks like he wants a bit more than friendship-" He muttered bitterly, turning back to face Felix but not expecting what he saw.

"George!" Felix gasped, staring at him in disbelief. "Neville is your friend, don't you dare talk about him like that!"

"I'm not talking about him like anything. And besides, he's not MY friend-" Felix scowled at him and stormed off, leaving a somewhat bemused George standing in a crumpled tux in his bedroom.

"You are such a jerk, George Weasley!" She shouted back.

"Oh come on, Fee, can't you see he's interested in you?"

"No, George, I can't. I guess it's because I'm not a self absorbed prick like you who thinks everyone has to love them." She hissed bitterly, glaring at him from the door.

"For Merlin's sake, Fee, he's a sad loser, I don't understand how you can keep defending him-"

"Wow." Felix raised her eyebrows. "I never knew you could be such a big-headed jerk." She scowled fiercely and added. "My father was right about you." And disappeared into the hallway. George listened to her angry footsteps down the stairs and tried to call after her.

"Fee!" He shouted. "Fee, I'm sorry!" But he got no reply. He sank onto his bed and rubbed his eyes wearily. It was going to be a long day.


"Have a nice day with long bottom?" Felix jumped at the sound of George's voice having not realised he had been sitting in the armchair in the corner of the room. He uncrossed his legs and got up, surveying Felix calmly as she put away her bag.

"I did, actually, yes. Seamus said he was feeling unwell so he couldn't come-"

"Oh, Seamus was feeling unwell. Of course he was." George said bitterly and Felix glared at him.

"Neville took me into Hogsmede for the day, if you wanted to know."

"I didn't want to know, actually." George muttered, too quiet for Felix to hear as her head was buried in the wardrobe that George had let her use. "I could have taken you into Hogsmede but no..."

"And then we had lunch in a nice little restaurant. And it WASN'T a date." Their eyes met and Felix's narrowed

"Oh yes, lunch in a nice restaurant doesn't sound like a date at all-" George stopped when he was slammed roughly back into his chair, Felix's wand pressed firmly into his chest.

"What is your problem?" She asked, tears forming in her eyes, something George had rarely seen before. He tried to move Felix's arm away from him but if anything she just pressed the wand harder against him. "Why are you being like this?"

"Well you seem oblivious to the fact that people are trying to take advantage of you." Felix laughed callously and pulled away.

"Right... Neville was taking advantage of me. Anyone else who has taken advantage of me? I would so love to hear the list." She put her wand back in her belt and gave George a ploring look.


"Has barely spoken to me."

"Fee, the way he looks at you-"

"Oh for goodness sake, George. Do you seriously think that ever single man who tries to talk to me is taking advantage? I survived pretty well on my own long before you turned up in my life- if I didn't need your mothering then, why on earth would I need it now?"

"I just worry about you, is all." He said quietly, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Yeah? Well don't." She regretted her harsh words. "I just don't understand how you could talk about someone like Neville in that way. That's not the George I know."

"Maybe you don't know me at all then." He said bitterly and she frowned.


"No, Felix, don't."

"Bloody hell, George, you really are an insufferable git at times, aren't you." She muttered and he glared at her darkly.

"You're one to talk."

"What on earth have I done?" She asked incredulously and he shrugged. Felix growled in exasperation and grabbed her clothes from within the wardrobe, packing them into her oversized rucksack and gritting her teeth as she did it.

"What are you doing-"

"What does it LOOK like I'm doing." She snapped, clipping the clasps of her bag into place and shifting it onto her shoulders. "I'm leaving."

"Fine then, if you're going to be pathetic and leave then good luck to you." Felix glared at him before storming from the room, leaving him sitting in stony silence.

"Thank you for having me, Mrs Weasley, but I really must be going." She said quickly, causing Molly to frown with concern.

"Are you sure, Felix, dear? Is everything alright-"

"Ask George." She huffed and slammed the kitchen door behind her, walking out into the cool evening air. Heavy footsteps thudded behind her but she refused to turn round, not wanting to talk to George again.

"Felix!" The man wheezed, grabbing onto her arm and trying to stop her from leaving. "Felix!"

"Get lost George-" Neville managed to turn Felix around and tried to catch his breath.

"Felix, where are you going?" He asked, concern etched across his slightly less pudgy face.

"I'm leaving." She stated simply, trying to hide her tears. Neville took a deep breath and grabbed her into a tight hug, refusing to let go.

"Please don't go." He said softly "Where will you stay?" But Felix wasn't listening. A small movement in a window of the burrow caught her eye for a moment, but then it was gone.

George slumped back onto the bed and gripped his wand so tightly his knuckles seemed to protrude from the flesh.

"Stupid." He muttered to himself. "George, you idiot." By the time he had reached the garden, Felix was already gone.

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