Love's Beat

By Cherze

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Ember Ashe is just a girl trying to survive day by day. All she needs is her passion to live, breathe and eat... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 22

34 3 1
By Cherze

     "I-D-I-O-T. In capitals. With multiple exclamation marks."

     "Yes, I'm an idiot not illiterate. I can spell," Jesse added wryly from his sprawled position on a bench in the empty locker room.

    "Well, apparently you should be both because you deserve it!" Jaden exploded. "How could you possibly have put Ember in such a disastrous situation? She's supposed to be your friend, dammit. Friends don't throw their friends into shark-infested waters!"

     "Hey, that's my family you're talking about. Despite the razor-sharp teeth and carnivorous nature, I resent that they be used to describe someone like him."

     "Then why would you be so utterly idiotic to have entrusted Ember's secret with another douchebag?" Jaden gritted out.

His blood was boiling so hot he felt like he could punch a wall and he wouldn't have felt it.

Jaden had a Come-to-Jesus moment when he'd decided he would be friends with Ember. It took him several tosses and turns in his bed but he finally decided he would let his emotions run free as they should. It was the natural thing to do. He would only hold them back when the situation called for it.

Although, he was starting to regret that last part.

He really just wanted punched Jesse. It would be far more satisfying than punching a wall.

     "Another? Excuse me, I am no ordinary douche. I am an A-grade, the baddest of them all douche who cannot be compared to anyone else. I am classified in a category of my own."

     Jaden shook his head of unruly red curls. "Enough. Let me recount the story in case I got the details wrong. Which I'm hoping they are and what I've actually heard is a figment of my overactive imagination."

     "I doubt it unless you're clinically insane. Then again that might actually be a distinct possibility."

     Jaden ignored him. "Cory, one of your supposed best friends, found out at that Ember worked at The Pulse when he came across the video of her dancing in your phone. Apparently, since you were idiotic enough to trust him with Ember's secret, he got a copy of the video. And now he plans to blackmail her into being his 'slave' using that same video. She's Tricia's friend for God's sake. Why would he do that to her? To both of them?"

     "Because he's a jealous girl deep, deep down inside of his black heart," Jesse answered. "Probably owns a pair of FM heels in his closet, waiting to use them and go all Beyonce on uncool girls."

     "Be serious," Jaden sighed.

     "Look," Jesse straightened to his feet unhurriedly and flicked off invisible dirt on his trousers. "I don't understand the reasons behind why Cory is doing this and I don't want to pretend that I do either. Maybe he really is envious of me and he's willing to hurt anyone including Ember to get to me. Maybe he needs her to finish his homework for the rest of the semester. I don't know."

      When he looked up, Jaden could see beneath the air of calm confidence and flippant attitude that he was hiding a fury of his own. "The first thought I had was that the few days I spent with Ember in getting her to like me were worth more than the years I spent with Cory. So I did the best I could to goad him into a... bet."

      He faltered before he uttered the last word which made Jaden's shoulders tense. "What bet?"

Jesse remained silent as he stared at the bank of lockers behind Jaden. It went on long enough that a terrible sense of foreboding came over him.

      "Jesse, what bet did you make with him?"

     He released a breath and looked Jaden straight in the eyes. "The condition of the bet was that we had to make a claim on Ember. Publicly, and in the presence of the other competitor. And she has to be willing. The loser will not only have to back off Ember, he has to–"

Jesse paused.

     "He what? He has to do what?" Jaden asked, frantic now.

He chuckled at Jaden's look of alarm.

     Jaden shoved his shoulder. "Knock it off," he said which just made Jesse lose it.

He was laughing so hard that he collapsed onto the bench again.

     "The one who loses cannot bother Ember and has to leave the school," he managed to say when he sobered.

      "Are you serious?" He couldn't believe what he was hearing. "No way that kind of bet has any weight to it. Who's going to keep track of whether the other person keeps true to his word?"

      Jesse turned gravely serious then. "We take our bets seriously. No matter how much of an arse Cory might be, he respects any gamble we make. And besides that, we made an oath as kids. There would be three-year span for any bet made. Woody still hasn't stepped into a nightclub for a year and a half now. Reed has four months to go until he can use his X-Box. I can't touch beer for two more years."

     Jaden was incredulous. "You guys are mad."

      "But it's the only thing that will help Ember now."

      "There are such things as loopholes you know. Cory could always find another excuse to get use her. If he's so set on her now, there's a chance he won't stop bothering her no matter what oath he's taken especially one he took as a kid. And you can't keep an eye on him or on her forever. Jesse, this is just ridiculous."

     "You know, you've got to live on a little faith." The corner of Jesse's mouth curled up in a wry smile. "As assurance, I made sure to record the conversation including his clear "Hell yeah, you're on"."

      "That was a smart move. For an idiot."

     He shrugged. "Ah, and I also clarified that the loser would have to move to another country."

      Jaden's eyes bulged like saucers. "Another country?" he choked out. "You'd be willing to do that for Ember?"

      Jesse rolled his eyes at him like he was daft. "Are you kidding? Of course not. If leave my country, I'll leave on my own terms not because of some stupid bet. I'm going to win this with my eyes closed."

     "How can you be so sure?" Jaden yelled, a hair's breadth away from his breaking point. "Your idea can go wrong in so many ways that you'd get dizzy trying to count them. There has to be another way."

      Jesse stood then slammed his hands onto Jaden's shoulders to shake him like a rag doll. "Stop going all hysterics on me and listen. Our bets are solid. Even if he hates my guts, he'll find some other way to get back at me. He won't bother Ember again. Our word is worth that much. Now will you listen to how I plan to make this a sure win?"

He was pretty holding his breath with his hands still on Jaden, his grey eyes imploring him to believe him.

     "Let go of me," Jaden told him, significantly calmer. "I'm not into bromance."

     Jesse's mouth quirked in his signature 'thou-art-smaller-than-me' smirk and released him. "Pity. I give a good cuddle."

     Jaden restrained his eye-roll. "Sorry, not interested in knowing whether you're ready to come out of hiding from your closet."

     "Please, you're practically camped outside my closet. Probably have a shrine built in my glorious name near it."

     "Shut up and tell me what's your plan." Jaden crossed his arms as he leaned against the bank of lockers.

The dancer flicked his hair out his eyes without actually touching it. Like he twitched his head to do it but it fell back in place anyway. Jaden preferred going old school a.k.a. tugging a chunk of it out of the way.

     "Right. So the whole idea is to make a claim and it has to be a claim that Ember willingly accepts for it to be valid. And of course, it has to be public and yada yada. This will actually be the whole reason I told you about what happened."

Jaden said nothing but raised an eyebrow to say that he was waiting.

     "Well, you see..."


Jaden was waiting at the DJ booth. The resident DJ had relinquished the controls to him when it came close to the performance.

He had checked every instrument to make sure it was functional then double-checked it again so that he had something else to do besides worry about every possible thing that could go wrong. And not just with his ability to concentrate on his job.

He glanced at his wristwatch. Less than five minutes before it was his cue.

The sun was a blazing ball in the sky and was cooking him inside his jacket. It helped that the stadium was partly sheltered.

His booth was set up near the stands that seated fans dressed in either his school or the rival school's colours. Faces were painted in school colours and banners were raised high as they cheered for their favourite teams that have yet to appear.

The dancers were set to perform on the make-shift stage built close to the Jumbotron raised high on one end of the stadium. Three minutes to his cue.

His entire body vibrated with an excitement that was potent enough to make his heart beat a fast rhythm. The clash of the excitement from the fans that seemed to seep into his skin and the tension about how the next 15 minutes would play out eased into his bones. One minute left.

Jaden looked around the vast green field with its perfectly painted lines and wondered if Cory would have his head in the game or was he planning how to beat Jesse at his own game.

As quarterback, he would have to have is A-game on but Jaden was wishing he would crash and burn because of what he was willing to put Ember through. There.

Slipping on the headphones, Jaden made himself forget about what was going on around him except the controls of the music he created with his hands.

He introduced a hyped-up, rock-and-roll tune that served to make the crowd go wild as the dancers emerged from the tunnel behind the stage. As they stepped up, they waved at the massive audience of football fans before settling into their positions.

The Jumbotron showed the smiling faces of the dancers including one beautiful dark-haired girl with smoky cobalt blue eyes.

As he started up OMG by Usher, he was once again caught in awe over the fluid movements of the dancers. They were perfectly in tune with each other, knowing exactly where to step in accordance to the beat of the almost hypnotic rhythm. Their technique nailed down perfectly and he couldn't help but notice they seemed a lot better than they were before Ember showed up.

Aware that he should be paying more attention to his job than theirs, Jaden concentrated fully for the next 18 or so minutes before he had to look up again.

As the song came to a close, the dancers were now in couples with Jesse and Ember in the front. They were the ones who showed up most prominently on the Jumbotron and they – though he'd never admit it – looked spectacular together.

They were polar opposites with the colour of their hair and skin but the contrast made it all the more alluring. As if the dark angel was being seduced by the light.

They were in a triangle-like formation and the girls were dipped low by their male counterparts. At every count, the females from the two corners of the triangle would be raised into their partners' arms until they reached the point where Jesse and Ember stood.

But really, their point was the climax of the whole routine.

Jaden's eyes stayed fastened on the Jumbotron as it reached that point. His heart beat so hard and fast that he could hear it in his ears. He didn't know what emotion he could relate it too. Excitement? Envy? Anger? Fear?

Whatever it was, he couldn't decipher it nor could he spare the time to. There.

Everything went into slow-motion.

Ember was pulled up into Jesse's arms. They were so close that not even a breath of air could pass between them. Her leg pressed close the the outside of his thigh. Her arm curled around the back of his neck, another around his shoulder. Her cheeks were flushed and so were his. Her hair seemed to fly around them, a dark curtain that covered nothing.

Absolutely nothing, he thought as Jesse pressed his lips to Ember's.

Ember didn't hesitate. She seemed to press closer and shut her eyes, probably blocking out everything happening around her except Jesse and his kiss.

But really, she couldn't possibly have blocked out the insane reaction of the crowd.

His ears rang as the fans cheered and screamed their approval of the couple's passionate display. This went on for a couple more seconds before they broke apart but the crowd never died down. Their excitement was so palpable, Jaden might have been able to capture a scream in his hand like he might a firefly.

The dancers on stage were visibly astounded by the couple's spontaneous PDA but bowed and exited the stage quickly.

Jaden stood in the booth, motionless until the other DJ tugged at him to bring him down. The announcers were already running a commentary on the 'explosive performance' where it was 'a positively nuclear reaction' and how it was 'a clear hands-off gesture to every other guy'.

Jaden drifted, unaware of the rabid screaming fans going berserk as the football teams entered. He went into the tunnel where his feet led him to the locker room where the dancers were.

Opening the door, sounds of laughter and excited voices flowed over him. It jolted him back to his senses as he surveyed the room.

The relief and thrill that was a tangible presence in the room calmed him while he tried to spot Jesse or Ember. He found Jesse surrounded by a cluster of the dancers, all demanding what the bit at the end was for.

Jaden tensed as he waited for Jesse's reply.

     "It was something we thought of that would spice up the routine. And it worked. Did you hear how they went nuts for us?" He grinned wide as the others agreed heartily, some complaining that they should have been informed so they could do it too.

Ember stayed silent at the furthest corner of the room, visibly glowering. On the bench beside her sat – surprise, surprise – Smurfette.

Okay, he knew it was really rude to call her that. He would never have done it... if he actually knew her name.

Jesse met his eyes from across the room and almost immediately, Ember raised her head as well. Her eyes widened and she quickly looked away, her face looking suspiciously red.

The dancer hiked up two duffel bags onto his shoulder and blatantly ignored Ember's discomfort as he grabbed her wrist and towed her behind him in Jaden's direction.

The other dancers split their circle to make way for them then observed the trio with unabashed interest.

Jaden grasped his own bag. He withdrew from the decidedly quiet locker room after the two of them. A soft snick of the door and instantly animated voices erupted from behind the closed door. He caught up to them as they strode quickly to the empty locker room.

Jesse ushered them in then closed the door. He leaned against it and fixed his steely grey eyes on them both. Ember was stood right in front of him while Jaden had taken to leaning against the wall to his left.

The loud slap of skin against skin in the hushed silence of the room made him jump on the inside. Jesse's face angled to the side and Ember's chest laboured with harsh breaths.

     "You are an idiot." She enunciated each words with a poke to his chest.

    Jesse stood stoic for a moment before he sagged in defeat. "I know. And I'm really, really sorry Ember. I know I don't deserve your forgiveness but please accept my apology." He looked pleadingly at her. "I honestly didn't think it would end up like this. I was trying my best to be your friend."

     "Well, your best sucks," she spat venomously but her voice cracked at the end. She turned her back to them and wrapped her arms around herself.

Jaden stuffed his hands into his pockets so he wouldn't be tempted to put them around her. Ember was no small thing, but right now, she looked as vulnerable as a little girl who'd just skinned her knee. Alone and in pain. Even like this, she would refuse to accept comfort from anyone much less him.

Jesse meanwhile looked like he really was in pain. His face took on a paler shade to it and his hands fisted at his sides. Jaden couldn't tell if it was done in anger of frustration.

     "The first thought I had was that the few days I spent with Ember in getting her to like me were worth more than the years I spent with Cory."

      Before they had parted ways to their respective duties, Jesse departed with a few words that left him in a tumult of emotions. "I don't want there to be any sort of animosity between us. I'm straightforward enough that whatever bad blood I have with other people, I create intentionally. You don't know how much I regret how it's a forgone conclusion that my friendship with Ember is over before it's even started. No matter what happens, I'm glad you're there to be someone she can rely on."

Jaden could hardly believe the arrogant, selfish jerk who he'd known as Jesse Lark could care so much about someone else. But apparently it wasn't the end of the world when he did.

He watched as Ember visibly pulled herself together and straightened her proud shoulders. Turning around, her face was passive. Her eyes betrayed nothing, her lips set in a firm line.

     "Tell me everything," she demanded of Jesse.

And he did. Telling her how he made the mistake of trusting Cory with her secret. What he tried to do to correct that mistake. How he had employed the help of Smurfette – he actually called her that – in convincing Ember to participate in this whole fiasco.

     "I'm just sorry that I had to lie to you over and over again. I don't expect you to forgive me but I just want you to know how so damn sorry I am," he finished.

 Ember had no reponse but instead turned to Jaden.

      He guessed it was his turn to explain now. Rubbing at the uncomfortable knot at the back of his neck, he said, "I had no idea about this up until an hour ago. My only regret was that I didn't question it earlier and find another way to help. I know you find me guilty by association so I wouldn't expect you to forgive me either. Yet."

He couldn't resist that last jab to Jesse because right now, he reining in every urge to flatten him. He was proud that he still had some control over his emotions. However, it did little to comfort him as Ember's eyes stared right through him like he didn't exist. Jesse was the reason for that indifference towards him and who wouldn't be mad? It wasn't even his fault. But he wouldn't sink so low as to pin the blame.

With bated breath, they awaited her response, expecting a hellion who would tear them both into itty bitty pieces whether with her words or bare hands. Only, that didn't happen.

      Her voice as smooth as honey, she said, "I appreciate that you've tried your hardest to fix your mess. I forgive both of your mistakes. Consider it dead and gone. Water under the bridge." She smiled then and it was only as warm as freaking Antartica.

Picking up her bag where Jesse had tossed it carelessly on a bench, she walked over to Jesse, wintry smile never wavering.

      She held onto his upper arm. "You don't have to feel bad about what you've done. Forget about everything. In fact, forget about me. Don't worry about me at all. You don't have the time for that."

Jesse stood still, thoroughly confused judging by his expression. Jaden felt the same. He tried not to be disappointed by her reaction since it proved that he didn't know her as well as he thought he did.

With her hold on him, she eased him to the side gently and opened the door. And just before she left, she turned to face them.

     "And one last thing. Just so there's no misunderstanding, it means that I'm done with you."

      She flicked a glance at Jaden. "Both of you. Never come near me again."

Her words were punctuated with a loud slam of the door.

     Jesse was the first to recover from the initial shock. He ran a hand through his hair and actually laughed. "Well, I can't say I didn't expect that. Though she did throw me off a little when she didn't start spouting out threats to murder me and possibly eviscerate me. She'd make a sailor proud."

      All Jaden could scramble up from his still utterly stunned brain was, "She really didn't disappoint."

Jesse fell silent in agreement.

They grabbed hold of their bags and walked out of the room. Jaden didn't think he could stay in there much longer, not when Ember's words still reverberated in his head. At least his heart didn't acknowledge the message yet, otherwise he might just keel over from heart failure. He hadn't yet discovered how he'd react Ember's pain and her consequent painful words.

Heading towards the stands where the team had seats reserved, Jaden chose a seat away from Ember and Jesse. He needed the space away from them both and so did they. Sitting in relative silence, he only spoke when the other dancers asked him questions.

He peeked to his right where Ember sat a couple rows down and saw that she was observing the game with an almost bored expression. Or a thoughtful one. Or a plotting-the-excruciating-homicide-of-two-men one. No one spoke to her.

He glanced to his left and saw that Jesse was speaking animatedly with his team, the haughty and self-confident smirk in place as if nothing had happened. The only thing that belied it were the moments when he would glare daggers at the field at the mention of Cory's name in the running commentary of the game.

Jaden only fisted his hands in the pockets of his jacket.

Now that Jesse had won the bet, Cory had better admit defeat and stick to the terms. It seemed absurd to expect that from anyone much less scum like Cory. Humans beings have been breaking promises since the beginning of creation. This time might not be any different. Jaden prayed that he would be proved wrong.

Eventually, the game came to a close. Jaden took great delight when Cory and his team suffered a most humiliating defeat. The rival school wiped the floor with them then burned their posteriors with bleach.

Jesse met his eyes over the dismayed fans and supporters and nodded in smug victory.

Jaden returned it and thought that Jesse might not be that big an idiot if he managed to get the upperhand on Cory in the game. Cory probably would have blackmailed Ember after the game and made his claim just as public as Jesse's. And Ember would have no choice but to agree under duress.

But no one wouldn't have expected Jesse to make a claim that sent the message clear as a bell, no words needed. Jaden felt the twinge in his chest as remembered how Ember seemed to sink into Jesse's arms, just like how she'd done so in his own arms some forever ago.

As people cleared out the stands, the dancers flowed into the crowd and made their way out of the stadium. They made it to the entrance and headed to where their bus was parked.

Shouting and annoyed complaints drifted faintly to Jaden's ears as he brought up the back of the group. He dismissed the sounds almost immediately before they started up more in frequency and volume. Worried Cory might have been the bigger idiot and started up something with Jesse, he looked around but found Jesse ahead of the group, Cory nowhere in sight.

He caught snatches of the irritated complaints. It seemed several persons were weaving through the crowd, pushing aside everyone else in their way.

      He caught a flash of red hair before he heard someone exclaim quite loudly, "Ember!"

Jaden's eyes widened in surprise as he witnessed Shay and Bryce break away from a throng of disgruntled people and headed in the dancers' direction, a dark-haired kid being dragged along behind them.


Jaden searched for Ember until he saw her jerking to a stop near his left. Her face was leeched of all its colour making her look like a complete ghost.

Shay, Bryce and Ember's brother gained on her and she was trapped.

      "Never come near me again."

His heart squeezed when the words echoed in his mind. The words were a warning that he completely ignored as he shoved his way towards her too.

Shay and Bryce were probably just surprised that she was dancing anywhere else except The Pulse. But he knew for a fact that none of her family knew she danced at all and that included Max.

He came to a stop beside her frozen body as the three of them were less than three feet away. He waited as they approached her slowly, as if they couldn't quite believe it was her.

Shay had a welcome smile on her pixie-ish features, her arm hooked around Bryce's who was looking at Ember like he didn't quite believe she was there.

Jaden's gaze then drifted to Max. His glossy black curls were disheveled as he openly gawked at his sister, risking a fly in his mouth since his jaw had dropped pretty wide.

      "Ember, it really is you! I knew it." Shay, never one to be surprised easily, rushed over to pull Ember's stock still body into a hug. Then the girl with brilliant red hair turned to her companions and announced smugly, "I told you so."

Bryce raised an eyebrow but withheld any comments. Max, on the other hand, didn't quite have the same self-control.

      "E-Ember?" he sputtered. "Since when did you learn to dance like that? And was that guy your boyfriend? I thought that was Jaden."

Jaden flinched on the inside but kept what he hoped was neutral expression on his face.

      It was then Max noticed Jaden standing beside her. He blinked then colour rushed to his cheeks. "Oh. Hey there, Jaden."

      "Hey kid," Jaden greeted.

     Their exchange seemed to pull Ember out of her motionless state. "Hey baby brother," she said weakly with a nervous smile. "What are you doing here?"

      Bryce made a derisive snort. "Shay dragged us to this ridiculous game when I clearly told her I would kick and scream rape the whole way if she did."

     He tsked and shook his head in mock disappointment. "But of course, when I did that no one actually came to the rescue. Such an uncaring community we have these days."

The dancers paid them detailed attention while other curious onlookers orbited around them.

Jaden knew Ember wouldn't appreciate an audience when she was off-stage facing harsh reality.

He quickly interjected anything Bryce or Shay could start another row with each other.

       "Hey Shay, could you and Bryce give us a ride home? We could stop to get something to eat too. I'm so hungry, I'll eat just about anything right now."

Shay halted all conversation and readily agreed with his plans to his utmost relief.

She shooed away the busybodies gathered around them and led the way towards the rows of vehicles in the stadium parking lot.

Ember stayed silent and didn't meet his gaze once though she walked beside him. Probably because he wouldn't ask the questions she wasn't ready to answer.

They piled into Bryce's sedan and though all their things were stashed in the trunk, it was still a tight squeeze. Max had settled in between Jaden and Ember in the backseat so she was out of options and out of time.

Jaden wished he could help her but he wouldn't do so if she didn't ask for it. This was a very personal problem and no matter how much he liked Max, he wasn't his family.

Jaden regarded that fact sadly. Ember was so lucky to have Max. He just hoped she wouldn't lose him by making the wrong choices.

As Bryce pulled out of the parking lot, Jaden could hear the clock ticking.

He chanced a look at Ember and saw that she stared ahead with a look of grim determination on her face.

He wondered whether it was a determination to reveal the truth or to hide it.

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