Suburbia (Troyler AU)

By TheGayAteMySoul

19.7K 1.4K 1.1K

Completed ~ Ever since Tyler moved to Australia from America, he and his neighbour Troye became best friends... More

About This Fic
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
A Note From The Author

Chapter 25

424 31 7
By TheGayAteMySoul

Troye's POV
"Good luck!" I pressed my lips to Tyler's as he was about to leave. His job interview was in less than an hour and he still needed to drive to it.

"Thanks babe! Have fun picking dresses."

"Would you prefer a long or short one on me?" I batted my eyelashes and smiled goofily.

"Short, you should show your legs off."

"I'll keep that in mind."

Tyler ran his finger up the side of my leg. He smirked and pulled away. He's been teasing me quite a bit recently, I don't know why, and I really don't mind it.

"Now go, you don't wanna be late!" I pushed him out. He wasn't impressed. Tyler raised his eyebrows, his mouth was ajar, hand on his heart.

"Did you just push me? Did you, just push me? Oh no no no. I do not agree with this, one does not simply push the Queen."

"Whatever, go get your job!"

"Peasant." Tyler said in a posh accent.

"Did you just call me a peasant?"

"What? Sorry babe, gotta go!" With that he rushed away from me. He jogged away, his bag and coat flailing from side to side.

I still don't know why he didn't want me to drive him. It wouldn't be a big deal. Yeah, I understand that if he does get this job I won't be able to drive him everyday, and I also know he'd rather try to be more independent, but I could at least take him to his interview.

I closed the doors behind and I hurried to my room. I jumped on my bed, the springs creaked in an agonising tune as they were put under the pressure of my weight.

Eagerly I grabbed my phone and looked at my messages. Zoe was having her birthday but she didn't want a party so she asked if we could all maybe just hang out and grab something to eat at a restaurant in a week or two. I of course said yes, so did everyone else.

After a few minutes of reading through my conversation with the group chat me, Tyler, Zoe, Joe, Caspar and Alfie made I noticed I had a message from my friend Alex.

'Troye! Henney! Babe! Troye boy! Sweetheart! Baby cakes! How are you? It's boring without you, you better have a good excuse for your lack of communication. Did you write any songs? Are there any distractions? Any cute distractions? Talk to me Troye boy :) Also, the song that you and I (mostly me though) wrote is great! I think I found a cool beat, I'll send you a sample through mail! Love you <3'

I smiled throughout the whole message, Alex was definitely one of the best people I have had the honour of meeting, and one of the most talented.

I typed out a reply to her text.

'Alex! Baby! Alboo! Angel! Suga tits! Small bean! Hi! I missed you as well, I'm sorry I didn't text or call or anything, kinda just enjoying the simple life in my little suburbia. If you must know, I do have a few song ideas, and yes, the distractions are very cute and handsome and beautiful and precious and funny and lovely. I'm glad to hear the song is doing great, I'm sure gonna listen to it when you send it :D Now I'll talk later, I'm going dress picking with my brothers fiance. Love ya!'

I pressed send and started at the white screen whilst smiling for no other reason than the fact I'm doing great. I've only just realised how my life has turned out. I have a job I love, great friends, a beautiful boyfriend who I've been friends with for years, a loving and supporting family, and for he first time in a long time I am able to notice and appreciate this.

I logged onto my twitter and decided to reply, favourite and retweet some things that my fans (I don't like the word fans, maybe something like my people or my small family fits more) tweeted.

'Feeling v happy 2 day! Doing a lil follow spree <3 Rt this for 1'

Within seconds I had thousands of retweets. I followed about fifty or so people and then said goodbye.

'Gtg. Dress shopping for a wedding! So exCiTIng!'


"That one looks great! Honestly, Jasmine, you look like a goddess." Simon -Jasmine's brother- said in a high pitched voice.

"Simon! Stop embarrassing the family." Cath -Jasmine's sister- punched Simon's arm. He winced and glared at her.

"All I said is that she looks good, how is that worth a pinch on the arm?"

"Because you squealed like a little child that's just saw the teletubbies live. Get a grip."

I was forcing down a laugh. This has been going on for the past twenty minutes since Jasmine came out in the first dress. It was the dress she found online, so far it was the best one in my and also her opinion. It was a simple white dress with a single ribbon tied neatly around the waist. She looked fantastic in it and you couldn't even notice her slight baby bump.

"Cath! Simon! Behave! Why can't you be more like Sage and Troye?" She pointed towards us. Sage and I quickly sat straight and pretended to be posh and proper people.

"Looks like it's just the Mellet genes." Sage said in a fake British accent.

"Beauty, talent and manners. Our family moto." I tried to do the most snobbish accent possible. I pretended to brush off some dust from my jacket. Sage faked a posh laugh.

"Why yes brother. Our magnificent moto."

"It's very similar to ours." Jasmine decided to join in, her voice was more soft than usually.

"And what may that be?" Sage asked whilst shuffling a bit, probably due to the posture we were sat in, both being more or less couch potatoes, our postures weren't the best.

"Fabulous, gifted and badass."

"How lovely." We all laughed trying to cause the least disruption.

"Now can we carry on picking some dresses?" Emma asked and my mum (yes she is also there) nodded eagerly. Jasmine smiled and nodded saying she's going to try on another dress.


'How's it going? Found any nice dresses? Will Steele's jaw drop?'

Tyler and have been texting when Jasmine was changing between dresses.

'She looks beautiful in every dress. Steele is gonna love her in anything she decides to wear. And I'm doing fine. What about you?'

I looked up to see if Jasmine was back from the fitting rooms. She wasn't so I looked back at my phone.

'I'm on a bus back home. They said they'll tell me if I got the job within 2 days. I should be back in 10.'

"Who you talking to?" I jumped up as Simon leaned close to me to look at my phone.

"Talking to Tyler. Why do you ask?"

"No reason. He's your boyfriend right?" I nodded, he smiled and pulled out his phone. He typed in his password and showed me a picture of a boy smiling. He had slicked back black hair, a strong chiseled jaw, brown eyes, pearly white teeth and pale white skin.

"Who's that?" I think I already knew the answer to the question.

"My boyfriend, Brendon. And no, he is not Brendon Urie." I chuckled, he looked at his phone, smiled, and then put it away.

"He lives near?"

"He's moving to Sydney from L.A this month, he said he'll make it for the wedding. The photo is from when I went to visit him four months ago."

As I was about to say something Jasmine walked out in God's creation. She looked like an angel. She was radiating light like she was possessed by the holy spirit or some other shit like that.

She had the widest smile I have ever seen on anyone -well, maybe apart from Tyler- and she was nearing us in small jumps.

"Honey, don't even bother looking at the other dresses! This, this is the one!" My mum said. Emma kept quiet, her hands covered her face, it was clear she was crying.

"Mum..." Jasmine hurried over to her mum, she hugged her tightly and swayed with her.

"Jasmine... my baby... you look beautiful."


"How was dress picking?" Tyler asked, pulling himself up from my couch. Tyde rolled away to make a space for me which I gladly sat in.

"It was fantastic! There was laughter, joy and tears!"

"Sounds like a rom-com."

"But in this one nobody got food poisoning and shat in a sink."

"I love that movie!"

"You two are so weird." Tyde laughed.

"Who you calling weird, weirdo?" I said, ruffling his neatly styled hair.

"You dick!" He pushed me me into Tyler, we were both laughing whilst Tyde groaned and desperately tried to fix his hair. He stood up, gave me a death glare and walked up the stairs.

"That kid, bless his soul."

"What?" I asked, Tyler turned to me and smiled.

"He has to put up with you."

"So do you, did you forget?" I swung my leg over his lap so that I was now straddling him.

"I don't have to put up with you, I chose to deal with you."

"Thank you for choosing to deal with me. Means a lot to me."

I pressed a few faint kisses along his jaw, hands moving to rest on his pectorals. Tyler's eyes closed shut, a faint hum coming from him. I applied more pressure onto his chest, I dragged my hands down his torso whilst I moved from peppering light kisses to his jaw to nipping at his neck.

"Troye..." His voice came out shaky and raspy. I hummed in response, running my tongue over a part of his neck I've just been bitting and kissing.


"I don't think now is the right time."

"Oh. I'm sorry if I'm moving too fast, I don't want you to feel uncomfortable." I stopped myself with all the restraint I had in me and moved away.

"That's not what I meant."


"I'm trying to say that this isn't the time and place."

"So you're not saying no to, you know what?" He nodded a softly pressed his lips to mine.

Heyo! Look at me, uptading in less than a week! So, this chapter was supposed to be more of a 'get to know Jasmine's family' chapter, buuuuuuuuut I didn't really give any info other than that Simon has a boyfriend. It's actually really funny because I wasn't gonna do that but then I realised that I named him Simon and his sister Cath, so I thought of fangirl and carry on. That's why his boyfriend kinda looks like Baz.

In other exciting news. SMUT? Would you mind it? I have a draft that's just called smut and it isn't turning out that bad. However if I was to publish it, it would be after the wedding chapter. It would be a cute chapter kinda in the middle of the drama (which is coming, slowly but surely).

My Troye tickets arrived yesterday! They looks so cool and it has his name on it and my name on it and that is literally the closest I am probably ever gonna be to him.

Kay, I've been rambling on. I made an instagram, so I guess follow me if you wanna?

Stalk me on Twitter

Have a fantastic day my lovelies

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