Hope Released

Av AsiaDratwa

1.3K 35 3

*COMPLETED* The people within Awetony gain powers equal to their level of loyalty to the kingdom after reachi... Mer

The Mission
The Tunnels
A Hint
Secret Behaviours
A New Beginning
Beneath the Unbending Exterior
Something About the Water
The Flame
Inquiry and Healing
What Could This Be?
Something Undiscovered
Something Hoped For
More Than Imagined
Otherworldly Enchantment
The Watching Corners
Secret Demons in Our Minds
Hypnotic Suns
Growing Benevolence
Unknowing Descent
A Horror's Lullaby
Brutal Gloom
Betrayal or Savior
Storming Sun Shower
A Start

Confidence Embraced

31 1 0
Av AsiaDratwa

     It was happening again. The sandpaper feeling for lack of a better word. The fetal position was my best friend right now. I felt helpless among all of these soldiers in training when I could barely withstand my own abilities. Without water I was being sucked dry. Ventros ran off with Skye minutes ago but it felt like ages before I saw them return to the table again. I wasn't yet on the ground but I was going to be at any moment. 

     "Tas you're going to have to come with us. Can you walk?" Skye asked, already moving my arm to rest around his shoulders. Ventros did the same. 

     "I- I think so." I responded with a sharp gasp as my breaths came out short and shallow.

     With their help we hurried over to the training area of the first floor. The large space was rather empty except for the wall of water  that almost reached the high ceilings my eyes were instantly drawn to to our right.  We ran up some steps that brought us to the very top of the colossal pool and I was immediately dropped into it.

     As before, the water sent a surge of energy through me , cascading my body in power. All of my tensions melted away and I felt renewed and more alive than ever before. 

     When the feeling of control left my legs I looked down not to find two feet but a strong, slim, elegant tail of a shimmering ocean blue. My tail measured longer than my legs would have been and narrowed near the end right before the fin. The fin itself was much wider and larger than I have ever seen in comparison to the ratio between a fish's body and tail. It had a very majestic, intricate look to the end which was trimmed with a mix of other beautiful shades of blue. My clothes were gone but my chest was now enveloped in the same blue scales my tail was made up of and looking down along the length of my arms they too had scales running their length ; the density of scales thickening the farther down my arm they went. I remembered my strange semi-formation from before and looked closely at my hands to discover that what I had seen was true, a webbing spread between my fingers and my nails shone like opal. My long liquid ember hair danced before my eyes as I attempted to swim to the surface. It was a very different feeling than having two legs but I quickly adjusted to the motion and swam up to where I knew Skye and Ventros waited for me, allowing one hand at a time to grab onto the ledge before my head resurfaced. 

     "Wow....." Skye whispered as he knelt down to be near me. His eyes reflected my blue glow that lit up the water around me and he slowly moved his hand to trace my webbed hands. 

     "You're not.....frightened?" I asked cautiously peering up at Skye's deep blue eyes and thick lashes.

     Skye's expression went from serene curiosity and amazement to a stone wall in an instant "No of course not. I have studied fish my whole life, I love fish! I-I-I mean I like fish." he flustered as he cleared his throat and stood up again.

     "I can say one thing for sure. This is AMAZING!" Ventros exclaimed throwing his hands up and added "Show me your tail!" 

     I let go of the side and floated onto my back revealing what has become of my long legs. Skye and Ventros stared in awe, their jaws dropping as they took in the details of my fin. I returned to the ledge with concern.

     "But what will I do now? How do I get my legs back? I'm a nuisance!" I cried out splashing my hands down into the water in frustration. I enjoyed the idea of being half fish.  It was incredible and I still couldn't believe it was true but what of the training? What would become of me now that I couldn't go on land? 

     "There is only one way to find out." Skye said with a sly crooked smile as he knelt down again; his composer returned. 

     "And what is that?" Ventros asked crossing his thick arms across his chest.

     "We take Tas out of the water and see what happens. Simple" Skye replied.

     "Simple? I must weigh a ton now. How is that supposed to work?" I asked.

     "We are conveniently on the training grounds that hold the largest variety of powers in history to date so how hard will it be to find someone with superhuman strength?" Ventros mused as he turned to run down the steps to the cafeteria where people still ate breakfast unaware of the event that just occurred. "I'll be right back!" Ventros called leaving Skye and I alone. 

     "You know Tas... You're tail really is like no other I've ever researched. It really is beautiful." Skye uttered, rubbing the back of his neck with one hand as he peered down at his feet.  

     "Is it really?" I asked, genuinely surprised and intrigued by his comment. I started to swim to the center of the large pool.

     "Yes. In fact many fish would be jealous of your tail if of course they had intellectual thoughts and could comprehend their own existence. Your tail's shape and colors are beyond what exists in the oceans. Comparing it to it's look alone obviously." Skye rambled on.

     "I don't know what to say. To be honest with you I am terrified of what's to happen with my legs but.. I LOVE this!" I exclaimed diving into the water. 

     I dove to the bottom taking easy breaths below the surface and leisurely swam around. I decided to test out some other movements and I was twirling from one end of the pool to the other. Movement from outside of the tank caught my eye and I pressed my webbed hands against the strong glass as I watched Ventros come back with two students. A short girl with her black hair in a braid revealing her delicate long face and plump lips walked alongside a taller tanned guy who's hair was buzzed short; his smooth features turned towards Ventros who spoke animatedly pointing towards me. Their eyes immediately widened and I gave them a shy smile and swam to the surface.

     "-did that come from?"  I caught the girl saying as they ascended the stairs. I was holding onto the ledge by Skye's legs as he spoke to the others.

     "We don't know how her powers exist but they must be connected to her blue glow. We know as much as the next person." Skye stated, arms crossed.

    Ventros knelt down beside me again , strands of his shoulder length chestnut hair escaping it's ponytail.  "ALRIGHTY Taseaya. We got Landar and Seata here to help ya. Do you think you could sit on the ledge here or do you need help  for that too?" He asked , brown eyes twinkling in anticipation. 

     "I'll try. Just a second." I said and attempted to push myself out of the water by straightening my arms. I came close to twisting my body around to sit but the lack of weightlessness of the water caused me to shake and slip right back in.

     "Here let me help." Skye said as he extended his arms out and wrapped them around my waist as I attempted the same feat. This time however I used my control over the water to build it up around my tail to propel me forwards. Both Skye's aid and my powers got me over and I sat down lifting my tail to lay alongside the pool's edge. 

     " I hoped you would be able to make it out here on your own.. I don't have time to dry myself out before training this morning if I fell in!" Seata joked, eyes twinkling with her smile. 

     "Just carry her down these steps is all you want right Ventros?" Landar asked as he stared at my scales.

     "Yup! Let's get going! If everyone else gets here before Taseaya here grows her legs back then they'll be staring at her just like you're doing Landar; this isn't a circus." Ventros laughed making a miniature elephant balancing on a ball float by our heads. 

     "Right.... sorry." Landar said, cheeks burning bright as he looked away for a moment, embarrassed.

     "Let's do this!" Seata said excitedly grabbing hold of the end of my tail as Landar took me under the arms. I almost slipped out of Seata"s grip for a moment causing Skye to give her a death glare that said "Drop her and you'll regret it." 

     "So? Am I really heavy or what?"   I asked as they set me down on the floor beside the glass of the pool. 

     "Honestly? You're nothing we can't handle but you were right to bring the two of us. You're a very long fish Taseaya!" Seata gushed with a giggle. 

     "I got the towels!" Skye notified, running from behind the corner of the pool where I assumed there was a change room or supply closet. 

     "Thanks you two! If we need any more help with a rather large fish you wouldn't mind helping us again would you?" Ventros asked as he too grabbed hold of one towel. 

     "Not a prob. Anytime." Landar said as both Seata and himself walked back to the cafeteria.

     "Here! Start drying!" Ventros threw Skye a towel and then began to dry the end of my tail as I took another towel to dry myself. 

     "You have the whole tail covered. There's nothing left to dry." Skye pointed out standing behind me.

     "Will drying only my tail be enough? What if the rest of me is still wet? Should be try anything to do with that?" I asked as I paused for a moment to decide.

     "Good call! We'll figure out the details later but we got fifteen minutes to go before a stampede of students come rolling in so it looks like you have hair duty Skye." Ventros replied.

     Skye hesitantly placed his fingertips on the side of my face near my ears and slowly drew back the hair that was hanging down my torso. His hands worked gently but proficiently as he worked his way from my scalp all the way to the end. I couldn't help but blush.  I was thankful Ventros was caught up with my fin. Joking about my reaction would have only made me blush harder.

     I felt a pause at my hair and then Skye placed the towel around my shoulders. "Ventros we only have a few minutes left. Should we move her before they all get in here-" but before he could sy anything farther I began to shift. My fin smoothly morphed back into legs, and to my relief my clothes reappeared.

     "Well isn't THAT convenient! You get to keep your clothes!" Ventros cheered as he stood throwing the towels off to the side. "And with five minutes minutes to spare!" he added. 

     I began to get up but my legs felt very unnatural after being in the formation of a tail. I toppled over and with relief fell right into Skye's open , comforting arms. Already facing him I lifted my head to look up at his angular face that was already peering down at me; eyebrows drawn together in concern.

      "I don't know why I'm here." I sighed. "Everyone around me is so in control. How do they do it?" I breathed trying to regain my footing. "Oh and thank you Skye." I added.

     "What are Guardians for?" He replied with a smirk.

     "Tas- I can call you that right?- what did you do the oath for if you feel you aren't fully a part of the army then?" Ventros put in.

     "You're right." I mumbled, scanning the training area as students flowed filling the vacant area with their rising voices. 

     "What did you say? I- I didn't catch that? " Ventros commented with a sly smirk as he cupped his ear with his hand.

     "Ya Tas! I'm deaf! Say that again!" Skye exclaimed; a brilliant smile on his face; hope for me in his eyes.

     It was his eyes that led me to grow a heartfelt smile and confidently burst out "You're RIGHT! I CAN DO THIS!" 

     And his arms wrapped around me, lifting me up in a joyful embrace, my feet dangling above his.

     Thank you for being so patient! I have had a lot of music auditions to take part in and music studying to do but I PROMISE that I will be writing and updating much more frequently now.

Check out my YouTube channel here:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWNmet3dVD5DkscHbXLjBSA

And my Instagram account here: https://www.instagram.com/liquidember/

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