Real Friends (OHSHC)

By Dezcalibur

1.7K 22 6

Mika Celiana is a transfer student from Canada. She was accepted for her outstanding intelligence, and got a... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Six

115 1 1
By Dezcalibur

Mika sat in the host club, playing with her cotton candy hair as she stared out into space. The host club was over now, and it was her first day as host, so she had to stay back for evaluation. But all she wanted was to go home. It was bad enough she had to leave Gabe alone all weekend when she went to the beach, but now she had to stay late at school. She sighed as they said goodbye to their last guests, waving courteously. "So Mika, today was your first day as a hostess. You wanna know how you did?" He asked, sitting across from her at the small circular table. She looked up at him, the look in her eyes suggesting that she couldn't care less. "Sure, just tell me quickly." She said, leaning her head against the table. He smiled at her. "You did great! Better than I thought you would do. You treated the guests politely. You stayed yourself, shy but adorable. You were perfect!" He gushed over her amazing hosting job. She shrugged, and got off the seat, bringing her backpack with her. "Great. I'm leaving, I have to get home." She approached the door. But that got the twins' attention, and suddenly they were right in her face, and in her way. She leaned back on her left leg, and crossed her eyes, blowing a piece of hair out of her face. "What do you want?" She asked, narrowing her eyes. They smirked, grabbing her by both arms, and dragging her over to one of the couched. She landed with a groan, slumping forward. "So close." She muttered. They sat on either side of her, leaning in close. "Why do you seem in such a hurry to get home?" Hikaru asked. His brother continued, "Yeah, are you meeting someone?" He questioned. She burst out laughing, not exactly meaning to. It turned into a full out laughing fit, and got to the point where she was holding her stomach because it had started hurting. The twins got confused looks on their faces as they stared at Mika laughing to the point where no noise was even coming out. But eventually the fit ended, and she was looking up up the twins with tears in her eyes. "Oh my god. I'm so sorry, but that was awesome." She choked out, trying to regain a regular breathing pattern. She hadn't even noticed that the other host club members had showed up, and were staring at her curiously as well as the twins. "Why was that so funny?" Tamaki asked. She looked up at him, her smile was wide and cheerful. "I've never even gone out with a guy before, and I don't really talk to anyone outside of the host club." She explained. Tamaki gasped dramatically. "You never gone out with a guy before?" He fake fainted, and started crying about his precious daughter never having felt love. She just rolled her eyes at the over exaggerating teenagers, and took their moment of surprise to slip out of the room unnoticed. She sighed as she walked away from music room three, a smile on her face. Actually she had been in love before,he just didn't love her back. Or at least she assumed he didn't love her back. She never really confronted him about it. She didn't tell him because he was her best friend.
As soon as she walked into her small apartment, she was bombarded by Gabe, who pounced on her, making her drop her backpack. "Hey Gabe, how's it going?" She said, setting her backpack down beside the door, and walking into the living room. She plopped down on the couch, her English bulldog following her and snuggling up on her lap. She laughed at him, and grabbed the controller for her ps3 off the coffee table, and turning it on. She had a ps4 as well, but that just wasn't as entertaining. Mika didn't really do much, but she loved playing video games. She was a hard core gamer. Although none of her friends on her online profile knew that she was female. She always thought that guys looked cooler in games, and her name didn't say much about her gender either. She was GaMeRzz3, because gamers was taken, and Gamers, and GaMeRs, and any other combination of letters that would spell out gamer, or gamers. Mika actually felt bad for the next generation because of that. The hardest thing to do for them will be to find a username not taken already. Mika went to Skyrim straight away. That was her all time favourite game. And so that's how she spent her evening, playing Skyrim, with Gabe snuggled into her lap. But eventually a knock at the door broke her out of her concentration, and pulled her focus out of the game. So she saved quickly, and set the controller down, before picking up the little pile of fuzz on top of her, and setting him down, laughing at how adorable he was.

Tamaki stood in front of Mika, a smile plastered on his face. "Hey Mika. Can I come in?" He asked. She nodded, and opened the door wider, letting him in. He walked into the small apartment, and stood in the living room, waiting for Mika to return. But his attention was brought to the dog sleeping soundly on the couch. Mika noticed this, and smiled at him. "You can pet him if you want. He'd like it." She said, gesturing towards the dog. He reached a hand out to Gabe, petting him softly. "So what brings you here?" Mika asked, sitting next to Gabe. "All of the host's are having a sleepover at my house. Even Haruhi is coming, so I came to invite you." He looked at her, moving his hand off the dog. Mika looked at him, them Gabe. She'd already left him for the weekend when they went to Kyoya's beach house, she didn't want to leave him again. But if Haruhi was going, that was probably because she denied the request, and then Tamaki made it mandatory. So she nodded, silently dreading having to sleep over with everyone from the host club.

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