The World is Ugly (Frerard)

Por Litralee

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Looking back, I can't even fully understand how this all happened. We used to have everything. A normal life... Más

(Not actually that relevant) NOTE
1: Mama we all go to hell
2: Teenagers
3: When nothing is pleasant except for the smell
4: Family Portrait
5: Gerard's idea
6: Vampires will never hurt you
7: Hello Kitty: Party Poison
8: The Only Hope for Me
9: Playing God
10: Mission Impossible
11: The Worm
12: Motherly Call
13: Crazy Drunk Mother's Frank Detection Abilities
14: The Bread of Glory
15: The Long Chapter Where Nothing Really Happens
16: This Means War
17: Gerard's Franktionary
18: Friendly Encounter
19: Dancing With a Wolf
20. Gun.
21: The Rebel Florist
22: Gee and Simone Probably Franksearch While Frank Searches For Hello Kitty
23: Momma Simone and her Five Year Old
24: Let the Ships Set Sail
25: Tomorrow
26: Three Ghosts
27: ((vague frerard vibes rn))
28: Idek what to title these anymore i'm sleep deprived
29: What a Catch, Frankie
30: Memories of a Broken Heart
31: Serenade of Self-Destruction
32: i love simone too much to leave her out of this ok
33: this chapter is literally all about gerard's hair (kinda like my life lmao)
34: bro love
35: there hasn't been a serious title in ages lmao i'm not sorry
36: Im Just Putting Caps On The Title Now To Make It Look Cool Lmao
37: Frank, Sarcasm and Pointless Conclusions
38: and suddenly a wild update appears
39: this shit is almost at 40 chapters what am i doing w my life
40: ive reached 40 omfg im having an existential crisis rn help
41: all i can say is i love dean winchester tbh
42: I promise this thing has an ending lmao be patient
43: Everyone
44: post-valentine's special or smthn i literally dont know lmao
45: Bloodpie
47: in which a title reference is finally made
48: Chapped and Faded
49: Like Ghosts in the Snow

46: It's march 22 again and im emo i can't function

112 10 25
Por Litralee

Notice how Frank is still shirtless
And I forgot that for the last three crapters
#plotholes #imtotallyaproatthiswhatareyousaying

Gerard's POV

I roll on my side, scooting over in order to get as much blanket as I can manage, careful not to make any sudden movements. I take a deep breath.

Truth is, I'm tired. Like, really tired, but I still can't sleep. It doesn't feel right to close my eyes now. Not when Frankie is asleep and defenceless,  not when that man is still out there, and not when I just killed his brother.

I think I'm beginning to get him. Although it's evident that what he and I lived can by no means be compared, he's always been the strong one. What it took to break him was about twenty times worse than what it took to break me, but still, I'm beginning to get him.

And that's exactly why I know that I can't be weak. I need to keep being myself, keep making jokes and smiling like nothing's happened. I need to be happy because that's what he needs.

I watch him sleep: peacefully and completely unaware of anything around him, and I find myself realizing just how beautiful my shitcop is. My eyes follow the slight curve of his nose, the soft lines of his lips, and finally, the long cut that crosses his face all the way from his ear to the base of his neck.
He's not bleeding anymore, but all of his cuts are fresh and reopen easily.

I listen to him breathe. His breaths are irregular and short. He's frowning, his eyes are moving rapidly, and the corners of his mouth are twitching down every few seconds. He's having a nightmare.

Moving as slowly as I can, I place my arm over his shoulder, gently running my thumb over the areas with no wounds. "Hey, Frankie" I whisper in his ear "It's all okay, it's just a dream. You're safe now". His muscles slowly relax and his breaths fall into a more regular pattern after that.

Seeing that he's sleeping well now, I sigh and go back to staring at the ceiling as I've been doing the whole time. My eyes are beginning to close by themselves. I shake my head and open them wide, but my eyelids feel way too heavy for that to be enough. I'm gonna have to take drastic measures.

Reluctantly, I push the covers aside and move my feet over the edge of the bed. The thing creaks a little when I move, but Frank appears to be too deep  in his sleep to notice. I then tiptoe my way out of the room and into the still unfamiliar hallway of the Simons' house.

I follow the scent of burnt food down the stairs and into the kitchen, where Simone is frantically trying to put a fire out with a spatula. I giggle just loud enough to get her attention.

"Oh hey, Gee!" She says, turning her head a bit so she can see both, me and the object of her swatting at the same time. The flames are starting to grow smaller. I think. I walk closer.

"What happened here?" I ask, looking at the flaming pan.

"I was trying to cook or whatever for you guys when i accidentally dropped a napkin into the thing and now it's on fire" she explains quickly.

"Simone why were you holding a napkin while cooking something in a pan?"

She blushes, ashamed. "I... Well... I was having a popsicle and it started melting, so I had to grab one to keep it from falling all over the food"

I laugh. Of course she burnt food to have more food. "So what were you cooking, anyway?"

She bites her lip, thinking. "Well, I don't know what I was cooking, but I can tell you what's in the pan right now" she offers.

"And what's that?" I ask, simultaneously intrigued and absolutely terrified.

"Well, there's rice..." She starts "there's an egg, there's tomato sauce, and now apparently there's a napkin and a popsicle stick. Maybe even a couple drops of melted lemon ice cream"

"Oh my god" I say. "Simone what are you doing?"

She puts the spatula down next to the stove. "I don't know"

I laugh. I turn the stove off and put the fire out for her. "Look, why don't we just order pizza or something?" I suggest.

She nods eagerly. "Yeah that's a great idea"

We walk out of the kitchen, and sit on a couch while she dials and places our order. She hangs up.

"So, how did you sleep?" She asks.

"Well I didn't" I confess, rubbing my eyes. "But Frank did, and honestly, I'm quite sure he's entered hibernation"

Simone laughs. "You must be really tired, though. Want a coffee?" I nod.

"Isn't it a bit late for coffee?" I ask, laughing a little.

"Food follows no schedule" she says with a straight face. I laugh.

"Fair enough... I can make it, if you don't mind" I say, making my way to the coffee maker before she says yes.

"Sure, go ahead" She says, walking next to me and resting her elbows on the countertop. "So... Are we gonna talk about it, or just ignore it forever?"

"What do you mean?" I ask, acting confused just to put this off for a few moments more, although I perfectly know what she's talking about.

She rolls her eyes. "Come on, Gee. I know you're smarter than that. You know, I had to wash the blood off your clothes myself, and even that left me pretty messed up".

"I'm so sorry we pulled you into this, Simone" I say, not really knowing what else to tell her.

She shakes her head. "Look, I'm not looking for an apology. After all, it was me who offered to help Frank in the first place, and it was also me who chose to walk into that office. And honestly, who knows what would've happened to you if I hadn't done it, so I would do it all over again. What I want is to know what's gonna happen now. Are we gonna keep ignoring it, are we gonna tell the police, should we keep quiet about it around Frank? Just tell me what to do and I will do it. I l- I really like you, as in the both of you, and I think I've made it clear by now that I'd do anything to help you guys, so help me out. That's all I'm asking: help me help you" she concludes, looking way more serious than I've ever seen her before.

The coffeemaker finally stops, and I take my time in pouring the coffee into a mug. "You want some?" I ask Simone.

"No, thanks" she says, then crosses her arms, expecting me to answer her question.

I sigh. "So... I think it's a fact that we can't stay here forever, so we're gonna have to start figuring out where to go soon. I don't like putting so much pressure on you, because all you've done is help us, and I'm scared you'll keep forgetting to help yourself if we keep crashing here. And about the police, it really makes no sense telling them. We live in a small town, and I think we've already met the whole police department back at the office, and our chances aren't good. So, I don't know if it's the best option, but I think we should keep quiet about it. Look at it this way: between Frank and I, from what I've gathered, we've killed three people, whereas Vic has only lost his family and friends, so the odds are not really on our favour if we take this to the police" Simone nods, thinking, and I can almost see the gears turning inside her head.

"And about Frank?" She asks. "You know him better, so do you think he's strong enough to face it? Or should we act normal around him?"

"He's strong enough" I say confidently. "He's just not ready yet".

She nods, looking me straight in the eye. I can tell she's thinking, but I can't read her expression. For about ten seconds, she just stares at me distractedly, yet oddly focused.

"Hey, are you okay?" I ask her, and she seems to come back to life.

She blinks a couple times, readjusting herself to reality as she nods. "Yeah, yeah sure I'm fine" she says, then heads  out of the kitchen.

"Where are you going?" I ask, following her to the front door.

She grabs a coat from a hanger nearby and quickly puts it on.

"To the bakery" she states, as if it was obvious. "Or should I remind you that the last pie I bought ended up on the floor of a murder scene?"

I shake my head. This is so typically Simone.

"Want something?" She asks.

"No, thanks" I say, smiling politely. "Just be safe"

She smiles back. "Yeah sure. Just do me a favour and take care of my boy while I'm gone, okay?" She asks.

"Yeah, I will" I say, standing at the doorway as she walks away. "Also happy birthday"

I don't know if she hears that last part, though, since she's too far away by the time I say it.

I stay outside for a few moments, and then I come back inside, closing the door behind me. Then, I see a rectangle of light form amongst the shadows as a door opens nearby, revealing the small frame of a little kid in his pyjamas.

"Hey, Danny" I greet him.

"Hi Gee" he says, walking over to me. "Where's Moni?"

I crouch to be at his eye level, and smile gently at the boy. "She went out" I tell him. "She'll be back soon, though"

He nods. "Where did she go?"

"She went to buy a pie at the bakery" I say.

"Isn't it too late to go buy pie?" He asks, frowning.

I laugh. "Yes, it is. But you know your sister"

"Oh right." He says, then doing air quotes continues to do the most perfect impression I've ever seen in my life "'food follows no schedule'".

"That's right" I reply, taking his little hands in mine. "Now don't you wanna go back to sleep? You seem tired"

He shakes his head. "I wanna be awake when Moni gets back" he says.

"Oh, would you like some of the pie?" I ask him, with a mischievous grin that he doesn't mirror.

"I want her to kiss me goodnight" he says simply. "She didn't come play with me earlier, so I want to see her before I sleep"

"Oh, okay" I say, slightly confused as to how a five year old can be more excited to see his sister than to have a slice of pie. "Want me to stay up with you?" I offer.

"No, no, no. You should get back to your boyfriend. He must feel so lonely without you there" he says.

I don't remember ever telling him we were dating, so i think my eyes are open wide in surprise when I mumble a quick 'okay' and slowly make my way up the stairs and into the room.

I climb back on the bed and make a whole mess out of the covers as I tuck myself in next to Frank. Still asleep, he subconsciously turns around and puts his arm over me. I pull him closer, pressing a little kiss against his forehead.

And for that single moment, everything's so peaceful. In the quiet of the night, with the lingering taste of coffee on my lips and Frankie asleep by my side, it all feels unexplainably right.

I shut my eyes, then once again kiss him goodbye, and feel myself fall fast asleep.



I guess I have to clarify I wrote most of this yesterday lmao I just fell asleep before I could finish it

Also feels wouldn't let me write


Vote and comment if you want also tell me how you cried and slowly died inside yesterday bc same



-Honestly a humble pile of weeping trash idek

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