The Son of Fire

By Elizabeth_Lux

696 39 37

The Third book in the Mayflower Series Lily Mayflower's story takes a turn when handsome, mysterious Kvasir... More

Up the Hill


259 10 30
By Elizabeth_Lux

Chapter 2 SOF

"Lily," Percy called from the door of the cabin.

"Yea?" Lily answered, not looking up from the book in her lap.

"The new guy is awake," Percy told her. Lily turned the page and didn't reply. Percy walked over to her bed where she was reading and stared down at his little sister. "He was asking for you." at this Lily looked up at her brother.

"He did?" Lily asked.

"I know," Percy said bopping her on the head with the stack of papers he had in his hand, "Saving people's lives makes people do crazy things." Lily rolled her eyes and shut her book. Percy walked back over to his bed on the other end of the room.

The Poseidon Cabin's occupants' beds were easily told apart by the added comforters, photo collages and drawings in the alcoves above the head boards, and the filled night stand next to each of them. Their cabin was actually one of the few that didn't have bunks because of the few number of members. The boys had the right side set of the room. Lily and Max had free reign over the left side. At the very back of the cabin was their single bathroom they had separate from the group bathrooms shared with all of the cabins. Lily had taken up the middle bed on the left side that was directly opposite Percy's bed. Max slept on the bed next to Lily that was closer to the bathroom and was opposite Tyson's bed. Jaimie slept on the other side of Percy.

"Is he still in the infirmary?" Lily asked.

"Last I checked," Percy said, "I am going to go for a swim." He dropped his papers on his messy bed. "Tell Jaimie if he doesn't pick up his side of the room I am going to throw all of his junk into the lake." Lily shook her head with amusement and leaned over to slip on some shoes.

There were three Poseidon siblings in #3 cabin. Percy, the oldest; Jaimie; Max, who was only a year older then Lily; and of course herself. The only missing one was their half sibling, Tyson.

Lily called a goodbye to Percy before she left their cabin.


Lily walked slowly towards the big blue house at the top of Half-Blood hill. She made sure to stop by the volley ball court to tell Jaimie about the threat to his belongings. Many of the sons of Apollo hung around the volley ball court to show off their skills. But today, Jaimie had organized a huge tournament for all of the campers. He chatted her ear off about it a few days ago at lunch. They were in the midst of playing when she walked up.

There was a group of campers that were stretching and warming up for their game off to the side while two teams of six were going head to head. Cheering came from the crowd of campers gathered around the court.

Jaimie was on a team with their sister Max, both of them with dark hair. The biggest difference between them was the incredibly pale skin that Max had. No matter how much sun she got, her sister had perfect porcelain. Jaimie didn't have near as tan skin as Percy and herself but was much darker than Max. He looked like Percy, if not a little gangly. They were both on a team with Leo Valdez, Jason Grace, son of Jupiter, Piper McClean, Aphrodite cabin councilor, and one of the Stoll brothers. The other team consisted of a mix of campers plus the other Stoll brother (Lily could sense a bet that had been placed upon the winning Stoll brother) and also one of the younger satyr.

She watched as Leo set the Volley Ball and Jaimie hit the ball over the net. The other team bumped the ball back. Max bumped it back and the ball landed just inside the line on the other team's court. Cheers went up. Max and Jaimie's team cheered and Leo went around high fiving everyone's foreheads. The other two teams that had been waiting took up the courts. Max saw Lily standing there and walked over to her.

Max's beautifully short pixie cut framed her ice blue eyes beautifully.

"Hey!" she said.

"Nice hit!" Lily complemented.

"Well thank you," her sister said, "I thought you were reading?"

"I was, but the new guy is awake and asked me to come and see him," Lily told her. Max smirked at her.

"Do I smell a romance brewing?" Max said batting her eyes. Lily slugged her in the shoulder. Her sister knew that Lily didn't date and had been trying to hook her up for quite a while.

"Tell Jaimie that his stuff is going to get a nice swim in the lake if he doesn't pick them up," she said before beginning to walk away.

"Will do! Have fun," her sister said with wiggling eye brows. Lily rolled her eyes.


Kvasir sat up on the bed. His head hurt like heck. He had been informed by a girl only a few years older than himself that he was in an infirmary. It was clean and lined with lots of single beds. All of them but his own was unoccupied.

"How are you feeling?"

Kvasir turned his head towards the entrance of the infirmary. Then he saw her. It was the girl who had saved him. She had long black braided back and thrown over one shoulder. Her high cheek bones and alert eyes were very distracting. He self-consciously wished he had had time to brush his teeth or something.

"Better," he said as she walked towards him with a drink in her hands.

"Good," she said with a smile, "My name is Lily, by the way." He smiled. She offered him the drink she had in her hand.

"Kvasir," he told her taking the cup.

"Kevir?" she asked.

"No," he chuckled, "Kev-i-sar." She nodded.

"Kvasir?" she said, he nodded, "Well, Kvasir," she emphasized his name, "I am glad you are alright. How did you get tangled up with that beast?"

"It had been tracking me," he told. She nodded.

"Well you can talk about it later," she said, "Do you know where you are?"

He had woken up in the infirmary only an hour ago. They had told him that he was in a Camp of sorts. Other than that he didn't know anything else.

"Not really," he admitted.

"Well you are in a place called Camp Half-Blood. You were able to get here because you are not fully human," she told him. He frowned up at her.

"What?" he asked. She sat on the bed next to his.

"Here," she offered him the cup instead of answering. Kvasir took the cup and cautiously took a sip. It tasted like hot Chicago deep dish pizza Sause, cheese, and meat. His eyes widened.

"Oh my . . ." he stared down into the cup. It only looked like apple juice. "What? . . . How?"

"It is Nectar of the gods. It will taste like your favorite food," she said with a smile, "It also helps you heal."

"Gods?" he asked as he tipped the glass back to get another taste of the liquid goodness.

"Yea," she said, "By the way, one of your parents is a god."

Kvasir swallowed down the wrong pipe and began choking.


"I am not the greatest person at explaining these things . . ." she said looking around the room for someone else. But it was empty except for them. "Have you ever felt different?" she asked finally.

Kvasir examined the empty glass thinking of the dozens of _______ homes he had lived in over the past five years. All the times he had run away and slept on the streets.

"You could say that," he said.

"Well, one of your parents was not human, which is the reason why you are here. You are what we call a Demigod, or Half-blood. Half human, half god. We are like the modern day superhero, without the cape." She chuckled. "But, yea, the monster that was chasing you was from Greek mythology. Do you know Greek mythology?"

"Uh, yea, like Zeus or something?" Kvasir asked.

"Yea, well he, Poseidon, and Hades are all real. And one of those gods is your mom or dad." She paused for a moment, "Surprise."


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